25+ Thread

>25+ Thread: Covid-19 edition

How are my fellow boomers coping with quarantine? What are you reading/watching/playing/eating?

This is the thread to separate oneself from the zoomersphere that is modern Yas Forums and its e-girl fueled drama, to chat among ourselves about life, work, NEETing, gaming etc.

We've also set up a discord server primarily for male boomers, with minimal drama. Invite string below:


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Girl at work is into me. Been making fit gains recently. Just opened a brokerage account to get a few pennies out of this crash. Played cities skylines for a few hours just now. My job is safe. I love my new pickup I bought. I'm white. Everything is going really great.

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I just turned 24 and am super depressed about it, can i come into the club with you guys? or is one year enough to disclude me

>girl at work is into me
>can't date because covid-19 lockdown
it's the first time in 13 years that i feel like having a date

You can join provided you obey the rules.

Glad to hear it. What's the new girl like?

Can you not go from place to place with a taxi?

What are the rules?
I don't know them

Basic stuff. Maintain civility, no e-girls or drama etc.

I'm jacking off to ASMR right now

I can respect that, i'm not even sure what an e-girl is, like twitch whores and shit?

Think the attention whores who ruined this board with their constant spam and the drama surrounding them and you'll have a good idea.

met a girl I like on tinder recently. we've been exclusive to one another for 2 weeks now. just afraid of pulling the trigger and calling it official because
1. she's asian which has its culture and language barriers, but both havent been a problem yet. shes pretty "westernized". a feminist by eastern standards, just wants to be respected by men which i support
2. still trying to shake other peoples judgements cus shes not my looks match. that's probably the biggest shame for me. and I feel bad because shes such a kind, smart woman.
3. similar to 2. but that stereotype of a white lanky nerdy man with an asian woman.

To face these internal dilemmas I'm having I've taken up some philosophy. Looks at lessons in Meditations by Marcus Aurelius and a lot of what he has said in that can apply to this

t. user

If she's not your looksmatch it will only lead to resentment. Trust.

>Fucked wrist so had to give up weights and lost what little gains i made over the two years i spent at the gym
>Absolute loser who still lives with 60+ parents so i can't even go to the gym and do cardio anymore amidst covid outbreak.
Whats the fucking point? Every feeble attempt i make to improve my situation just ends in disaster. I think my destiny is to just morph to the couch.

Please tell us your story user so we can understand why you've come to this conclusion.
Does this resentment come from you or the society you're in telling you that having a looks match is best and you should be ashamed for being with other people?

It's more that you'll look back on better girls you've been with and regret not sealing the deal with them.

It's funny the way this works, isnt it?

I've been with a wonderful decent looking woman before who I've got along with beautifully. She was very kind and understanding.

Then there was another woman who was a total thai babe. We had such a different connection than what I've experienced before. She was very shallow and always capable of turning a smile into the worst anger imaginable.

With that said, If I had to go back and relive my time with them, I'd choose the thai woman. Biology.

As much as you dont want to hear it user, you gotta start over user. This time with more meekness. Low weight, high reps. I fucked up my wrists pushing too heavy while benchpressing 3 years ago, and only this year can I do pushups without discomfort.

Having a battle is better than giving up to the couch. Think about it.

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>tfw she says she's been coughing since yesterday
>tfw she just asked me to go see her
I don't want to catch it bros...........

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Been working as an Amazon driver

Honestly job isn't bad and being alone most of the day is nice
We got a 2 buck raise until the end of April cause Amazon expects ppl to order more shit cause of the batsoup chang virus

Probably gonna go and fuck some girls at a brothel in tj next week since I've been bored

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>addicted to weed
>ignoring my external reality
life can end okay but i need to cut my BS now and go into like a bootcamp, a deprived mode of living. i'm 27 and have been think about where i'm going to end up and long story short i don't like any foreseeable outcome if i continue living my life like a loser. i plan to dopamine fast. and i've got a bunch of things i can do instead of drugs and the shit i've grown to be so extremely bored of.
i just got laid off both my jobs (restaurants) so i'm not sure what i'm going to do yet, probably try to get unemployment money from my government. then go find another skill to get employment from.
all in all, i used to be a neet and it was the worst curse i could ever have received. i'm not normal anymore, something is off

