How come everyone who posts anime is literally, diagnosed retarded?

How come everyone who posts anime is literally, diagnosed retarded?

Anime avatar? Obnoxyous, insecure, childrish.
anime in his post? probably a blogpost of some such worthless non-fact

every single time. I blame the jews, which is ironically as all of Yas Forums loves anime

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Other urls found in this thread:

I get that.
Literally all the time I see when one got greek statue pic in his avatar. He is nazi, gullible, manchild. White.

Whenever I see somebody got nazi as his avatar. It's a yank nazi. Not a troll. All brain rotted due to lead poisoning.

World is just like how it is. I blame Americans.

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Every obese person I have seen doesnt even eat that much or eats small portions, I dont understand why people use it as a insult when some people stay permanently skinny unrelated to food

>i don't see how insulting genetics is fair

lmao subhuman

I'm not diagnosed tho. You know what's funny? Anime fans will not watch any other animated thing. There are animated films that win oscars now and most anime fans scoff at them for being "for kids" including myself. Funny how that works innit?

Anime in the pic to russle OPs jimmies.

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russle me so hard i'm laughing at you

because anyone who likes anime is probably under the age of 18 or they're a manchild that never grew up and realized all anime is the same rehashed shit over and over again. Real chads watch shows like fanboy and chumchum

First day op?

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because weebs are cringe as fuck. act like a retard, get treated like a retard.

It's been discussed a few times on here.

yada yada yada

simplistic face art/etc.

open large expressive emotions

emphatic expressive usually spelled out body communication.

to sum: autism. Add a dash of erotic and fetish when appealing to a crowed who really doesn't get that much attention or pussy and you're all set.

kill Yourself Faggot nigger Stypid retard.

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SEETHING weebs are right on time

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as the official BASED inspector, I deem these posts BASED.

Based OP. Frogposters are intellectual, fact-based, self aware and classy.
Anime posters are gay nigger fags

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That's because they are constantly eating small amounts throughout the day, fucknugget. Can you not imagine things happening when you aren't directly observing them? Are you 1 month old?

how do you do, fellow anti-anime chads?

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I don't understand why anyone would get upset over other people enjoying things? It's not like nazi germany where because the fuhrer likes anime everyone must watch it. There are valid criticisms against anime for being targeted at children (so are a great deal of live action movies e.g. comic book films), tired subject matters (there are like 7 stories in the world, no matter which medium it's told in), overly emotive expressions (it's a fucking cartoon, man), stale character designs (low quality shows do this, not all anime), over-reliance on sexual/ suggestive content (have you seen any modern action film with a female character in the last 50 years?)

People who blindly hate anime just go "cartoon = children" in their heads like some fucking cavemen. Don't knock it till you try it (and a good one if you do) or be civil about it instead of screaming "retarded manchild waaaa!!"

>t. Seething animetard desperately trying to rationalize why watching anime is fine despite admitting that its complete lazy trash

cartoon = children
you are a retarded manchild

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>acts like a retard/spams anime
>I don't get why you hate me

Ok little baby person you can have your chink animations

if you saw a group of drooling retards playing in a pool of sewage you wouldn't think ANYTHING different of them? would you honestly think to yourself "well, it's their choice, as long as they are having fun..." really?

yea anime really sucks. we should all leave Yas Forums the weebs have ruined the site

I didn't do that. I admit some anime is lazy trash but so are lots of books, movies, magazines, videogames, etc. There's good and bad stuff in every medium.

This image gets less funny each time I see it.

Was I acting like a retard? I wouldn't say so. People replying to my posts are angrier and dumber sounding if you ask me. As for other people, well, heah there is a larger portion of people who are obnoxious that overlap with anime fans.

If you saw a bunch of grown men posting pictures of the same deformed cartoon frog and calling one another names on an obscure website for hours on end everyday would you not pity them?

>I wouldn't say so

But reality and every else would lmao obnoxyous RETARD!

