every square filled out = full chad, no bingos at all =total fucking autismo wizard
Normie Bingo, measure your loneliness
On the cusp of being a normalfag but alas I am just a cyborg. Been on one (1) date with a slut that said we loved me and we made out but still a Virgin :(
Fuck forgot pic. Anyways I get compliments on my body since im a gymcel
>have a job
>go out most weekends on my own to drink
Such is wageslavery
sorry incel jesus.png
Normalfags need to leave this hellhole
no bingos here
>lost virginity
>calls out normalfags
ironic, follow your own advice
providing lonely bingo
well im alone now. have have few friends. being 19 sucks
I used to be an autistic shut-in, but in the past 3 years I have just become a shy normie.
Fuck you piece of shit. This bingo doesn't define me as a person you don't know me
Haha u guys are normies.
Malding lol.
I lost it to a hooker so it doesn't really count
CHADS OUT REEEEEEEEE dont even pretend to be a robot
I've been to one house party and it sucked ass; just a bunch of empty headed retards drinking and smoking weed.
Wonder if I'll even manage to keep this. Only 2/6 are irreversible, so I could still devolve further into autismo wizardry.
Yep. Looks like I'm a looooser.
I kissed girls when i was 18, one gave me a hand job and going out on weekends with coworkers only was more to use drugs, but when i quit the job i kept using drugs and drinking alcohol until i become an addicted until my 27, now at 28 im sober jobless, i never had a true friend just coworkers who invited me and i got drunk and started socializing because of alcohol, tried to lose my virginity with hookers but got coke dick and never worked out so i gave up and im trying to get a good job and i think stopping drinking and getting high was something good for me and hope to never start drinking again thanks for reading my blog
not an incel, I just browse here. Also you don't have to be in shape to have regular sex
Damnit... DAMNIT!
im a chad among aspies
you're chad-ish. More like a brad desu
27 years old
>My parents take me out for dinner on my birthday
>I tried weed once and it was a terrible experience
>I work at McDonald's
>I was invited to two small house parties after high school
i am definetly no brad
i am like an independent 3rd party
What the fuck do you get out of browsing here
some of these cards are fucking depressing
self worth
I wish I didn't work and collected checks for autism from the government instead
At least I am Lonely Bingo KING
>Used to have photo tagged with girls, deleted fb
>Prom is gay
>I moved to DC and hate going out to bars and clubs because I black out and can't handle alcohol..
>Never been to a concert or a festival
>Used to get compliments regularly but now I don't, I'm in a depressing environment.
Anyone who either has 5+ or has any square involving success with foids needs to GTFO.
>that image
i think newfags like you that should gtfo
Not bad i guess my dude
Ooo looks like I got one boys! Btw, phoneposting is a thing you fucking normalfag. If you had any experience with this site you would know that.
Yellow squares are questionable
>Moved out of parents home
I moved out for about 5+ years, but I moved back in to save on rent. Tired of perpetual rent serfdom in this area. This way I can assist my parents, which I was already doing on the weekends.
>been to a festival or concert with friends
i suppose performing in a jazz festivals counts. or renfest.
>went to prom and had a date
i had to have someone ask their friend to go with me so I had a date and give an illusion to my parents that I wasn't abnormal. I didn't really talk to her much, and it was incredibly awkward. I don't like to remember this incident.
>calls me a normalfag
>is phoneposting
Can I mark the "in good shape" rectangle if I'm underweight?
>is a retard
You sure got me there buddy. How will I ever recover as long as I continue to post from the comfort of my bed?
the team sport is from when i waas 7 and played soccer.
Do you really believe what you're saying? Do you really believe that the poster that you are replying to is not only within the 3% of the population that is mentally retarded, but has the wherewithall yet lack of handling that he is able to post on a public forum?
You're a piece of shit.
Only reason I have some of these is because since my youth, I have never been able to escape the friendzone. I'm still robot, maybe wizard tier.
Haha...christ. :(
does the team sport count if it was in middle school??
Time to get called a normalfag
This is by far the hardest bingo I've ever seen posted here. And I consider myself happier than 95% of the board
Am I really this bad???
this is fucking me unironically, should I just commit sudoku?
no, we all have the power to change this. don't give up user
I am pretty much a cyborg by choice.
>also only sexual contact I ever had was handjobs and shit
>even when I was diddled as a kid
so what am I? what level of robot.
My life is pretty pathetic
I'm definitely not at all a chad, and yet...
basically i'm boring and ugly
i swear im not a normie guys
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x - - - -
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you are a freak for this...
Almost normal, slightly weirdfag.
An occasionally lonely person, only person I've hung out with in a month is my sister. Have a gf but it is LDR at the moment, but we have met a few times and had sex.
'ere ya go mang
Im only ever here when Im far from friends. Loneliness is killing me.