Does anyone else hate having blue eyes?

Does anyone else hate having blue eyes?

>Considered feminine looking and unattractive to most females.
>Everything is extremely bright to you in the daytime and eyes are too sensitive to light

I wish I had dark brown eyes.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>>Everything is extremely bright to you in the daytime and eyes are too sensitive to light

Black eyed Chad here, choke-eyes and puke-eyes will never know this feel

>>Considered feminine looking and unattractive to most females.
>>Everything is extremely bright to you in the daytime and eyes are too sensitive to light
I have blue eyes and these are fucking lies, through school when a girl noticed my beautiful eyes she'd stare into them for a few seconds. Although, everything is super bright to me because my eyes are always dilated and it's annoying.
>I wish I had dark brown eyes.
If anyone with blue eyes truly thinks this they have severe mental problems.

>Everything is extremely bright to you in the daytime and eyes are too sensitive to light

user youre not very smart are you? It makes no difference what colour your iris is. Youre probably jsut deficient in minerals, that can make you sensitive to the light, you are on r9k after all so I gotta assume you eat like shit.

It depends on what kind of blue eyes you have. If you have really light grey-ish eyes, those make girls absolutely wet. But for the most part, girls mostly love hazel and green eyes.

Nope. People with blue eyes have more sensitively to light and therefore see worse in extremely bright/sunny conditions. People with blue eyes have better eye sight in dark conditions though.

I've never even seen a person with blue eyes irl.

>wanting to have cyanosis eyes
Why are white people like this

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What eye conditions can cause light sensitivity and glare?
Many eye conditions can cause light sensitivity and glare, some examples include:

Ocular albinism this is when some people are born with a lack of pigment in the eye.
Aniridia a condition where the iris is missing from birth.
Cataracts clouding of the lens inside the eye.
Macular degeneration a condition affecting the macula, the area in the eye responsible for our central, detailed vision.
Uveitis inflammation inside the eye, such as iritis.
Inherited retinal dystrophies such as retinitis pigmentosa.

Take your pick user, which one do you have? Its not normal to be very light sensitive you retard. Go to an optician you have eye disease

Hahaha cope the thread. The only true thing you said is.
>Everything is extremely bright to you in the daytime.
This is true to a degree. But counterpoint. I can see better in the dark then you.
As for
>>Considered feminine looking and unattractive to most females.
You're full of shit. Blue eyes are culturally viewed as attractive. Which is why they're referenced when talking about attractive men in films and songs. And even discarding cultural references my personal experiences prove other wise. People go fucking mad for my eyes. Girls will randomly sperg out and compliment them. I've had girls do drawings of me and try to get my eye color right because they think its beautiful. My ex used to talk about how beautiful our children would be if they got my eyes instead of hers. This is obviously just a shit attempt at another demoralization thread aimed at white people. Kill yourself you fucking mongrel.

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That's complete bullshit.
t. someone with blue eyes

No no he's right about that part. I was curious about it cause it seemed like I was more sensitive to light then a lot of my friends. I looked it up and there's been a lot of research done on it. Light colored eyes are more sensitive to light.

>Everything is extremely bright to you in the daytime and eyes are too sensitive to light


>I have brown hair, that explains why I have skin cancer on my arm!

Thats how dumb that sounds. OP literally thinks blue eyes act like metal mirror that directs light into his iris... WEW

>This is obviously just a shit attempt at another demoralization thread aimed at white people.
Lmao doubtful. Op probably has blue eyes and is fishing for comments like yours to make himself feel good about his one positive trait.

Nobody should find ordinary sunlight uncomfortable. thats a sign of eye disease

>tfw white, 6'4, light grey eyes
Can't lose with this combo. Easy mode.

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Dude, your blue eyes don't give you superpowers or different abilities. You see shit the same as everybody else.

I looked it up, depression can cause sensititivity to light

Theres your answer OP. Funny how people can associate unrelated things to feel better

>Wow my vision is getting worse..... it must be my BLUE EYES!!!

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Did you know that one person had blue eyes about 10,000 years ago? He fucked so many women and reproduced so much that 10% of the world population now has his genetic trait

This is proof that light eyes are inherently more attractive than brown eyes. How do eyelets cope with this?

Maybe. But his wording sounds like the shit threads that I see on her and Yas Forums constantly.
It's not like I'm actually blinded or anything. It just takes me longer to adjust when coming out of the dark into the light.
Here's a link to an article about it. But if you Google something about light eyes being sensitive you'll find plenty of articles.

If you had brown eyes you'd be wishing you had blue eyes. You're fishing for compliments like the roasties you complain about.

i have light blue eyes (nordcuck) and that's a completely false statement you jewish fucking kike prick

Using an eye clinic who's job is to make as many paranoid people as possible feel like they need eye surgery even if they dont, so they make more profit

Not a reliable article lad.