>there is good and bad stuff in every medium
there is no good stuff in your chinese cartoons
>If you saw a bunch of grown men posting pictures of the same deformed cartoon frog and calling one another names on an obscure website for hours on end everyday would you not pity them?
If you saw a grown man furiously defending his autistic jap cartoons made for children while simultaneously masturbating with his hot cheeto grime covered fingers would you not pity him?

It's not a problem with anime. It's a problem with a very specific kind of person on here.

Yes, were this highschool you could just walk past them and ignore them. This is more like a TV and you have to get past their shitty commercial 5 times every page without getting annoyed after a while.

All anime is shitty regurgitations, every character is the same and the entire premise of every individual show is similar.

Reminder that people that don't post images to go with their posts are the biggest chads.

newfag thread, reddit spacing

>there is no good stuff in your chinese cartoons
[Citation needed]

Also I don't like hot cheetos, the red on my fingers is from my hemorrhoids.

>This is more like a TV and you have to get past their shitty commercial 5 times every page without getting annoyed after a while.
Best reply I've gotten so far. I understand where you're coming from now because I feel the same way about pepe.


Nigga why are you on Yas Forums then? This board is pure autism.

>every character is the same and the entire premise of every individual show is similar
it's as if i said that every movie, show, book or video game is the same, completely retarded argument.

This was the dumbest show I ever watched. I don't even watch a lot of anime but godDAMN I could not get enough of this shit. Genuinely could not believe how dumb it was. It was like watching trashing tv.

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I do understand why you hate anime posters but anime itself is still really enjoyable and comfy to watch.
Try haibane renmei.

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You're being disingenuous when you say American media has rehashed characters and concepts compared to anime.
>anime: le highschool setting or mythical world with epic powers and monsters or a combination of the 2
>male anime characters: le moral protagonist who values friendship, loyalty and conscientiousness, le edgy victim sociopath tsundere with tortured past
>female characters: le little girl-like bubbly behaviors and innocent and coy, annoying fucking high pitched tone to voice, or le strong minded woman who dont take no shit but will be kind until angered or just the rehashed female version of le edgy victim sociopath tsundere
It's literally all the same fucking shit, at least American media offers a wider variety of concepts and characters

This so Goddamn wrong.

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It might take until 2500 until we realize just how important anime was. Historians will look back on Japan's subculture these past decades and wonder how it remained a subculture. Never before has art, music, cinematography, and storytelling been conveyed together in such a way.

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>posts picture of le monster world setting with a presumably epic sociopathic murder man character

1) You just haven't seen enough or a wide range of shows. It's been made since the 70s, there's a show about virtually anything at this point. I'm not gonna recommend you any because someone else will do that no doubt.

2) That's what sells. Anime producer's bottom line is $$$ and those kinds of shows (and there is a dozen every season) simply sell. In western media the hardcore stoic action or a quippy playboy character and some plot about some aliens invading and a blue laser in the sky are tired.

Do you know how to avoid this?
Just avoid battle shounen. That's literally it.

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You can't recommend any without elements I mentioned. I forgot one though, le goofy zainy care free man who have funny face reactions, usually protagonists best friend

So which one of the 3 female archetypes is this epic monster world woman?

You know who else was permanently skinny? Any/all of the prisoners in a concentration camp.

>b-b-but I tried all the diets and exercise muh genetics

Put down the fucking fork, jfc

- Death Note
- Cowboy Bebop
- 3 gatsu no lion
- Fullmetal Alchemist
- Kino's Journey
- Hands off eizouken
- Durarara
Do I keep going? OK I will:
- Hellsing
- Blame
- Berserk
- Akame ga kill
- Panty and Stocking
- Gurren Lagann

I mean just go to myanimelist and look at the top rated shows damn. I've seen all of the above and more.

>literally every single one of these can fit into my description, be it setting, premise or characters
Just stop.

None of them. You literally grew up with 3 or 4 shounen anime and thought this is what anime has to offer.
Can you tell me more about the women of American TV or Hollywood movies?

