I'm genuinely starting to believe this and need to know if its just my personal experiences swaying me.
I had a girlfriend for four years. FOUR YEARS. Just before our anniversary of the fifth she dumps me and says we're too young and moving too fast (we're both in college) and she wants to live while she's young or some shit like that, I forgot her exact wording. ONE WEEK LATER she has a new boyfriend. One fucking week. They date for three months, he dumps her, and now SHE'S BLOWING MY PHONE UP trying to re-kindle what we had. That situation aside, will this happen to me with every gf? Will they dump me at the first sign of chad becoming interested? What's your experience or take on this question? Serious replies appreciated.
If a man marries a woman who becomes displeasing to him because he finds something indecent about her, and he writes her a certificate of divorce, gives it to her and sends her from his house, and if after she leaves his house she becomes the wife of another man, and her second husband dislikes her and writes her a certificate of divorce, gives it to her and sends her from his house, or if he dies, then her first husband, who divorced her, is not allowed to marry her again after she has been defiled. That would be detestable in the eyes of the Lord. Do not bring sin upon the land the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance. Deuteronomy 24:1-4
You get my gist
Ian Powell
My take on it is that they will all do that to you if she's not the best looking woman. Ugly women, the second they see someone better looking than you they lose interest in you. Gorgeous women however, they have the option to get chad at all hours of the day, Herculean genetics chad, not just any chad, if you can get one of those girls to like you, she'll never leave you. I don't know that for sure though, it just seems true to me.
Jace Hernandez
Trip you are fucking nuts. How do you die when you're dead
Anthony Ortiz
Lol retarded religionfag
Dylan Campbell
I guess not. Is English your first language? My point is that once you let your girlfriend get dicked by someone else, there's no taking her back.
Jackson Rodriguez
Are you just going to sit there like a faggot with your thumb up your ass or argue based on merit?
Carson Martin
>Psychological theories exist regarding the development and expression of gender differences in human sexuality. A number of them (including neo-analytic theories, sociobiological theories, social learning theory, social role theory, and script theory) agree in predicting that men should be more approving of casual sex (sex happening outside a stable, committed relationship such as marriage) and should also be more promiscuous (have a higher number of sexual partners) than women.
Joshua Sanchez
Women and men will both make the decision to be hoe's given the same opportunities.
Jason Reed
Do you really want me to argue based on merit? Most religionfags don't, but ok. Your entire worldview is irrational, you have insufficient evidence for the existence of your god and thus your belief is unfounded and unwarranted. If not, please demonstrate the existence of your god for me pal (tip: you can't, and if you could, it would go against major teachings in christianity that god is wholly other, transcendent, etc.). Retard.
Joshua Hughes
I subscribe to a scientific worldview, and if you put prayer through the scientific method, you can validate for yourself whether it is true. You don't even have to take my word for it, that's the beauty of science. I bet you won't though, because you just magically think that the world is how you think without testing your delusions. Faggot.
Xavier Jones
To start with, that first part is definitely bullshit. Prayer as a means for achieving intended results is unfalsifiable and so certainly can't be considered scientific from a Popperian point of view. Besides, even Jesus considered praying to be typically a waste of time (see the sermon on the mount). More importantly, if religion were empirically provable, then all that shit about faith being a virtue is reduced to meaninglessness, because no longer would there be any faith in god, but knowledge. Secondly, I'm a critic of science just as much as I am of religion. You've clearly fallen for scientism as well, I suppose you're just prone to making irrational leaps of faith. There is no definitive scientific method, read some Feyerabend; one of the major problems with science. So, basically, you're full of shit.
whores dont make it 4 years not doing whore stuff unless shes got like 6 gorillion sex toys and a 10 foot shelf filled with romance novels your gf is just a dumbass who thought she wanted to be a whore
Angel Brooks
Great job just ignoring the source that I gave for that (Paul Feyerabend). And I remember high school, I also remember that they teach all science like fact there, and misrepresent many aspects of its methodologies. The position I have put forth is not a product of lacking high school teaching but of studying the works of philosophers of science.