Everyone around me got blue eyes. Few brown ones. Usually brown eyed people in here are thought to be cute.

I don't really care. Eyeballs are eyeballs.

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>Everything is extremely bright to you in the daytime and eyes are too sensitive to light

Are you retarded? How is the Iris supposed to change the way you see things?

> I wish I had dark brown eyes

Be proud of your blue eyes, they are becoming more and more seldom.

There's a difference between super powers and being more sensitive dude. I'm also pale. Therefore I burn easier in the sun. It's a lack of melanin causing me to be more sensitive. Like I said here There's plenty of articles on the subject if you just fucking Google it lmao.

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>more and more seldom
Actually, believe it or not, amber and hazel are the two rarest eye colours.

Ok so fucking Google it like I said. You people are fucking all or nothing I swear. I'm not saying I'm disabled. I'm saying I'm slightly more sensitive to light.

I thought it was green that was super rare?

Nah. Amber and Hazel. Greenoids meme themselves as hazel to get more pussy, but true hazel is like a mix between light brown and green.

Fair enough. As a kid my eyes were vibrant blue. Then they changed to hazel for awhile. And now as an adult they've settled on a super light silver/blue color that either people love or it freaks them out.

I have heterochromia lol.
people don't see me as attractive they see me as an ANIMAL

I see you as a gay ass faggot

Sounds like you just have a bad mindset dude. People are more likely to fetishize your or find you attractive with that.

Male, blue eyes. Have Strabismus. Look like an ahegao comer no matter what I am looking at.

That's terrible for you dude But that imagery you gave made me chuckle.

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Its actually the opposite, light eyes are found in predators and brown eyes in prey. Paler eyes are much more intimidating and draw focus. Brown eyes do have a sort of intimidation factor though I guess just by being so dull and lifeless that the person behind theem seems non sentient (which is-usually the case desu)

Get on GRINDR and get TOPPED. So you can truly CUM. I'm sure you'll look hot choking down some big fat COCK. With your eyes watering like the good COOMER SLUT you are.

You wanna stay inside man-sized cage for me? I'll pay you few rubles. Maybe take you to town so children and adults can throw pebbles at you like feudal ages freak.

You poor elephant man.

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I like having blue eyes because it means I'm not a mud nigger

Not right though. Cats and predators in general have eyes which can expand really wide, to let in light at night so they can hunt their prey. Brown eyed men were also conquerors, while lighter men were used as sex slaves

Bro I always wanted to have blue eyes, where I am from blue and green eyes are not common and people who have them are automatically considered beautiful/handsome.

Which mineral deficiencies could cause photophobia?

I see Yas Forums has arrived.

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Ok shitskin... nice bait. I remember that one with the 6ft1 blond guy. Only complete retards fall for your bait.

Both of you sound like you're posting bro science if I'm being honest. Super pale eyes(like my own) can be intense. But so can dark eyes. Ive defiantly seen it in like some pictures of men from the med area. And regardless people with all eye colors have a long history of warfare and conquering. That's just what humans do. Having one eye color or another won't make you stronger just like having a certain zodiac won't.

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>Considered feminine looking and unattractive to most females.
lol no. I get compliments on them all the time. I have dark blue eyes though so maybe you're just a cuck.

Mine are light and females love them. He's just a cuck lmao.

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LMAO bitches love blue eyes. This is pure shitskin cope.

>tfw have greyish dark blue eyes that no one likes or wants

the envy for white people in your brown eyed shitskin face is unbelievable.
The biggest empie in the world: british empire. Indo european langauges are the most widespread languages in the world.

I actually have hazel eyes. I was memeing back that guy because he posted bro-science about how "eye colour can determine your personality". The whole thing about lighter men being used as sex slaves is true though, it happened with the Romans and the Greeks.

This. Girls would always complement my eyes and flirt with me in high school. I once had a friend tell me he was jealous of my eyes because he had boring brown eyes as well.

Are you sure? I have always had horrible sight in the day time vs brown eye peoples almost my entire life. They'd be walking around normally with the sun in the sky while I was wincing the entire time. I could get my eyes to the point where i could look around normally but it would take at least 30 minutes of direct exposure to the day light.

>Tfw green eyes master race
Seeth more faggots

>tfw green eyes
Yeah, light colored eyes do kinda give give you a more effeminate look.

You have some kind of eye condition that has nothing to do with your eye colour. Your eyes aren't supposed to be this sensitive, unless you look directly at light.

>bro science
Get the fuck out and go back to plebbit

What the FUCK does disgusting purple skin have to do with beautiful blue eyes?

>ITT: poo eyes. the cope attempt

Yet you are still at r9k with us kek

this might just be me speculating, but I believe being attractive to females has more to do with the rest of your face and your personality than your eyes.
I'm just saying I could be wrong.