Stop watching porn

>stop watching porn
>stop fapping
>stop feeling lonely and depressed all the time
Why the FUCK did you faggots tell me this was a meme? Literally all my problems were solved just by abstaining from porn and fapping.
Fuck you for trying to drag me down with you.

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Fuck off double nigger, I will fap all I want

I did the same and I'm still miserable.
Matbe I feel a little better about myself, but I'm still miserable.

Just wait till you start lifting

I did in October. I go to the gym at least 5 days a week for 2-4 hours.
The hardest part is getting myself to go, but as soon as I start putting in the work I'm glad I did.

Good stuff mate! Keep at it

How do you deal with the wet dreams? I'm 30 and I get them within the first 2 weeks of nofap every time still

I only get them if I edge or watch porn.
Months where I have the self discipline to abstain from porn and edging wet dreams are non existent and I cruise along a path of optimal energy and libido levels.
but as soon as I cave and watch some porn and edge in the shower I have a wet dream every time without fail. Even daydreaming about sexual thoughts leads to wet dreams.
The key is to learn to not only avoid fapping, but to avoid humoring sexual thoughts and behaviors. You need to omit lust from your life entirely.
That being said wet dreams aren't nearly as harmful as actual fapping. When I fap I shoot out ropes of thick white jizz. When I have wet dreams it's a small puddle of clear sticky fluid which is 99% prostate fluid. Prostate fluid isn't jizz and wet dreams don't have as much negative effects that relapsing with a fap session does.
Just keep going with your nofap. After about 2-3 months you'll stop having wet dreams. My longest nofap streak was over 900 days and I only had one wet dream which was triggered by watching porn and edging in the shower.

Free yourself from the coomer life style my friend, dont listen to these guys tryin to pull you down.

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Yeah now try not coming to Yas Forums. Your life will improve even more. Whenever I get into the habit of coming here, I get considerably more depressed and angry. And racist.

Just wait until you start meditating and understand the deep truth of human nature.

Welp, why are you here then friendo? Same goes for me btw, I'm here because I made a mistake and need escapism lol

Not even trad Catholics consider wet dreams a problem. It's nothing to worry about.

I cannot get past day 4. I have never made it past day 4, even actively trying to quit and taking it seriously. I have an addiction.
>start nofap
>couple days in feel a lot better
>day 3 or 4 urges REALLY hard, like impossible to resist
>nut and lose everything
>just don't give in to urges brooo it's not that hard
It's like a fucking carnal instinct. Hormones are insane. I literally cannot resist it, it's impossible. I will also get really angry and the smallest thing will set me off. The testosterone spike just makes me go crazy and horny. Please. I need help.

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I feel you. It gets a lot easier when you get older, so think of your struggles as just part of the price of youth and good health.

What you need to do when the extreme urge begins to start is immediately get out of bed or wherever you are and do something to get your mind off it. Exercising is classic, but anything that distracts you from thinking about sex will work. The testosterone surge will pass and if you can get through those rough early days it absolutely will get easier.

In the medieval age it was seen as a sign of demon interference and could be used against you in court

if it was easy it wouldn't be a problem user, don't feel excessively guilty and just keep trying until you make it

Demons want you to fap. They want you to actually give in.

A demon that can only get you to cum by giving you handjobs in your sleep is the demon equivalent of a robot furry who sadposts on /trash/.

Oddly enough, I felt the opposite. I would get all sad about >tfw no gf when I didn't watch porn, but after I watched it enough, I stopped caring about romantic relationships, for the most part.

Thats some depression you had

This Yas Forums poisons your mind and makes you think like a complete bottom feeder. You gotta avoid this place and keep adopting normie tendencies

>Stopped watching porn
>Stopped fapping
>Can now fly and travel dimensions
Why did you faggots tell me nofap was a meme

I don't know. I haven't gone for very long (and no matter how long you say you've gone, nofappers will just move the goal post) but I never felt any real benefit... I think state of mind is complex, sometimes good things happen in my life and I'm blown away by how good I can feel in the exact same circumstance, and also just how good it feels to feel good

it's like DAMN. FUCK. I'm happy. wow. this isn't shit. everything's doable and I wanna go do things. I love people.

christian propaganda detected
what do?

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I am familiar with shills. Shills exist to discourage behavior. You can't really expect to convert a hostile source so you just try to neutralize them. On political boards shills want you demoralized to the point of inaction. On social boards shills want you to avoid any attempt at self-improvement.

On political boards shills have an obvious source in that their behavior is sponsored. On social boards I question where they come from, but the method matches.

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>make friends
>make money
>jerk off to whatever nasty shit i want
nofap is frustrating and is no different to locking your dick in a chastity cage like a sissy cuck

Lmao you're doomed buddy. I can only imagine how this comers brain is wired wrong from fapping all the time

shouldn't you be molesting altar boys?

Maybe you should not have simply believed anyone and instead tried things for yourself, see what works for you and what doesn't.

