Ideal BF bread

Fembots, post your ideal bf. Try to be specific and who knows maybe youll be lucky.

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not this thread again

>younger than 25
>above 5'10
>willing to have kids
>khv or at least virgin
>works on himself and has hobbies

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>khv or at least virgin
Damn, I don't fit.

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I'm all of them except height, feels bad

>taller than 4'8
>kind to children and animals
>ok with adoption
>lets me be physically clingy and very affectionate
>likes to spend time together, even if we are doing separate things
>likes night walks and looking at the stars together
>has a playful side
>a hobby i can cheer him on at and watch him do
>will tolerate me learning to cook and give me feedback
>planning to move out of his parents house/out of his parents house
>emotionally available
>talks to me when he's upset/doesn't bottle up, or is willing to let me help him overcome a habit of repression
>won't hit me
>lets me hold him and stroke his hair lovingly
>a mutually respective relationship, we both build eachother up as equals
>is okay with me being kind of annoying sometimes.
am an adhd riddled brainlet, but i do my best
>even if his mental health is very poor, he is willing to let me help him or work on everything together.
i know i can't expect the sun and moon of him but i want to at least try and help for both of our sakes, and the relationship
i am KHV and deathly afraid of STDs. this trait isn't a dealbreaker but it's very preferred
>dealbreaker: not physically affectionate

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>won't hit me

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I don't care if you're a tranny, I'll still love you.

i suppose my standard was farfetched. my sincerest apologies user-sama

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This is very cute. I wish I had the mental energy to meet you
>will tolerate me learning to cook and give me feedback
Perfect wife material

>ok with adoption
big huge noperino

Mutual lack of hatred.

please be in melbourne, says user in an original manner

Disc? Anything?

>ok with adoption

why this?

i'm all of them femanon, e gf time Schierke#7694

i understand not wanting adoption, i wish i could have kids too, but i cant because of a physical deformation with my tubes and womb. but i don't see why assertive is farfetched, i think i crave somebody who can be assertive because im prone to becoming a doormat for other people sometimes

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im sorry australianon i'm not, but i hope you find her
im not really one to edate or anything because physical touch is a big aspect of a relationship for me, but i hope you find luck too user. i really do wish you best
sorry i didn't see this, i answered in

>i cant because of a physical deformation with my tubes and womb
>i don't see why assertive is farfetched
Because it's not in my nature, plus I despise people who try to act like that.

understandable. i think theres a big difference between assertion and aggressive though, TBF

enjoying your onions meal, cuck?

would you be okay with a surrogate mother/ IVF?

Please be around Pittsburgh

To me assertive means some fag who's wrong about something trying to have it his way. I don't put up with that crap.

Onions are the basis of most good recipes ladm8

Yes, I love onions.
God, it's so easy to get onions and chili on fries nowadays. You can get in your car, drive to a nearby sonic, and have a family-sized Onion-chili-cheese fries for only $5.99

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this is the perfect boyfriend so this me setting high expectations. i don't actually have these expectations though, these are way too high criteria
>black hair's cute. brown is cute too. any hair color is cool though.
>blue eyes are the best. brown and green eyes are cool too.
>little bit chubby can be cute. just not overweight. i do have a soft spot for tall skinny guys but short chubby guys can be just as cute.
>is ok with just cuddling in silence.
>but doesnt get too angry when im talkative and laughing a lot
>virgin would be ideal since im one too. but if hes not ig its not the end of the world
>most important is that hes kind and cares about me.
>i like clingy boys. ik its selfish because he obviously has his own life but it would make me feel special if he would always check up on me and protect me.
>any race can be attractive. asian and white are my favorite though
>wants kids. wont mind if i end up being a housewife.
>good with kids
>itd be cool if he thinks im cute and cares about me
>older than me
pic is just a fantasy. he def doesnt have to look like that

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>must be 6"1+
>have a 9 inch penis
>must be abusive, and a thug
>must have a chad jawline
>hunter eyes
>goud personality
>must havve had more than 20+ sexual partners
>must chase me and be okay with my flaws
>must be hyper confident
>must not have any nerdy traits

AHA! now that me... THE ULTIMATE BAITER have posted a bait post i'll finally get the funny negative attention of incels ONCE AGAIN! MWAHAHAHAHA!

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whats ur disc?
my dick isn't 9 inches tho it's barely 8 if that's ok

These threads are usually interesting to me, I find myself wondering what happens to everyone replying to have these preferences form in their minds. It turns into a fucking rabbit hole.

Ay bby want sum fuk.


>Must be over 6'3
>Must be older than 25
>Must have blue or green eyes
>Must be a virgin
>Must have friends that share his hobbies
>Must have a good career
>Must be intelligent
>Must treat me with respect
>Must be dominant

Not asking for much, really.

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we'll talk fembale


hmu even if we dont live near each you might at least make a friend

If that's "too high" then I must be chad and not even realize it.



>older than 25

Do you live in a dessert, cause you is THIRST!

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Im 6'2 but I think I make the cut. Drop disco

lol what's up Mike

>I used to look like pic related before getting fat

>over 6'3"
>has friends
>good career
What are you on

When did I become Chad?

Shit, that's pretty much me

Nyquil. For dreaming.

I told you this last thread, but I think fostering and adoption is really cool. I feel like there's too many kids in this world already, and I'd love to partner with someone to take some of those kids (the ones who were born into the wrong place at the wrong time, the ones who were deprived of opportunities through no fault of their own) and give them a chance at a better life.

Don't give up hope, because I don't think your dream is unrealistic. I meet most/all of your requirements, and I'm sure that I'm not the only one. For the sake of your future foster children, keep your standards reasonably high and don't settle for anything less than someone who'll be good for you AND for them.

I don't post here much, but I might stick around for a few days (read: beta orbit for a few days) and provide more encouragement because I think your life plan is really noble.

It's quahp#2622 not Mike.

Fembots add me I can be ideal.

Only chances she has to find one like that is if the man is religious as hell but even then it's still extremely high standards.

> For the sake of your future foster children, keep your standards reasonably high and don't settle for anything less than someone who'll be good for you AND for them.
incredibly based user. i remember you from last thread too, i had a good time talking with you. again, i hope you're well and everything. take care and be healthy

>Sexy, fit body with abs
>7"+ dick
>cheeky aggressive
>very smart
>does not want kids or at least kind of ambivalent
>eats incels for lunch

Hey girl.
Drop that disc

oh hi friend.


hey i meet most of these, if you wanna talk my discord is sssundown#3319

Ay fuk want sum bby

Not much actually assuming this is a drill actually

You lime.

the cringe

how old are you user? i fit basically all demands, except age maybe. i'm only 20

Either the second part of your post is for her, or you're her and mistaking me for someone else. I arrived in last thread too late to have a two-way conversation with anyone. Either way, I agree, everyone take care and stay healthy.

literally me but I want my partner to have a sexy fit body with abs too.

im nineteen so you are older :)
but even that isnt a neccessity

ok pretty based if you want my d*scord it's Gyro#6128

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i just want luke skywalker. if you look like him then hit me up.

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>no older than 23
>switch (not the game console, PC master race)
>not obese, a bit overweight is okay
>std free
>wants to get married and spend lives together
>thinks i'm the cutest
>when i think he's the cutest
>improves himself

Regular Luke or Bigger Luke? And what about Luuke?

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The fuck is switch but not the game console?

can be both dominant and submissive

Fuuuck why does it seem like there are so few women who want a switch relationship? That's my ideal.

purely dominant however
also are you cute user? just want us to be somewhat near each others looks