save our nans edition
first for trans rights
get that britfeel corona advice in the OP from now on
>whole team being redeployed due to Covid-19
Hope I keep my job, lads.
Anybody heard anything about when the supermarkets are gonna take measures against the locust hordes?
Penis in bussy
thats a horrible op image
Feel a bit too much like a Yas Forums thread posting links in the OP, but if the other lads think it's a good idea then fine fair enough
theve limited it to one item per person near me
Stocked up lads
wish i had a nice bf to hunker down with while everyone dies~
BREAKING: Number of COVID-19 deaths in Italy surpasses China
since we're living in the end times we need to make every wank really count lads
burger king only had the drive thru open so got the food that way. proper wumba lol.
Been into Tesco and the corner shop next to my flat for the past 4 days in a row and everytime they do not have any toilet roll. It's becoming a legitimate concern, what should I do? Do I make a Facebook and send an appeal to one of those community pages?
My flatmate saying she can get into supermarkets an hour early because she works for the NHS.
Say to her that's not really fair. Working for them shouldn't entitle you to better rights.
She said it's because she's more important than me. I say fuck off nobody is more so than anybody else. Especially when it comes to shopping rights.
Dumb cunt thinks because they worl for the nhs is a field totally unaffected by Coronavirus they are more important than others.
I tell her she's not more important than anybody else and getting to buy her frozen pizzas before anybody else only due to the company she works for is fucking ridiculous.
Arrogant dumb cunt. She is actually one of those dumb people that thinks because they got a 2.1 in a social science at uni they are clever.
She left the living room upset.
Hope she moves out soon.
gonna miss shoplifting from poundland, bros
>fresh produce aisles picked clean
>meal deal area and the pasty/Rustlers bit practically untouched
What's stopping me from just living off that then?
Imagine being so shit at handling an outbreak that your deathtoll overtakes the country where it started
oh yeah it's totally just inefficiency and nothing else
pretty sure if you died the average IQ would skyrocket up
buy tissues if you can
toilet roll has been wiped wherever i've been but they've still got tissues
Get used to cleaning your arse in the shower, or get a load of old clothes and cut them up into bum rags
So what, you're saying Italy has some kind of unique mutation of the virus that China doesn't?
If she could see you post about this on an anonymous website full of weirdos - I'm sorry to tell you this mate - she would laugh right in your face.
China have lied about their numbers though keep in mind, but this shows the death rate is a lot higher than people actually think. the virus is WORSE than people know.
Wanna know the even worse part? UK is following the exact same pattern Italy did. We will surpass chinas fake numbers too.
Well that's me without a job, entering the quaraNEET life for the foreseeable
no i'm saying their culture of touching each other, huge ageing population, the rate of transmission and the severity of the illness when infected is why they have such a huge spike in cases and not just italians running around cooking pasta in A&E instead of treating people you fucking mong
Same lad, lost my comfy job at the museum and art gallery. I'm fucked
what's cumming on a lasses face like?
Corner shop still has kitchen roll, but isn't that going to block the pipe?
>tilde is posting here again
For fucks sake. Getting sick of them all lads, driven out once before and still expect to be accepted.
woah will we really bro woahhhh crazy dude like fuego hahahahaha x
boring innit
finna wank to some Xev
Tilde is extremely womfy. Fuck off
well there it is lads. my friend got corona.
that's the first person i personally know to get it.
No that was just me soz buddy
Repost as it was just before thread migration. Bloodeh immigrunts
South Korea and Germany seem to be keeping deaths low? How?
>search "Tilde"
>1 result
>its yours
what the fuck are you blathering about
>nobody is more so than anybody else
Gonna have to side with her on this one. Not saying she is more important than you but human equality is a big lie.
Fookin gora bastids. We tekkin 'ovah cuntreh init
Germany arent testing people after they die.
Why not take advantage of the situation and get her to pick up bits and bobs that you need?
My brother works at Sainsbury's as a manager and he's been abusing the fuck out of being able to buy whatever he wants before anyone can get in.
Netflix to cut bitrate across Europe. Still can do HD and that just might be a bit more pixelated. Does that include us or what? Are we still bloodeh in Europe? For FUCK SAKE.
>good at hiding the true number of bodies
Who'da thunk it?
>won't be able to watch Better Call Saul in 4K any more
its over lads
>Bloomberg L.P. analyzed the reason for the low death rate in South Korea. South Korea experienced serious difficulties during the outbreak of MERS in 2015 due to a lack of test kits. Afterwards, the country approved rapid deployment of COVID-19 test kits, and now they are able to test more than 10,000 people a day. In neighboring Japan, only about 2,700 people in total have been tested for COVID-19 as of March 3. Officials in Seoul operate "drive-thru" testing stations for quick testing. Diagnostics company Seegene Inc. is also exporting its test kits to other countries including China, Europe and the USA.
