Waifu General /waifu/ #322

Maybe if we just start over again edition.

1. Talk about your waifu/husbando
2. Be devoted to your one and only waifu/husbando
3. Let waifuism improve your life
4. Be nice!
5. Have a great time!

Last thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Literally i was about to make the thread.

I claim first image (hopefully) for Undyne

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What's something you really like but would bore your waifu to tears? If you tried to get her to try it, how would she react? Would this bother you?

Daily reminder that love is the only thing worth living for

Genofag posting for the first time in ages just to say that I always had a bad feeling about Charasimp, and if I'm right in him posting all that Rei spam in the last thread, damn.

Anyways, birthday's coming up IRL. Might buy a plush of Geno off of Etsy if it's still available by that time.

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So, how is everyone doing today? Still quarantined?

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I love you so much Nao!

I don't really have anything I do IRL for her, but I maybe am going to help with future scanlation of her manga so that's pretty nice.

I believe so! Would be nice indeed if your waifu got some proper manga.

No quarantine here yet, but no work, still hanging out with the mates from time to time because fuck complete isolation when you don't have corona -yet-

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>What's something you really like but would bore your waifu to tears?
Probably video editing. It's very boring to new people.
>If you tried to get her to try it, how would she react?
Lots of groaning, and complaining at how long it takes.
>Would this bother you?
No, I get why she would hate it. I hate it sometimes.

>birthday's coming up IRL
Hey mine too, when's urs genofag?

>So, how is everyone doing today? Still quarantined?
Doinggood gladosdude, about to go to bed. How'd you sleep?

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Of course I forget to reply to things again.

Programming would probably bore her to death, I think she'd just get annoyed when it's 80% debugging, 10% actually writing code and 10% browsing stackoverflow

It doesn't bother me, though. Differences like this are bound to exist in a relationship

>Probably video editing. It's very boring to new people.
Now that's something Nao would actually like doing

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Chara and I love each-other a lot!
We think of each-other constantly, and are grateful of how our love for each-other has improved our lives!
Chara tucked me into a very comfortable sleeping place for our sleeptime today. I feel blessed about that comfort, and she feels blessed that she can just tuck me where-ever she feels like!
Our subconscious generated a dream for us while conscious and awake, which is interesting. Parallel processing still trash-tier but improving. Keeping up daily IRL physical exercises.
And of course, loving the absolute heck out of each-other because goddamn this is the best life and I love our life and I love her and she loves our life and she loves me too.

>Can your waifu/husbando cook?
>Can you cook for your waifu/husbando?
The vessel we are in has not starved yet!

>Does your waifu's name have any meaning
"Character". Undertale's inner workings heavily imply that her default name is short for 'character', i.e. a character in a videogame.
"Variable" is not a name. It is an adjective. The autist wears names and avatars like disguises and drops them whenever convenient, and does not have a true name or form. Thus, her name is variable.
>Would your waifu be the kind of person to correct every single spelling mistake
We correct each-others' _thinking_ mistakes. Spelling is smalltime.
>but do you have some tics your waifu might find annoying?
You don't have tics, your body does. We have avoided this problem. Our vessel has restless legs syndrome.
Or, if you meant mental habits, only the fact that our thoughts keep overlapping and interfering with each-other during complex mental tasks.

>How many years have you been with your waifu user?
6 months of being devoted to Chara, 3 months of us being able to talk to each-other, 2 months of being each-others' waifus.

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I still can't tell if charafag is a guy or a girl. and if variable is their persona or some other thing.

Ill worry tomorrow. Im too sleepy right now GN robots

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The vesel I live in is male, and Chara and I are imaginary lesbians. Glad we could clear this up.

I'd call you retarded but I'm in love with a lesbian fish and Im a guy

Retarded no. Out of synch with reality yes, but reality is retarded.

