Fembot, give a excuse as to why you aren't looking like this 100% of the time

Fembot, give a excuse as to why you aren't looking like this 100% of the time

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As I see you are encryptively defrauding me as attempts to defraud me adheres as attacks at me as leftists trying to defraud me are charged as enemies of the United States Government and have to return to their country for trying to defraud me

Wish I could, if I had a husband I absolutely would, and not stop till menopause prevented it.

Got to secure a good place first. Also I am afraid that my child will turn into hellspawn.

I really would like one though. I would want to have many of them so I could remake my family. I do not care if I die in progress.

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as a guy i wish women like existed irl


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my our lord and savior jesus provide many children for you

Being alive scares me, so if I had a kid it would make me committ suicide. I would get birth control.

You asked, theres the explanation

I dont think chicks drink enough to get a beer gut like that, I mean even if they did drink a crazy amount, they'd probably just get crazy health issues bro.

Too much of a human reject to be biologically capable of reproducing.

you can't have kids or you choose not to?

Because I want to get pregnant out of love for my unborn child and husband, not because some controlling creepy dude has an pregnancy fetish.

wait, are you literally infertile or?

im jerking off thinking about you being pregnant in a loving relationship
and you cant stop me

Only time they look like this is after getting dumped by Tyrone

there was a femanon a couple weeks ago that really wanted babies but she was barren
i dont get feels that much any more but that is a really bad feel, she just wanted a cute baby man

does adoption work in that case in any way

that probably helps but im sure its never going to be the same as having your own kid

>its never going to be the same as having your own kid
i know
if i had a partner who is barren i would definetely adopt kids with her tho

>I'm waiting to have chad's babies and I'm going to waste my life waiting

At firsr, I was actually kind of torn between wanting to have kids and staying childless even if I ever found someone to marry, but it turned out that I have underlying health problems that would cause complications during pregnancy. There are chances that my child will suffer from the same illness as I do.

well thats not a reason for not having a child
i was a complicated pregnancy myself

that's shit, but do you want babies or not?

>there are mommy femanons reading my posts
im s-sorry for being mean m-mommy

im a man and my mother had a complicatied pregnancy carrying me

Wanted to, but not anymore. Besides, I don't want my future child to be miserable for having such a disease. It's kind of ironic though since I was pretty good with handling kids.

i read that wrong and now i feel stupid
fuck you bro i want to talk to a mommy femanon why you have to ruin it

its not miserable, its life
you shouldnt do this to yourself
your future kids has right to exist and im sure you would be a wonderful mother

im sorry you cant have babies
here is a hug

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shut up simp. being a mother is a responsibility, not a right.

no, you shut up incel, being a mother is a right and a duty to every girl

I would love it but I was born with malformed ovaries, I will never be able to have children and this makes me very sad and aimless

being pregnant all the time and having too many kids would hinder my ability to be the best mother i can be to raise them as I literally would not have the time to give them the attention they deserve while caring for the younger ones
it would deprive the older ones of a childhood as theyd always be caring for their siblings
that said I want to have as many kids as I can manage (time and finance wise) while still being the best mother i can be

>i work a minimum wage job
>i am in uni
>dont have the means of raising a child who wont be fucked in the head currently exe dee
give me a few years so i can raise a kid who isnt gonna be fucked in the head cause their mom regretted having them when they did

Why I it the infertile fembots that want children?

I'm waiting to have chad's babies and I'm going to waste my life waiting. Fuck non-alphas they deserve death!

thats a meme
its perfectly possible to be a good mother in that case, its just very time and emotion consuming
kids having more obligations builds character and makes them appreciate free time more
besides ive never heard of a person who regrets having his/her siblings

Can we marry now so when you're ready we can get making those babies?

so like 3 kids a couple years apart?

i come from a big family so you writing this makes me sad
>but we can be better now and we know better now. we can raise happier more functional children using developmental science as a basis
this seems like a rather untrue statement seeing how shite our current society is

dude women can have so many children over a lifetime and doing so DOES impede their ability to be a good mother. you have no idea how time consuming and exhausting newborns are. its not a time or emotion problem its a physical problem. the body can only strain itself so much. people used to do it and the kids turned out fine because humans are resilient and they had lots of help but we can be better now and we know better now. we can raise happier more functional children using developmental science as a basis.
I dont want my kids to be raised by a nanny and while i do believe that kids having more obligations builds character, there is a limit and there are aspects of motherhood that children cannot in lieu of their mother.

