Why is racemixing bad?

Why is racemixing bad? why shouldn't I, a white man, have children with an asian woman?

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its not, what retard told you it was?
are you fucking autistic?

Because its selfish. You are prioritizing your tingles over your future kids happiness/sense of identity. Go ahead but dont be surprised if your kid resents the shit out of you.

your kids would be self-hating and mentally ill

why do you assume that the kids will hate themselfes ? i assume its an american problem because they are obsessed with race ?

white genes are weak and so are suppressed by dark spermatozoa
for a non white person it is highly beneficial to race mix as it removes white traits like racism from the genepool

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lol you're a tiny penis pathetic Asian loser ricedick
you have corona virus

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you can play devils advocate all you want, but ultimately it's a superseding irrational genetic urge. men who face the wholeness of reality simply understand this. so the discussion is meaningless.

Maybe he assumes the kids would be typical Yas Forums users!

>white traits like racism
Jew stirring the pot

People on Yas Forums believe that all people think like them - even if they won't admit it.

>Must be completely white
>Anything less is cause for guillotine

There's nothing wrong with racemixing. Fine yourself a partner you'd spend your life with.

I'm a quappa, I'm thinking of marrying a Japanese girl and getting citizenship. I don't care if my kids are Asian, being white or nonwhite isn't good or bad

because it spawns incels

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racemixing isn't bad and never was, what is bad is promoting it and forcing it down out throats

>Yas Forums: blacks are low IQ and if you reproduce with one your kids will likely have lowered IQ
There is literally no reason not to race-mix if you're non-white/non-asian

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If you actually fall for the memes on here about how your children will turn out retarded or with severe genetic defects just because of racemixing, then you deserve to not breed. You're too retarded.

It is just yank bs.
Not like anybody would want to mix with them when their genes are all fucked up by drugs, lead and inbreeding.

But there is one suspicion I got. It really does seem that kids of asian female and white male turn out evil. It's still pretty much same as how I perceive Norwegians to be absolutely fucked up psychopaths. Just personal experience.

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I'm half german and half turkish. I'm glad that I look completly german. But I'm still a virgin loser. Multiculturality doesn't work. I hate turkey and turkish culture because of it. I hate most foreign cultures. And I really hate islam.
I hate myself. Don't do this shit to your children.

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why do you want white women when black women are better?

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I know brother. I am half Congolese and half Sudanese. Thankfully, I look fully black. I hate African culture and Islam, I wish I was white. I hate myself. Don't do this shit to your children.

No one is swallowing your racebait you retard.

sorry I don't speak retard

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Lmao, I knew it was you. This board gets raided by the same racebaiting fags constantly. Get the fuck off my board you annoying piece of crap.

maybe it has nothing to do with race mixing but with your own failure. Being mixed has nothing to do with you being a virgin

Only mixing with niggers is really "wrong" from an objective standard; it's literally de-evolving your offspring and giving them disadvantages, both genetically and culturally. They will have lower IQ and be more likely to become criminal/go to jail or fall in with shitty crowds.

Mixing with asians is pretty neutral, but in our current culture asian males are seen as undesirable, so if you end up having an asian-looking son, he is likely to become a hateful virgin incel, like all those retards on r/hapas and r/asianmasculinity that spam black dicks all day.

Now, all that said, considering the fact that whites are becoming lazy fat fucktards and not having kids, it would be considerate for our race to breed with a white woman if you can, but there's nothing really "wrong" with breeding an asian woman.

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I'm ugly and have a small dick. So it's the fault of my genetics aka race mixing.

what the fuck are you talking about? the nigger dick posters are the racebaiting fags
they've been here far longer than the BLEACHED posters
niggers are so pathetic and insecure just cause you were our slaves

stop posting cuck pictures like that you pathetic disgusting faggot

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Turkish culture really is shit. Terrible people. I don't think they are genetically fucked like blacks and abos though. Just culturally.
>Only mixing with niggers is really "wrong" from an objective standard; it's literally de-evolving your offspring and giving them disadvantages

I know it's you, you can stop lying and pretending to be retarded. Now please, for the love of god, get off of my board and go die to corona or something. If I want to see racebait 24/7, I would visit Yas Forums. Stop spamming shit I don't give two fucks about.

Racemixing is an upgrade for nonwhites, so it's understandable why they'd want to do it.

Turks are a very nasty group of people but the women are very kind, to me at least

your children -may- drop a level in the racial caste system, or at best stay even with their dad's position within it.

shut the fuck up you filthy disgusting nigger

>people do not care about you in the slightest
>still think that you should help them
Also, should not playing video games instead of volunteering also be selfish? You are telling me you have never done anything selfish? If you want to fuck all the nigger women of this world, why should you let society stop you?

Lmao, struck a nerve didn't I, you manchild.

How is that a "cuck picture"? It's showing what rotten cows racemixing white women are.

It depends on whether you want to preserve European/white traits for future generations or not due to them being largely recessive genetically (except not as much with asians other than hair color). Whites are already a proportionately small number of the total world population and steadily declining, so they are already disappearing to large degree.

You are free to do as you wish. You are not beholden to some identity larger than yourself, but an individual is typically weaker than a collective. Individual choices have consequences, and the sum of every individual's choices will have collectively large impact. Probably how every subspecies leading to humanity slowly disappeared (eg. neanderthals, etc).

Selfishness is one thing when your selfishness only affects your life. When you bring a child into that and make the child face the consequences of your selfishness, that is the height of immorality.

