
London still not in lockdown edition

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mmmmm bad ass OP birthday boy

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Nothing is happening.
The only thing "happening" is normalfags thinking they're action heroes in a zombie movie.
Stockpile all the bread you want because in a week shops will be running as usual again.
Do you not think that the super markets are loving this? Encouraging the softbrains to buy as much as possible as quickly as possible.
Even if Corona affected 50% of people the chance of it killing anyone on /britfeel/ is minimal unless you're a complete AIDS infested homo with no immune system in which case the common cold should have killed you.

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When COVID hits your town
And it starts doing rounds
That's the chink flu

When you nonna has died
And she's lying outside
That's the chink flu

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is that the undertaker??

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>Stockpile all the bread you want because in a week shops will be running as usual again.
Why would you think that? Corona virus is only going to get worse, people will continue to stockpile. Supplies are being limited already and it will only get worse

>in a week shops will be running as usual again.

I agree not a happening but a week is wrong. Gonna take at least 3-6 months for shops to run as normal.

my mum and me have just lost our jobs lads, I'm fucked

*soars towards you*

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Nice hips. These kind of tranners look really cute when they've got wigs on and cover their faces though

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mmmm don't wanna mess with that

I agree with most of what you said but you're a fucking idiot, the risk from covid doesn't come from it killing people it comes from interruption of regular services and economic impact, if it was more fatal it'd be less of a problem but since it's not it could continue on for months, but since we will scale as time goes on it'll be less of a problem
an ecel*b had a virologist guest on recently to talk about why the lower mortality rate is actually a bigger problem he's called devin nash and the guy he spoke to had decades of experience in the field 36 years IIRC

>because in a week shops will be running as usual again.


you and half the country mate. apply to jsa asap before the system crashes

The key is to remain in a constant state of confusion and panic lads

Dont let common sense get in the way of what facebook tells you to do

Just listen to the news and worry about london

Buy bread and bog roll

Panic some more

Give big condescending lectures to anyone who isn't panic buying or planning to lock them selves away

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>Get wuflu
>Come back to work when it clears up
People are just not going to work because they're lazy fucking faggots
nice argument queer

ummmm guys


I dont give a fook until we get spanish flu numbers, then I'll worry. Sick of this shit

most people who get it require hospitalization and treatment lad, some people are just lazy cunts but theres still reason for concern even without considering seasonality

This attitude is just as retarded as the panic mongs. If you're not making preparations for what is about to happen you're being really short sighted.

So this is what they mean by natural selection.

What even is the current score lads?

Last years flu got 35k people world wide and infected almost 40 million

This better be a joke post. Not caring is exactly what will lead to us getting Spanish/Italian flu numbers. Spastic

panic moar

user is a nonce, pass it on

You're the one saying you'll care after shits already hit the fan. Don't need to panic, just use your common sense.

>thinking that any post on here isn't satirical

it's ok we'll get the advantage in case beds and medical resources start to run out, i'll enjoy giving boomers the finger as they watch me get carried into a hospital while they get told to stay out by the armed guards at the doors :^)

bury your head more

Surgery got cancelled :(
I really needed this one

All of this just goes to prove what the anprims say is correct

Start looking for land when this blows over so you're protected in future. The more reliant you are on society, the more fucked you are when shit like this kicks off.

Car crashes killed more than the flu so why are people worried about the flu?

how are you supposed to buy land in this country? I imagine it would be ridiculously expensive and require a million hoops to jump through

How are robots so worried about this?
You guys changed man

Do you think Amazon will soon stop doing deliveries?
I want to buy some weights before the gyms close

if you don't worry about buying on the land or are willing to keep all structures under 6ft it's under 10k since you only need about an acre

All the normies shit up the place during the day

How is londonistan going to stop muslims from going to mosques? they started rioting when in the middle east when one was closed

Ive been doing involontary nofap for 15 days now cos my moms is in my appartment cos of quarantine and retarded laws and it feels kinda awkward, knowing your mom is in the same buulding So you know its serious. Im just constantly hard and its getting worse...

once the hard crash happens you will be able to get lands with small amounts of gold. you have been stocking up on gold right? something every economical expert has been saying since 2008

Hopefully they don't bother stopping them, good chance to get rid of some of the diversity. Could send poley down there as well.

Didn't amazon say they will start prioritising critical delivery if demand gets too high? I say order what you need now.


uh oh somebodies a yank

>people between 30 and 50

phew thank god i'm only 29

With the anxiety, IBS, depression, lack of sleep and constant isolation I just can't care about the flu. Can't imagine it can make things any worse

>/britfeel/ is just going to be constant virus talk and bickering for the forseeable future
welp I guess we had a good run, shame it had to end this way lads

How do the homeless quarantine them selves lads? they dont have any fuckin homes

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time for you to leave for a bit then eh lad?

based and redpilled
if you're a schizoid or avoidmong you're quids in too

Yeah but they run all the local fast food shops which are still allowed to deliver during lockdowns. Because is booming for them, they will infect millions through they coughed on kebabs and pizzas. During war times its common for government to take over business, i think boris should announce a full take over of takeaways or else hello china 2.0.

most got tents

not a yank, not a brit either... not great not terrrlible.. just saw that comment without looking at what the thread is actually about

>>thinking that any post on here isn't satirical
This place is full of bonafide mouth dribbling spastics. For every satirical post there are two genuine posts


Will bazza still be able to get his kebabs?

Might as well get off the internet then lad. Because that's all you will hear as the situation is only worsening.

I had to google what that was I thought it was to do with computers

Oh no were all gonna die from the FLU!

Shut it you fucking BELLEND

I swear if I go to fucking aldi and there is no cunting bread I'm going to flip.

>Time to *cough* *cough* go *cough* to the *cough* local *cough* *cough* care home

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What do you want from me?
Aren't you wanting me?
Girl, you're all I see
You're all I love
You're all I need
You know my heart
You're haunting there
Fuck that talk
I'm out here to bleed
Don't die yet
Come for me
Everybody wants to see
No more love for me
No more love for you

No more I'm done, I'm with you
They can come for it all
Gotta get it, baby
Yeah, I got a gat now
Good as it gets
Baby when you're pulling me and pulling me to bed
Everybody pulling legs, now what's that?
Yeah, you're on my arm
Own my arm
Hold my arm
Hold my arm
Ya we're grinding
Surround you
Live forever
Live forever

Don't wanna die just yet
I'm only alive for this
Listen, baby, I'm with you
And we're gonna die, together
Living for you again
What are you living for?
What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for is it me?
What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for
What are you waiting for is it me?
What are you waiting for is it me?
What are you living for is it me?

Everybody wants to see us through
I don't really know what I would do
Only ever wanted to be with you
Only ever wanted to be with you
I don't really know what I would do
Everybody wants to see us through
What do you want from me?
Aren't you wanting me?
Girl, you're all I see
Girl, all the love I need
Girl, you're haunting me

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