Post how much you have in your bank account

Post how much you have in your bank account

Attached: Screenshot_20200318-143924_TCF Bank.jpg (334x211, 16.27K)

Post the front and back of your debit card anons.

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Not telling but check em

fuck im going to have to get a job soon

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Bank site isn't working atm due to technical updates.

Checking: Around 410 according to yesterday.

Savings: 1525

1500 in savings
600 in checking
4000 or so in credit

1100 in checking
8000 in savings

5000 in various crypto that i held when it tanked last week. dropped about 50%, so i lost a couple thousand based on what i paid originally.

I own a house on top of this.
I was responsible with money so I'd be able to provide for a family one day.
I will be a wizard next year.

I want to get off Mr Goldberg's Wild Ride.

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I get paid on friday

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about $40,000 in 2 different accounts. never had a job until i was 25, now im 30. when i started working i saved most of my money because i felt like i had to play catch up from being a NEET for so long. eventually weaseled my way into a middle management position that pays a comfy 90k per year salary.

very excited to go all in on the stock market once it bottoms out and starts recovering.

>bottoms out and starts recovering
muh optimism i love it

11232 usd
i cant believe this comment is not original

>starts recovering

>s-s-s-society is gonna collapse guys!

working from home at the moment get paid farly good

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Bruh why dont i have a gf :(

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Any amount higher than $200 sitting on a bank account is considered top percentile wealth by the world's standards.

Highly doubt any of you are actually robots, gtfo this thread

this board*


30 in checking
26 in savings

if you got a gf with that money it'd be gone in a month or less

About to get a Valve Index kit, soon

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Still no gf. I dream of dating a girl while hiding my finances, then suprising her when we get married with riches.

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I don't think I'm going to make it to the end of the month. I don't have money or family to leech off of. I got laid off from my full time job due to the coronavirus stuff and my first unemployment check doesnt come in until next month. Is it possible for you to spare me some change so that your fellow robot can get a meal?

sure man what is your account number? I'll wire it to you.
Or your bitcoin wallet? I'll send you some BTC

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No, you should have saved up and invested wisely like me. You have earned your suffering.

i hate being poor mang

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Too lazy to post a pic but like 40 dollars in my main account, though tomorrow i'll get 500 in neetbux, then my other bank account has 4k savings, and my mum owes me 1.5k when our new house settlement happens

With my degree and other stuff I'm studying I hope to get a job somewhere around 50k but I've never had a job before and am 23 and no drivers license yet so we shall see

kek you are a massive loser, you know that right?
I hope your job search goes poorly and you don't make it

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>$0 in bank account
>$55 in wallet
>$2700 in credit card debt
I fell for the immediate gratification jew

The money means nothing to me.

>tfw richfag that dresses poor to hide it
I honestly think some women can smell it, my man.

>Post how much you have in your bank account
$3.68 pesos

absolutely nothing.
I just started working again recently. But I gave my mother my last two checks so that she could pay her credit card debts. The interests have been choking her for the past few years, 5k in total, I still plan to give her another 5k.

Pic related is one of the stipends I receive, I get another one which nets me roughly 2500K a month. It would barely be enough to break even if I decide to move out in my city. I probably will once I take care of her and save enough.

Applying for mor scholarships this semester.

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tfw 2 paychecks away from paying off my student loan

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I get uneasy only having $20k

USD 12,651.36

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Haven't had a job since August 2019 (university student). Now that I'm stuck home until the next semester hopefully I find a part-time job and get this up to at least $4000 by next school year.

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6000 or so in checking
3500 in savings
1000 credit card limit

if that sounds good, just remember that i somehow managed to blow like $5000 while i was a neet

daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn so close wtf

No way that's the one dude's real head shape

500 in checking
17k in savings + 4k in checks i haven't cashed yet

>and my mum owes me 1.5k when our new house settlement happens
My dad owes me about the same amount of money that I'll never see because he's broke as fuck

I'm not even trying to talk shit about the old man but fuck I wish he got his shit together, left the job he's currently at a good 10-12 years ago, and actually had a retirement fund. I'm pretty afraid for him desu

Good fucking man. This entire board could gain a lot by listening to you. Keep up the good work.

>tfw want to play the new animal crossing but i dont have a switch and don't want to spend $360+ for one game

Thanks dude, appreciate it
^If only that were an original post, then life would be a lot easier

Which one???

I just realized the "dude" has tits. Second from the right.

Not to be transphobic or anything bro but I think they're all bros, bro

Fuck off to hell, troll. The guy is doing the best he can.

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That's why we ARE ALL FUCKED.

In the coming coronavirus chaos, people will be left without their jobs, no income and no savings for any emergencies.

We will have people rioting in the streets; and looting and violence will ensue. That's why the american economy is FUCKED and a huge SCAM. We need to do something and we need to do it NOW.

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Breathe baby, breathe.

I just bought $6000+ worth of ammo, silver, and some other stuff so I'm gonna be right around $150-$200 in savings now.

Damn, so very close!

what did he mean by this

i'm genuinely curious. like i really don't know

Ammo? What kind of ammo? Why are you stockpiling guns and shit?

All of you seriously fucking kys you're not robots with all that money

I don't really know what he meant by "he left the job he's currently at a good 10-12 years ago" I just assumed it was some kind of a typo and that he really meant his dad left his most recent job 10-12 years ago, but idk.

still 29 yr old khv

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Whoa, young man. Encouraging someone to kill themselves is tres toxique. If anyone here is experiencing suicidal thoughts, I encourage them to seek the advice of a medical professional. If that is not an option, I'm currently in quarantine and will help in whatever way I can.

Looks like you're not doing so badly for yourself. Keep paying down that debt, brother.

pay off that credit card balance you fag

holy shit is that all from student loans?