Ask a female sex worker who makes $1k+ a week anything
Ask a female sex worker who makes $1k+ a week anything
How does it feel to be wanted by so many men
Why did you kill a thread for this?
No, paid hole.
How loose is the hole between your legs
show feet and you will hae $2k this week instead
what is your relationship with your father like
Can you be my girlfriend? :)
I mean, prostitution is the oldest biziness
Only 1k?
Do you even get pleasure from sex anymore? Now that you'll never get married or have a healthy relationship with your children, if you decide to have any, would you go back and change the things that brought you here, or would you rather be proud about selling not only your body, but your eventual happiness, for money?
Have you accepted the reality that your line of work will plummet as fast as the economy? When the market for husband providers increases, you'll a sharp fall in the number of single men who can't find a woman to have sex with (implying they care enough in the first place).
"1 post by this ID"
He said ask, he didn't say he would answer
All women are wanted by many men, it’s not very different.
I don’t talk to my father
$1k minimum, sometimes I make up to $2.5k.
Not replying to incels
can i ask you to kill yourself
failing that, can i ask you to please use refer to yourself as a whore instead of a sex worker because the latter sounds way too dignified
By sex work, you mean, you take a penis in your pussy? Or do you just mean cam work?
do you get men who want to pay you not for sexual acts, but just to be their friend? i get the feeling that men desperate enough to pay for sex are just hopelessly lonely
Your condemners, where are they? Go and sin no more.
Post tits
>wanted by many different men
Do you have men which are your favorites? Or are you apathetic and no man stands out to you anymore?
Post tits please and thank you
>Sex worker
Why don't you call yourself a prostitute/whore if you're comfortable with what you are?
So you're destroying your desirability as a wife and mother and only getting 5 figures for it?
This is how i know /leftypol is still here. You will never be a woman, may as well end it.
Saged and reported for being Off-Topic.
do you cum while working?
how many facials have you taken
>Not replying to incels.
But that seemed a legitimate question? Why not answer it? Or is the future something you don't like thinking of? Do you think you will just OD before you turn 30?
Professional disease vectors contributed to the current, and other global health problems. You should try to find a more hygienic job immediately.
When you pay your taxes do you put whore as your occupation?
I'm a woman too and I like men that tongue my angus
What up?
You make about 52K a year to be a hoe, with jizz all over you and the risk of rape and STDs, high rates of substance abuse and all that.
I work juvenile corrections and we get a lot of teenage girls that have been... "turned out" as it were, by their own pretensions, addictions, families, pimps and all that.
With some overtime I make more than you. You, hoe'ing, probably make more than me per hour. Do you think the hoeing is worth it? How much would you pay for people to get in contact with you, years later, and have them thank you for helping save their lives? Do the guys that get in your guts do that for you?
How do you help make the world a better place?
why don't you get a job as an accountant/lawyer and get twice as much?
also this, do you actually get pleasure from the sex or is work just like anything else?
not everyone who disagrees with your life decisions is an incel.
Sry, not into that. I’ll put my dick in your boipussy though.
You replied to the wrong post my man. The incel comment was from
When was the last time you went to the lab? Do you have children? If so, are you a single mother? How are their lives? Do you live with anyone? Do you have a significant other? If so, are they aware that you’re a whore? What is your total net worth? What do you have in savings?
>What’s your plan, now...
are asian qt's taking all your johns?
>1 - 2.5k a week for ruining your life
Imagine being an actual whore like get on your knees and suck random schlomo’s fat, ugly, smelly dick for a measly $1k, then brag about it on an anonymous nigerian anime basket weaving forum when all you had to do was be an e-whore, not a real whore, and make $1m that is assuming you are hot and young enough, which I doubt.
How do you deal with the smell
any you got any disease?
>This is how i know /leftypol is still here
There is a spectre haunting Yas Forums
>2 posts by this id
whats your performing name hoe
Trump scary
What does it feel like to hold the power to so easily summon this much anger and attention from men?
rare pasta
Yeah, I'm super curious right now. Give us your performing name and a pic with a timestamp or I will call you a fake and a LARP.
Are you happy that feminism and matriachy is the norm now and you can be free and liberated sex worked instead of being shackled by a tyrannical husband and children that hold you back?
All of this is literally true and that was the first time it has been typed out. I have been in public service for 20 years. Joined the Marines when I was 18, turned 22 in Iraq, and now I want to make some fucking money trading.
And we have this literalhoe selling her soul for cum and less money than I make a year. What a shit trade.
icecube in butthole.
She doesn't contribute. She is sick and lost. We must love her anyways though.
>bragging about jailing "turned out" teenage girls
>thanking you years later
>making the world a better place
NPD in action
How many clients per week on average? Do you limit the number or clients because of high demand or are you reliant on the no. of clients choosing you?
