
Bozza schedulded to authorise british public to create 2k of their own money

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Complete and utter control
Stuff like smart crap and mark of the beast are introductions to this

Any lads getting the new animal crossing?

If you're going to trip the post OC or contribute to the thread in a meaningful way otherwise fuck off and stop wasting post counts.

>ha ha thanks for buying me this drink user!

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Wee lads, the DRM free Doom Eternal works

I am going to the pub tonight and Boris and stop me

Are we getting those fucking Bozzabux or not?

>l am going to the pub tonight and Boris and stop me

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As cash is a vector for the coronavirus this could very well be the end of bank notes and coins. We might finally have a cashless society.

Crazy what kind of progress is made from disasters.

I bet loads will be doing lockins for locals with a sekrit knock or something.
If none are "open" just hang around a bit and see what happens, you might be able to crack the code.

>Hello neighbour! How are you enjoying our new transhumanist ways?

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Are hotels being ordered to close?

No I do not want to invest in your new cryptocoin

work on my self for 3 years, get out of neetdom, better qualifications nice job, no gf but pretty happy. Got shit canned monday if this does last 3 months plus then Im broke. Not sure my parents will have me back, they hated my guts when I was a neet.

any medical trials I can sign up for cash?

That probably cost her about 9 quid
Should have went to spoons

Still no logical argument for why old people should be kept around, rather than letting them die and having their wealth redistributed.

Fuck off and die stupid fucking CUNT

Nah, just your mum's legs.

what's the logical argument for me not raping you?

twitter.com/BBCLookNorth/status/1240687667265843202?s=19 thoughts lads?

Yeah Glasgow is full of jewish people...


Discussed last thread.

All the pubs near me are open lad

>social distancing to become permanent features of our society
Absolutely based.

Because they are a precious window into a better society. Everyone born after 1960 are all boring, swearing, partying normies.

There's still a few proper old people left in the world and they should be cherished.

Missed that then lad, what was said


Implanted chips will be the future for those that do not rebel. It will be like that black mirror episode. Bugger, would rather it be more player 1 based eh?
*grabs his vr set*

lmao you can hear that he's talking with maybe two other people in the studio
listen to that echo

right need to find a game to play during this pandemic

Social distancing has become a feature of our society for the last 20 years or more.

Attached: houellebecq.jpg (1240x1238, 66.74K)

>can't give straight answer

BritSteinNormieBerg confirmed chosen.

>his granddad didnt swear and party a lot

Not a lot
Seems a bit put on to me.

if I get a cough i'm not staying inside fuck these normies, they were happy to cough in face when i walked past them in the street and shoulder barge me when I was minding my own business I hope all these cunts and those who mock neets and people on bennies get fucked up the ass by this and lose everything they own.

Not based. This will only give women MORE power and value in the relationship/sexual market place.

So it's possible to police everywhere else except the UK? Don't talk shit you fool.

It would be a giant mistake
from the government

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There is a large Jewish community. Answer the question.

>Gordon is also a Jewish surname

39 deaths today. between age 50 and 99 and as they always say "had underlying health conditions"

shit lads...just seen this...it's actially happening

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Nah I am not jewish. My best mate is though.

>Not based. This will only give women MORE power and vaIue in the relationship/sexual market place.

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Yeah it does. I get they are on the metaphorical and maybe literal front line but everyone's in the same situation. I can't get any food from any shops cause there's fuck all too. Granted I'm not a nurse or anything though

feels like my uvula has griity mucus on it, how do I get rid of that feel

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Hands off the bog roll!

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>New York and California on LOCKDOWN

Come on, there has to be one serious argument as to why they're beneficial.
Could they be useful to look after grandchildren? Does that provide enough justification for them to be allowed to exist?

>Driving on the right hand lane.
>Implying the armed forces even have that many trucks
Make an effort mate.

What's he banging on about now :]

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such a fucking toff, hate people who speak like this
makes them sound like such a cunt
looking at you mr johnson

Nice!! Where from?
Any nudes?

I don't think they are really after a certain age. Geriatricide was the norm for most of history.

why is it that literally every strawpoll posted on here involves Poley in some way? I smell obsession

My sister saw the same trucks in australia. This is a worldwide scandal.

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hope everyone in the 'red wall' get rekt

Your "best mate" is plotting behind your back. Not sure what he's plotting, but you can bet your bottom dollar he's plotting.

Just took this photo on the M4. Army mobilising in a BIG way towards London.

Attached: 800px-British_Army_convoy_during_the_Gulf_War.jpg (800x534, 139.74K)

>literally every strawpoll posted on here involves Poley
The last two in the archive weren't. I am sure many many others are not.

You know underlying health conditions includes being fat right? It's wiping out fatties and old people

>smug elephant reading houellebecq.png

>takeout services allowed to continue
oh thank christ

Can't forget