ITT post fictional characters that represent you
ITT post fictional characters that represent you
I for one identify with natsuki subaru. He's a loser like me :)! Who does whatever it takes to be with his 'waifu' (TL NOTE: WAIFU MEANS WIFE) and he wears tracksuits which are cool and I'm cool too (but only to certain people!!!) when he risks his life for his friends I think "yeah, THATS LIKE, SO ME!" because it is! I would totally die for a friend if I knew I could come back from it! He's so brave for that! I'm so brave too!!
Online quizes always give me Kiki from Kiki's Delivery Service
are you mentally 13 ?
>omigahd hees Litterally meeeeee!!!!
Do you think you're cool or someting?
so you act like some one who had there entire family and everyone of there village members killed infront of them as a child by there idol
even though your family is alive and probably pays for you to be a lazy pos
Im mentally ill and hate my brother
> Bro, I am telling you that I am literally the focking kid from evangelion. Me and him are soul brothers. We are so close that we are virtually the same person.
Shinji is literally me though except more of a loser
I'll take a break from Philosophy
LiteralIy myself.
this is literally and actually unironically me
more personality wise
20%Yuri from DDLC
Im a good person I just have problems
His entire personality is that he wants to kill his brother
They dont know how to draw faces in hellsing ultimate
If the corona virus won't kill us it will be cooming way too much.
Daru from Steins;Gate because we're both fat and browse imageboards all day.
i looooove cabbages
Yah but the waifus think hes so deep and cool all the waifus want him just like they want me in my fan fictions
I always hated this dumb slut.
>literally me in my 60's
only 32 years left not fictional but highly accurate
sensitive, emotional creature whose only aim is to share his life with another sentient being like himself
Upon seeing his own reflection, he realizes that he too is repulsed by his appearance. His greatest desire is to find love and acceptance
I am good only in one thing...
>in being a disgusting homosexuals
Arrogant, cruel, articulate and intelligent
it's me boys
Jean-Baptiste Grenouille
You forgot about your wicked sense of humor and nihilism
No, it's not funny.
This is literally me.
>Disability that dictates his life.
>Tries to be funny for self defense.
>Appears to be social, but spends most of his time along.
>Tries to prove everyone that he is useful.
>Extremely depressed but doesn't show it
I try very hard to be a person my family can see and not be worried
literally me
>addicted to meth
>live in the middle of fucking no where
>only friends are a schizophrenic and a down syndrome juggalo
>violent tendencies
>extensive criminal record
>multiple diagnosed and undiagnosed mental health issues
i've never related to one single character so much
Best character ever.
He represents a pure force of will that will never stop rebuilding for his love of cabbage is more then pain of the world.
based and actually sincere, i fucking hate those anime retards fooling themselves with Animu characters that are literally them
I hope I will never meet you irl.
Degenerates like you destroy society. Disgusting!
Yeah I'm kinda badass.
go back newfren
>passionate about art but bad at it
>high anxiety
>short and babyfaced
>embarrassed about liking weeb shit
>tomoko would have been too cliche and edgy though more accurate
this is me because my girlfriends a man
This girl.
>occasionally violent
>limited empathy
Is that Trevor? You got borderlines too? Never played the game but saw some clips and it looks like really bad case of bpd.
Ohta from Tanaka-kun is Always Listless
licherally me ngl bros
>I'm good, why does everyone think i'm bad? lucy is the bad one.
i can relate to this character, but i wouldn't say she's me since i'm a man, but there are a lot of similarities.
I made a chart of all the anime characters that are me. I'm not entirely like all of them, some of them just an aspect of.
Oof. The shonen protagonist user. Where's your harem?
So you're the bland main character of every anime. lol
It was him or Guido Mista from jojo
Yadori from Jagaaaaaaaaan
Mentally ill loner who lives with his mom.
Xavier. I'm super into esotericism and religions, but almost nobody gets it or knows wtf I'm talking about. Wandering around trying to find the answers, most people vilify me. I try to help people and resolve conflict but inadvertently cause chaos when I try to help.
I look nothing like him, but this has been my mental state throughout the past few months.
Griffith is another one. I'm insanely idealistic and attached to my dreams. I have a level of grace and charm to me that makes people intrigued, but I have a refusal to accept the way the world works and it ruffles people's feathers. I have a sadistic side and sometimes when things don't go according to my plan, I get consumed by my hatred and my new ideal becomes revenge.
Kylo Ren. Conflicted but determined. All of his role models throughout his life have let him down. Has great potential but doesn't live up to it. Gives into evil but can't commit to it because of his heart. Feels torn between worlds and doesn't belong anywhere. Lamentful of the past. Striving to prove himself worthy.
Literally me except that i am not hot or have the girls fall for me or have a wife or a daughter or am as powerful.
i know, its cringe
>abusive parents
>set to a juvenile corrective center
>got beaten and raped on a daily basis
>started fighting them
>turns out I'm talented as a fighter
>all of my days I'm plagued by feeling weak and out of shape no matter how superficially strong I get
>I can never seem to find peace
>I don't want to die but I don't want to live in my present situation either
Reading this mango was surreal, idk how someone gets the motivation to write this without living it himself
Meatwad make the money, see
Meatwad get the honies, G
Drivin' in my car, livin' like a star
Ice on my fingers and my toes
And I'm a Taurus
Best boy, not a question.
Hahaha this pic is hilarious
agreed, user. rip