Ryder Kelly
And yet I was 100% right that you wouldn't even get off your ass do anything at all.
Andrew Cook
holy fuck you two calm the fuck down
Jeremiah Rodriguez
Literally all you've done is say that scientific method proves that prayer works (without giving any actual evidence for this), and then posted a fucking chart from google images. Yet I'm the one who needs to get off his ass and prove something. Why don't you post your "scientific" research? You're the one trying to justify something, yet you haven't given any evidence whatsoever.
Nicholas Brown
Yeah what's happening to me I'm 20 years old, my girlfriend serious relationship of 2 years, she is 18. She never cheated or whored the whole time but we went on a break and then the next day she is talking to a guy, but I come to find out she is using this guy in a way for place for her to live and they haven't had sex yet and she still wants me as a fwb. This started 6 days ago and we had sex 3 days ago. Tonight I was texting her and asking her when we can fuck and her new bf found out and saids shes getting a new phone and everything he called me *dawg* even tho he is like a suburban white kid. But I do agree I have been not treating her well this past year and she is using him for a rebound. I fuckdd 2 others girls so far and I told her and she cried and said it hurt her really bad. Fuck her but I'll message her tomorrow on Facebook to certify if we are still fucking.
I do not want a relationship with her again I moved on, just friends or nothing
Oliver Roberts
I've ruined almost every 'relationship' I had with a girl myself either by ghosting them or by not getting the hints and them getting mad at me and then ME regretting it years later once I realize why they were mad at me (yes, it took me years to understand their hints after the fact).
From what I can tell, you always have to 'be chad' throughout the relationship. After 4 years, I assume you let your guard down and stopped playing games and just being normal, and she found a dark mysterious dude in the meantime who didn't care about her and she couldn't resist.
For example, regarding one of the girls who I almost had a relationship, I was hanging out with her at night at a park near her house. She talked some, we walked around (she grabbed onto me, I never grabbed onto her), she played around on the swings (she was 19), I just stood there and watched silently. Never let my guard down. Never fully trusted her. Stayed 'Chad' and she couldn't get enough of it.
She wanted to hug before we parted ways. She hugged me and I didn't even move. She got 'mad' at me for NOT touching her and insisted I did. Now she had a bf, so she pretended be serious and told me I couldn't touch her ass on the second hug. Guess what, I took a handful anyways. Then I left. She kept texting me when I left until I just texted her "Good night." She said good night back and I never talked to her since.
So in this example you can see, this girl was clearly cheating on her bf with me spending obvious romantic time with me. And like with every girl, these situations only happen to me when I have my guard up and am distant and act uninterested towards girls. So I reckon, you let your guard down, your gf got comfortable with your kindness, so she found someone who didn't show her a lot of interest and jumped his dick (Chad). Anyways, that's all I know about women.
You do realize she had been scoping out that dude for weeks, maybe a few months, possibly even cheating on you with him, before breaking up with you?
"Oh, Chad is so handsome and exciting, not like user who's boring and plain... I'm making a huge mistake staying with user!"
She broke up with you, but got played by Chad who didn't want to commit. Now she's ALONE OMG!!11!!1 and wants to get back with you because she made a "mistake".
Question is, will you take her back?
Hudson Mitchell
yes they are AWALT
Angel Reed
Yes, they're all like that. Put yourself in the position of a Chad for a second. If you're a chad and you want attractive girls, you have 2 options: You go after ultra club sluts who fuck dozens of dudes a year and risk getting 5 different STDs, or you go after girls in a relationship. There is no other choice, attractive girls are ALWAYS in a relationship at all times and, if they're not in one for more than 2 weeks, it's very likely they're just sluts. So there's a good chance chads will go after girls despite their relationship status.
Well, this is what I did, and all modesty aside I got extremely good at it. What I learned from my experiences is that a relationship means nothing to a girl if you're attractive and insistent enough. I have never failed to get a girl to cheat on their boyfriend with me. Not one single time. Honestly, it's very blackpilling and the whole thing made me miserable. By the end of it I would be rooting for the girl to just tell me to fuck off, but it never happened.
