swine flu edition
catch it, bin it, shag it
That image takes me back
cant beleive theyre closing schools, now the little shits will be running feral around here even before society breaks down
>The Army are set to deploy 20,000 troops to enforce new laws and the crisis has prompted the Queen to leave London for Windsor.
>>The Army are set to deploy 20,000 troops to enforce new laws
Some twat is going to attack a soldier and get shot.
why didnt i listen to the lockdown lad, shopping today is gunna be mental
KEk. I have stocked up on brown rice and tinned shit. My welsh housemate thought I was being weird. I am going to kek when he loses his precious gains.
is it just london thats gonna be locked down or the whole country? i dont think its fair for us to be locked down we have
I think it's just London, but I wouldn't be surprised if other bigger cities follow suit
Aye it's nice, just realised it's the wrong month though, oobs
>i dont think its fair for us to be locked down
Fuck off Londoner. You cunts should be locked down 24/7/365. Your city has been shit since 1066.
>Fuck off Londoner
dont you dare accuse me of that lad, im purebred norf
I haven't been to London in over 10 years, is it still pure dead busy n that?
yea theres people there and everything
Out of all the celebrities i've seen john cleese is one of the few i have respect for. He says things that transcend the political spectrum and refuses to get tied down to virtue signalling. The hardcore liberal twitter types repeatedly try to cancel him for saying politically incorrect things, and the right wing types regularly roast him whenever he says leftie things. He's one of the few I can relate to.
user is gay for john cleese
Time has come to tell my boss if I want to work next week or stay inside out of fear of the coronavirus
He wants me to work overnights after the store closes but I honestly don't feel like taking that chance.
I should've told him I wanted next week off a few days ago but since the schedule is going to be made tommorow I feel like shit saying it now especially since everyone I know literally none one cared about the virus except for me. Last time I went into work (with a mask) two weeks ago they all laughed at me and granted they really need help now they still think I'm overreacting because muh "it only affects old people"
I need the money but I'll never forgive myself if I get infected for minimum wage pay.
i wish i was gay, life would be so much easier. Instead of being that awkward loner no one in the family talks about, I could be the trendy gay lad of the family. I sometimes thought about pretending to be gay just for that but I'd be living a lie.
just say youve started with a cough and you have to isolate
My mum always says we should go have a wee weekend in London, feel a bit sad she won't be able to do that for a while. Probably won't be able to do much except walk about the campsies or something for a while and walk the dug
last time i was in london was a few years ago but just for a day, was pretty good though, just got a day rover for the tube and wandered about for a bit, also, campsies?
Just some nice hills not far from Glasgow, nice place for a comfy walk
>just say youve started with a cough and you have to isolate
Said that last week. I think this time I'm just going to say that I still have it and considering simply getting infected means permanent lung damage and also considering that it's the type of job that is extremely hard to get fired from and even if you got fired finding a similar job is super easy.
I'm not at risk if I work overnights though... Right?
sounds pretty nice user, you can look forward to walking the wee dug
what job you doing lad? id say its alot less risky working nights but obviously not totally risk free, just be a bit careful
>Food runs out
>Only chumbas remain as they live off their bodyfat for months
Gonna kill myself at dawn lads. Got my viagara and plastic bag ready. Gonna slam a few shots of gin first.
Na night, see you in the mornin' pal
Would kind of turn into the witcher. would be a cool world to live in. slaying chumbas. HHL would be my ultimate trophy.
Nothing special. I'm just a meat clerk at a Tesco's.
Apparently the virus can remain suspended in the air for at least an hour or so and can remain on surfaces for days. I have an n99 surgical mask but it's not airtight.
The risk is there but considering there's no telling how long this'll take, idk if I should just hunker down and kill my savings until it's over or take the risk and not go broke
are you actually scared of getting it? its just the flu dude. whats the fucking pointi wasting savings over flu.
Are you retarded or something? Do you think nation's lock down and hospitals leave people 80 and over to die for just the flu?
Shit up retard
yes lol. if you get it you will be fine you fucking retarded mong. stupid cunt go spend all your savings see how i care. youre a fucking fool.
I'm getting a bit sick of bickering about the coronavirus. There's no real certainty about what's going to happen, we can only make assumptions; some of us might be wrong and some of us might be right, but attacking each other and calling each other retards is a bit daft.