>ID checks out
Post tits with timestamp or GTFO
>no replies
>Why not answer it?
Because it's not a real thread.
I make 1k a week as a fucking bartender. You could too if you just figured out how to make drinks and whore out the idea if having sex with you rather than actually paying yo have sex with you.
Also, I hope you dont deceive any future significant other of yours. You have to let him know.
That's how repulsed women are of me, imagine getting rejected by a literal whore that people pay to have sex with
who was the first man to convince you to turn tricks for money
and dont be short on details like a stupid slut either
There is definitely some traumatic bonding involved. These kids often max out the Adverse Childhood Experiences Survey scores
and when someone with some high moral reasoning
comes along it messes with their world view. This dude appears to be more caring than their own mom, the father they never new, the boyfriend that got them caught up for some dope, all that shit. It can mess with them.
You sound like you are on the lower end of Kohlbers moral reasoning. You cannot understand how some people operate at such a high level. You might be some combination of female and minority. Post your hand against your chest and we will see the truth.
it isn't that hard to make the world a better place bit by bit. If you think only narcissistic people want to make make the world a better place I hope you will be honest about your own lack of self worth.
>You have to let him know.
Like they won't see from a mile away.
>Ask a female sex worker who makes $1k+ a week anything
You do realize that you could work 2 weeks, throw your "salary" into SUTER, then just coast the rest of your life on staking gains.
Do you picture your father every time there's a cock inside you ?
Do you have a mortgage? Do you have a car lease or loan? Do you rely on credit? If so, what’s the total of ALL your outstanding debts? Have you even really thought about your future? Do you know what’s coming next?
A living manifestation of your mind’s most terrible nightmares...
>Time’s fried.
It actually boosts my ego to get rejected by ewhores. Because I have looks and money irl, but over the internet they don’t know that. So it just makes me laugh my ass off to flirt and tease those girls
>she doesn’t know
How does it feel knowing that I make AT LEAST 1k/day daytrading and neeting around while u have to suck stranger cocks
because it hits too hard to home, and she's just an npc used for cooming.
doubt much ever goes on inside that mind of hers.
This board is fucking infested with plebbitors.
Tits or gtfo.
That meme magic is awe inspiring.
Abasolutely stunning. Better than dubs
I actually make around $80k a year. Mostly cam work and selling photos/videos, I only have sex with guys that actually take care of themselves.
What's your story?
>I don't talk to my father.
Wow. Who could've seen that coming.
Ask a dude who makes $1k+ a week and isn't a literal prostitute anything
No questions but damn theres a lot of incels in this thread. Get laid guys
Again, I mostly do cam work or sell videos but I have around 3 clients per week. I charge them $150 per session.
The difference is that I’m working minimal hours from the comfort of my home while you’re working 40 hours a week at a place you don’t want to be.
The difference is with time and experience your salary faces a sharp decline. And in ten years you're left with no developed marketable skills and s spoiled product. You literally start at the top of your industry and only go down.
Are you accepting bitcoin?
I don’t really have any expenses because I get my guys to buy me anything I want. This is my last reply because I’m getting tired.
This is honestly a great solution for easy money. Anyone hating on you would have been camming themselves if they were an attractive girl.
>I’m working minimal hours from the comfort of my home
Fakest shit I've ever seen. The only whores that fuck in their own homes are dead ones
Ask a female accountant who makes $3k+ a week anything
Race and age?
How dead are you inside?
>1k a week.
That's all?
Are you at least getting an education so that you have opportunities beyond sex work?
No you dont dumb cunt.
Ask a female (male) programmer who makes $4k a week
You know how coomers have near perpetual brain fog? Imagine that x10
Do you really think she's taking classes at the nearby community college? lol
You're obviously posting here because you want attention and maybe to feel some sort of desperately needed superiority, and you're doing it in a very overly-aggressive manner, as if years of a humiliating and self-deprecating existence have taken their toll. You constantly react defensively because you know what you do is embarrassing and frowned upon, and you prepare to receive social repercussions for doing it. It's funny that you believe you're superior or in a position to brag here when it's obvious by some of your posts here that you're desperately trying to convince yourself that it's all worth it. Perhaps you believe that the money makes it worth it. you're nothing, nothing, no one wants your job, and no is going to want you, yikes, yikes, yikes. disgusting.
6 posts in a 100 post thread and she's "tired" already. What do you think?
Astonishing how many newfag redditors feed this run over disgusting snatch in this thread.
Just to clarify- you're a whore that doesn't deserve attention and you need to talk with your father.
>100 posts
> no timestamp with titties
fuck off
that's probably what she does to her clients too
>Not replying to incels
Then why did you start this thread?
how's it feel knowing you'll never amount to anything?
