Why do you orbit girls?

Don't you know that is really sad, pathetic, and creepy? The girls you orbit laugh at you...

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I feel like orbiting is just some sort of a fetish. It HAS to be a fetish. Like something similar to cuckolding.

No she doesn't laugh at me. She thinks I'm a nice guy!

Ok then explain WHY they often end up dating their orbiters? Hmm? Muffy married an orbiter. Ciara has fucked her orbiters. Tahlia is dating one of her orbiters.

Bet you feel stupid now, dont you. You just got fucking destroyed

you orbit your mom?

This I have a small dick and orbiting girls while they fuck other guys and tell me about it gets me off, it's not really cucking because I don't have any attachment to the girl and I don't know her irl it's more of a humiliation/degradation fetish, I don't do it anymore because I'm now in a real normal relationship but before I was it was my favorite fetish

kasper fucked an orbiter. but to be fair, that's like a 0.0001% chance. the rest of the orbiters are literal cucks.

i want tahlia nudes

Because I need something to express my love and affection towards, it causes me physical pain to just repress it, I have to let it out.

>billions of nasty whores in the world
>prey on one of the few chaste women left

Why are you like this

Thats not true, Marc never orbited her, thats a fact. He never gave two shits about her. It was just an odd set of circumstances , where she basically threw herself at him, and he was like meh ok I will fuck you I guess

she was just horny on main eh? strange. why wouldnt she fuck a nice orbiter who loved her rather than him. bet she has that degrading fetish. a girl called hannah had it in my highschool. wanted to be with drug dealers because of "how bad they'd be to her/for her".

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yknow guys if you really want to orbit audrey you could just say nice things about her in these threads. she might even give you attention if you do that. she might thank you for not sexualising her/ calling her a whore.

People who corrupt young vulnerable fembots should be KILLED

this post is bait btw
i forgot to say again

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It's really important that she knows I want to impregnate her.

here's a shot - Hi audrey, I heard you like philosophy, thats some cool beans. I'd love to talk about meta ethics and epistemology with you. You are very kawaii desu. im learning french maybe we could learn french together and if other anons wanted to we could all learn it together. or play like, heros and generals, or coh2, or civ5/6

i love you audrey
dont give in and preserve your divine med skin

^ hey fuck this guy right here ^

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>Muffy married an orbiter. Ciara has fucked her orbiters. Tahlia is dating one of her orbiters.

OMG wow life is so hard for women. Those poor lonely femcels.


R9K is not a dating site. And by enabling and empowering these whores you just giving more power to the system that is against you. Look at those 3 cunts. They come on here gatekeeping to the max they are alone and sad just like robots yet all of them get dick. AND YOU ARE THE ONES WHO ALLOW THEM TO DO IT.

Have so9me fucking balls and stop SIMPING. Women cannot be robots, women cannot be incel, women cannot be lonely.

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FUCK OFF CUNT. This isnt /soc/. Go nad find orbiters somewhere else you stupid cuntwhore. I would fuck you in the ass until you died of blood loss.

>They come on here gatekeeping to the max they are alone and sad just like robots yet all of them get dick

What the fuck do you think gatekeeping means?

>she might thank you for not sexualising her/

>Goes on r9k, posts nudes, attracts orbiters, seeks sexual validation
>Dont sexualiseme

Fuck off cunt. You're ugly and lower then shark shit. You dont deserve to have nice things said about you.

What a waste of digits, orbiters are a disgrace

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hohohoho legendary trips

holy checked. audrey please stay a virgin the digits dont lie.

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i love myself today

Im not audrey btw.
I just like to whiteknight females on the internet and generally be a nice, reasonable person. SImple as.

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Clinging to a defending something that isnt true. If more of you dumb cunt incels and SIMPs grew some balls and stopped enabling these bitches they would all go away and hopefully kill themselves.