>AFP attributed the factors behind the low death rate of South Korea to the rigorous testing and the infected population profile. South Korea's widespread testing leads mild or asymptomatic cases to be identified so the proportion of dying goes down. Moreover the infected population in the South Korea has a unique profile. Most of the country's infections are linked to the Shincheonji Church of Jesus and most of its members are young women. Statistics show that the virus is most deadly among older generations and men. So the death rate in South Korea is lower than other countries
mums practically on first name basis with the chinese food delivery driver
Off to go get some beers to celebrate, woo it's *checks calendar* thursday woo and that.
You can still watch it in 4K. The bitrate is being slashed not the resolution. Just might be a few more artifacts during dark scenes and that.
>Statistics show that the virus is most deadly among older generations and men
I wonder how long till ISPs start throttling?
Mum has forced nana into quarantine. Doubt my nan will keep to it though. She likes to dash about a lot but she's got it in her head that if she goes out the people at the reception won't let her back in so that's something.
Cunts better offer a discount if they're not giving me my 200MBps download speeds on my 200Mbps connection.
She is though mate, and they're going to stick anyone and everyone they can on the frontlines when they need to. Also those of us unlucky enough to work for these suddenly essential jobs don't get to chill at home for 3 months.
sound like a right daft old cunt. these are the people we are killing our economy for?
Brookfield wimble limiting users to 5 posts per thread due to the Corona virus Outbreak
minced on over to the co-op and all the boomers were back post-work trying to stock up despite none of their precious bog roll being back in
plenty of my choccy hobnobs in so I'm happy
Phwoar if give Emily attack a dose of my wlsilky white sperm on her face and tots TV
How is the virus changing your listening/watching/playing habits lads? For me, I am a boomer metal guy by trade, but I can't be doing with the anger, so i'm listening to really old delta blues stuff. It's so comfy listening to songs so old that even on Spotify the tracks have a light crackle and hiss underneath.
She is a daft old bat but she is 84. Nothing I can do about her really.
boris is gonna say tomorrow that only one porn video a day so essential workers can read emails
>Work in IT
>Ask boss why we're still coming in even though we can work from home
>He says he doesn't trust us
>What the fuck?
>Ask him what happens if someone in the office gets Covid-19
>He says he will send them home but we still have to come in unless we're sick ourselves
What the fuck? This is bullshit. I'm thinking of just staying off and if he asks I'll say I'm fucking protecting myself.
running low on toilet paper, i'm fucked
whereabouts are you lad?
this is an original question
I don't think it's going to change what I'm listening to but in terms of video games I'll get a lot more done working from home, it's good because for me will I need to be as available which means leaving the laptop on on and being able to take any calls to come through
not really gonna affect me an my 11Mb/s line
Some say Orpington is on lockdown. No gypsy movement for 15 days
Fucks sakes lads, fuming from the last ranked match from Siege, some Diamond lad dabbed on us silver plebs by going 25/5 on us whilst the rest of his team was being carried and kept acting like Eddie in the Text Chat, all whilst my fucking retarded mate is whining about how he can't do push to talk which we've had to implement as he's either singing like a mong, munching down on food or getting a blowie from his gf.
Fucking hell lads, shouldn't be seething like this.
This is absolutely going to decimate the traveller community in the UK
>Netflix to cut bitrate across Europe.
Nice one, raising the prices as well I hope. Mongs will pay for it regardless of the increasingly awful catalogue so may as well.
good, fucking gyppos
It's weird how some perfectly good items haven't been touched at all. I don't get how these panic buying mongs decide what to get, there doesn't seem to be any logic
going to go my local early tomorrow, I hope they have some in
do you think it's possible to phone my local stores and see when they have bog roll?
Pretty sure they did that weeks ago given my fucking viewing experience
here you go lad
>tl;dr: older patients and the way deaths are recorded
had the last two 2 pint milks from sainsburys, saw a little boy and his mum come up behind me, i didnt look at them but i could tell they were disappointed that there was no milk left. but fuck em i need milk for my coffee
hurry up with the pasta mummy I am hungry :(
>shops start closing, half people wearing surgical mask
>oil price going down at an alarming rate
is it the end for our country ? its not like it change much to my life since i'm a friendless loser whos only friend is online and abandonned him for other friends to masturbate with no friend no gf no job
fuck my life where is my plump when you feel down
I wouldn't bother them about it, I doubt they have any clue themselves. they'll just get it in a delivery some day.
For me? It's coconut milk in my coffee. Love coconut milk, me. Love the smell, love the taste. Luvvvvvverly. Just waiting on my Iceland delivery, lads.
A little boy and his mummy? Why is she buying milk when she has a pair of milkers in their prime?
*takes a hatchet and buries it in Plump's disfigured face*