>men only pay attention to women with big tits
What are some other truths that all females should know?
>men only pay attention to women with big tits
What are some other truths that all females should know?
always happy to see chestlet seething because they're more than happy to mock short men, who suffer 10x more hardship than them.
I'm actually more of an ass/feet man and I feel pretty indifferent about tit size.
I've noticed this too. Its hilarious to see a group of guys crowded around a titcow who is clearly sticking her chest out, and all the other girls are just standing around
Well, you're not a man. Any "man" who likes feet is the mental equivalent of a homosexual toddler.
You listen to me. While I will admit to a certain cynicism, the fact is that I am a naysayer and hatchet-man in the fight against violence. I pride myself in taking a punch and I'll gladly take another because I choose to live my life in the company of Gandhi and King. My concerns are global. I reject absolutely: revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method... is love. I love you, user.
Well only because tits are the easiest feature to put on display
I like nice yummy tummies but I think even for most men all you need is one good feature and you have him locked up
>You listen to me.
Nah, I don't care.
nice stomach
cute nose
skinny with wide hips
any of those three and you're above any girl with nice bosoms.
>women who have no feminine traits whatsoever are superior to those who do
How are any of those not feminine?
Tits don't make the woman
May be unrelated to this thread, but I have seen average Joes never get remarried while youtubers unironically go through divorce and get a new move in gf one month later.
Correction; only male youtubers get married
Are you a flat chested femanon or just a larper?
I'm a normal man who understands the male psyche. also, I like big tits, of course.
are you a seething roastie or just a larper?
I think I might actually like watching chestlets seethe more than I like big tits. It's just so adorable.
>That all men cheat, even ugly ones.
>Men dont want a partner or an equal, they want the human version of a dog.
>All men would rape if they could get away with it.
>All men are capable of molesting their own kids.
Why do tall men earn more money than short men?
>men only pay attention to women with big tits
having big tits because you're fat is like having a fast car because you're flying off a cliff.
holy shit
lf femanon gf so we can be lesbians together and not have to deal with men anymore because this is disgusting.
>tfw chestlet and short enough to be mocked despite being female
One of the prettiest girls at my job is flat as a board
Fucking revolting
Not a bad thing. Sorry about your chest situation though. My gf is 5'2" and has DD's.
Then she's not a 10
I suppose not
Shes cute though
That over time your tits are gonna sag to your knees, you're gonna get bat wings and crepe skin, and your face is going to look like a softshell turtle's, so you might want to fix whatever shit you have going on inside - unless you want to die an old, lonely hag.
>they want the human version of a dog.
Actually I want a replacement mommy but ok.
>All men would rape if they could get away with it.
What would I get out of raping someone? Seems very unsexy to be fucking a girl who doesn't want you.
I think I dislike my height more than my chest desu
seething chestlet
original comment
Then you are, like most women, completely fucking retarded. I would offer you some advice but there is nothing that can save you from being female. You were born this way and you will die this way. Enjoy the ride.
I've been made fun of for my height more so than I ever have my chest. It's intuitive to dislike the things which bring you more negative attention no?
Grow some fucking tits and maybe we'll notice you.
Bitch fuck off, this isnt r/femcels. Go and ask for sympathy for being ugly there.
God you are fucking stupid. Typical female.
Nobody is going to make fun of your for not having boobs. How does that even make any sense? People are going to flat out IGNORE YOU because you don't have tits. Read the fucking thread you illiterate cunt.
I identify as a female, be my lesbian gf and let's have lots of lesbo sex with my cock
>men dunking on women are ACTUALLY WOMEN IN DISGUISE
>That over time your tits are gonna sag to your knees, you're gonna get bat wings and crepe skin, and your face is going to look like a softshell turtle's, so you might want to fix whatever shit you have going on inside - unless you want to die an old, lonely hag.
>Also me
Pancakie getting panned.
>get ignored for being flat
>get made fun of for being short
One of those is worse than the other.
All these gender bait threads are psyops.
You got duped by some foreign wagecuck trolls.
Im a straight dude I just despise roastoids and will take any excuse to humilate and instult them. The more you cuntoids make these threads the more Ill spam big titted beauties in them. DESU I have as little respect for them as humans as I do you but at least they fulfilled their basic biological role and grew milkers. The fact it makes you cunts feel ever more suicidal is why I post titcows.
Take the hint and get off r9k.
>despite being female
Fuck off, larpfaggot.
>having big, beautiful tits for 40 years and then becoming old like everyone else is worse than being absolutely fucking repulsive for 40 years and then becoming old like everyone else
chestlets are retarded
i used to fuck this girl who was completely flat she was so goddamn hot i was turned on the day i met her
Its all about a round bub me butt with small ish boobs.
why the fuck is she even wearing a bra, who is she kidding?
I made the thread you stupid cunt. I'm a man who likes big tits. It's not a psyop. This is my fucking thread. Fuck off nigger.
how midget tier do you have to be for that to happen
145cm apparently.
Goddess tier.
Shame about the tiny disgusting chest though.
>tfw unironically prefer flat
>mfw you're obviously a faggot
>mfw they start projecting
It'd look weird on my frame if I had big boobs anyway
shut the fuck up you cunt i prefer flat chests
Yeah, that's what all chestlets say. It's the most transparent cope imaginable. There isn't a man alive who would resist you if you had big tits and that sort of height. Unfortunately you weren't blessed in that way and so, you have to suffer the indignity of being not quite attractive enough to pursue, but not exactly homely enough to spit on (in public).
>only pay attention to
>big tits
i don't give a fuck about tits at all. if they're there, cool, if not, whatever. what is ACTUALLY important is if you have a nice butt. Doesn't have to be kim k tier, just shapely. a nice waist to hip ratio. stupid bitch
When they turn around I look at their ass. Even if they catch me looking I do not give a fuck.
fuuuuuuck how much do you weigh? i'm not far of two feet taller than you
short women are like goblins. Only those who like killing small animals would fuck them, and they would pump and dump
If your hips ain't big them you better be fit, because if you can't birth many kids them they better be strong!
Chestlets don't have nice butts.
In my experience my height has been the cited issue, but I appreciate the input regardless.
Around 80lbs, I need to gain weight but I'm struggling. You're really tall user.
When he says he's "not far of two feet taller than you", what he means is that he's 5'10"
-youre not as important we you think you are
-youre not special or unique and you dont deserve to be treated as such
-if a good man takes interest in you you best take interest back because it's all downhill after 25
you're absolute tiny.
6'6 actually m80
How's it going up here, my 6'6 brother?
-when a woman says shes anything past 25 it's a turn off, past 30 it's a massive turn off, you best just stay home
-nobody like it when you play hard to get
-life is short, beauty is shorter