and yeah likely but if I have more resources, my body reacts well to pregnancy, and i'm able to be a stay at home mom i'd definitely love to have more. i love children and im very good with them. ive taken care of very large groups of children before no problem and ive been able to form loving bonds with all of them

I regret having my siblings

from personal experience i dont see what you write as being true
kids from big families usually turn out fine, while "developmental science" and "being better" in the modern era is usually producing a most fucked up generation weve ever seen

>Got to secure a good place first.

I got a place for you right here, bitch. In my big, strong, loving, protective arms for the rest of our lives

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Because I prefer being free, not being fat and ugly, being able to drink and getting to sleep around and have fun.

what if you were just one of the wives then? then you'd could have kids in shifts and take care of the kids

ok we need to get you pregnant asap

>i come from a big family so you writing this makes me sad
i'm talking about mothers who would be literally constantly pregnant back in the day. it would often take an extreme toll on their bodies. I dont know how big your family is but you probably dont have 15 or more siblings. and i'm sure your mother loved you and raised you as best she could i wouldnt fault anyone for wanting more children to impart love onto
>this seems like a rather untrue statement seeing how shite our current society is
thats because people dont do it. people are having more unwanted children now because of "sexual liberation" or whatever the fuck and children are being born into broken homes even more than they were before. i think people should need a fucking licensee before theyre allowed to have kids. its the most important and meaningful thing you can do with your life

No one will have sex with me let alone be the father of my child.

fuck this the family unit needs to be protected at all costs and children deserve to have two parents who love each other and can model a healthy happy relationship to their children not some fucked up harem

just two I'm not asking for much here

>it would often take an extreme toll on their bodies
my grandma was one of over 10 children and they were all fine, i dont know anything about my greatgrandma being messed up
>I dont know how big your family is but you probably dont have 15 or more siblings
theres a lot of us in the houshold, but no, because my mom had troublesome pregnancies and could hardly have us
>i think people should need a fucking licensee before theyre allowed to have kids
you are a disgusting and a wicked person then

developmental science isnt being used to raise this generation. this is a generation of children born from "sexually liberated" men and women who probably seriously considered aborting them, not families who coveted the pregnancy and care deeply about their family unit
also because of the advent of the internet, everyone is spewing fake pseudoscientific garbage and women are having their kids suck on crystals instead of vaccinating them and trying all sorts of weird fucked up methods of child rearing rather than trusting already tested science

you are an evil evil person

>>i think people should need a fucking licensee before theyre allowed to have kids
alright i dont actually believe this i was exaggerating
i do think everyone has rights to have a family its literally the fundamental driving force behind all life. I just think people have a far too callous attitude of the gravity of bringing another life into the world.
Again, it works out fine because we're resilient, but I personally want to do every fucking thing i can for my children. I had a kinda bad childhood despite having access to a lot of resources so maybe thats why. I want to give my children what i never had

I'm literally the favorite teacher at my daycare center I'm the one who plays with and gives a shit about the kids the most, i just see what some of them go through with parents who dont care enough. ive had to report some bad shit before and it scares me

No offense but sexuality has nothing to do it, I'm asexu#al and would abort my baby because I dont like sex.

People only keep pregnancies because they just happen to be pregnant, because they dont stop the life script.
>inb4 as*exuals dont exist everyone is addicted to sex and is having sex right now

If I have to get pregnant. You have to get a well paying job. No other way around it.

Awh... You guys can be nice sometimes!

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I wish I was a woman instead. Doing a literal caveman thing that even white trash in a trailer park can do is so much easier than getting and maintaining a well paying job.

>I'm asexu#al and would abort my baby because I dont like sex
I totally respect that but what does the baby have to do with your sex drive
>People only keep pregnancies because they just happen to be pregnant
I 100% agree with that, they got pregnant by accident so they just have the kid. i'm saying that can sometimes lead to a bad situation for the kid if the parents dont love each other