i'll give 5 for everything then compromise intelligence, hygiene and sociability for 1 point in face, loyalty and body. Just 1 so I don't get a inept down syndrome mudslime
Parker Adams
5 face 7 body 8 hygiene 10 loyalty
Qt and shy gf who will never leave me plz
Christopher Ross
>Face 3 >Body 3 >Intelligence 5 >Higyene 6 >Loyality 10 >Sociability 3 I don't have the social or relationship skills to keep anyone interested. These threads are depressing.
Face 4 Body 10 >I think girl with perfect body and mediocre face is much better than other way around Intelligence 3 >I don't need her to think too much, I'm doing the thinging for both of us Higyene 3 >It's fine if she's dirty somewhat Loyality 9 >I want her loyal like a fucking dog, but I needed an extra point to put into body. I don't think hikkimori with 80 IQ is gonna cheat on me anyway for that one lacking point Sociability 1 >I don't really want her to have friends or any other relationships with people, besides me
Liam Flores
>10 loyality, 0 sociabilty I hope you enjoy your murderous yandere
10 face 10 body 10 intelligence 10 hygiene 10 loyalty 10 sociability
Caleb Barnes
Face: 5 Body: 4 Intelligence: 5 Higyene: 4 Loyality: 10 Sociability: 2 You don't make it easy but I just had to make loyalty 10, so I needed to make some sacrifices
Aiden Barnes
>Face: 4 >Body: 4 >Intelligence: 7 >Higyene: 4 >Loyality: 9 >Sociability: 2 Can I have a smart shy qt gf?
Jonathan Butler
Can I get 40 points ? That would be nice
Alexander Rodriguez
I can't make a perfect gf with only 40 points. This feels like I'm settling for some disabled retard with a really shitty characteristic. Sometimes even literally if you don't add to the hygiene
Noah Davis
That's for S tier. This is a/a+ tier.
Ryder Moore
>Face Body Intelligence Hygiene Loyalty Sociability 4>
Jacob Torres
Face:0 dosent need one just a mouth Body:10 Intelligence:0 she dosent need to speak Hygiene:10 Loyalty:10 but it will be out of her control anyway Socability:0 also completely out of her control
> Intelligence - 3 She needs to be capable of performing simple tasks like washing the dishes and cleaning the house.
> Hygiene - 3 Doesn't need that much hygiene. Only piss and shit alone. I give her a bath myself.
Loyality - 5 Average is fine. She will be locked in the house. I make compromises like going to receive packages from mailman myself to reduce her exposure.
> Sociability 1 > I don't really want her to have friends or any other relationships with people, besides me This. It also helps with loyality.
What would that even look like to you? What is an example of this?
Jacob White
Face - 6 Body - 4 Intelligence - 6 Hygiene - 3 Loyalty - 10 Sociability - 1
Julian King
all i gotta say is, i hope you like stinky cooch and rotting teeth
Andrew Sullivan
Sorry bro didn't read
Face 10
Body 10
Intelligence 10
Hygiene 10
Loyalty 10
Social 10
Nathaniel Smith
>I'm doing the thinking for both of us This is sad
Tyler Morris
How come? Unless you are mocking me for that spelling error, in which case the irony is not lost on me
Austin Lee
that is a feature not a hindrance
Jonathan Edwards
that one point of loyalty is gonna bite your ass one day
Lincoln Fisher
>Face 6, regular face but nice eye color >Body 10, big tits 6'2", with titanic thights >Intelligence 5, can get secret metaphors in looney toons >Higyene 2, smells like sweat and don't shower everyday, like me >Loyality 7, will look at chad and tell me she would fuck him if I didn't exist >Sociability 0 !
It's the part where you think you could make good decisions for the both of you while at the same time being a good partner and not making her miserable.
That only applies if you should be judged by normal human standards tho.
But the >I don't really want her to have friends or any other relationships with people, besides me Makes me believe that you're some sort of sociopathic piece of shit.
I think you want a sex slave not a partner and that's just sad.
Grayson Adams
You're on Yas Forums. This disgusting degenerate cesspool is full of mentally deranged people who glorify this kind of behaviour, there's no helping them
Jack Kelly
I'm on Yas Forums too. Why am I here if not to flaunt my opinion around and get praise from people like you?
Michael Wilson
5 face 8 body 4 intelligence 2 hygiene 10 loyalty 1 sociability everyone else is dumb
Kevin Russell
Honestly hygiene should be default. Loyalty too but I guess it can be considered.
Her being unable to socialize would make her very much dependent on me. Her being very loyal and borderline retarded would increase this even more.
I would keep her at home and impregnate her. Because she would have a good hygiene she would also be very good at cleaning the home and doing housewife type of things.
Her body and face would be very average and nothing special which is good because I can't go around having my dick hard 24/7.
hey this one is mine and i would like for you to look at it and tell me what you think
body,face,hygiene and sociability are rather easy to improve so i didn't really put a big emphasis on that if i could i would bump up the intelligence up at the cost of hygiene but i didn't wanna start out with a crusty stinky cunt and yellow and rotting teeth
Josiah Reyes
this post was about ur perfect gf not a sex doll
Josiah Rivera
>Face 6 >Body 6 >Intelligence 8 >Hygiene 4 >Loyalty 3 >Sociability 3 Very smart (important), decent looking, and isn't a complete slob or socially retarded. Loyalty should be EARNED - for her and for me
Face - 7 Body - 8 Intelligence - 1 Hygiene - 6 Loyality - 7 Sociability - 1
A retarded, awkward neet with a rockin body that keeps herself clean enough and will probably stay faithful as long as I don't beat her. I would have liked to make loyalty 10, sociability at least 4, and make intelligence 6, 7 or 8.
7 - Face 5 - Body 4 - Intelligence 4 - Hygiene 7 - Loyalty 3 - Sociability
All you retards giving 1s for sociability and acting like you have it in complete control, it'll be fun for like 5-6 months before you realize she's boring as fuck. At that point unironically get a sex doll.
Jaxon Myers
Oh, I thought you were asking US to spend points. Personally I would do 10 face, 10 body, and 10 intelligence. Everything else is like whatever. Except maybe hygiene.
Camden Morales
but a 5 is an average that you go into a relationship with
anything with high intelligence and bellow 7 in loyalty wouldn't stick around for too long if she didn't see much growth possibilities for your relationship
seems kinda like with loyalty of 3 and intelligence of 8 she would leave you real fast for a man with more money but it is possible that a 3 in sociability would prevent her from doing so
That's very smart of you to cover your butt like that but I think there were better ways to go about this.
Parker Reed
a perfect girl for a perfect boy
Jayden Parker
>I assume 5 is average. Thanks for showing up Einstein. Help yourself to some chiraz.