I don't even watch or look at porn. I just jack off once a week. It feels good and I don't think while doing it. I'll wake up insatiably horny and just fap, clean up and go back to sleep.

You'd like that, coombrain

What were your problems, cummy underwear?

Anyway, good for you! I hope you continue to not feel lonely and depressed just because you are arbitrarily denying yourself basic needs.

>stop feeling lonely and depressed
>Literally all my problems were solved
So are you lonely or not? If you are, then your problems weren't solved.

for me it goes like this
>start feeling lonely and depressed all the time
>start watching porn
>start fapping

also, i don't think stopping fapping is solving 'literally all [your] problems'

I'm the same but never make it past two weeks. Always wake up the next day feeling like absolute death. Fuck my shitty low t body

just look at this animal crawling back to plato's cave after op shoved the truth right in his face
scary how unhumanly simple minded the coomer is...
a true savage..

How do you stop being lonely and depressed? I can remember being geniunly happy a couple years ago, it was summer, i was hanging out with my friends everyday, I found a hobby im still working on till this day, but suddenly it all went wrong, it has nothing to with fapping, porn, most likely yes, but not fappin, I mean can stop fapping If its better for my health and i will since low testorones can lead to depression but how do i stop being loney and sad all the time? Not fapping wont suddely fix my depression, please help bros i dont wanna be a sad fuck anymore

Just remember if you fap too much you'll become impotent

I do meditate. 20 minutes of transcendental meditation in the morning and evening.
Also been practicing fasting.

Just keep going, don't give up. 4 days is most than the average coomer can abstain for.
Maybe next streak will be 5 days, then 10 days, then 30 days, then you might fail again, but the next streak will be 100 days.
you can do it

>Christian propaganda
>don't be a coomer
those dang Christians! How dare they tell me to have discipline and not give into my primal urges for easy dopamine spikes! how dare they!!!!!

>How dare they tell me
yes, how dare they tell me. i don't wanna hear what you idiots have to say. everything a christfag says or does comes with an agenda. mind your own business, christfag, and treat your religion like a private matter.

Serious question, what's the reason behind doing transcendental meditation?

Why should we do any of the things you say?

Why do you faggots not realize there isn't a one size fits all cure for being miserable?

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>transcendental meditation
I still didn't understand what exactly constitutes transcendental meditation beyond the fact there is some kind of organization behind it. What exactly is the difference between from just meditating? And can you try it on your own?

Is life really that much better if you nofap, noporn, no4chan, novidya, lift, eat right, noalcohol, etc?? Is that life REALLY better? Or does it just SOUND nice.

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It really clears the brain fog. Image boards are also bad. I severely limited cooming and stopped coming here for 5 months or so and felt great. Now I've been back for a week and started cooming daily and I feel like dying. This shit is fucked.

You think about that a lot?

If it was so great then why are you back? Correlation doesn't equal causation you know, just because you were in a state of mind where you didn't need those things doesn't mean those things were the cause of your unhappiness.

I also do transcendental meditations..... every time I read Kant! Get memed pleb!

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that's the attitude i expected from a christfag
lets look the other way

Once you go full monk mode going back to your old lifestyle of porn, junk food and sitting around all day is unbearable. I relapsed after 56 days of not fappin but it gets easier every relapse. Just gotta remember how terrible you feel after those few seconds of pleasure. If any of you go nofap please eat healthy and exercise along with it. They all work together like a Trinity. I recommend walking/hiking for a month then getting into jogging after you get really good at it. That's how I beat depression and mindfog.

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Hatred will tear you up inside brother.

i'm perfectly calm as long as i don't have to deals with christfags

What is it that bothers you? I used to have hatred for Christianity myself until looking into it myself and finding that I was lied to.

I'm back because I started to stray from the path, slowly but surely. I started to doubt a little, get slightly more stressed, which leads to that urge to self-medicate with that easy dopamine rush from a quick wank to some degenerate shit. Then you just lose focus and start skipping meals and getting even more tired. I just tought one day "Hey, I'll check if there's any funny happenings on Yas Forums" out of boredom. And now here we are. But even though I lost this battle, the point is to not give up entirely when you get discouraged. You have to get back up and continue fighting the war. I have witnessed the straight and narrow path, and I know it's possible to go back. If it's difficult, you know it's something worth pursuing.
Thanks for the advice and encouragement. It's hard, but this place is truly the abyss. I hope all the best for us all, to make it out of here for good. We can make it.

My take is that there is nothing wrong with fapping in moderation but that level is upto you and only you to determine

it is better but not in the way that you're probably thinking.
you can't empirically measure your well-being,
you'll just DEFINITELY feel better, that i can 100% assure you. i promise. at least give it 1 serious try.

life won't be gray anymore

it is a meme.Normally people are not tht fucking animalistic so when they fap its not a big deal to them

I've never felt bad after fapping, didn't know it was so common. Is there any specific reason for it?


I have tried nofap and it never does anything, except make me horny.