Brah, shits fake.
You just wasted a paragraph for an attention seeking NEET wanting to roleplay.
Why did you feel the need to let everyone know your where female? I mean you did make a tread about it so...
thats a.. how you say, a "merchant lie"
Why do you feel the need to brag about selling your dignity?
please do this threads in 5 years again lmao
>disrespecting a literal whore makes you an 'incel'
what a beta simp lmao
Fucking whore.
Whore kek
>Now that you'll never get married or have a healthy relationship with your children
Are you a time traveler from 100 years ago?
Imagine living a “long” life with nothing to show for it at the end, assuming you make it far enough. I thought only men could be cucks, but you and you’re 52-80k/yr(til you’re past your prime) have proven me wrong.
Today I’ve made 10x what you make in a week, without being a COOMER degenerate
Only $1k? Are you fat and ugly? I am a fat ugly (and stupid) male and I make more than that without showing anyone my butthole or sucking dicks.
how does it feel to be a walking hole and sex toy
I want to ask you to leave.
Pussy k:d 3
Damn user you’re the man
Oh honey bless your heart
Is that a meme or an actual program
How do you feel about your clients?
How many linkies to have you sucking on my asshole for 30 minutes?
Why the FUCK have we all accepted this progressive word-manipulation shit? "Sex worker" isn't a thing, they are called PROSTITUTES.
Lol hi wagie shill
based pUsYY poster
You repulsive simp. They are simps. This thread should have went dead immediately. A whore is a whore, it is a sad existence
Is 1k/week supposed to be a lot? You sell your body for an average income and are not developing any valuable skills. What are you gonna do in your 30s when you become undesirable?
What cryptos do you accept.
Why only 1k a week wtf?
christ man, get a hold of yourself
Serious non-incel question: What are your plans for retirement? By which I mean that your business is largely viable because you are (presumed) young and attractive, what is your plan for when you're too old to command a $1000 p/w income?
how is business during a pandemic?
do you jerk off clients in rubber gloves now wearing safety googles and face mask?
if you're young and attractive and not abusing camming websites with it you're basically retarded
>young and attractive
If this was the case she would probably already be taken care of by some simp
>thinking only females can do that
you fuck niggers, don't you?
hi. i would just like to tell you i fuckin hate you. if i werent so emotionally damaged and my trauma didnt manifest itself the way it does i could be you or beat you but nooo i have to be a loser prude lady and icant even bring myself to have sex with the people i kinda wanna have sex with
How much for a Sneaky Castro?
based pUsYY poster
post body
Holy fucking shit meme magick is real
Also /op/ is gay faggot, pathetic 0/10 thread. Go kys whore
I do that a lot
I want in
I'm guessing your plan is to kill yourself when you turn 40? You will end up with no husband, no job, no marketable skills and no clients. And there's still half of your life to go. How can you throw your whole life for something that's temporary?
52k a year is still too little to sell your dignity imo. i don't think there's anything you can do to prevent you from hating yourself in the future. i, a neet with loving parents, pity you.
Have you seen Scott Pilgrim vs the World
toasting in epic bread
>1k a week
You’re game is week I knew some girls making double that per day when I was being a driver/bodyguard for outcall hoes.
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe
I wasn't even talking about gender, how did you infer that?
What race are these girls and where do I go to avoid them?
Can one learn this power?
Useless meat.
what the fuck
The amount of envious losers in this thread is incredible
Why do you do it? Was it daddy issue? Needed the cash?
blessed id
He even has the ID, what a madman.
Based id
Put me in the screencap
Dance for me whore
>t powerpoint jockey who makes 180k/year
>Makes Q&A
>Replies to 5 questions
> Too tired to devote more time
> Talks about only fucking men who can take care of themselves although you can't even answer more than 5 questions you disgustingly lazy human.
Why do you think that's a lot?
you were obviously abused as a child; it's not your fault; etc
me in the skreenkap
Don't decent escorts make like $1k a day?
umm hello, based department?
We have witnessed the blessed meme magic post
> envious
> of a literal whore
> who isn't even making a lot of money
Are you a roastie or just a massive beta? No one is envious. I'm pretty sure people just get pissed at attention whoring.
Why would she kill herself?
Instead she could get pregnant, emigrate (or at least move to the other side of the country) and start a new life.
>cucks give a whore any type of attention
>not even a tits or gtfo reply
Yas Forums is done
u fags can redeem urselves by reporting this post for violating US law
>female sex worker
You mean a whore?
can you prove you're a female sex worker by showing your tits with timestamp?
(and then gtfo)
whores are anti-eugenic
Based, newfags galore
Thank you.
>1 post by this ID
>all those (You)s without a timestamp
>faggot mod moves the thread to Yas Forums instead of /trash/