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>tfw think I might have been blessed by corona-chan in spite of being NEET

you have to get away from your fucking parents, you're suicidal because of your living situation, dummy

>being a neet is a curse
I dont know user. I quit my first job out of uni last week, and Im enjoying my time off. I knew the risks of being a NEET - depression, incel tears, loneliness, boredoom, so I made a structure during my time off and have been feeling very healthy.
Are you lacking structure user?


Good luck user.

well how do you guys feel about birthdays
mine just felt like nobody gave a shit
and i couldn't do anything fun with my family because bug men

Can't believe I'm already 25 however is anyone else grateful that they did not grow up as a zoomer? Growing up on a smartphone/apps, watching game streamers and SJW media. So glad I experienced even just the remnants of 90s culture before 2008-2010+ cancer swept everything away. I can't imagine reminiscing zoomer culture as something comforting or "great" or falling back on the memories or references of this era. I can imagine more early millennials can agree that early 2000-2005 culture is nowhere as worse as it is now. Just look at how they destroyed Yas Forums, it is in a dysgenic state as they really have nothing of value to contribute or evolve it past the other centralised themes of the internet. Though it's mostly normies and women on smartphones to blame. I don't mean to shit on any actual robot zoomer, I truly feel sorry for them.

I feel like the 1990s had a nice balance of technology without everything being "on demand" enough to ADD everyone's brains away.

29 almost 30 y/o boomer here
i've got a cushy silicon valley job so i'm working from home for the foreseeable future. stocked up with plenty of food and wet wipes and shit. i've gone on long streaks of not leaving the house while unemployed before and it doesn't really bother me. honestly it's kind of comfy. playing games like slay the spire and watching random youtube shit and streams while working and getting drunk every night.

no i mean the true curse of being a neet. being deprived of a normal development. my parents were terrible, and now i am condemned to being on the bottom rung of society's ladder. unless something interesting happens, anyways.

structure is good, i've got lots to do. some trouble sticking to a schedule but i think if i drop the things i know get in the way then it should be fine

I agree. To think, perhaps those born in similar or middle class positions in the West in that era may have had the most fun cultural experiences. Now, we're heading to a very dark place that even boomers I know who lived in "poverty" conditions according to today standards wouldn't trade their place.

Well I just turned 25 and now I'm in the Marines so I'm hoping for better times, or at least develop myself into a better man late to the party but whatever.

You're right, it's just getting older and seeing all this time being pissed away when you're genuinely trying to make a change thats annoying.
Not happing. They need me around to help with finances after my sister bleed them dry with her bullshit. Rents too expensive to live on my own and don't have any friends. I have other reasons to to feel suicidal than just "living with my parents". Yeah, it's downright pathetic at my age, but at least i get along with them.

I'm 25-1/2. Been working full time at a factory for 4 months now and I hate it. It's boring as hell. Is medical billing worth getting into? I've heard you just read reports and assign codes based on the diseases or injuries. Sounds engaging enough. I'd give anything for a work from home job. Any anons do that for work? Or have another work from home job? I was told I had a future in high school but I ditched the college meme so it's up to me to teach myself a marketable skill.

Adulthood is punishment for childhood. My break is over. Back to the wage cage.

work from home can be nice but it's pretty overrated

You in California dude?

Kek, maybe


Ever go to honk kon g?

Watching the Q conspiracy unfold

>GF broke up with me due to porn addiction
>Make $50k/year working in web development
>Drive an Audi
>Ride a motorbike

Enjoying the time alone desu. Having a gf was nice but constantly having to give her attention and shit was annoying. As well as buying gifts, rather just save the money for myself.

