Yas Forums BTFO eternally

Never before have I seen such an epic takedown done so flawlessly.

Attached: pol BTFO.png (1861x889, 186.72K)

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Why are you posting this here instead of Yas Forums?

tl;dr gigafaggot

homie in pic types like a simp faggot.

mossad you got the wrong board
you guys post Bbc here and pol btfo on pol

Never before have I seen more verbose nonsense
Maybe its the whiskey but I seriously can't tell what they're talking about
Something about how Yas Forums and religion are globalists? HUh? Oh my

this person doesn't seem to have a clear idea about what globalism even means

I don't oppose globalist, I don't think autarky is possible nor desirable. That doesn't mean we need to flood our countries with innumerable amounts of monkeymen. Look at Japan, they are fine and have free trade without monkeymen. Same with white countries hundred years back, they had trade with Asia and Africa. I don't even oppose global cooperation or even very small amounts of non-whites living here as guests, I merely oppose the idea that infinite amount of them must be let in. How is this wrong?

i just wish we could get rid of all the subhumans so the real men (whites) can duke it out over which kind of christianity is the best like the good old days

there are no normal people on imageboards