If some of us are worried enough to take time off work that's really up to them. Similarly, if some of us lads want to just keep going on with business as usual and are asymptomatic and not around high risk elderly and immunocompromised people, what business is it of ours too?
The only thing way we can try to predict some of the coming weeks is by watching how other countries have gone, like Italy, who we were apparently about 4 weeks behind in terms of the spread of the infection about a week ago (according to some news reports), and even then all we can really compare to is how they've introduced isolation and slow down the rate of infections, we don't know what the long term implications are for any of our countries or the economy, global or local, although it's safe to say things aren't looking too hot in that respect. We've come through economic downturns before. I don't think the end of days is nigh. Sorry for big posting and acting like a hugbox wanker, I just don't think we can be massively certain about many things at present.
>inb4 shut up faggot
>inb4 tl;dr
oh fuck off pisshead. whatever the fuck happens to the economy that is the only worry. the virus itself? youll be fine. just aslong as you dont give it to some old person so you fuckers should go to work (while its still running and not closed causing redundancy) and not waste your savings you moron wankers.
Good, hopefully some dumb Londoner
Shit. Word on the news is that Covid-20 has mutated in greece. Seems to have a 57% death rate.
Aren't savings for rainy days?
I'd say global pandemic is a pretty rainy day, even if only old people die from it
Are you seething your a levels have been cancelled or something? Summer has come early kek
Thanks for your advice and eloquently expressed opinions. I feel like my own view on the whole situation has been radically changed since hearing your thoughts.
>oh fuck off pisshead.
No u kek
rainy day is like when you lose your job or your car and washing machines blow up. this rainy day is unnecessary.
Lads would you bargain with tbe devil to give you a perfect wife forever on the condition she gets fucked twice a month by another man and you have to watch one of them?
Nah I like boyZ n menz
eat my seething shit flu pussy moron. oooh scared of a little cold. fucking homeless BUMDER
Even if that means getting infected myself and passing it onto older folks like my family, or some other clueless young guy who then spreads it to his family?
The whole point of reducing contagion isn't just to keep old folks inside but young lads to. The only reason you're not hearing about any new cases in Wuhan is that they are literally under a total lockdown.
If you want to survive this with your loved ones you have to act like there's already a nationwide lockdown because at this point it's inevitable. Quarantine now to reduce chances of infection for you and others. Don't wait for the bureaucrats and posers make you.
Well I'm glad I just let my parents die because at least if my washing machine breaks I can buy a new one
>Nah I like boyZ
DM Andrew or Mayuri?
No it me Danus
Are the American's actually getting 1k dollars? I want 1k bong
All my travel plans are fucked because of media hysteria.
>japan has removed it's visa waiver system until the end of april so I now require a visa
>travelling to Berlin in a week, likely to be cancelled
>travelling to Copenhagen next month, likely to be cancelled
I finally have money and free time to travel and I can't fucking go anywhere.
No idea what the future holds a this point. What an uncertain time we live in. Hope the government will provide me with bennies when work becomes unfeasible.
Amara and Poleybo and Flora and Noncey and Is that everyone?
Ignore this I changed my mind
Wank instead of die
Bath at 7am lads.
No libido. Have not wanked in a week. Might be a wank and Monster mango loco day.
Out of all the times I wish I had a gf now would be the time, imagine shagging for two weeks without a care about the outside world. Not to say I've not done that once already about a year ago but the sex was awful and never cooomed during the week long shag-a-thon.
God Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V is shit lads.
>hurr durr it only effects the elderly
both of my parents are 65+ with health conditions - and I can't imagine I'm that unique in britfeel
fuck, the kids probably still have grandparents
children's card games, on MOTORCYCLES?!
Old, sick people die user. You do know this, right?
Mum works in a school... children of nurses and doctors still have to go in...
F me and mummy
Enjoyed 5Ds honestly, Duel Monsters is a classic and GX is still quite decent especially in the later arcs, Arc-V though the Protagonist is annoying, fundamentally hate the concept of Pendulum summoning and just feels a bit shite.
GF went to the big asda near as at 7am
Same mate, an all round sensible bloke in a polarised world.
Feels good knowing that I'm in the middle of nowhere lad, bog roll is gone but Pasta and Rice is still in high supply.