Why are white people so rac-

Why are white people so rac-

Oh.. that's why

Attached: blackcrime.jpg (565x511, 31.9K)

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What could this percentage ever mean?

White people are literally never racist. It's a myth. They're so scared of doing something that can be seen as "racist" that they'll pretend to wuf nrfjchz jnfirmh hfv dkdkd kscsko

post this on twitter and try to keep see how long til they ban your account just for showing some facts

These numbers don't even take into account that minorities make up a smaller percentage of the population. Hence, their crime rates are many times higher than they seem even looking at your graph. It's astonishing, wouldn't you say?

It's pretty crazy...

Dirty Chinese people cause a global pandemic, violent negros attack everyone they see, muslims kill thousands of whites in terrorist attacks and brown people are a general drain on the system and then they wonder why we're racist

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There is no racism against white

black people are violent and poor because of the actions of white supremacist US governments. stupid liberal

There are many more White people in the US than Black people and there and many more middle class and wealthy Whites than middle class and wealthy Blacks.
It makes sense that Whites would be targeted by Blacks more than Blacks would be targeted by Whites.
Is it still shitty?
Is this an indicator that Blacks have an innate antipathy towards Black people? Probably not.

>antipathy towards Black people
White people*

>there are less blacks
>it makes sense why blacks would commit more crime

I can't even fathom the level of cope and retardation you must have to actually think that.
Just don't reply again, please.

Attached: blackguncrime.png (960x540, 167.4K)

Just means that whites are snitches. Also explains why they get assaulted more. Its a vicious cycle, just stop being such snitches and youll get left in peace.

>>there are less blacks
>>it makes sense why blacks would commit more crime
I didn't say that.

The white supremacist government that gives them free money for being black? The one that incentives businesses with tax breaks for hiring black people? That lowers the standards for acceptance into university for black students? That government?

Apparently it's racist to expect a black man to wear a seatbelt like everyone else. It's racist to require an inspection sticker certifying that his vehicle is safe to be on the roadway. When he gets pulled over for it and the car reeks of pot, it's racist to conduct a search. It's racist to arrest him for the illegal firearm under the seat. Sending him back to prison for violating his probation like that is clearly racist. Right?

Look at how mad he made you. You know it's mostly just race bait right?

>being racist in current year
Ok boomer

Almost every Black person alive has a parent, grandparent or great grand parent that was around when the majority of people, the government, and nearly every company in places where Blacks were treated them like subhumans and actively blocked them from doing normal shit.
Blacks have a negative inheritance and the government is one institution that is responsible for this.
Giving a cripple a wheelchair and building ramps is a start but it doesn't handwave the damage or grant them the ability to walk.

I did the math and found out approximately 700 white people are murdered in the US every year who would not have been murdered had all the non-white people been white. Not an incredibly large number, but you should want it to be 0.

Racism officially ended in 1965. It had not existed for 55 years. That's about 3 generations. They're still subhuman. At some point you have to face the facts. It's not daddy government keeping them down. It's them.

I checked OP's source and it seems like a lot more Asian people would be saved if the White people and non-White people were all Asians. Percentage wise.

Black people are more likely to go to jail and make relatively less money and are more likely to prefer white dolls over black dolls today than they were under segregation.

Lots of people have been treated terribly throughout history. The Irish were enslaved and only freed shortly before blacks, Jews have been hated everywhere and the Japanese got nuked twice, and yet there are no traces today of this treatment in their condition. Black people haven't "recovered" because there's nothing to recover. Being a black slave in America was inarguably better than being a black anything anywhere else. They currently reap the benefits of living in a society their people could never even dream of and are constantly fighting to destroy it, because it's not who they are. You can give a dog his own home, and he'll live like a king, but only for a dog; he'll destroy it and could never hope to truly equal humans.

This isn't bigotry, this just is. Open your eyes and stop denying science.

And if we were talking about an Asian country I'd advise them to kick the whites out. Your point?

>White on Hispanic

I didn't think this existed, but apparently it does, lol.

You can see this in a lot of post-colonial africa. Places that whites used to inhabit but then fled at the end of colonialism. They had nice buildings and roads and rails, good infrastructure. Nobody knew how to maintain it and now all the nice stuff they were gifted is trashed. The roads are all cracked and full of holes, buildings are worn down and dilapidated. People still ride those old trains because they can't make new ones.

If they had set-up African road maintenance crews before they pissed off, everything would still be totally functional to this day.

They never started it. They kept all of the knowledge and power in their hands.

It's like giving someone advanced technology and demanding they reverse engineer it before it disintegrates.

If they couldn't build the tech, what makes you think they can maintain it without guidance/knowledge?

And then I'm doubtful medieval Europeans could maintain a modern road/internet network.

A lot of things would go to hell if you grabbed a common uneducated man and told him to do something totally alien to him.

I mean, yes, they are inferior, dumber, and weaker as a people. But you can still teach them to do things and they'll learn it, understand it, and do it.

20 IQ points isn't a world ending IQ advantage.

I mean, there are African airlines ran by Black Africans.