So take it from a Chad, relationships are not worth it mate. Even if you're chad yourself, there will always be chadder than you, even if just by circumstance. Unfortunately this is the world we live in.
Lincoln Myers
Any tips? I always get the impression that they'd be too loyal to cheat and I naturally just behave neutrally around them.
Jeremiah Ward
women are ruled by emotions so you can make every single one of them cheat if you manipulate her emotions.
Carter Bennett
How do I go about doing this? Is there a guide somewhere?
Gabriel Sullivan
im a guy and if i was "given" the opportunity to fuck as much as i wanted, i probably would.
Jaxson Cruz
ah yes, no male has ever cheated. and if he did it had nothing to do with any base emotions or desires.
Luke Barnes
just make her laugh and don't be logical. she will forget she has a boyfriend and she will fuck you. nature made them like this to trick them in to reproducing. bonus points if you make her boyfriend raise your kids.
Levi Richardson
>don't be logical What did he mean by this? And what do girls like to laugh at?
Lucas Gomez
Well, first you need is to have a pretty attractive face and a decent enough body. Not too muscular, more like where you have muscle but in a lean way. The whole height thing doesn't seem to matter since I'm 5'6".
Provided you have the looks, all you need to do is be assertive and flirty, but not pushy. Just make very clear you're into them by eye contact, checking her out, and smiling to her when she eye contacts back. If she pretends to ignore you at first, it's normal, just keep doing it and being friendly. Sooner or later she will let her guard down, and now you get her contact info and start making advances. Now you probably know the drill: Empty compliments, making her feel special, making her feel wanted... etc. Doesn't take long for you to be able to be more sexual in your texts. After that just meet up and fuck. Oh, and always pretend her boyfriend doesn't exist, just talk to her like she doesn't have one even if she mentions it. You don't really need to convince her to cheat on her bf, she will do the convincing herself, you just need to make her into you.
Don't listen to these fags talking about emotion. It's not about their emotions it's about their vagina. If her vagina gets wet, her emotions follow.
Gavin Richardson
>What did he mean by this?
because you don't want her logical side to be working just her emotional side.
>And what do girls like to laugh at?
learn from comedians I guess.
Xavier Carter
Thanks user. I am surrounded by women in relationships and have given up hope of meeting someone who is single so I might as well give into the dark side.
Adam Long
Yeah, it is what it is unfortunately. Been there as well. Keep in mind this will very likely blackpill you permanently though, so do it at your own risk. I personally regret it.
Robert Perry
Yes and no. Women always have something else in the works. This is just a fact. Being an older single man sucks, being an older single woman is basically a social death sentence. So it kind of makes sense that women always keep things going with other guys, since they can. Because otherwise she's just kinda fucked if for whatever reason things break off. But will all women make the choice to go with the new guy if he's hotter or makes more money or activates whatever weird lust feelings women have? Certainly more than we'd like to think but I don't know that you can be certain about it.
Luis Wood
Thanks for implying a khv like me might actually succeed.
Henry Turner
This would only work if you're more attractive than the bf right? Did you ever cuck anyone taller than you?
Ethan Powell
Yeah, it probably wouldn't work if their bf is more attractive than you. And yes, I'm short so it's not very difficult for them to be taller than me. In my experience height isn't that big of a deal in real life unless you're like
Austin Green
Does it work on girls in long term relationships?
Gavin Russell
>Will they dump me at the first sign of chad becoming interested? The short answer is no. But.......... They usually do that once and learn a valuable lesson to lock down completely a new guy BEFORE dumping you. They also realize locking down a new guy is very hard to do, almost impossible so they learn to take lovers without you ever knowing.
Wyatt Sanders
Bumpity bump booomp
Christopher Cox
I think men fall into this trap because we don't know what its like to have so many options, we project how we feel about woman onto them, not knowing that they don't feel the same way. We appreciate them more because it can be hard to lock down a decent looking girl, but to them we're totally expendable and replaceable.
