Never before have I seen such an epic takedown done so flawlessly.
Yas Forums BTFO eternally
Other urls found in this thread:
Why are you posting this here instead of Yas Forums?
tl;dr gigafaggot
homie in pic types like a simp faggot.
mossad you got the wrong board
you guys post Bbc here and pol btfo on pol
Never before have I seen more verbose nonsense
Maybe its the whiskey but I seriously can't tell what they're talking about
Something about how Yas Forums and religion are globalists? HUh? Oh my
this person doesn't seem to have a clear idea about what globalism even means
I don't oppose globalist, I don't think autarky is possible nor desirable. That doesn't mean we need to flood our countries with innumerable amounts of monkeymen. Look at Japan, they are fine and have free trade without monkeymen. Same with white countries hundred years back, they had trade with Asia and Africa. I don't even oppose global cooperation or even very small amounts of non-whites living here as guests, I merely oppose the idea that infinite amount of them must be let in. How is this wrong?
i just wish we could get rid of all the subhumans so the real men (whites) can duke it out over which kind of christianity is the best like the good old days
there are no normal people on imageboards
lmao is that krautchan? that still exists?
Jesus you're a brainlet. I don't even agree with this guy because I'm a socialist, but religions like Christianity and Islam are inherently globalist because their aim is the total conversion of the planet. Religions that are generally specific to one culture or race, that don't focus on conversion, aren't globalistic.
Like for fuck's sake, the Muslims have been trying to take Europe since Charles Martel. The Christians have wanted Constantinople for ages.
>the funniest thing is pol is leftist but racist
yeah it's almost like there's a lot of national-socialists there or something
didnt red lollllllllllllll
You are a fucking Jew.
>calls others brainlets
>unironic socialist
Ernstchan is the worst. The board culture of overwriting each of your posts is both boring to slog through and tedious to participate in. These are all the same idiots from krautchan too, so take that how you will.
Krautchan died a year or two back because the admins gave up.
Ernstchan is a krautchan backup board created by antifa members. The original version of ernstchan people used had a revolt of its userbase, the owners were doxed, and it was shut down. People moved to kohlchan, which also shut down because of a shooting which led to US Congress directly addressing that board as a sort of terrorism haven. I stopped caring by that point about what was going on. I think people moved to a new version of ernstchan(.xyz).
>in my theoryworld, people I don't like are bad and are eternally BTFO
except theoryworld only exist in your mind, and since you're a digusting leftist, it is safe to assume that theoryworld will never happen in real life since you are a mentally ill, delusionnal faggot
Holy shit, sauce:
>the only people capable of matching their level of stupidity or just flat out mental illness and self absorbed denial of reality are trannies
>How is this wrong?
it isn't, which is why it is what everyone does and thinks, contrary to what your cuckservative propaganda is trying to tell you.
Because he would get btfo
He's unironically right but the whole thing is suspicious because he never once states what his own views are, beyond a vague disdain for the current system and its current alternatives.
I'd take him seriously if he wasn't small minded and spiteful despite his pretenses of being erudite and sophisticated. People like that guy love snarky put-downs that humiliate perceived enemies because he's an imageboard guy with an imageboard personality.
HIs thesis that right-wing thinking self-discredits by putting neoliberals into power ignores that the same phenomenon also afflicts the presumed left just as much. A good share of the self-described leftists (communists, socialists and anarchists) were quite invested in seeing Barack Obama get elected as a way to undo the legacy of the Bush Administration, but then immediately turned on him when he turned out to be Black Bush with insurance companies pulling his strings rather than Halliburton. That's not to say he was completely awful, but he effectively continued Bush's policies. Likewise, many got quite despondent after the Green Scare decimated green anarchists and Occupy Wall Street fell flat on its ass. After awhile, you learn to cope and work with the systems you have because impotent whinging doesn't pay the bills and obscurity sucks shit. The revolutionary left forms the same impotent padding for the people like the aforementioned Barack Obama or Justin Trudeau. It's often the fate of these self-described radicals grow tired of being disenfranchised and marginalized enough to accept anything to get "their guy" into office because it'll move the needle even just an inch towards their goals.
