Evidence that Tahlia and BrendioEEE got married

So, Tahlia is officially married to the jubilee incel BrendioEEE, both of them have respectively posted about this and it's pretty brutal

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Other urls found in this thread:


Part 1: Tahlia makes accounts centred around being married to BrendioEEE after the two were exposed for being together on Brendio's forums, and he admitted he was going to marry her - everyone initially things this is Tahlia LARPing to cope

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On this twitter nearly every tweet is about subservience to Brendio or debating women about that subservience, she even gave up twitter for "lent" as per Brendio's request because people started tryin to warn her the relationship was unhealthy

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Part 2: BrendioEEE confirms the marriage yesterday in an internet argument where people on looksmax kept asking if Tahlia was his wife, to which he in fact confirmed they are now a married couple

In all posts BrendioEEE switched from calling Tahlia his fiance to calling her his wife

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Part 3: Photographic evidence

In a debate about the colour of Tahlia's hair and skin tone BrendioEEE posted a photo of Tahlia, where in the background you can see she is in a house that is not at all the same as where she lived in her videos.

Attached: 2020-03-19.jpg (750x1000, 76.53K)

In conclusion, Tahlia is officially married. Just like she wanted. Lots of orbiters are probably unhappy cause it's not them but just remember that this has always been her dream

i love tahlias thighs and monkey face so much!

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This fat autistic retard got laid and I didn't. Just lol.

That is kasper, not Tahlia. Though they have similar hair so it makes sense why you'd mix them up

This is Tahlia

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Not just laid, married and the truest form of love and obsession from a girl that any man has ever gotten

Is this real? IDK if some user made it as a joke but there are actual donations on there

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No it's real, I spoke with Tahlia in dms and she was homeless for quite a bit

This is how she got the passport to move in with Brendio. Imagine having a girl literally go homeless to get with you

Attached: Passport.png (781x256, 70.66K)

>the words of two mentally ill LARPers
>an obvious selfie in what could just be a different room or a friend's house


Also let's not pretend this situation will be anything close to what she dreamed of. It's like one of those things where a asshole genie grants your wish but corrupts it.
>I want to get married!
>Your wish is granted, you will be married to an obese feckless NEET with gyno who will never be able to provide for you or your children and makes no effort to become a better man and stop posting porn and gore for online e-cummies and will in all likelihood become abusive
Poor girl. There's a reason every single person who looks at this scenario says it's a bad idea. He's not the trad husbando she thinks he is, he just repeats Yas Forums infographics, her life with him isn't going to be a dream, it'll be a nightmare.
And that's assuming he's well intentioned but just incompetent, not even the likely scenario that he's purposely taking advantage of a desperate and mentally ill girl.

Imagine giving a shit about this cunts hair color. Shit brown. There.

why would she marry such an ugly ass dude. genes = wrecked. their kids gonna look like gorillas.

I have some discord dm leaks of her talking about him if anyone is interested. Here she talks about the sacrifice she made to leave everything she knows in pursuit of love

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oh, my bad! im new here! i love kasper pig nose! she is so pretty!

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I guess people were so mean to her on here they lowered her self esteem to worship the ground he walks on

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Brendio is delusional if he thinks shes actually pure. Like if shes worshipping you so quickly and doing all this stuff for you, and was like this with every guy before. Many guys before I should add. Combine this with her having an IRL relationship for MONTHS, its quite obvious shes not pure. And its obvious why there isnt proof, but he keeps demanding it. Ignorance is bliss

>Imagine having a girl literally go homeless to get with you
I just don't understand what this fat cunt did to deserve a girl like her being so devoted to him. It's not like he proved himself with some profound act of kindness towards her or anything, she fucking orbited him. I am not being boastful, I am just stating facts, but I am better than him in every way, yet I am 25 and have never had such interest from a girl. I have literally lived my life up until this point trying to become the kind of man who would be worthy of a girl like her.
I believe all the trad stuff he purports to, but I actually stepped up and became the kind of man who can support a wife, financially, emotionally, morally and spiritually.
He has none of this, he's literally just a fat whiny NEET who makes edgy posts on an incel forum and wants a virgin gf because he's paranoid about being cucked.

I give up.
At first I thought women like her just didn't exist, but knowing they exist and are WASTED on people like him is so much worse. This has been the single most soul-crushing event of my life. This is going to drive me to suicide, I can't fucking stand it.

I'm morbidly curious. Please share more.

That is so fucking ridiculous it's kind of unbelievable. How much of a fucking clown world this is. Makes me want to chew my fucking hands off

This is so fucking sad.
This poor, poor girl.

I feel bad for cheesy

Where's this from?
I always like how she calls herself Daisy, it's so fucking cute

>everyone hated her online
Only sees what she wants to

Fucking hell, she is going to get abused bad.

This. I spent YEARS trying to build her up and help her, obviously it was useless.

Nobody cares about your reality show, Tahlia. Sage this crap. No wonder r9k is so crappy now.

You're gonna chew your hands off for some roastie?

discord conversations with her when I tried to convince her that her bf isn't right for her

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>he treats me the kindest anyone has ever treated me

That's a pretty low bar, basically he just didn't constantly call her an ugly whore.

I wish I didn't care.
I wish I'd never become so attached to such a silly self destructive girl, it's brought me nothing but anguish.

