
We Iooting yet?

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Soon mate we got chavs to kill.

bumped my head and feeling quite irritable at the minute lads, the opposite of comfy really.

>not even we looting yet edition
Step it up lad, this is a lazy thread.

>manager at work has a new favourite, the new guy
>he's a normie and they get on well, share personal details and talk for hours
>he passed his probation over a month early
>he's giving him more responsibilities

>Went to spar other day and neds were running out with heaps of food.

Went with my mum to sainsbury and people were fighting over bread

this is in aberdeen, wonder what its like where is a place with heap of niggers like london.

>oven has started to trip the fuse each time I use a certain hob

Great fucking timing. What's the betting the landlord sends over a boomer repairman, sweating and coughing all over my kitchen surfaces as he works, while telling me how he thinks the virus is "just a load of old nonsense"?

It's not rocket science mate, if you're chummy with the boss you get perks. Been that way since the dawn of time

Just don't use that certain hob then, silly boots.

use a different ring m8

I was going to put edition but we've not done that much, to me really it seems like a new thing.

But now I can't fucking cook pasta and sauce at the same time

Just called my aunt who runs a pub to say I'm here if she needs a delivery driver for the food she's cooking for locals.

Has anyone here put a card through their neighbour's / street's doors to ask if they want or need help?

>live in a town that is like 50% over 65
>if fighting happens I can easily best almost all of the town
Might have a toilet paper sandwich with a nice glass of hand sanitizer for lunch.

>Has anyone here put a card through their neighbour's / street's doors to ask if they want or need help?

They're gonna stop bothering with phone interviews too? This outbreak just keeps getting better kek

Yes, it read
>Hello, do you need any help with food or other items when I go for my shop? Btw give me all of your cash and your jewellery or else

nah cause I'm not a sickeningly altruistic fag

I used some tp to mop up some spilled pasta sauce earlier and I felt like a hedonistic king from the middle ages

Wonder how all the fast food places are still operating

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I saw someone steal poo roll out of an old ladies basket in Tesco, they're animals mate.

1000 deaths in uk by this time next week. screenshot this

Haha, did you actually? Did the old lady notice? Also, was it the last toilet roll or something or was it just a very brand loyal person?

Well its not like people can "panic buy" Maccies so I think it's pretty much business as usual for them but everybody stands at least 1m apart

do people think the scarcity thing is real or something? that food is going to run out?

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Yes and she noticed a few seconds later, and talked to the member of staff that was near her so I assume they went to get another one. I don't know how many bog rolls were left, maybe they just brought out a new load or something and were fighting over it.

Yes, people are idiots. Half are mental, half don't care. My local Tesco is empty, my local Costa is full.

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That's what I don't get about the panic buying, if people just carried on shopping as usual there'd still be plenty for everyone right now


Originally to shart or not to shart

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Jealousy is one of the seven sins. Maybe if you were less of a bitch, people would like you more

But all the people who panic buy wont need to buy anything for weeks so surely everyone else will be able to get food

Nah I reckon it won't go that high. Might hit early hundreds

What the hell do you have to eat to projectile shit like that?

Lots of laxatives and fibre

fucking grandad went out to the shops today even though the whole family has been telling him not to

Made my day. That's amazing. Ta.

my nana was on about going out. we said it's a bad idea. and she said, 'if i get a cough, i'll stay at home.' it's too late then, nana!!!!!

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Now I need a poo but it could be a big fart

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Did he give it the "we lived through worse back in the day" thing?

based grandlad, hope he coofs all over you

I've never owned or worn a crop top. I went and bought one last week and I'm wearing it today. I feel like a basic bitch Stacey but at the same time, I'm learning to love and embrace my stomach.
Next step will be working up the confidence to take photos wearing it. I will keep working on confidence to go out in it too :)

Just had a meeting with my unis student support services about my mental health, now thats done I can enjoy the end of the world.

Fucking grandlad more like

what knickers you wearing?


It's important to feel confident as a gay. Get out there and rock it at the club, nancy lad.

Pink and black boy shorts with lettering and bats on the front
What about you user?

What a stupid fucking mong. Hate how these fuckers feel so entitled to go out and do whatever they please even when it's dangerous for others and themselves. No empathy, no self-awareness, absolute entitlement.

Praise the coof that will cull these nobs.

Been re-reading a manga called D.Gray-Man, used to live it back in t'day, I think it lost any popularity it had in the west because it was on hiatus for so long though.

>Why yes, I am a super-spreader. What gave it away?

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>that 'woke' comment on homophobia
unironically fucking gay
just play the joke how it was, people loved it and it's a JOKE ffs

I don't go to clubs because of social anxiety but I'll go to the shops in it sometime when it's not so cold

plain black boxer briefs

lol.. did he really?? lol... did shippy just post.. a hilarious GIGACHAD???? I'M HOWLING!

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I'm imagining what SotD would be like if it came out in 2020 and I'm cringing hard

I'm going to be good and self isolate as I feel a bit off. Just going to infect my local friendly neighbourhood drug dealer.

Yep, that's going in my "Shippy Paedo" compilation.

It's weird, it's almost like.. yelling and swearing at your boss makes him dislike you and favour others?


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No new registrations for deliveries at sainsburys,ffs. How'm I meant to be a good boy and self isolate. I NEED RUM.

HELLLLL YEAHHH!!! Stone Cold is so based.

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any hand made food like bread, could contain virus tho.

>kenny olivier standing on his tippy toes to try and seem large
>beautiful kota not caring

They stopped my therapy :/
on the plus side I did just get a guitar, so that can keep me entertained.

Kill all bakers
Crush their bones to make bread

it's gonna be a real bitch to be an alcoholic in the next few weeks. I wonder if people have been bulk buying tobacco as well

Had a farty poo but it was clean, I didn't even need to wipe. How bizarre.

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>china reports no new cases
its effectively over for them, everyone that could get it did.

I think the longer we delay the inevitable the longer it will last.


I know I haven't. I even meme'd about buying some cider kits a few weeks ago, would of had 40 litres of bedtime juice by now desu
*kicks himself*
My isolation suit isn't even here yet, reeeeee

Whenever i'm anxious I pee like mental, it's horrible.