The stuff about nationalists on the internet smacks of the same smugness from Conservatism Inc.'s, "You complain about capitalism on an iPhone." Even if true, it's a clumsy thing to say that only the speaker finds clever.
>through a wildly self-absorbed and racist lens
Which is to say particularist, something you can't admit without likewise admitting nationalism is a genuine antagonist to internationalism, which is not inevitable. When people people say "impossible," they mean "disagreeable" or "undesirable."
It's strange hearing someone I presume is a socialist (or perhaps a social democrat) complain about others' "self-absorption" as though socialism wasn't supposed to be the working classes asserting their interests over the ideological conditioning imposed on them by the bourgeoisie; I leave you to make the comparison. Of course, it's selfish; it's supposed to be. Anyone who tells you that you're obliged to spend your life serving others before yourself doesn't give a shit about you; only their sense of moral self-satisfaction or some sick abstracted "you" that only exists inasmuch as it's part of the proletariat, the public. the nation or whatever grand scheme they've concocted to erase the authentic you.
In the US you have your choice of Neoliberal A and Neoliberal B.
And Obama was still more progressive than Hillary so there's that.
Essentially any appeal to American politics is a joke.
Yas Forums can be entertaining, but some people there truly have no compassion. To the point that I can't take mostly anything of what they say seriously. Sometimes it doesn't feel like I'm talking to real people.
because they're not
They're essentially NPCs
It is a common affliction among adherents to fringe political ideas. They tend to attract proud contrarians, thrill seekers, outsiders, idealistic hyperintellectuals, people with an inborn elitist temperament and those with nothing to lose. Even the most seasoned among them can be made to feel shame and discomfort when confronted in public or outside their support network.
I guess that's the correct way of putting it - shameful. Like I said, it can be entertaining and all. But it is shameful how illogical and nasty we can be on the Internet. Especially if there's anonymity.
>Trump in particular is a globalist who has properties all of the world
IESLB. Discarded.
Ever meet a Yas Forumstard IRL? No? Because they know if they tried spewing their nonsense IRL they'd either get BTFO by normies, attacked for being a harmful retard, or something else.
Funny how Yas Forums, who wants to remove degereacy, cries censorship as soon as society collectively decides their opinions are harmful. LMAO
Pic related. The Free World was founded by humiliating retards who wanted to stay loyal to the crown. You're too afraid to be open with your views because you know you'll be shut down instantly by most people, left or right.
And what does this have to do with Yas Forums? I'm really tired of newfags going to the big bad nu/pol/ for five minutes and then declaring Yas Forums is btfo with normalfag reasoning and talking points that have been heard and dismissed hundreds of times before. They all think they are smart because they discovered Yas Forums. They all think they are knowledgeable because they watch the news.
Its so fucking tiring.
Not that user but Yas Forums is the same board that defends capitalism, while saying National Socialism is a good thing, and then crying about globalism and the Jews.
Capitalism is why Jews are so powerful, capitalism DEMANDS globalization (ever hear of the Dutch East India Company?), and true NatSocs realize the harm "free markets" bring.
>b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Yas Forums isn't one person
Doesn't matter. Their collective ideology is a joke by any serious standards. Saying "get the fuck out glownigger" isn't an argument, even if you get 20 (you)s in support of your post.
So the point you're trying to get across is that democracy is permanent and human civilization will never again revert to facism or monarchy. This claim is entirely bullshit.
The future is infinite.
>i like to spend my free time on Yas Forums
>I don't enjoy convincing people to kill themselves on live stream
The only other reason for you to be here is 1) you came here for the sole purpose of fighting nazis and attempting to gain political power 2) you are a leech who wants to experience the best moments of Yas Forums without any of the things you personally consider bad.
What does that mean?
No, where did you get that from? I was merely addressing the myopia in that OP.
>If you aren't an edgy teenager you're not a REAL 4channer
Its almost like Yas Forums is more than one person and you're a newfag.
