/r9gay/ - #970

Catboy friend edition
Previous Thread :

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First for New England bf?

>ywn be a cute catboy or just cute in general

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Third for wholesome scandi bf

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Good luck, I hope you find your cute/handsome scandi husbando

Thank you! It is going to be tricky, but really, what does a man have but hope.

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>you're going to be a khhv your entire life
That's alright I suppose, I deserve to be alone my entire life. I'm at fault after all.

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what kind of bf u want niggy

Why exactly do you think that? Did you do something horrible and unforgivable?

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Every time I enter this thread, I just slap my big fat cock on my computer screen to make you gays know your place. Fucking homos, I wish you all die. Jesus christ, how can you disgusting creatures live with yourselves...

Somebody that shares mutual attraction with me, at least. It's a bonus if they are willing to have me subject them to my favorite vidya.

thats a given
i meant whats your type

Approaching another birthday aa an adult virgin

I'm not even fat and people tell me i look good what the fuck is the problem with me?

If you really wanna make me know my place user you should slap that big fat cock of yours all over my face

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>Did you do something horrible and unforgivable?
I'm just a pathological liar, I think I also use others to make myself feel better or just for pity, I do all of this subconsciously. One of the many reasons as to why I keep myself as isolated as I can and only talk to people on Yas Forums. I'm also just not a good person in general.

you're fully aware of it so it's hardly subconscious anymore, so change

Do you know any boys? Do you go and try find any?
Okay, so you know you lie a lot, consciously you know this. And you seemingly don't like it.
This could be worked on! It is not a sin that will damn you forever, so don't worry.
Being aware of it is a great start.

Even If I somehow fix those problems, I'll still hate myself and see myself as unworthy.

Because you lie a lot?
What about you is so unworthy of existence? Talking to you right now, you seem fine, but of course appearance can fool people.

if you fix those problems you can make up for them and forgive yourself by doing good

Probably a taller romantic guy who likes to make the first move. He'll laugh at my bad jokes, and tease me about silly things. He'll like my cooking and give me a peck on the cheek for doing a good job.

I just want my loving top bf. I know he's out there somewhere.

I can't really explain why, sorry, I'm bad at doing such things. I honestly don't even know why I made my first post, well, probably just wanted attention. I'm just going to leave, this was a mistake. Sorry for wasting your time.
>you can make up for them and forgive yourself by doing good
Doesn't work that way, at least for me, sorry for wasting your time.

I know plenty of boys, they either aren't gay or turn me down gently, this happened again just last week...

I willingly chose to reply to you, don't you dare tell me how to spend my time. You have low self esteem and that is ok. I am just telling you, if that is it, just some bad thoughts in your mind, then you can fix it.

However if you are a mass murder, have betrayed countless of bfs and strangled many animals, then you are beyond redemption.

>Doesn't work that way, at least for me, sorry for wasting your time.
only because you decided so
just as it's up to you to keep being emo for no reason

Rejections happens, just something you have to accept. How are you finding these boys, and what did you do before being turned down? Maybe you should have some more self restrain.

Well I usually meet them through friends or in college clubs, this recent one rejected me after he said I would feel better if I opened up to him then when I did he said he didn't want to be a therapist and that I would be too high maintenance for him.

Tricky to say what happened right there. It could be you overburden people with your sorrow, and it becomes very difficult to be with you, or these people are very normal, for lack of a word, and anything beyond that normality is seen as odd and something to reject.
Clearly when he said "open up" he either didnt realise what that meant, or just didn't mean it.

I wish people wouldnt offer help unless they actually mean to give it. Why can't more guys be gay? :(

Tfw no scandi bf

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Do i have corona /r9gay/?

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>tfw wasted my youth
>tfw gay death approaching soon (21 now), started balding and now almost Norwood 2
>tfw always been average but now im gonna be ugly

I dont think I am gonna make till the end ot this year bros

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>started falling for a guy on omegle while playing 20 questions
>later tells me that he's straight

H-hold me anons....

What does gay death even mean? And what age exactly?

Read the Picture of Dorian Gray and you will know.

But usually around 18 - 24

>usually around 18-24
You're not fooling anyone user

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That is just how people are. They say things they think you want to hear, rather than what they think.
Few aren't like that.
tfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtfw unironically

>You're not fooling anyone user


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Should i replay new vegas or am i gonna get bored because i've already played through it a dozen times and know the entire game by heart?

tfw no bf to cuddle and fugg with

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As a fellow big nv fan, I can sadly confirm you will get bored. Just wait for the new vegas remake like the rest of us.
There are a few post apocalyptic alternatives out there in the meantime.

Unironically indeed.
What I wouldn't do for a cute twink scandi bf

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What if i download like a gorillion mods?

That could work too, provided they all work simultaneously.

tfw no bf too cooooooMMMMMM with

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>tfw no zoomer bf that also is a coomer

That's 100% of /r9gay/

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am lonely. how meet boy

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First step get off Yas Forums
Second step go outside
Third Step figure it out

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>That's 100% of /r9gay/
If only.

Gay men aren't real. Every man wants pussy deep down. Everyone here is just scared of women or simply couldn't score.

Would /r9gay/ a catboy?

when i put my head upside down and look at its reflection in the mirror my face looks fat. Is this what my face actually looks like and my brain is perceiving its true form instead of the biased view im used to or is it just fat looking bigger because of gravity?

why did mods delete last thread?

How's everyone tonight, fags?

OP advertised his shitty discord and got IP wiped
ur welcum

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i didnt post anything, also leave the thread furfag

how does it feel ur getting bullied back and I got ur thread removed?
Also am still posting here after hearing ur cries

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Also I'm letting this thread reach page 11 ever again
:) unless it hits bump limit

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Also I'm not letting this thread**

nobody even wants you here, imagine having to spam the real thread over and over again to get it shut down because nobody shows interest in yours

this general***
Your afraid what I'm doing ur a coward
I don't post here for acceptance
I post here cause it's satisfying and I find it funny

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