To say they can't fix a road and that it's beyond their wildest fantasy is hogwash.

pic related. I'm pretty sure men that can pilot a plane can fix cracked roads

Attached: Ethopian Airlines.jpg (569x480, 65.72K)

>Non-white does shitty thing=Race
>White person does shitty thing=Social issue

No, you don't understand! I HAVE to beat my wife and commit crimes because something something socio-economic situation something something institutionalized racism!

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>Racism officially ended in 1965. It had not existed for 55 years. That's about 3 generations.
Why would you define racism as "the things you can't do now that the Civil Rights act exists"?
Even just Bloomberg's stop and frisk shit is the government finding a loophole in that act to do the type of things it was meant to prevent and that was last decade.
Either way, being shat in that hard until 55 years ago isn't something any similarly significant demographic of the US has ever experienced. To say they should be equal because of the wheelchairs and ramps is to deny the effects of Blacks' negative inheritance and Whites' positive inheritance, at the least.
I will concede that there are problems they cause themselves, such as 40% of Black fathers not living with their kids and being involved in their lives. That, along with the negative inheritance, has a massive negative impact on the community.
Until you can magically make single motherhood not carry a shitload of detriments to the child.

I agree with this with totality.

A very strong and clear "They are attacking!" mentality while their own start shooting up schools and blowing up federal buildings.

But they are more fearful of the Arab than their neighbor.

Lots of black apologists here but they'd never live in a black neighborhood cause they know deep down they are inferior and savage.

I'd never live in a black american neighborhood or a poor african country full of starving blacks. But if it were a place where the people weren't snakes race-mixed with white rape blood, or starving to death and fearful of dying, it could be okay if I stayed on the fringes of their society as minorities do in white countries.

Non-European Caucasians are disproportionately represented in terrorist attacks and they aren't inherent to white countries, while your white neighbor is.

>white rape blood
Not a thing.
>the fringes of their society as minorities do in white countries.
Major cities are now fringes, I guess.

In the United States, there is more domestic terrorism than there is foreign.

I'm pretty sure in the perfect world countries like Sweden and Norway it's inverted, but in America, you get Timothy Mcveigh and Eric Harris because of the race-mixing.

But people are still more fearful of the Arab than the neighbor.

>white rape blood
Not a thing.

How did this get here then?

Attached: AfricanAmerican.png (581x599, 90.36K)

Voluntarily, your whore of a great-grandmother wanted that white dick, you subhuman nigger. All your women are whores and your men are rapist baboons.

Whites are rapers and murderers.
Female Fruit flies don't fuck fruit flies with different DNA.

Your kind are abominable and demonic, and they are getting their return for their acts of cruelty.

>Your kind
I'm not white, you subhuman ape. Your race needs to be eradicated from this planet in order to save it from your savage ways.


>Altogether, genetic studies suggest that African Americans are a multiracial people. According to DNA analysis led in 2006 by Penn State geneticist Mark D. Shriver, around 58 percent of African Americans have at least 12.5% European ancestry (equivalent to one European great-grandparent and his/her forebears), 19.6 percent of African Americans have at least 25% European ancestry (equivalent to one European grandparent and his/her forebears), and 1 percent of African Americans have at least 50% European ancestry (equivalent to one European parent and his/her forebears).[13][153] According to Shriver, around 5 percent of African Americans also have at least 12.5% Native American ancestry (equivalent to one Native American great-grandparent and his/her forebears).

What race are you?
And Whites are every bit as savage and evil as the African, just in a different way.

And with good reason seeing the arab

The racially pure Arab is strong, powerful, and insane like the Euro.

In all sincerity, the white American is more unstable and dangerous than the Arab

>Hispanics and blacks don't get along with whites.
>Hispanics and blacks get along.

It's only because there aren't many rich hispanics walking around

>White people are literally never racist.
Take a quick peek at

Blacks still are more violent against hispanics.
Yas Forums are mostly mutts thinking they are white, though.

Crimes are based, bootlicker. White men just become trannies and gamers

Whites are too faggy to have any opinion on race. They would rather not cause any trouble and hide in moms basement.

>Crimes are based
Only against niggers like you. Killing your filthy is not a crime and grants you a ticket to paradise.

You sound angry little man, your wife cheated again?

Nah, just saw one of your baboons looting again. Need to executed.

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>getting free shit from dipshit boomers

>In the United States, there is more domestic terrorism than there is foreign
Because most people in the US, live in the US. What a dumb thing to say.
>But people are still more fearful of the Arab than the neighbor
Because their neighbor is already here. Are yoy fucking retarded? We're talking about race, not where your fucking house is.

After slavery ended, slaves were asked if they had been raped or ever heard of someone being raped, and like 97% of them said no. Most mulattos were born in cities, not on some farm. The idea of slave masters raping their slaves is just like prima noctis, the belief that kings in medieval times had the right to every chick's virginity - it's not true, it's an urban legend.

this. However i disagree. When your whole population is brainwashed its kind of hard to do anything.

imagine how high the quality of life would be if white ppl didn't have to support minorities

Yeah I wonder where and how this happens, feel like I've never seen an example, although if it compares to white on white then than could make sense

>white on hispanic is much higher than white on black

Anyone have an explanation for this?