Talking about Yas Forums as a consensus is about as retarded as talking about Americans as if they have a group identity and consensus on what they believe at this point.
its 2020. More than half of the people on Yas Forums defend communism and attack nazis. If you had said Yas Forums thinks this in 2014 I could have agreed or disagreed. Now Yas Forums has daily communist generals and 95% catalogue is b8 because almost all of the old users left.
Again, bitching about inconsinstancy in Yas Forums these days is like bitching about inconesistancy in Americans political beliefs.
'how can you want more freedom from goverment and want stricter gun laws"
Its a pretty disingenuous argument. To create a strawman out of the gaslighting you've done.
I have no idea what it stands for, but it's appropriate when someone makes a grammatical mistake. Basically a fancy way of calling someone stupid.
>globalism will lead to two factions, pol and normal people
>pan-global national alliance (what the fuck?)
Does this person not know what the words they're using mean? It's the concept that America and Europe ally together to create white ethnostates in their respective countries, and that other countries are also made up of ethnostates in which each individual country is nationalist. I don't agree with the shitty name, but it's not that hard of a concept to understand. Was Hitler not a nationalist because he allied with Mussolini?
>anarcho-primitivism is the next radical edgy idea
What support does he have for this at all?
>religion is globalist
National Socialism doesn't support religion and many National Socialists aren't religious, the only purpose it serves is to moderate people's values and morals. Even so, I have no clue how religion is globalist. 'Universal' doesn't mean globalist, the same way that Britain and the US speaking the same language doesn't make them globalist (although they are, but this is not the reason).
>The only people capable of matching their level of stupidity or just flat out mental illness and self absorbed denial of reality are trannies.
His entire argument it seems builds on this idea, which is unsupported and thus making the rest of the argument.
Also, Yas Forums is cringe. The National Socialist movement doesn't stem from there, and shouldn't be attributed solely to it.
>Its almost like Yas Forums is more than one person and you're a newfag.
Typical LOL
>Talking about Yas Forums as a consensus is about as retarded as talking about Americans as if they have a group identity and consensus on what they believe at this point.
Yas Forums constantly talks about "the left", "liberals", "trannies", "niggers", etc. as one collective. You'd think people who demand others be held to morally virtuous standards could have some standards themselves. But again, you have no real argument.
>its 2020.
OMG ITS 2020 LIKE HOW IS THIS EVEN HAPPENING. Truly Yas Forumstards are the new SJW. Can't stop shoving their opinions down everyone's throat.
>if I put things in greentext it makes them not true
Yes, i'm sure you are truly an oldfag. let me guess, 2007 right? I'm sure you have fond memories of watching youtube videos about habdo in 2018.
/po/ thread on Yas Forums = OP wants to samefag
Anyone who uses the word "reactionary" is an idiot and worth ignoring. Or "racist" for that matter.
That's possibly the dumbest shit I've ever heard. Also, Trump is a globalist; he lobbies for Israel.
These are political beliefs. They are a group and have a collective. You could just as easily ask for right wing consistancy but you aren't. You're asking of Yas Forums consistency.
These are groups of people with shared traits. Pray tell, what shared traits do the people on Yas Forums have? I'd really love to know.
>still assblasted by le current year man memes
The only people who are still shoving their opinoons down other peoples throats are still leftists like you. For example you have literally no reason to be on this website except for the purpose of trying to shove your opinion down the throat on Yas Forums. Strange that you are on Yas Forums and not Yas Forums in the first place.
Yas Forums came about naturally. It was the natural evolution of the final boss. The internet hate machine. You seem to have forgotten where you are.
And again, Yas Forums is gay as fuck now and filled with faggots like you who came here because you read a funny greentext once and decided that you would try to turn the website into your own ideal think tank.
Whats next? Are you going to bitch about how Yas Forums supposedly loves women but also hates them. Are you going to complain about how Yas Forums hates women yet wants to fuck them? Stop being a faggot.
>what shared traits do the people on Yas Forums have
brain damage and a lack of self-preservation
Great argument, see you in your next /leftypol/ shill thread to destroy your argument again.
It's not an argument, it's an insult.
Can't you tell?