Gavin Gutierrez
>she has a new bf but she told me they dont have sex so i think this is true haha i wish i had a whore using me for sex telling me sweet little lies
Charles James
This always happens when girls are leaving for college dude. The chance of this not happening is almost zero. College breaks up most high school relationships. That's just how it goes.
You should only fuck her for fun and remain emotionally distant, she has no loyalty so there's no point in getting into a relationship again.
And, unfortunately, it's a fact that whoever cares less about the relationship has the power - whoever wants it more has less purchasing power. Think about it in terms of economics. You cared deeply for her and she didn't care for you, so she had the power and it affected you. Now you don't want her back but she has been put in a bad situation and wants you. Now you have the power.
Easton Murphy
Let me think. Yes.
Elijah Powell
My results are that prayer works. I prayed for a girlfriend, and my result is that I have a girlfriend. Replicate my results, faggot.
Zachary Scott
Based and religionpilled. Don't be a cuck basially.
Jordan Cook
Wow user, you must be the next stephen hawking user, maybe you should share this incredible scientific discovery with the scientific community. I'm sure they'll give you a good clap, and everybody will be forced to become christians, because it's the only reasonable reaction to such incredible evidence. Incredible, really, I'm absolutely stunned.
>well I'm not actually even going to do the basics because science doesn't exist OK retard faggot
Connor Bailey
>Just before our anniversary of the fifth she dumps me and says we're too young and moving too fast (we're both in college) and she wants to live while she's young or some shit like that, I forgot her exact wording. ONE WEEK LATER she has a new boyfriend. One fucking week. They date for three months, he dumps her, and now SHE'S BLOWING MY PHONE UP trying to re-kindle what we had. Well that's stereotypical. It's just FOMO from watching Sex and the City (or whatever the zoomer equivalent is) and thinking the dating life is more glitz and glamour than it actually is.
Ryder Jenkins
not that guy but i haven't been able to replicate your results despite years of trying
turn in your diploma, trickster
Julian Powell
Have you actually been praying?
Tyler Davis
>but we went on a break Here's the lesson for next time; this always means she found someone new that she wants to fuck instead of you, but wants the option to come back if it doesn't work out. If you agree to a "break," you've already lost her.
Next time, either make a stink about it and force her to dump you if she wants to try some strange (this'll change the risk assessment for her), or just let her go as soon as it comes up with the understanding that she wanted to cheat on you and was stupid enough to indicate this to you.
Justin Clark
my ex did the same shit to me it's not your fault user
Carter Walker
>and now SHE'S BLOWING MY PHONE UP trying to re-kindle what we had. Only a two word reply to her: Get fucked.
> will this happen to me with every gf? Will they dump me at the first sign of chad becoming interested? Yes. Not only you, it's not that you're specially bad, it'll happen to pretty much all of us. Dumb bitches are always hunting for some guy who is (or at least) seems better and more exciting. Anyway user, hope you realize she was cheating on you before the breakup, only taking one week to have another guy makes it very clear.
Lucas Hall
All men should go gay if they have a high IQ. Women are worse
Brayden Jones
Science doesn't exist? What are you talking about user?
Adam Fisher
have you ever heard of a coincidence? also you would need literally thousands of samples, not one. also like that other user said, assuming that prayer doesn't always work, that means that the effectiveness of prayer is unfalsifiable, so it is obviously not scientific.
Hudson Parker
This guy won't even run an experiment because he's too wrapped up in his own asshole. God isn't a genie. Prayer is a conversation. You will get an answer.
Isaiah Russell
You haven't run a scientific experiment retard, you clearly know nothing about science. Praying a few times doesn't constitute scientific method, and finding out that sometimes nothing happens, but sometimes what you prayed for happens, does not constitute scientific results. You have not provided any evidence towards causation as opposed to correlation, and the study has not proved that things would have happened differently had you not prayed. What don't you understand about this? How can you possibly think that your "experiment" is scientific?