Based russkiy femanon here to help you escape "inceldom" AMA you wonder about girls, fears or any tips you want from me.To be honest I don't think about that thing with inceldom, I just think some people were rised bad, fell into addictions that affected them, had mistreated and didn't had the opportunites that others had to become something on short they are victims of the system that must to be helped not mocked.

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I just want to lick the buttholes of sexy teen girls

what does your russian pussy smell like

Tell us femanon , why is it all so tiresome?

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Enjoy AIDS
Weak leaderahip and exploitation of the people I guess

Is that so? Then can you disprove the blackpill? The notion that each and every women have a biological aversion to inferior men and that for that reason incels will always exist? Keep in mind that such is not a personality trait, it's biological, it's like breathing, you can't decide not to breath, i don't really blame any women i just blame nature.

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No femanon , why is this social game so tiresome? Playing these funny little games with each other , mental battles , why arent people just honest and say what they really want . They instead expect others to flex their brain implying that the person cares , but to what good ? Its just torture and it demoralises people .

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Blackpill?More like Fakepill, everybody is different, all our brains are different, absolutely nobody is the same, some are looking for superior, some for inferior, some for cash, some for personality, some for inteligence etc...If it was like this every woman would be now up on UFC fighters and football player or any big sportive even if they had luck or not.

hey so how is ukraine doing these days\

and have you ever heard of revengestar?

I'm decent looking enough to get matches on tinder/bumble and talk enough to get their numbers/want them to meet up.

How do I overcome the fear? I always make an excuse like
>I don't look as good irl as I do my pictures
>my hair doesn't look good today

Why Ruskie girls like this board so much?

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Are u a whore?

For this I would blame the lack of education, unconsiousness, anxiety and current pop culture that pushes people to become mindless disgusting fuckers for both genders, in my opinion we're the worst generation, we're so unprepared for life, have so many obstacles, no matter how developed we are physically we're mentally like children unless we learnt from our mistakes and experiences.

Unconsciousnes and anxiety can be reasons too, some are doing that kind of stupid games just to force you to show more feelings or such shit.

Current pop culture is another reason since we're not all having good loving families from which to take role models so we're forced to find some, as children of course we're going to look at the famous ones which sadly are the worst role models for us.

I talked with some of my relatives about such things and they were amazed n shocked for them happening, on their times during the Commies such things didn't happened, for example some my grandfather and grandmother just said to eachother they like eachother at 14 years old and ended up to marry and have first child at 17 years old, they never had such troubles or cheat on eachother even when my grandmother was at the end of Soviet Union and my grandfather home or my grandfather that was deployed in Afghanistan.Back then there was no hoe or fuckboi culture in SSSR, people were educated to have families and seek for love not status or such shit, yet look at the Soviet Boomers having 5-12 kids at young ages meanwhile nowdays people barely have a dog at 40 years old.

Wow, you know a lot about this stuff. You should be my gf, we can bring back the USSR if we combine our power levels.

Is you hair fucking green? That's vile. I a tranny chaser at this point pretty much so you can't help me.

Do you have a discord? I want to discuss this further

pretty bad, instability, poverty, fanatical banderism, war in the east that's not far away from ethnic cleansing because of banderism plague, I don't hate Ukraine, I love it and wish there was peace and I'm sorry for their troops and families which deserves better but despite their bandera faggots and government because of attacking innocents, forcing into army ethnic minorites from the West Ukraine and having genocidal tendiences

also no, who's that and for what is he/she known?

You don't have why to have a fear because the girl that you're going to meet has the same fear as you maybe even bigger since after all you're both new persons in eachothers lives and you both don't want to fail, you could try to do a mind game with yourself and think like she is some kind of male friend to reduce that fear

desu don't know
nah, i barely had 3 BFs and haven't done anything sexual with no dude

i'm too tomboyish, too top to become somebody's gf also my future plans I guess are a huge heavy wall against a relationship since I have some weird plans for the future as a girl by getting my ass into being a paratrooper

nope it isn't green it's actually light blue to look something like my eyes and for fun like being a paratrooper mascot since they have blue berets and a tank top called telnyashka with light blue colors, idk I'm just obsessed with being that all because of my uncle which brought me into this since he was a paratrooper too

sadly no

>too top to become somebody's gf
>tfw no dominant USSR-loving VEH DEH VEH gf

>being a paratrooper
for which country comrade?

