I would do anything to have a dick in my mouth right now
I would do anything to have a dick in my mouth right now
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I want a face to splooge on
Why are you such a degenerate Bandage? Tell me the truth. Not the ''doing this out of desperation'' shit. Just tell me the truth.
This is a weak effort if you would do anything.
Where's your nearest truck stop?
Journey there and you will find what you are searching for.
even a black one?
even a 3 inch pp?
All gays are degenerate sluts.
I can help you but only if you suck my dick first.
No, not really. You're more delusional than a tranny who thinks they're a girl if you think that way.
>I would do anything
>Except message Andrew
fuck off tranny, got back to your aids filled containment board
>fuck off tranny, got back to your aids filled containment board
leave her alone!!!!
Idk it's like instinct
There's no chance of us meeting up anyway so its not a viable option no matter what
of course not, i'm not THAT desperate
post discord qt!
Im not qt at all but it's Bandage#6422
how big is andrew's dicc
post pooper
>There's no chance of us meeting up anyway
get a job
It was pretty small not that there's anything wrong with that. I remember it being aesthetically pleasing though
I'm job searching right now but even then getting my gf to america is more important to me
>Im not qt at all
are you white at least?
cool then fuck off to discord, no one cares
Yes but I am fat and look like a man
>Idk it's like instinct
I really don't understand people like you, what is actually wrong with you? Fucking disgusting. I've nothing against trannies but you are the prime example on why they're hated globally.
I don't really care about people's opinion
Have fun living your degenerate lifestyle then. If you crave dick so much go get grindr or something.
I've been on grindr for a year, the only people that message me are twinks or old men that want me to use my pp on them, which I'm not interested in doing at all.
We know, hon. We know.
Kiru maiserufu
what country are you in user? we can be in quarantine together
It's okay OP you can suck me off. Here's a body selfie.
I'm eastern US
how to get rid of cocklust
By showing your ass for all of us to see
Why would you want to see whale ass
Because I want to breed you and cure your cock lust
Sadly I live in a far away land
That's bestiality though
I thought you met up with someone tho
I did but now I just want more cock
Seems like that's an easy way to get more cock. Lots of thirsty anons on Yas Forums who don't mind thicc trans girls.
The guy I hooked up with said he would do it again but I'm nervous to for some reason I don't really get it
If you can't get over your fear of others how are you going to get more cock? Gotta learn to socialize a little in real life methinks.
I don't know the situation though. Good luck to both of you either way.
I just wish I had a bf instead of a random hookup
Yeah, unfortunately for introverts like us it's hard to find someone else... I don't know what to suggest desu
suicide death
That's not a good solution. Might as well do random hookups instead.
It kinda just made me sad though
Like the dick was nice but I just felt lonely
Yeah that's normal. Why do you think normalfag stacies have casual sex desu. They always want to "settle down" but they can't find someone, so they help dull the pain with sex.
Can you even hook up with the hook up?
>Can you even hook up with the hook up?
I do not understand because i am dumb please reword uwu
Well it was a random hookup, but he was willing to fugg you, so maybe given enough time he might want to settle down too. idk
No he has pretty much said that he is not and will not be interested
You had one hit, that's more than most people on Yas Forums. If he's not interested then play the waiting game I guess. Most relationships happen by pure chance. You just gotta signal to others you're open, like you're doing now.
There's also the option of trying with the guy you already had success with. Just because they weren't open to it then doesn't mean they'll always be closed up. Some people just need time.
The point is you got options, and you already won once. Don't lose hope.
It's just the numbers game is extremely stacked against me.
>already have a gf and no one likes sharing
I could fix fat, but when I lose weight I look like more of a man than when I'm fat. So I'd rather be fat because being manly is suicide tier. I wish I was just normal and was happy with just my gf. If i had a bf instead of a gf I would just be craving a gf instead, too. I'm so mentally ill and disgusting
How long have you been on HRT? Are you using injections? Spiro, Bica, or Cypro?
Losing weight after being on HRT for about a year should allow you to have a more feminine appearance. Though really you need to stop worrying about passing so much. Most of us are never going to pass. People in real life don't care very much in general.
If you got a hookup while having all fo this, it's still a success.
2 years of hrt. Current regimen is 10mg/.5ml EV injection every week with cypro
I was a year into hrt when I lost the weight and no, I looked more manly. I had a coworker that would always call me a girly boy and when I lost weight she said something like "hey you're looking a lot less of a girly boy now that you've been slimming down!" Plus people online said the same thing.
Passing is literally the #1 priority. I can't just not care about it. It kills me not passing.
Cis girls who aren't traditionally pretty wish they were pretty.
Clothing is a huge part of passing as well. You could even get into corsets to help with your figure.
The more fem I dress the worse I look. A corset would objectively help but I don't have money rn unfortunately.
Sounds like defeatism. Either way you have to work with what you have. If being thick helps you pass, then find a good balance.
You don't have to dress "fem", you just have to find what works. I certainly couldn't do full on girl mode even if I tried. But I do have clothes that are more feminine than male, while still being androgynous.
Might help to get dicked again desu, even if it is just a hookup. Sounds like you have a deep seated fear of rejection. I know I do and I'm a tranny too.
>you just have to find what works.
you mean nothing?
You don't have much money, so I doubt you've tried tons of different styles of clothes.
You're being bull headed rn, you have to figure out what works for you, that's all you can do with regards to your appearance.
Clothes won't fix my horrid face, is the thing. I'll probably never afford FFS either.
Again, you need to learn to accept your body. Dysphoria is a bitch, but part of the transitioning process is learning to identify with what you have. Not every girl is pretty 10/10 cute would drink bathwater tier.
There's lots of hefty girls who don't have a pretty face.