Genie appears and gives you three wishes but in order to get them you have to get raped by a 10 inch dick futa every...

genie appears and gives you three wishes but in order to get them you have to get raped by a 10 inch dick futa every night for the rest of your life
what do you wish for?

Attached: 1583952633013.jpg (825x1100, 163.58K)

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can my first wish be "i wish i didn't have to get raped by a 10 inch dick futa every night for the rest of my life"?

No. You can wish for anything except that

>make it 12 inches

Attached: 53DDF567-6E3D-4414-8594-31953F560994.jpg (593x420, 70.52K)

so i can wish for more wishes or how i feel about getting raped?

Are they at lease passable as a woman with a cock. Or is it like that really obvious tranny shit
Pic for example

Attached: 1574155890318.jpg (960x983, 151.47K)

Man, just get over the rape ya big baby lmao
but yeah you cans

It's a futa not a shemale so they look 100% like women except with the large cock

First wish: to have no asshole
Second wish: to absorb nutrients through my skin
Third: a trillion billion dollars

How did the genie knew my wish?