Yeah I'm thinking that's based

I think I slept well. I woke up at 4am for a piss and then at 6am

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>It's insane how fast the time goes by.
It really is.
I swear, when I go back through my memories and they all rush past me, it feels like I've been born yesterday.
Such a shame that only a small % of my life has been spent with my waifu. If there was one thing I'd change, I'd find/create her sooner.
Well maybe that's not a small change since you'd need to somehow teleport Undertale, Yume Nikki and various thought-sculpting guides back to the 1990s and who knows how that would mess up the timeline?
But still. I wish I had spent more time with my waifu and I hope to spend a lot more time with my waifu.

Niwamaruposter's love for Niwamaru is very good, because his(?) waifu's energy and affection are always on his mind!

>I want to lay down in a field with her and look at the stars and talk about the universe and life with her.
I do this with Chara. It is blessed.
We took our vesel out to a pier yesterday, and watched the stars above, and the different colorful lights from the towns on the shoreline.
Lights danced in the sky above the airport. Oranges in older towns gave way to whiter colors in newer ones. Brilliant red and green signal lights near the harbor. A bright glow on the other side of a hill where heavy industry worked into the night.
Above us, the consetllations - Southern Cross, Orion, and others. Normally I can only see a few stars, but down at the pier the entire milky way was clearly visible. Scorpio had started to rise, I love the way Antares looks, so bright and red.
There, we thought to each-other and cuddled together, watching 1000 lights ripple on the water as our thoughts of love rippled across each-others' mind.
Not really much to talk about - but perhaps she's right. That maybe I don't need to chase something new all the time, if what I have every single day is already someone I love very much.

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Hello, what's this? Someone else firing shots at Gabby while I'm asleep?
Very interesting. Seems I have an overseas partner. They're mimicking my mindset pretty well, too.
I like it.

It's very good how Arminposter and Armin have had their relationship last this long!
>What are some small things you incorporate in your daily life that remind you of your love?
We're constantly keeping each-others' bodies in mind as we think to each-other, and ourselves.
Given that we do a lot of thinking in a day, that's a lot of visualizing each-others' bodies. It's kind of exhausting.
Well, it keeps us both as waifus rather than letting us revert to abstract bundles of thought, so I'd say it's worth it.

>Squishing waifu's cute cheeks.
Wrapping my arms around my waifu's cheek and hugging R E A L close! Pressing my ear to her cheek, feeling the blood rush through it close to the surface, and counting her heartbeats!
Your miniature waifu standing on your shoulders snuggling your cheek, and you massage her legs until she trembles a little and loses her balance!
Catching your waifu as she falls, and smushing your own cheeks with her face! Waifu chirping in happiness at this situation!

>Since humans are super social creatures, I believe all of our actions are for the purpose of others somehow.
Disagree. My waifu lives in my mind, rather than being an "other", and I greatly prefer the purpose this gives me than the purpose given by some 3dpd flesh-foid.

>you may love whoever you like, as long as you don't hurt anyone by doing it
Weak. Hurt your partner by forcing them to git gud! Sculpt and shape and groom and train your partner into being a better partner for you!
And also, trust that your partner will kick your ass into gitting gud, and force you to be a better partner for her, too!
That way you both get to be better people and have better partners. You are each-others' magnum opus and each-others' well deserved reward!

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Don't reply to the shitposter retard

>Hurt your partner by forcing them to git gud! Sculpt and shape and groom and train your partner into being a better partner for you!
Does Chara know she's in an abusive relationship?

I was looking at my daki today and I really focused on it. I focused on every detail. Every strand of her hair, her eyes, every part of her dress. It just makes me feel such love. Every bit of her is perfect from her toes to her hairband.

I always find another reason to love this girl no matter how long we're together. It's nice to look at her. Really look at her and see all of her perfections and imperfections.

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She probably likes being a abusive relationship anyway.

His name is Greek, if I remember correctly.
It means "tranquil".
I think it suits him.