These days it's just work, eat, entertain myself then sleep. Getting kinda boring now though. Can't wait for Summer cause then I can ride my bike.

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Don't get me wrong, at the of the day, I go home alone and be alone. But now that I have to work from home, and haven't seen or spoken to anyone since last friday, holy fuck, I am so fucking lonely.

fucking corona

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How so? I would love to get an extra hour each day. I already work on hobby shit at home so I'd be used to it. It almost rather be a neet than this. I hate normies.

It's the only one I go to

Well I banged a chick at Adelitas once

well you're accepting having your life taken from you. idk your life, you have to decide for yourself whether what's going on is noble or a parasitic deception

I think I caught caught Covid-19 last week but I can't tell as it was so mild. It didn't match anything else I've caught. It was like flu, but it was slow and as mild as a cold but without the runny nose. I just had a cough and slightly elevated temperature for a few days and then it died down. Has anyone caught it and knows what it's like?

Have you ever spoke to an user on r9k about this? I think we have spoken before. I go there too

I'm 31 and only recently started trying to go out and socialize and get dates. I've had three dates so far but none of them want anything to do with me after. It's pretty discouraging. I don't know how to get them to want to fuck me.

In any case, I can't even keep trying because coronavirus means there's no way to meet new people and nowhere to go. What the fuck do people do now? I bet most normiee have a few fuck buddies they can rely on to hold them over, but I have nothing.

Fucking sucks. I want to try tinder but I have no good pictures of myself. I live in NYC if it matters. Theoretically j could bring them home but I just have a 10x10 room and not even any seating or entertainment besides my computer and computer chair


holy shit I can relate user
happy bike riding sir. I just went for my first go of the year yesterday. It was wunderbar

is there anything you could improve about yourself

Are you sure you arent appearing to eager on your dates? Talking about mundane boring shit? Stick to nothing technical, just meta data about hobbies, current news, weather, trends, and conspiracy theories.

Wait it out man, everything has died down. Chicks wont come to your place on the first date and there is nowhere else to go besides on a walk.

Seems like you'll be banging hookers for a good while user. Might be cheaper to buy some entertainment shit for your place. All it takes is a couch and a monitor for movies.

If I was sure what I was doing wrong I wouldn't need to be here.

I think I just instantly friendzone myself somehow. And I'm nowhere near attractive enough to get them to want to fuck me instinctively. So it comes down to my awkward personality with zero charm. I need a lot more practice but it isn't like I have tons of chances even before corona.

I could become strong and muscular. I could tan. Too bad the gym is closed but I have dumbells. Can't fix being a bald manlet though.

The real issue has always been my personality. But I'm 31 and I've been trying to get people to like me for years.

how the fuck do i get over wanting intimacy and at the same time being afraid of it. help me bros. there is this cute girl at work into me and i don't want to lose this chance too :(

Yea, I've talked to one I think
But it was a guy who was thinking about going and had never gone before

I don't really understand how you'd do this any other way than taking the plunge, preferably while drunk.

it's definitely nice if you have a long commute. my two previous jobs before my current one were one and a half hour commutes one way so i would try to work from home when possible. the biggest downside is your productivity drops and your work starts to suffer, though obviously this doesn't apply to everyone. i'm an extrovert with introverted tendencies, so it's nice to be in the office with other people especially since my co workers are super cool dudes. my latest job is also a 15 commute one way so i go into the office everyday unless i'm feeling unwell.

Oh that's fair I guess. If you are extroverted.
What other good work from home jobs are there?

26. No job. No money. Bills are piling up. Shit sucks, I was never suicidal type but it appears things have gone too far south. I barelu have any enegry for life left, I need money a lot of it. I need it like I need air.

user. I don't know how to explain this to you but when you've lost it all, there's nothing more they can take from you. Rock bottom is a kind of comfort.

theres no life at the bottom I want a lot of things but without money I cant do anything

What do you want with money exactly? I'm guessing it's consumer goods.