>has the same fear as you maybe even bigger
this isn't true because roasties have a smorgasboard of guys to pick from

can i take your virginity russian fembot?

Russia if I fail I have some other options
we're talking about girls, not roasties, they're actually fucked up in head till all their neurons and feelings died, they're legally retarded no longer sane

Why do ukrainian girls assume that guys think they are whores and arent open to even have s conversation. Possibly Im creepy but I do get this vibe from them

I will kidnap you during the corona happening. I will paratroop from the skies into your bedroom.

I never geard about this before
You're going to be shot up the troops deployed or fall into the apartment of one of my neighbors which are going to beat your for breaking their windows and being on their property

I will shoot them first the troops can't detect single men flying only big jets. your neighbors will thank me for removing their bad neighbor girl who never feeds their cats.

hey op want to marry me and get burgerstan citizenship?

i sympathize with banderism, which is just wanting the nation of ukraine to be strong. i think they are probably lied about, but even if massacres took place in the way that it is present in one of the anti-banderite historical narratives, the cause is still just imo. the only way you can resist foreign domination is through the disciplining and guiding of a nationalist ukrainian generation, who are organized in a distinctly ukrainian way, and who want to see ukraine be strong, and are themselves strong enough to take the necessary action to meaningfully address the problems that exist.
but there is a difference between making yourself stronger and making others weaker so you are stronger by comparison. i don't know the context of what happened, but generally i like ukrainian nationalism.

revengestar is someone who talks about this sort of thing, black pill topics and so forth. she's on youtube. i thought you might've been her.

no and no I don't like the way Burgerstan feels like
I'm not that kind of person that supports it's country even when it does wrong but Banderists as I said are a plague since their beginning, the so called "help" for their country had been done through genocides of innocent people that were minorites from which even children and women, lots of non-Ukrainians suffered from that, luckily some found refugee in Romania like the Polish people, even today they had done several crimes against POWs and bombing civilians in East, people that after all share the same nationality like them, if you give them freedom it's going to be even worse.

why not? i'm based
and burgerstan is uhhh
okay enough

Okay how about this
can i marry you and move to russia? i like snow and bears

Where does girls (not roasties) hang out? Be careful with your answer because Yas Forums and maybe the rest of the internet will follow.

I would marry you, if it meant getting a ticket and a life in ukraine.

why are you posting here when you got the perfect eye area for a girl?

fucking stacies

Sadly there's no specific place for non-roasties to hangout, even churches now are filled with roasties.
What Ukraine has to do with Russia?I live in the Northwest District of Russia which is away from Ukraine
I guess just helping people also I'm actually average looking and just a punk girl not an stacy or even an egirl as others said ://

what sort of guys are you into? For some reason russians/ukrainians always like (good looking) turkish/arab guys

Fuck, i don't know, i would marry you to live in russia, that's even better, anything to get away from here.

Any list of interests that aren't exclusively girl related to facilitate making common grounds? I am so disconnected from the rest of society I struggle with that.

From a Russian girl's perspective, how fucking retarded does woke culture in the west look to you?

do you support putin?

do you support gay/trans rights? ethnic minority rights?

do you want to get out of russia? are you thinking of using the internet to make money?

I like only European guys especially the East ones that are aggressive, protective, jokers, sporty, edgy looking, with dark or blue eyes, pale white skin, that knows how to dress and have a defined body for ex pic related also that's not true only the gold diggers are into them.
but what's wrong with your place
i could say many could be similar also to dudes like video games also here a list which are from what I like and noticed other friends of mine like
>bmx trick shits
>music producing (its damn easy you can make beats on FL Studio with samples and girls will love them I also do when I'm bored 808 shit since im too braindead for guitar)
>dressing good
>cooking (since we cant always make a sandwich
>collecting stuff like crystals
>paranormal things
>dancing (desu some dancing moves can make you interesting to other girls when its a time to dance)

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when learning to fish you dont ask a fish for advice, you ask a fisherman

What type of psychology do women like? I don't think they want to hear about my adventures digging through hundreds of pages of personality disorder textbooks.