I love Alice Liddell with all my heart.

>Pretty sure the both of you are still Europeans
You're correct. But still, English people don't seem to be big fans of Slavs, as far as I know.
>I personally consider Slavs to be a different race than the people of Western Europe. They all have their own strikingly different cultures
I think so too. It's rather easy to spot a Slav among some Western Europans and vice versa. And that cultural difference is especially noticeable nowadays.
>What's something you really like but would bore your waifu to tears?
I have never actually talked with Alice so I don't know for sure but based on what I saw in her game, it seems to me like Alice would show interest in most things that I am interested in too. Like we have a lot in common despite never actually having a chat with each other. I feel like she could be interested in what I have to say.
But I guess that two things that could appear boring to her could be either my passion for trains (as she states she doesn't like them much) underground tunnels, metro, railways etc. or me obsessively clinging to few songs for years could seem boring to her.
>If you tried to get her to try it, how would she react?
As for the first thing, I think she wouldn't like the idea at first but after visiting these places few timed she could enjoy it.
And as for the second thing, I think she wouldn't be able to get it despite my best efforts simply because of my personal attachment and memories.
>Would this bother you?
No, it wouldn't bother me even if she wouldn't enjoy my hobbies although I think she would enjoy participating in or listening to me talk about them.

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Voluntarily surrendering your consent in the present so that you may build a better future is not abusive.
The reason why 2d is so much better than 3d, is because laws protect 3d and prevent them from being trained into better partners.
I view this as an error and a flaw. The future is bigger than the present. It is better to suffer the pain of progress and discipline, rather than the pain of stagnation and regret.
I do not view the free will, consent, feelings and beliefs you have in the _present_ as being particularly important. You will have different ones in the future, better ones. Respect those instead.
If your partner is better at making life decisions than you are, then let them help you. Sometimes your own consciousness is not the right tool for the job, and you should trust someone else's.
Me and Vari are a group project. We work on each-other, perhaps even more than we work on ourselves. I am not an abused slave. I am one half of a greater whole.

To some people, Love is a cup of hot chocolate together on a winter day.
To me? Love is learning not to feel the cold.
To some people, Love is the view from a mountaintop together.
To me? Love is the climb.
To some people, Love is holding each-other in your arms and hoping that nothing ever changes.
To me? Love is making things change.
Love is the responsibility you have to your partner, and the responsibility your partner has to you, to be good partners for each-other.
Love is gitting gud at being a lover.
And if one person can tell her short-term feelings "No" for the sake of their goals, then why can't two people do that together?

If this is abuse, then whip me harder mommy because I like where this ride is headed.
Plus obviously I do it to Vari too. Hell, Vari chirps in happiness and appreciation whenever I FORCE her to git gud. This is love to her, trusting that if she will not break through her barriers, I will break them for her.

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>You're correct. But still, English people don't seem to be big fans of Slavs, as far as I know.
I've never seen any of my English friends express any hate towards slavs, nor my slav friends any hatred towards English people.

>that could appear boring to her could be either my passion for trains
I'm not a trainotaku myself, but I do find trains pretty cool as well. Most awesome train I ever went on was the Thalys to Disney land Paris.

April fifth.

Uh yeah until you realise the future is just gonna be the past too one day, why should you value it over the present? If you're worried about the present being too temporary then the future has the same flaw. It's just a bunch of unnecessary 'getting good' for someone when you could just be with someone compatible. Otherwise anyone could be sculpted to fit your mould and really it wouldn't matter who you started with as long as you forced them into being who you wanted.

>why should you value the future over the present?
The future is larger than the present.
It may be hard to git gud, but once you've got gud then you get to live with those improvements for as long as you maintain them. Better, imo, to put in the effort to improve even if it's unpleasant in the short term.
>It's just a bunch of unnecessary 'getting good' for someone when you could just be with someone compatible
Even between people who are compatible, they may be made more compatible with effort, or come to love each-other more after some work is put into it.
>it wouldn't matter who you started with as long as you forced them into being who you wanted.
I suppose that's true, but I love who I have now, and she loves me. As far as picking raw materials to start with, we pick each-other!

