shill, share, shitpost
Creative robots general
Other urls found in this thread:
i reviewed a manga
Here's my version of a song called "Alal me" (?), courtesy of a youtube recommendation. Glad I let it play.
Old demo/unfinished song from previous thread:
I drew flower
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA that's it, have a good day.
I like it, fren.
It's been really long since I managed to shoot something decent. I guess society has killed my soul
Here's some older stuff if you'd like to check:
user... Adding some panels from the manga wouldn't hurt, right?
Very nice. How long does it take to learn how to play the guitar? At least on average level, to play some of the songs I like.
>user... Adding some panels from the manga wouldn't hurt, right?
im exceedingly lazy
Depends if you're going to do it by yourself using online resources or go to a teacher, Also depends on what type of music you want to play and how much are you willing to practice.
Basic normalfag/boomer songs? Couple of months
Autistic technical stuff/proper classical stuff? Years.
Impressive work user. I like the architectural shots especially. Keep up the great work!
Cool photos you got there fren, who dis nigga?
As I see you are encryptively defrauding me as attempts to defraud me adheres as attacks at me as you try to signal for hispanics to defraud me to adhere of attacks at Jews as you try to adhere of leftists to attack Jews to agitate them to attack me as you try to frame me as a Jew and as Satan as you adhere of SS encryption to attack me framed as a satanic Jew for others to attack me as you try to frame Africans schemers on this site as robots as they don't have ammmution as they are enemies of the United States Government
w-what am i reading user?
What is possibly the most committed performance art ever done.
even more than that guy who smile meditated for hours on end even when he was broken into?
post more shit, fags.
Still taking a break from music. Started painting and that's going alright. I'll post a photo another time. Now it's way too dark to take one
took some photos a little while ago, looking forward to spring and summer
stupid doodle i made
Made a collection of alt-rap beats that turns ambient near the end.
Needs visuals, nobody has any attention span these days, nobody will tolerate a still image. Good effort though keep up the work and youll get better at narrating and such.It took me a solid 2 years before my narration became good. Work on making a video aspect of it too. Keep practicing and researching and youll get good
Hi Rero. How're the pictures going?
I haven't done anything significant as of lately. Maybe I should make a video. Would you anons be interested in some rambles about whatever?
Still have yet to pirate ableton also, I have so much free time, yet I keep forgetting.
Enjoy another one of my "drawings"
that is a very pretty picture. the colors are gorgeous
I have to draw my own fucking GFs
here's the last thing i drew. i'm going to work on the coloring tonight
thanks user, i try my best
wish i could take more but the weather is so volatile over here
why does the vagina look like it isn't even a hole
she has pants on
oh i didn't notice
a bumpity bump
bumping with some shit i posted on s4s
I suck ass REEEEEE
where do you post?
this is a parody on fashwave
made some fan art of a new cartoon I like, really anxious to post it on Yas Forums since I usually get flamed for posting lol
I'm into videography, I wish more people would watch tho.
I tried my hand at drawing Paz from MGS. I think it turned out pretty well.
it's an anonymous board so you have nothing to lose. post it, bitch
Nice! Better than what I can do
>tfw trying to become a drawfag but it's a very painful experience because it will probably be a very long time before anything isn't completely hideous
Pretty cool desu. Good luck with your channel.
Honestly it just take practice. This is what I drew at the end of January. You can probably draw better than that.
basically nowhere. only on various boards around here every once in a while, if it fits
how do you guys retain the motivation to be creative (or draw, to be specific)?
For drawing and playing the piano I just force myself to do it.
I've really wanted to script a video for months, but I've been completely unable to think of an idea.
fear of being 30 and being as good as I was when I was 16
seeing drawings by people who are much more skilled than i am usually inspires me to get out my tablet and practice. i typically try to figure out why certain things look as good as they do and see if i can do something similar myself. it doesn't always work out but it's a good motivator
i quoted the wrong person. was meant for
I'm just bored so I didn't put much effort into this
i guess that's just the most logical approach to it, but i haven't been able to draw in a few days which feels like an eternity when it's usually all i do and all i really have going for me. i think i just need to stop playing vidya and idling.
rappers, how do i stop repeating phrases when freestyling? and how do i find better flows?
bump hehehehe
Writers, how do I stay committed?
Every time I write, I feel like there's no use because I would never get noticed.
I don't usually get feedback but i'll love to, i'm starting to playing keyboard.
>Ambient music + Narrative
Excuse my bad pronunciation in the song, English is not my first language
Bump for interest
in a original way ofc
Well show us something you did put effort into then ;-)
based also want creativity to survive but have no creativity to offer :(
>tfw not just bad but offensively bad
oh god
its weird one depends whos teaching you i can give you a crash course now that will skip alot of the long winded bullshit they'll try to have you learn but it takes probably 2 years to get ok and to get the muscle memory completely and by 5 years you'll be quite good.