Very very very retarded and pathetic and unusual for nowdays when everything is alright there is barely sexism and racism or such shit
Yes I do support Putin he took this country from scratches and turned it into something in few years, he did a lot of good and of course Russia looks in some parts like shit when we're biggest mofoking country on Earth and we can't modernize every single city

Yes I do support them since they're inoffensive (some) and I'm a bi too after all, but I don't support gender switching because it hurts people with time and the only ones that wins from that are the companies winning money from those surgeries or pride parades that i find useless and sometimes even degenerate and innapropiate for the public

Kind of yes, kind of not after all life is kinda short so why should I live only in one place when I could live in more, I'd like to see how's living in West especially that I have relatives there

Yes like from Instagram modeling just showing outfit ideas that my brain pops out, art making or making music on bandcamp and soundcloud since they're a passion of mine and internet offers me an opportunity to make money from what I like.

Also gonna jump to sleep but I'll respond to questions when I wake up

Thanks user I hope you find a good ruskie and have many children.

What do you think of simps?

Nothing to do withy ukraine, i just love eastern europe and i hate brazil so i would marry anyone and move elsewhere unless it is another brown third world shithole.

Real talk; where do I meet new people without a lot of commitment. Everyone always says volunteering or take a class

but a fisherman doesn't knows much better than a fish what a fish likes
Well literally anything from psychology would be interesting, I'm going just to say from my experience
>basic disorder things and how you identify them from people's behavior
>reading people's faces or eyes
for ex you can tell by the eyes who's somehow normal having "pleasant" and "soul" looking eyes, who's autist by having souless childish innocent eyes, who's whore by having souless tired/bored type looking eyes , who's a sociopath by having the upper part of the pupil is covered and there's the bottom white part of the eye is more visible than to other people
>manipulation techniques (but kind of risky in my opinion if you share idk)
>hallucination things (just theory better don't try any drug)
>calming and always understanding people on psychological way like why they done that and blah blah why are they like that

of course he does. why then do the fish keep falling for bait?

Thanks you too it's been my pleasure ;D
I find them as disturbing as creeps and very annoying ahdhdhshagagsg but not when they give cash for absolutely nothing but still annoying how some men can be, idk men that aren't manly mentally in general annoys me, nobody can be manly enough physically but st least be mentally and know common sense and don't degrsde yourself that bad, that would be my bonus message to them ://
look at the good part you have nice beaches, but desu if you want money stay away from east europe not a place where you can make lots of money that's why we have such a big diaspora
The best in my opinion could be pubs especially alternative ones, festivals, concerts, events, shops with stuff that you're interested into could be also good, shows, maybe public transport but here you need a really good reason to interact with some people and could be kinda weird and always be styled and smell good to attract people's attention, if you're like that on the first 4 if you're alone you could attract random people to befriend with you.I have a friend that went all alone in Sweden and ended up to befriend with lots in a pub according to him.

>basic disorder things
no. I don't want to learn about hot pockets. I want to learn about the farthest extremes because everything else is boring. It's trauma disorders or bust.

Is FSB part of the MO?

There are no Incels in your snownigger country because Russian men take what they want in regards to girls and are taught to do so from a young age

This is a problem exclusive to the West, nowhere else

>nobody can be manly enough physically

GigaChad, colorised

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Why does every femanon have dozens of orbiters and how can I find one who doesn't?
>inb4 try normie girls
I did but they don't like me.

I don't care, i wouldn''t even marry you as i don't even know what you're talking about and it would have failed before i could even get a foothold in the country.-

Mate I grew up in Russia and let me tell you, there are definitely a bunch of kids that had potential to be incels. I think you've been watching too many dashcam videos.

The most retarded post I've seen on here.
t. Russian

EOT, I think she is into me because she constantly gets into my personal space and gets nervous around me. You know, all the gesture and body language BS. But she is older than me, by 2-3 years. Should I confront her, and if yes, how do I do that in these tiresome times?

God bless Stepan Bandera. I really hope the Ukrainians do physically remove the Russians occupying the Ukraine, they deserve it for the Famine Genocide.