White genes are not "recessive" stop saying this dumb shit. The only reason you say this is because there are like 3 shades of skin considered "white" and then the next 1000 are just considered "nonwhite." So when a white person fucks a black person and their skin comes out perfectly evened between the two, you consider them "black." This also is carried over from slave times so that mixed-race people, even people only 1/8 black, could be considered slaves and kept as such. That is the reason for the rigidity of what is considered "white." Notice almost every historical "black" intellectual is actually a mixed race person if you compare them to an actual black person from Africa. Most "blacks" are more brown because they are part white genetically. Blackness is just not rigidly defined and restricted unlike whiteness. But genetically and objectively, they are evenly both races.

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>why is racemixing bad?
it isn't, find someone who helps you forget about the shit in your life, find someone who you can be your degenerate self with, find someone who impacts your life in a meaningful way, if they happen to be of another race who cares?

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>except not as much with asians
Lmao, ok Chang. The only people who actually retain the "European look" when mixing with European people are other people with caucasian features and straight noses. Indians, Arabs, Jews, etc.

how many shekels do you get paid for these posts rabbi?

its not an american problem lmao
I'm mixed
I fucking hate it
i look like an undeveloped neanderthal

this entire thread is racebait retard

you sound mad
you're posting in this thread
you do give a fuck black boi

say that to patrick mahomes

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It's not senpai. We should breed with other races and merge them together. So it would ultimately destroy racism.

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thats on you, has nothing to do with mixed race

can confirm. As a racemixed mutt, i do infact hate myself. You'll never understand the pain that is having conflicting features from two different races. And getting all the worst traits from each pools. If plastic surgery can't save me, a bullet to the brain can.

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So you think race mixing is good for whites?

nice larp poltard lol

no being racemixed is definitely part of it
you can deny it all you want
but nature disagrees with you
I resemble neither parent
i don't really belong to either culture
I have no identity of my own
the mutt meme is real
if you stop thinking with your emotions for 5 minutes and did research on what its like to be a mutt you'd see what i mean

i wish i was larping my friend. I just don't want to be a fucking mutt anymore.

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>for a non white person it is highly beneficial to race mix as it removes white traits like racism from the genepool
i called you a kike
for saying that
what the fuck are you talking about?

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>responds with racism
I guess I can't blame you since it's in your genes

Well, for starters, there are no good arguments for racemixing, other than that you just want to, if you do. Hybrid vigor isn't a thing and genetic diversity is only good to a degree, and no one knows exactly what that degree is. Sure, if you fuck your sister you get inbreeding depression, and that's bad, but if you fuck a chimpanzee you'll get nothing. So genetic diversity isn't a good argument.

To my knowledge there are six problems with racemixing:

1.) Mixed race children have significantly higher rates of psychological issues. Major problem, but is likely environmental in nature.

2.) The more you deviate from a single group genetically, the less likely you will be to be someone's ideal mate. Minor problem.

3.) You want to propagate your genes and you more successfully achieve this by choosing a partner who shares genes with you. Minor problem.

4.) Some medical procedures require a transfusion from someone genetically similar to you, which a mixed race person doesn't have. Rare problem.

5.) You are probably dooming someone of your own race to die alone. Whether this is a problem is subjective.

But the real big problem is 6.) Genes evolve in a group. Most things are polygenic and the reason you have not just one but every gene you have is due to the selective nature of your environment. By mixing these genes, what are you producing?

Let's look at an RPG. You have a Fighter and a Wizard. Mix them together and you get a badass Swordmage, right? Maybe. It's more likely you'll get shit. Imagine inheriting the Paladin Cover ability with the squishiness of a mage or a low mana pool with spells that scale with mana or high INT, low STR, and all the weapon proficiencies. This is far from ideal. What one class has is often interconnected. RPGs have a massive problem balancing mixed classes for this reason, but they at least can make one overpowered by giving them more components than normal, which isn't true with genes, you have a fixed number of those.

South American here, we're the original mixed people
Not a lot of people care, and people here are good looking BECAUSE of the mixing
In any case, this "racial purity" bullshit is american


kikes aren't a race sorry
you can fuck off with your schizo ramblings

ooga booga
muh whyte sp00k comin to get me : ( ( ( (
ooga booga
pale skin tribe bad !
long nose cult good!
fuck off you inbred amerimutt schizo freak

i am a racemixed kid
I was bullied for having darker skin than other kids... But girls liked me until i became spergy at age 12. On the other hand i have a mixed raced who started playing with pussy at age 14. Cant necessarily say its bad but sometimes i wish i had fairer skin and blond hair so that i fit in.
Its not so important to have parents of same race as its to have attractive parents who actually are certain about having kids. No one wants to be ugly.

>Everyone that disagrees with me is white!!!!!!!111111111111
you're probably the same type of schizo to ramble on about the whyte boogeyman coming to get you

>racemixing will end racism
>only whitie can be racist!
your glow nigger is showing
most of the people on this board are american
most americans are repulsive mutts
alot of americans are really racist
alot of mutts are racist
fuck off


This problem is especially bad in a group, like an RPG party or society, where everyone wants specialists, not a generalists. A doctor doesn't benefit from jumping skills and a basketball player doesn't benefit from mathematical skills. Why mix them and make them both less successful?

This ends up being pretty ironic, because pro-race mixers tend to espouse egalitarian views, but race mixing actually just makes things worse. You're eliminating race, maybe, but by mixing them up you're creating a greater disparity between individuals. Imagine a society where 50% of the population can see and 50% can hear; now imagine mixing them up: the end result is 25% can see, 25% can hear, 25% can do both and 25% can do neither. GREATER disparity. Odd goal for an egalitarian.

>Jews are not a race
>racial purity laws forbidding those of Jewish ancestry

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