Dont you see that none of them like you? Every one of these cunts is taking advantage of you because they cant compete with other sluts but they are no different. Jst because they give you special attention and call you sweety doesnt mean they give a shit about you. The samrgirls post on female r3ddit groups and social media bragging about how easy it is to get validation from SIMPs and incels. Grow the fuck up. All you nubots need to fuck off. Yas Forums never used to enable whores.

Why can't you just be happy for them?
It's not like them being alone and miserable like me would improve my situation in any way.

>I just like to whiteknight females on the internet and generally be a nice, reasonable person. SImple as.

Yes we know you suck dicks.

>Why can't you just be happy for them?
Why should I? They arent special? They are invading parasites. they dont deserve to have people be happy for them. What do they do to deserve it?
>It's not like them being alone and miserable like me would improve my situation in any way.
Jesus you are pathetic. Kill yourself.

SIMPS are worse than roasties.

its more like a reality show financed by simps while the rest stand by and watchthe drug fueled wrecks the girls become

fuck you, waste of a get retard
you don't deserve to be alive

what does med mean?

>watchthe drug fueled wrecks the girls become

But thats the thing they dont. All these girls live normal social lives. What you see in their stupid videos and shitty threads is an act. Once they finish up a thread they go off and hang out with their bf, friends or who ever they are fucking at the time.

This, I just wish mods would delete these e-girl/orbiter threads or move them to /soc/ but they've long given up on this board

wtf kek likes simps now?

i know shes not but she could be idk

shes german/italian. not exactly med but sure.

a big part of being a robot is orbiting. get over it fag. these threads are well within the rules.

Girls at places I've worked sometimes think I'm orbiter material because I'm just an accommodating dude and probably seem passive sexually since I've got no interest in women and the trouble they bring these days. The idea that a guy like me doesn't give a shit that they're a pretty girl or want to fuck them just doesn't seem to be something that occurs to them. The reality is I'm just a hard worker and don't mind doing shit that needs to be done if it's productive for me as well so long as everyones still working in some capacity doing something and not just dicking around on their phones or talking. I want things to run smoothly and that type will be lazy anyway so I pick up the slack. Sometimes a certain type will perceive that as me being a mark. Before long they'll try to get me to do a personal favor, ofl oad tasks that are supposed to be theis so they can just play on their phones, or get me to buy them something and get confused when I refuse. Often they'll get more overt and start doing shit like grabbing my arm or talking about sex but when that doesn't get a rise either and I still don't do what they ask if it doesn't actually need to get done they eventually drop and try to get someone else to milk a free lunch out of.

>a big part of being a robot is orbiting
I've been on this board for almost a decade now and orbiters are a trend that started 2 to 3 years ago max, get the fuck out

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times change gramps. sorry that you dont like orbiters and ipads.

pic related is me (on the far right), my friends, and our collective GF on new years. "Orbiting" is just a degrading term, we all find fulfillment from the relationship.

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you are disgusting. you might as well be masturbating to cuckold porn, since thats just what orbiting is

the gods have always smiled on those who have big hearts and want true love. thats all simps are. people who love and care, not hate. hail wodan.

How do I get in contact with her? Asking for a friend

go to bed gramps take your pills

i got in contact with her by leaving her a nice youtube comment then we talked about planes and she added me on discord

How is she like? Whats her discord?

You changed your argument pretty fast user, but I'm only telling you this for your own good, it's pathetic and obnoxious and a waste of time
Also I'm still in my early 20s I was just underageb& as fuck back then

the argument has stayed the same: orbiting (currently) is a big part of being a robot. if you want more nauce can be added but the main point is true. many robots orbit and thats why you see daily threads about these girls. so the argument is the same just more nauce was added to please you future grandpa. also I agree that orbiting is gay.

What I'm trying to tell you is that it's not a robot thing, it's a newfag thing. I indulge you because I get what you're trying ot say but "a big part of being a robot" is a fucking retarded thing to say in the first place, you can just as easily claim hating women or being 2d only is a big part of being a robot. Glad we agree on the most important point though.
Also what the fuck is a future grandpa? Is that meant to be an insult?