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Well you have your typical dumb blonde, you intelligent detective types, you supportive best friend types, you have bitchy queen bee types, you have socially awkward outcast types, you have strong lead types, you have loving, nurturing types, you have nerdy scientific and bookworm types. There's a wider variety because they derive from relatable positions instead of some Japs fantasies which usually involve pedophilia

Also yes, each one of those animes you listed fit into my description

I like anime but lots of weebs are low lifes and use anime as an ego boost(harem shit with white bread protags and people that legit obly consume anime)

>you are borgar with right wing values?

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Nowadays you just have the "strong independent" black woman, the simp, the school shooter, designated white nationalist villain and finally the mary sue/gary stu protagonist.
All of this while you find the actors that you used to idolize start spouting propaganda and telling people to go "green" while riding their private jets all over the world.
I'd say that the only thing salvageable nowadays are text-based media and some animated media.

- Death Note: MC is a genuine psycopath who doesnt have any traumatic past. Takes place in modern day Japan.
- Cowboy Bebop: MC is a badass space bounty hunter. Takes place in the future, mostly in space, space stations, other planets, earth.
- 3 gatsu no lion: MC is a highschooler (oh noes!) who is a professional shogi player. Deals with topics of relationships and self- realization.
- Fullmetal Alchemist: MC is a child of middle school age in a fantasy world (yikes!) with magic elements (boo!).
- Kino's Journey: Takes place on earth, about a boy journeying story on his motorbike.
- Hands off eizouken: 3 highschool girls (aaaa!) who are passionate about animation start a club. They are *not* your typical anime schoolgirls and have very distinct personalities.
- Durarara: The greatest show of all time, without competition.
- Hellsing: MC is a vampire police officer.
- Blame: It's been a while since I last saw this but MC was a guy in a nightmare world trying to survive. Real gritty.
- Berserk: MC is a warrior wih a sword and a mission to kill god.
- Akame ga kill: MC is a young man who joins a terrorist organization. Takes place in a fantasy setting.
- Panty and Stocking: Pure, uncut hilarity.
- Gurren Lagann: Just read the fucking plot summary dipshit.

Holy shit not only are you wrong you're lazy and retarded.

- welcome to the nhk
- chobits
- serial experiments lain
- pop team epic
- gunslinger girl
The list keeps going...

- steins;gate
- initial D
- Ishuzoku Reviewers
- akira
- black lagoon
- kuma miko
- planetes
- psycho pass
It's not looking good for you bud...

- Girl's last journey
- Usagi drop
- violet evergarden
I'm off to bed, you think about why your friends don't talk to you anymore.

You can find these types in anime too if you lurk more but you already made up your mind on the medium. Most of the movies or TV shows about some type of characters you listed suck ass anyway.
>Japs fantasies which usually involve pedophilia.
This fantasy is the Japanese society. Women there tend to be more quiet, shy, socially awkward, more involved in traditional feminine behavior.
This only true in some rare cases outside of hentai. And Asain women in General tend to look younger than their age and act younger to look cute and they are also smaller in size compared to westerns. That's why some people automatically associate moe characters with it even so Asain women in their 20s are the main inspiration and not literal kids.

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KEK everyone of these fit into my description, not even mentioning the characters, you even had to passive aggressively use reddit buzzwords to dismiss the fact that your description of them fit into my original description.
Your brain on anime

>Terra Formars
>Killing Bites
>that one manga with the stay-at-home ex-yakuza
>Gundam Thunderbolt
>Danna ga nani
just to add to your list

Still trying to rationalize and no make excuses, also you've never been to Japan so don't pretend you know the culture personally

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There's also the fact that it's easier to do certain action scenes if everything is animated. No need for stunt doubles and the like. Voice actors also lack the certain "pull" towards them that creates the cult-like fanaticism you find among fans of certain actors.

How? Your description was:
>high school or fantasy setting
>moral, caring male protagonist
>or edgy, "twisted" male protagonist
>squeaky, innocent female support
>or tsundere female support
Literally none of these are true of the shows I listed except for the fantasy setting which is a pretty damning restriction but even then only 4 of them are fantasy shows. You can't gaslight someone who actually knows what they're talking about, son. It just makes you look like an idiot.