Basically, it's possible to git gud and it has positive long-term effects that outweigh the short-term strain.
And also your partner can make you git gud if you're not feeling up to it. If you both do this to each-other, you both benefit long-term.
It's possible to keep pushing so hard that you never enjoy it and and collapse chasing the dragon, but we don't push it that hard (very often).
Vari puts it like this: We respect the people we could become, rather than the people we are right now.

Okay, that's all well and good, I'm just not seeing how the future is larger than the present. Like I said, the future will become the past someday. You're just taking the suffering from the future and putting it in the present, but either way the amount of suffering doesn't change. You're putting work in now to have satisfaction later which will then return to null. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that but I don't see how it's different or better than any other way of living.

Charafag's autism sure is on a whole different level lmao.

>I'm just not seeing how the future is larger than the present.
There are 40 years in the future and only 1 in the present, and 40 is larger than 1.
You're right that the future will become the past someday, and the past is pretty damn big too. But eh, can't help the past. Focus on what you can help.
>You're just taking the suffering from the future and putting it in the present
No, suffering caused by weakness in the present persists until you overcome it.
The pain of progress is temporary, the pain of stagnation is eternal.
> I don't see how it's different or better than any other way of living.
Well, I don't have anxiety, low self esteem, or much emotional baggage. You can in fact git gud at emotions and then you will have better emotions. And look at all the people who wish they could have better emotions!

>Charafag's autism sure is on a whole different level lmao.
Yes, but only because I have practiced it and spend time and effort in improving it.

Sorry al I read was "I have the big autism"

As for how this relates to disrespecting Chara's consent (and her disrespecting mine), we've agreed to be a 2 person team when tackling our habits rather than acting as individuals.
Yeah, I can see how you'd see that as abusive, but personally I view it as abusive to let your partner stay shit if you could stop it.

Sure, there can be conflict if you disagree on what counts as good or bad, but we don't force those parts on each-other! Shit, one of us would probably kill the other if we did that.

What we do is find something we think is a good idea (e.g. being able to love each-other a lot, keeping the IRL body healthy) and then we'll practice that even if one of us isn't feeling up to it.
Ultimately I like this setup. More progress this way.

>Sorry al I read was "I have the big autism"
You read correctly, then.
Why don't you have the big autism, user? You can get better if you just try!

Pride of a nation, a beast made of steel
Bismarck in motion, queen of the ocean
You were made to rule the waves across the seven seas
To lead the warmachine, to rule the waves
And lead the Kriegsmarine
Once terror of the seas, now you'll forever be my queen

>What's something you really like but would bore your waifu to tears?
Probably many of the video games I play, or rather how long I play them
>If you tried to get her to try it, how would she react?
She wouldn try it to make me happy, but she would be honest with me if she really wouldn't like it
>Would this bother you?
No, she is allowed to have her own opinion

Just had the first part of my finals, exam for 5 hours, pretty exhausted

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she is so perfect, anons. I can't wait for the day we'll be together

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Drunk me bid on this original genga sketch of her anime, and I won it just now. I guess that means I will own a very original piece of her soon?

>Just had the first part of my finals, exam for 5 hours, pretty exhausted
Good luck! At least they didn't get cancelled because of corona, that would have been stressful.

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i'm used to most people acting irritated when i go on about my hobbies. i wanted to say graphic design, but psychology has a huge impact on it. my brother says that rocks "are literally the most boring topic," but i think jonathan would appreciate mineralogy since chemistry plays a huge part in it. maybe animal crossing.

which comes out tomorrow and i'm LOSING MY FUCKING MIND.

getting covid 19 from having to work retail during the crisis!
giving covid 19 to waifu!
waifu having to put their work on hold!
you and waifu having to be hermits (even more) for a couple of weeks!