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>What I'm trying to tell you is that it's not a robot thing, it's a newfag thing
I'm not that guy, but I've been here since pre-election r9k and I've resorted to orbiting lately because I've given up on ever finding real love.

>thinks he isn't a newfag
Also you need to sort your shit out, you can give up on love and not resort to willingly being used for attention by manipulative girls. You're better than this user, I believe in you.

I meant to write pre-deletion

If you came here trying to find love then you are a degenerate nufaggot and need to fuck off.

r9k has never been about finding love or orbitting cunts. Its been about hating them. Only men who no longer have any desire to chase women and find love can be robots. If you arent at that point then stick to r3ddit.
>a big part of being a robot is orbiting
No its not your fucking roastoid.
>these threads are well within the rules.
Actually spam and selfies are nevery much against the rules. As are discords which get droppe din every single one of these threads
>Theyre my selfies but I didnt post them
Too bad its still selfy, just because you told an orbiting SIMP or fellow roastie tyo start the thread with apic of you doesnt mean you can violate rules.

Stupid bitch.

The board is about OC, yet we have the same shit everyday. You are full of shit.

Too late cunt.


It is a robot thing, youre an idiot. Robots have never had gf, we have zero chance of being loved by a real girl. Most of us are ugly, short, fat, balding, no social skills. This is our only chance of feeling special, and loved, even if its only temporary and fake. Its ALL we have. If you cant relate to orbiting, then perhaps YOU are on the wrong fucking board because youve apparently had sex, had a gf , or get female attention in real life.

Ive been coming here since 2016 and these threads have been a staple since Ive been here. If you dont like it, Leave and stop bitching. Put some of that energy into fighting gay threads, trap threads, blacked threads, or any of the other stupid shit thats way more offensive than these harmless threads

>times change gramps.
No they dont cuntoid. Fuck off back to /soc/
>I dont get attention on /soc/
Too bad. Yas Forums is not gutter trash for /soc/ whores with no tits.
Take your birth control roastoid.
>orbiting (currently) is a big part of being a robot
No its not, never has been, never will be. You cunts and can spam these threads all day every day but yoi wll never change what Yas Forums is. You havent win and you never will.
>many robots orbit and thats why you see daily threads about these girls
No its because these girls got together on discord and decided to start spamming the board daily to try and foce change the culture because they were upset that incels have a corner of the internet and girls dont.

actual robots are self aware and will never interact with girls.
too bad there's very few of us left here.

>The board is about OC

Show me one god damn thread in the catalog that is some wonderful OC

I don't, that's for simps

>It is a robot thing, youre an idio
No its not
>Robots have never had gf, we have zero chance of being loved by a real girl.
Doesnt men we orbit cunts.

Explain to me how orbiting and enabling a girl who wouldnt fuck you IRL is supposed to make you feel better? None of these whores like you, none of them would ever fuck a robot IRL AND they all have chads and bfs on the side outside of discord uno.
>This is our only chance of feeling special, and loved, even if its only temporary and fake
A roastie wrote this. literally no male on the planet virgin or not thinks that way shitcunt.
>Its ALL we have.
Lol cope.
>If you cant relate to orbiting, then perhaps YOU are on the wrong fucking board because youve apparently had sex, had a gf , or get female attention in real life.
Sex havers who hate women are better then orbiters and pimp roastoids.
>Ive been coming here since 2016

>since Ive been here
Yeah funny that aye. What happened in 2016? Oh yeah we won the election and all youloser leftists, feministsand r3ddit cry babies invaded our board because incels were now the enemy.

Go and clean out your cum tank slutoid. Get off my board.

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>Ive been coming here since 2016

Wow you must be an expect on r9k culture then. Come back when youve been here since 2008. Nucunt.

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