Any other ugly femcels here? How are you holding up?

Any other ugly femcels here? How are you holding up?

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time to cut my upper thigh again :]

tfw no ugly femcel to quarantine with

I'm not a femanon, just wanted to say hi

Hi, simp.

Tits and timestamp you fucking tranny

"Simp" implies he's orbiting a woman. This thread was made by an obvious larp faggot.

>22 year old virgin femcel
>asked out the fat weird guy with no friends
>he said ill think about it
>three weeks later still no bf

go up to him and grab his penis. guys like this.

sorry but fat guys are for Stacy now

Really scared. wish I had a bf or at least a good male friend right now close by.

I can be your good male friend

Pretty bad my bf shared pics of me in a discord with his friends about two week ago and you can imagine their reaction. :/ It was really really bad. He's a joke to his friends now. He's barely talking to me now and no sexual stuff since. I'm angry and hurt but I guess I just have to act like nothing has happened and give him some time? I'm so upset like what the fuck did he expect posting my pics to internet guys?? I'm fat and ugly and homely..
He just moved in with me a few months ago. Not sure if he actually loves me or if me taking care of him is just the best situation he thinks he can get.
He's my first everything btw, and I just turned 30.. we've been talking about marriage for a long time but he hasn't actually proposed.. I think I've just been being used for the past year. :(

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I lost my job today due to the virus. I was up for a promotion that would let me gain financial freedom from my parents. Now I'm back to square one.

ask him to talk. don't let him resist the convo.

my boyfriend won't look at me when we video chat

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Im 34, married for 10 years, and have 4 kids with my wife.

You femcels post pics and I'll give you the most honest rating you'll ever get.

i'm scared i have corona virus because i woke up with a sore throat and now i'm going to die without ever holding hands with a boy.

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>e-fwbs rated me a 6/10

Its over.

I'm more worried about the neurological symptoms, supposedly it can cause cerebrovascular disease. If you're young then the lung problems probably won't kill you but you might end up with permanent brain damage worst case, no saying just how severe the brain damage can be yet though.

This happened to me, although I was the robot male, I just told my friends that we'd fucked and that she was good in bed although inexperienced. That fixed it up.

i'm already retarded i don't think it can get that much worse

U can be ugly, but pls dont be fat fembots

I dont care how ugly or good looking you are. Why dont women understand that most men dont give a shit about your appearance, and just care about how emotional you are. Literally, every man just wants a woman who covers him up with a blanket as he comes home tired from work and gives him a kiss. Thats all we really want, love. We dont care about your genitals, ignore the memes.

Because you think he'll protect you from the pandemic?

You could end up paralyzed or something, it'd suck to be retarded and in a wheelchair.

>look like a tranny
>actually a cis female

Is there any worse feel?

Hi, I'm an ugly man, would you like to be my girlfriend?
Hi, I'm an ugly man, would you like to be my girlfriend?
Hi, I'm an ugly man, would you like to be my girlfriend?
Hi, I'm an ugly man, would you like to be my girlfriend?
Hi, I'm an ugly man, would you like to be my girlfriend?
Hi, I'm an ugly man, would you like to be my girlfriend?
Hi, I'm an ugly man, would you like to be my girlfriend?
Hi, I'm an ugly man, would you like to be my girlfriend?

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Bullshit liar. Bullshit liar. Bullshit liar. Bullshit liar. Bullshit liar. Bullshit liar.

Absolute retard, dont give them bad advice.

I dont even know why I'm on this board, I'm a pretty/fit/ dude who is pretty much never single. There are a few things my gfs had in common.

>Cared about hygene
>Had good teeth
>No bf% >27%
>the less qt they were, the more relaxed and comfy.

The best tip I can give you is to get a few hobbies not related to computers. If you can talk about things that interest you like painting, keeping terrariums or gardening or whatever, your interestingness will rise with 200 points

How am I in any way wrong? How do you think ugly males or ugly people in general exist, if there wasn't an ugly female to pass on the genes? You could even read most of the threads on here, and most of them say they just want to experience love, being held etc.

Looks like there are no true femcels.

feeling old as fuck, hoping i won't survive this stupid chinky flu. take me now.

lose weight for him?

First ugliness is not entirely inherited from ugly parents. Two above average people can easily have an ugly child if the combination if their features is unfortunate. And if a girl inherits the face of her handsome father, that will often make her ugly.

But besides that, the true fact that there are men who would marry a nice ugly girl doesn't mean we all would.

The genes are way more likely to pass on if both parents are ugly. And also by ugly, I don't mean a burn victim or someone suffering from facial deformation, I just mean a girl that's around 5/10 or below. Nothing that extreme. People do settle for average/ugly girls a lot.

I feel like my boyfriend expects me to act like the girls in porn and call him daddy and beg him to fuck my harder with his big cock, but I'm just not into any of that, I stay pretty quiet during sex, I think it makes him insecure.

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>Only two replies includng this one

Once again proving that women cant be lonely or incel.

Get the fuck off my board cuntoids.

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Average is different from ugly.
A lot of people don't settle for ugly women. I know I don't.

See I assumed you were speaking about men in general

because he's looking at the screen dimwit

>has a bf
Are women really this retarded?

Lad here, never had sex, can't imagine myself making any noise during it, would feel too forced or would end up just not taking it seriously and giggling like a nutter. Are fembots the same?

Compare the amount of replies a post like this would have if genders were reversed to the amount it has.
Based ugly man for showing the utter hipocrisy of this world and the so called "femcels" or "fembots"


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Who the fuck asked? this is a femcel thread

okay ill be ur gf

okay ill be ur bf

Okay, where do you live? Let's get married.

Mine too please, i eat much

Only had 9 Chads fuck me this month. Sisters it's so difficult to be ugly :((

You are alone there are no other femcels here. Best to visit
Exit this board and stop cutting yourself.

Hey, sorry I have a gf

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Couple more weeks and you'll see this gentleman in your room.

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no eat a fat dick faggot

hey if you talk with me online maybe i'll be your bf

t. male, absolute horseshit

okay but no decapitating me and raping my corpse pls

Nah but wanna roleplay having your throat slit and being fucked as you bleed out, but just fantasy so not actual cuts? That's my fetish.

You're a woman. Your objective in life is to suck cocks lmfao. And you're sad you can't. HAHAHAHA

there are no women here, just trannies, how do you all fall for this bait all the time