Statistically everyone who is fat will regain the weight. Like a 5 percent chance of actually staying thin. And he isnt even thin considering how short he is

Dude if she was a roastie nobody would give a fuck

Quite literally that is her reasoning

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She is though. Its literally all a LARP to attract a incel celebrity that she has the hots for at the moment. Look at her dating patterns. Its why she can do these mental gymnastics about him

Question for the fags talking non-stop about random girls found in Discord: what makes this worth talking about? That curiosity of what will happen next can be emulated with series, movies and anime instead of dicking in the life of others.

I dont get how people can be this addicted to internet gossip about discord nobodies.

That's e-girls for you. You may post about how beautiful they are, how interesting they seem and how much you want to befriend them, yet all they will acknowledge are the posts calling them ugly cunts. You have to get lucky to squeeze your way into their circle and get constant replies, climbing up the ladder into her inner circle where most of 'em have shit like their personal instagram, their own discord server or other platforms where only their top orbiters (which they call friends) are allowed.
If for some reason you become friends with them and call them pretty and are kind, they will only thank you by saying how meaningless that is and that it doesn't matter since they are "ugly cunts", conveniently ignoring all anons and robots and orbiters trying to befriend them.
Bottom line is they're all fucked in the head and all they truly want is attention and drama and collect orbiters from whom they can receive the attention they need and bitch to about how nobody likes them.
Think about it. Think about your favorite e-girl, and you will see how they are ALL like this.

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Not to mention her perception of what kindness is is probably pretty warped.

It's easy to put on the trappings of kindness and tell a miserable, desperate girl some sweet platitudes about how everything will be okay, but that is just empty bullshit, it isn't a real act of kindness and doesn't demonstrate a real care for her wellbeing.

The people who are telling her harsh truths about the ridiculous and dangerous situation she's got herself into are the ones showing true kindness and care for her.

>just be slightly nice and then a girl worships you

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Thats not true. Look at how many orbiters befriend egirls to get nudes or use them by calling them nice names to earn trust. How can you know whos real and whos fake?

Me neither, user, me neither. At least simps used to play vidya years ago, so they weren't 100% uninteresting idiots shitting up the board.

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Has she actually been treated as badly by everybody as she says she has, or does she just have a very selective perception?

Who the fuck is this girl and fat faggot? Why are you all worshipping some stupid worthless loser girl? Fuck you.

Honestly, a lot of the threads about her are filled with negativity. There are the odd kind comments but I can see how she can see it as an overall negative

I simply refuse to believe nobody else has ever been nice to her.

This is the guy:

This is the girl:

of course people are intererested in the two biggest male and female incel ecelebs getting married

It's fucking Yas Forums, and Yas Forums at that. I'm sure she's familiar with the culture.

Maybe not nobody but most people have been brutal towards her from what I've seen

>my life has been nothing but complete and utter misery

do these bitches even have the slightest grasp on reality?
She was fed, housed, educated and had a family, even if an overprotective one, but people who would look after her. Does she know what misery is?
Boo fucking hoo, strangers on the internet on god damned incel forums calling her awkward looking and a whore, the other half simping and white knighting her. What a fucking tragedy, what a disgrace and pitiful life she has led.
I am fucking mad at this level of stupidity and mental incompetence and self sabotaging, I swear to God if you slit my carotid you'll get a shot of boiling blood to the eye.
Misery, fucking hell.

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Not really dude, she has always been sensitive to it as evidenced by how she'd have huge mental breakdowns everytime a thread was made about her

Hi Tahlia

>Her closest relative commited suicide when she was 17
>She was brutally bullied and assaulted at school when she was 13
> Her parents weren't overprotective, they did a lot of fucked up shit to her that she talked about on incels.co when she was pretending to be male (user A_Broken_Person)
> bullied online as well as maintaining this shitty homelife
> severe social anxiety

women can have hard lives too if you look past your internet brainrot

mental breakdowns every day?

Back when she had youtube, yes. Always crying and begging Yas Forums to stop lmao

I wish she'd just find a nice man from her country.
She's a pretty girl, regardless of what she may think, and there are plenty of guys out there who want a girl with her values, if she'd just keep going to church she'd find one pretty easily.

I bet she rides his dick every night. Orbiters and simps btfo.

Funny how all her ex boyfriends turn out evil right?

This guy officially lifemogs everyone to oblivion

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Not really, she has always spoken fondly of cheesy

But a lot of them actually are because as you can see she attracts controlling people since she is very easily controlled

Sup Tahlia, daily reminder that deep down you know you are wasting your life away literally for the memes and internet bullies.

>if she'd just keep going to church she'd find one pretty easily
I personally know about half a dozen young men from my church who want a girl like her and frequently lament how hard it is to find one. They're all good, kind men too, who pray for a girl like her to come into their lives. I don't know if she lives in Queensland, but if not they could all afford to move her here on short notice and house her, because on top of being kind and moral men of God, they are also FUCKING EMPLOYED.

I'm not her but keep coping. It's 9:20 pm in LA right now so she is probably getting ready for bed, or some late night tendie time with Brendio

Why not stay with cheesy, he was decent especially compared to brendio. I wonder how he's doing now

>Not really, she has always spoken fondly of cheesy
That poor cunt has to be on literal suicide watch right now

Sometimes relationships just don't work out sadly

But fleeing half the world away for some overweight incel will work out better?
Such sound logic, very impressed.

I wish somebody could talk some sense into her, but he's made sure she won't trust anybody besides him.

Yes, which is why betting your entire life on moving to the other side of the world on the assumption that a relationship will work out is a really dumb idea.

this seems like a larp. not because of the individuals involved, but because the way it played out is so fantastical.

Fucking hell