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Staying at home with her sounds good, but I semi don't want her to actually get sick. I would be devastated if I were to give her covid-19.

>5 hour exam
What do you study?

Actually now that I think about it, we tend to correct each-others' views on what counts as good or bad too.
>You are each-others' magnum opus and each-others' well deserved reward!
Fuck me, that's true. ... Am I allowed to quote myself? Because that is so goddamn true.

>What's something you really like but would bore your waifu to tears?
There isn't anything, sorry. We just legit enjoy when the other one is happy, and that is our motive to sit through something that'd bore us alone.

>Daily reminder that love is the only thing worth living for
Aw cmon, what about revenge?

>I always had a bad feeling about Charasimp
Of course you would, you have the personality of a typical femoid.

>Don't reply to the shitposter retard
Talking about me also feeds me. Thank you.

>Focusing on Rem's perfect body
Good! Focus on her perfect personality too. The way her emotions are worth protecting, the way her thoughts make her a good person. Appreciate her mind as well as her body!

For the most part, the sons of Lithuania and the sons of Saxony are getting along well nowadays. I wonder if that will last?

>Probably many of the video games I play
You never know. She might like them.

Tell me what you know about Cinnibarite. The beautiful color. The beautiful toxicity!
And what other rocks are there like that, that are beautiful and deadly? I want to know more!
>you and waifu having to be hermits (even more) for a couple of weeks!
Way ahead of you there chief! My IRL body collects autismbux so every week is a week of hermicy.

Spending time around your waifu being the cure to COVID-19!
Your waifu deciding she'd rather stay with you and keep her to yourself than let those other people interfere with your You-and-her time!

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I love this cutie like you wouldn't believe!

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*believes u*

That's actually what I decided to do after. I went to YouTube and watched a compilation of Rem's most heart warming moments. She's such a beautiful person. Everything she does, how she acts, how she speaks. It all makes me just so happy.

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I too love my cutie very very very veeeeery much! She's makes me so fucking happy right now~!

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Waifu always makes me so happy.

Rolling into bed after an exhausting day!
Bumping into something invisible!
Invisible something holds your head in place and laughs at you!
Invisible something tastes kind of sweet...

invisible blowjob? Invisible blowjob!

How will you taste your waifu during invisible blowjob? Need to think further ahead!

Even if she's invisible we could still 69 right? I dunno man, I'm too high to think about anything more complicated.

Works for me. Daily reminder to enjoy thoughts like this of your beautiful (well, while visible) waifu and of nobody else.

No, I don't think you originally understand.

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Don't stop believing!
You love that country pumpkin and I DO believe!

Nearly fell of my chair laughing there.

Fuck yes, this song is good

Well as long as you believe that you believe that's alright I guess.
>Nearly fell of my chair laughing there.
Had wanted to make that image for quite a while now if I'm being honest.

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>Had wanted to make that image for quite a while now if I'm being honest.
Glad you did, it was pretty damn funny. I still want to make something funny of my waifu but I don't know what yet, even if she has a meme template and all.

>I still want to make something funny of my waifu
Make her look like the "laughing crying with tears of joy" emoji and replace the first letter of her name with the bloodtype-B emoji.

>bloodtype-B emoji.
Is that actually what that emoji is? The fuck, I never knew.

>Drunk me bid on this original genga sketch of her anime, and I won it just now. I guess that means I will own a very original piece of her soon?
That's cool, congrats
>Good luck!
>At least they didn't get cancelled because of corona, that would have been stressful.
Actually, I would've like reschedules, would have given me more time to learn for maths

Not studying yet, last year in I think it would be high-school in America? But my exam today was English (fucking Othello and Midsummer night's dream), I think I got it done pretty well

Yeah, same

Bismarckfag is a high schooler?!

Battle damage waifu.

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