/r9gay/ - #969

still no furries, only more catbois edition
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link-chan is cute, CUTE!

Berry nice. I think I'll stay here a while.

Tfw no bf to cuddle me to sleep.

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I really need a bf that looks EXACTLY like link.

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I'll have 1 (one) New England bf to ride out the virus with, please and thank you.

Ride pun intended


i hate being gay (im starting to think im a tranny now, fuck life) but being straight wouldn't make my life any better. being straight wouldn't make me a decent and tolerable person, but at least i wouldn't be a fucking faggot that likes men. i want to scream aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

i want to cut myself but im too acared to get out of bed FUCK

>sees image

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Why aren't you gay? There's nothing wrong with it.

I just want to leave my cursed town,go to a city,go to underground metal/punk gigs and see if I can get a bf desu I just want a metalhead/punk bf to hate this filthy world together

Ive always liked girls but that image made me feel just... weird

aww isn't that cute little user likes boys

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You bisexual now.

Shit. You people might make me return to religion just to stop such thing

no bf feels are stronger than ever.... how do I make it stop

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I'm quite honestly boy crazy. Cuties haunt my dreams now, not women. Protecting a cute boy and earning his affection is a noble calling.

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Fuck it where can I find porn like OPs image

just get a bf lol, it's that simple

>tfw no doctor bf to false diagnose me with corona so i don't have to go to work anymore and then give me a prostate exam

stop being a faggot, trash

I'm bi but I'm too short for women to like me is being short okay to gay guys

What are you gaymers playing while being quarantined?

nier automata and well, league
short is cute

>nier automata and well, league
Sounds fun. Hope you're being safe user.

same goes to you user. Remember to wash your hands and take care

>Remember to wash your hands and take care
Will do. Take care.

I'm actually trying to beat dark souls for the first time, I already know part of the game already since I have watched lots of videos (though it's still an awesome game and I feel like i'm playing it for the first time, thankfully), but I decided that I don't want to die without having completed this game (and without having met my bf, of course)
It's a magical experience, but the Gaping dragon boss fight is buggy as fuck, he once insta-killed me without even touching me, and all my main weapons are broken but I can't go to a smith because i'm lost at the Depths.

Sounds like you're having a nice time user! Well, other than those glitches and broken weapons and being lost... Still, hope you stay safe during these times and that the fun continues for you.

Titanfall 2 and FFXIV, but I'd be playing them virus or no virus though

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The only thing that annoys me are the bugs actually, it's intended to be lost in the laberynth that are the depths, and the broken weapons are forcing me to use other weapons/options.
Yeah, of course, i'll be fine though, the virus is not really a threat, at least to me, i'm more worried about the crisis that we could face.
You are really kind user, stay safe you too.

tfw no bf to steal money with

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is a good place to start. I'm sure there's a good booru for gay stuff, but I can't really point you to any that aren't questionable.

This thread isn't really a great source to start with as it isn't supposed to be a porn thread, but I'm sure most of us are willing to throw you a bone. Pic related.

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tfw no wolf bf to cooom in me

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tfw no cute fluffly birb bf

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why do bottoms get dicks too? They get their cake and eat it too.

Homosexual attraction isn't natural.
Faggotry is equal parts choice and mental illness.

>tfw tried grindr
>tfw found tons of good looking guys and big dicks

Never gonna listen to you haters who said no to grindr!

so much this
me getting fucked in the ass is a mental illness and its a choice
im a certified homo
expect being ghosted after having sex with someone

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/cm/ is for you then, but you can also stay here for some confy pics we usually post.

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>expect being ghosted after having sex with someone

Eh well doesn't hurt me too much can always find someone later

Nah man, I don't think you can choose to like something, you can pretend, but I assure you gay men don't pretend to like other males.

do hets smirk and giggle knowing that their gay friend in a relationship is getting cock up his asshole?

No nipples wtf?

well try and get a bf
It's boring doing one night stands
or get a friends with benefits

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Can get it later, I want to have fun :3

You absolutely can control and change what you like, faggot. You just don't want to or lack the self-discipline.

You going to bottom or top? Or unsure?

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Where can I look for a compatible bf? I'm a virgin so I don't feel thrilled to go on grindr to get pumped & dumped.

>You absolutely can control and change what you like
No, you can't. Go ahead and make yourself dislike your favourite food for me.

I just want to post catboys all day long. Wish there was a place I could do that, without interference of furscum and trannies.

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You must be unironically retarded if you really think you can control your personal taste, in fact, that would contradict modern psychology.
If what you said was true, there would be ways of making a gay person straight, since it's as easy as "just need to want it", but as we all know, nobody has ever archieved that in history, not even with intensive treatment.

the more you resist the more I post more

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/cm/ man, there are even threads for that.

If I took medication that caused me to become nauseous each time I ate my favorite food, I would eventually become repulsed by it through association.
Likewise, sexuality can be changed through effort and conditioning.

>You going to bottom or top? Or unsure?
Bottom :3

How prepared are you?

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Then you are contradicting yourself fag, since you said it was a matter of self-discipline.

Very prepared, have played a lot with toys. Not gonna be like the gloomy losers. Gonna have fun with dicks~

going to let them go raw or use condoms?

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True, but they don't really chat over there, just mostly posting images which is fine, but I want to chat as well.

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Depends, if they can prove they're clean they're free to do it raw otherwise condom

where you at in new england you can ride me

what would you do if you saw your bf was having a nightmare?

Well have fun, I guess.
I don't get why you would though

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There are feels threads once in a while though, and pretty confy ones actually. Some people there are even more fucked than us.

I don't think I can ever get a bf, man.

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