What's Yas Forums binging right now?
What's Yas Forums binging right now?
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>cabal of discord trannies
That's rather transphobic of you.
I was catching up on the latest season of Better Call Saul. Currently rewatching some Breaking Bad episodes. Want to watch the Witcher but not sure if it is worth or not.
I think you guys should watch the movie This is The End; it's really funny.
Its pretty boring senpai
I really hate the shit you've been doing
And it needs to fucking end
It will end with you
Either by my hand or a higher-up's
Rewatching pani poni dash for the 427th time, still the best anime of all time
It cannot persist
Jojo's Bizzare Adventure
I'm at part 3 episode 2 right now
Part 2 is the best one
Yeah unless you're a female normie there just isn't much there
I want you to end your garbage
I feel like it needs to happen
Is the mlp guy just a schizo or is there more to this thread than what meets the eye?
Watching Star Trek Deep Space 9 while getting drunk on wine.
just watched Ghostmates. Shit wasn't as bad as expected.
Pretty much a schizo, yeah. I dunno how he can even tell that this Netflix logo was, without a doubt, cropped from that particular image at ponybooru.
>is there more to this thread than what meets the eye?
Went for The Boys, currently. Not bestest but not disappointed still.
Just finished the second season of dark, really good show. I'm also watching mindhunter, can't stand Holden. I want to give TWD a try after ignoring it for 10 years, I'll probably dl it cause kikeflix doesn't have all seasons and spin-offs. Also waiting for the Made in Abyss movie BD to drop, I used to watch like 20 episodes of anime a day when I was younger but I got burnout so I can't really watch more than 3 episodes a day now.
Just finished season 3 of Castlevania, possibly one of my favourite series of all time, super fun.
Just finished the first season, great show so far
I'm binging on cheap vodka, I don't have netflix.
I'm watching The Witcher with my mother.
My shrink recommended me a series called Elite, is that any good?
Its a spanish melodrama about a roastie with aids
Rewatching the good bits of the Walking Dead. Finished season 2, 4b, 5, and I just started 6.
Still working 10 hours a day in a major city because my boss doesnt care about coronavirus
Wut. Your SHRINK?
Does she want you to kys?
Show where every character is CHAD or STACY lookswise. Most normie shit on the planet. Also, drugs, sex, cuckoldry, SIMPing...
Characters supposed teenagers but not.
I merely watch it to be amazed at how much NWO they can cramp in a show.
Hot cunts are kind of a bonus.
Blackpill but for everyone.
gonna binge glitch techs, beastars, and altered carbon while I fish lobsters on osrs
american crime story
I really can't wait for when you and your cabal of discord trannies get rangebanned.
orwell's 1984 and fire emblem three houses
Hulu because I'm a basedboy who has a Switch but right now I'm watching the Friday the 13th movies and Lupin III anime
Why don't you go to /vg/ if I post pony shit there all the time
Based. Fuck Netflix consoomers.
>shitflix consoomer
just pirate you goddamn incel, its literally free ffs all you need is a proxy and a torrent client.
Nothing because I'm not a netflix homo. It's all about dat hulu breh.
Why is the movie selection in this so shit. The few decent movies in there I've already seen and they don't have anything that might be interesting. Literally the only benefit I've had to it is normies are more willng to see it over torrented movies.
rewatching sopranos for the 11th time, rome, and lost
Been watching "Servant" on Apple TV+
Its okay. Interesting mystery. I just hope it wraps up by the end of this season and not make me watch a season 2 and beyond.
ZeroZeroZero, Devs, Osmosis and Kingdom have been my favourite watches so far this year. Also the premier for Westworld made me feel excited for the series again
Tbh I just Google "lates series on Netflix" and then torrent the episodes
>Samurai Jack season 5
>Neon Genesis Evangelion 1.11,2.22,3.33
>Programming tutorials
Just got a programming job on a small company and they told us to work remote, pretty comfy to finish my job in 5 minutes and getting paid to watch anime
Trailer park boys de lads
Now more people can think of you as a terrible person. You're only digging yourself further, drone.
I stopped after season 7 it went downhill, Netflix rot everything they touch
I've been watching SAO and enjoying it during the day and at night I binge the shitty horror movies they have while I get drunk and play video games
I'm almost out of horror movies though, english ones anyways.
what are some horror you like, i'm big into horror as well
what films do you like
>Yas Forums
Truly you're all a bunch of boring normalfags at this point. I hope you all die and enjoy mediocrity.
No, i just like him more now. I also hate you more as well.
Evil Dead series (movies and show) is one of my favorites
The Tremors series used to terrify me but after watching the movies on netflix they're just stupid fun campy movies
Autopsy of Jane Doe was an amazing movie, best new horror movie I've seen in a long time
The Sinister movies were pretty great but there's only one on Netflix
I liked the Child's Play films on Netflix but theres only two of them
Chernobyl Diaries was pretty good
Haunting on Fraternity Row was especially good for the fact it was a college setting but actually had lore and not much in the way of unnecessary lewd scenes
Polaroid was cool but I've always liked the whole idea of supernatural cameras
Supernatural was pretty good too despite the later seasons
Outside of Netflix, the Scream movies, Halloween movies, Thale, the first VHS film, theres others for sure but I dont have a list in front of me so I cant really remember. I strongly prefer supernatural horror and psychological horror to the gore porn and slasher flicks. I love the lore of a good horror story
What about you user what sort do you enjoy?
>raunchy (((Seth Rogan))) comedy #30825024957
i keep a list on my letterboxd of horror movies i see throughout the year good and bad one's it's not really a fav's list
I like all types of horror but i got to admit i have soft spot for slashers and i like gore
,but psychological i like as well, what doesn't always work for me is sci-fi or ghost films
I'm big into french extremity horror like martyrs, a l'interieur, frontiers. I like forgein horror movies as well
I like home invasion films and possesion movies also
Do you use netflix mainly ? i torrent and buy stuff, i was on netflix for awhile and quickly saw most horror movies on the platform
(really liked sinister and creep 1/2) as seen on netflix
Anyone know of a good short series/miniseries to watch
im gonna watch My Neighbor Totoro with a qt girl of my school, life is good
Love death and robots, Netflix doesn't have good movies,series to watch
Jojos and Deadman Wonderland
Whats the best modern day horror movie?
>using nigflix
Just watch shit online for free or torrent.