Can't believe shes really gone, robots

Can't believe shes really gone, robots.

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I just can't believe she died such a horrible death.

At least for someone that young, I mean.

I cant believe she was such an attention whore

Need proofz.or-i don't believe she is ded.

yeah, it's fucking morbid

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It was inevitable desu. She had been an abuser for years, it's not really surprising.

What happened?


so you think someone faked her dad's facebook along with pics of them together, along with her friend's twitter with pics of them etc?

link to her dads facebook?

This is coming from a non-orbiter, but she was pretty cute. If she didn't throw her life away I would date a girl like her

i'm not spoon-feeding conspiratards absolute basic ciara knowledge

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Not a cam whore if she was one of us desu

that bitch hot af who is she i wanna coom

>What happened?
Overdosed on heroin too many times.
She was fucked in the head like us, but she was still undeniably a cam whore.

Knowing Yas Forums, yeah. There's also the possibility she was repeatedly getting stalked and harassed by people from Yas Forums and faking her death and moving away would be a viable solution to that, and one her family would play along with if they figured stalkers were looking online for info about her.

No death certificate
No obituary
No grave
No record of a memorial service
No media mentions

BAC is alive, but probably in intensive rehab or a mental facility. As happened before, her friends and family are trying to "fake" her passing to kill off her tarnished reputation and her infamous ethot history, so when she gets out months from now, she can have a fresh start at life.

How many days she was gone the last time she faked her death?
I can't believe in 1 post from Facebook.

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Stop being such a fucking Internet Nazi

Bros, there's no way her young hot body with those two insanely hot and legendary tits is a rotting corpse right now. No way. No fucking way.

Do you know for certain that it was an overdose on heroin that caused her death?

all I asked for was a link LMAO stop trying to act so high and mighty, we're on the fucking internet.

Not entirely sure, but this may be evidence that a memorial service happened.

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This is fake as fuck

>this guy again
we should report you for spamming that same picture and the same message over and over again

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>Camwhore isnt synonymous with any kind of female attention whore

Dilate slut
This is a Nazi board. You dont like it, go back to dachau.

If she's dead at least she will follow me on Instagram forever.

Rip Ciara.

>Im one person
If you dont like it leave the board. Nothing in rules about Nazi pictures or telling cam whores, e thots, cuntoids, roasties, SIMPs, trannies or faggots to fuck off.

Eat my dick slut.

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beta cuck orbiter. get a fucking job

I have 2 jobs and go to uni full time.
Shut up retarded ass NEET. HAHAHA god you're fucking pathetic.

She is not dead. There is not a single obituary database for her name on the entire East Coast. Also some of the accounts that originally responded to the supposed death messages, just mysteriously no longer exist or have no information (recently created). She has done this before, faking her death, and disappearing randomly, before popping back up again. The only difference this time is that now she has far more enablers in real life and crack dens she can frequent to bounce between.

She's didn't overdose or an hero, that nigga she was with on the night she "died" is the one who raped and strangled her. You won't hear about it anywhere because she was a druggie prostitute whore and a 4/10 at best.

>2 jobs
>uni full time
jesus christ nigga at least pick a good lie

>that nigga she was with on the night she "died" is the one who raped and strangled her. You won't hear about it anywhere because she was a druggie prostitute whore and a 4/10 at best.

WTF I love black people now.

you said spamming was against the rules. and youve been spamming that same pic so...

Nothing I could find for New York state. Wasn't she born in Long Island?

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I love you ciara. Please be safe.

>Do you know for certain
About as certain as any random person's death. I wasn't personally involved or anything, I just went into the threads discussing this shit and took most of it at face value because I don't really care enough to dig deeper.
Her family, and family friends didn't mention any cause of death as far as I saw, because admitting she was a hard drug addict isn't easy or classy, so all there is to go off is the testimony of a guy she was with. The night before the alleged death, she posted a vid where the two of them are together and are in an elevator, so it corroborates his claim that the two were together and slept together on both nights. She also looked like shit, which can kinda corroborate the claim she was using it throughout those two days. He claims that she had OD'd once already the day before, but he revived her with basic CPR, and she was so fucked up she couldn't remember anything. That night, they both got high again, but he passed out before she ODd again, and when he woke up she was already dead.

You same threads every day. Ciara, female this female that, 'why dont robots just X', "Girls can be lonely", "Small boobs are the best", incel bait etc etc.

My content has more to do with the core beliefs of the board then your shit. When you leave Ill cut back. Until then, 1488 niggers.

it lasted a week last time when she had someone fake her death certificate
she dead nig

You can check every state, it doesn't exist.
She's disappeared for a month and a half before, its been like 3 weeks.

Well that's probably the best answer I could've gotten to that question. Thanks

see the racism is against the rules as well. why inforce the rules when you dont even follow them? you spam as well, and you are racist. bad bait.

February 7th is the last day she was active on Tik Tok. It'll be close to the month and half mark pretty soon. We'll see how long it takes before she whores herself out again to whatever orbiter NEET who wants to give their money to her. Just for a slice of sloppy pussy.


top fucking kekerino. fuck women, fuck beta orbiters and fuck sluts. but most importantly, FUCK E THOTS

Ive been seeing her all over r9k for like 3 years now did she actually die this time or what

Her mom was Irish wasn't she? Could the service have been conducted there?

Literally who?

yeah but fuck niggers too

So she's dead Dead now. That's sad she was my favorite ethot here

This is from her Dad's Facebook. People giving their thoughts and prayers to her Dad. Hope her Mom is handling it well too.

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Ciara was cremated.
Her family requested no obit and for it to be a family only affair.
there was a memorial not a funeral.
The media doesn't mention all of the 300,000 opoid ods since it's not news.

She was with "JT" who is a drug newbie. If there was evidence of strangulation the hospital would have noticed it (it's really quite apparent) and her death would have been ruled suspicious.

JT and Marc, whom she had been partying with and doing drugs for the last few months, are not murderers rather just drug addict losers.

>Nothing I could find for New York state. Wasn't she born in Long Island?

She was in Pensilvania and died in Philly on Feb 8th.

Yeah, I don't believe a word of that. This bitch faked her death before and she's doing it again. Her parents are aware that we're gonna find their accounts and ask them about her, so they're having all their friends commenting and working with them to cover up the fact that she's in a rehab right now.

Already checked for Pennsylvania. Nothing from the past 6 months mentioning Ciara Horan.

everyone who orbits is literally, diagnosed retarded.

let that sink in

Also checked for New Jersey in case she may have died in Camden or somewhere across the river. Nothing from New Jersey either.

Death records still exist, it doesn't matter what their deaths are. If they are in the government database and die, regardless of the methods of their funeral, or the reason of their deaths, they are in state databases. Her's does not exist among a single state.

That's public obits and we already know there's no public obit.

sweet, so you're saying the gov should pay me then? canada has that. im actually so okay with that. all simps get free gov money for being mentally retarded. HEY TRUDEAU, I LOVE KASPER AND AUDREY YOU FRENCH FUCKER LOOK I EVEN HAVE A PICTURE OF AUDREY's THIGHS SAVED TO MY COMPUTER

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