>ur a newfag I've been here all summer
Keep it up with the non arguments Yas Forums. I'm sure most people are seriously impressed you've been on Yas Forums a whole 4 years.
Its not very productive to the conversation in that case.
>no u
Good job ignoring all the actual arguments i made.
>Yas Forums
no this is Yas Forums. I came here to shit on women and bitch about normalfags, not to talk politics like you.
>Yas Forums
>far right
These are political beliefs. They are a group and have a collective.
>race realists
These are groups of people with shared traits.
Keep shoving your opinions down everyone's throat though. EVERYONE on Yas Forums cares about how much you hate niggers and trannies lmao.
>Good job ignoring all the actual arguments i made.
What arguments? That I'm a newfag and the only people who don't agree with you are newfags?
>is a faggot communist
well done you stupid fucking idiot
1:post on Yas Forums, dont ruin a dying board
2: did you really think globalism directly meant communicating with the outside world? Because if you did than you are fucking retarded
>Yas Forums 2010
>SJWs constantly trying to bitch about racism, muh misgynogy, trannies, how "toxic" everything is
>Yas Forums 2020
>NuSJWs constantly trying to bitch about reverse racism, muh misandry, trannies, how "degenerate" everything is
Woah bro maybe the reason people don't take you seriously is because you call everyone who doesn't agree with you a commie.
>Yas Forums
>far right
They have daily communist general threads. It doesn't seem very right wing to me.
The right wing is a group, they have a collective. Yas Forums is a website where anyone can go and post whatever the fuck they want to post. Its not a collective. Its the internet.
>race realists
There are daily arguments about whether race is a social construct or not. How can you say Yas Forums is race realist?
>Yas Forums is white
Can you show me any actual proof?
Can you name a single thing the majority of Yas Forumsacks believe which is wrong? Yas Forums's entire goal is self-preservation. They're trying to preserve the good countries and the good people who made them, from people who are exploiting them.
your spamming the wrong board with the wrong shitty posts, you spam tranny posts here and slide threads like this on Yas Forums, smarten up. This isn't what we pay you for.
>Yas Forums 2010
People outside of Yas Forums constantly bitching about racism, muh soggy knees ect ect
>Yas Forums 2020
People outside and inside of Yas Forums constantly bitching about racism muh soggy knees ect ect.
>implying trannies are intelligent enough to post slide threads
Slide threads implicate that you are trying to hide the truth. Trannies believe Yas Forums is always wrong. They would never do such a thing.
>Yas Forums's entire goal is self-preservation
That one is wrong.
The goal is not self-preservation. At least not the preservation of the people or anything like that.
The goal of Yas Forums is preserving the neoliberal status quo. The goal of Yas Forums is preserving the billionaire class.
Elaborate please
They don't believe the normalfag opinions that the tv man and my professor told me were radical and true. Therefore they are wrong and I don't even have to spend more than 5 minutes reading their arguments or considering their point of view.
Both of you please elaborate how Yas Forums is apparently one person.
I'd like you to further explain you're lack of understanding collectives.
Im asking him to explain his opinions dipshit, let him speak.
>let him speak
What? This is the internet. Its physically impossible to not let someone speak.
Black cocks are bigger
Dont give him more questions when he hasnt even fucking finished a point you mong
look, you are trying to distract from the point of the argument, it's a common tactic on Yas Forums.
"Yas Forums" here refers to the viewpoints you commonly observe on the website "boards.Yas".
Now get lost with your deflections.
I am talking about right wing economic policy of course. idpol is a joke. Politics is first and foremost about the allocation of tax money. Identity is not really a relevant category here.
Right wing economic policy is always in service of those who already have the money.
And who has all the money and thus are the people a right wing government serves?
The billionaire class, of course. But apparently there are good billionaires and bad billionaires?
I really don't keep up with Yas Forums stuff, but apparently some of them like Soros are evil jews and others like Elon are "based"?
Also every time you hear "the jews" it sounds like they're just talking about capitalism, but in a warped identity politics way.
Why not just go all the way and openly advocate for the culling of the billionaire class?
I mean, it's not about the killing Yas Forums folks sure don't mind violence towards minorities. So what's up with that?