Who /mathlet/ here?

Who /mathlet/ here?

>Got average marks in math from grades one through six
>Starting in the seventh grade I began struggling to understand pre-algebraic concepts
>Would sometimes cry during after-class help because I felt so dumb
>By the ninth grade standard-level math became totally incomprehensible, I couldn't follow the logic behind it or memorize the formulas
>Went to a tutor for a couple months but he was never able to get through to me
>Had to drop into "workplace level" math meant for literal retards, doing stuff like finding the area of a rectangle or calculating change
>Now I'm limited to taking meme liberal arts degrees

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I was shit at math until I was 18 because I never actually paid attention until then.
Now one thing I've been dreaming of doing is teaching somebody that "can't learn math" how to do calculus.

narancia energy
fugo energy

I've always been absolute shit at math,count me in for everything else but NOT Math nor Physics

>get high iq on test
>put in honors and enrichment programs
>grades in math drop
>middle school
>practically scrape by in math barely passing
>failing grade in 8th grade but still somehow they pass me
>high school
>a bit better in math but still a mathlet, geometry honors 1st year, trig honors 2nd year, algebra 2 honors 3rd year
>senior year get put in the most brainlet math class available
>currently failing general mathematic explorations in uni
Story of my fucking life.

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Are you smart reasoning, besides math? If you are then you're fine, you can learn maths.
I was literally a mathlet through high school (didn't understand elementary algebra, I cried everytime I saw a problem, etc.). At 16 I decided I wanted to study economics, with the help of a good teacher and some time available I ended the last year of highschool with perfect grandes in math. Needless to say college math is easy for me now.
If you're not dumb like a rock you'll be ok

I did honestly try, but it never seemed to "click" no matter how many times I had it explained

I think part of the problem was how ARBITRARY many rules and formulas seem to be, I couldn't find logical sense in it

The first thing I remember being unable to grasp was Pythagorean theorem, all downhill from there

weeb energy

How would you define smart at reasoning

What are you studying? What do you struggle with? I don't get it, you had honors in your class and you're still shit at math?

I feel you brother
Failed college math 4 years in a row
Dropped it, now studying some humanities shit

It's the opposite for me. I've always been good at math, physics and their functions. I can do mental math really quickly, like multiplying 6 digit numbers, my 2 friends are always impressed when I beat their calculators and every time we drink they make a game out of asking me questions, letting me answer and then checking their calculators to see if I'm right. The problem is I'm only good at math and am retarded at everything else

I'm too afraid to try any careers(that aren't manual labor) because I'm terrible at math. I got up to 6th grade math on khan academy and still fuck up fractions. I don't even know remember how to "find the area of a rectangle," or calculating change." I think I'm destined for shitty pay and hard labor. Also, don't listen to the "just practice bro" people that are going to come in here soon. No matter what you try it will always being embarrassing when you can't answer math related questions in a workplace.

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>tfw mathlete, not mathlet
Same here, I feel like I've always been rather slow at everything in life, and I needed a lot of time with any subject to be nearly as good as others. Maths always just clicked for me, I could see the connections pretty nicely and I genuinely find it fun, similar to a good puzzle.
I even managed to score in the top 100 students in the country at some point.

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Math is still all just add/subtract and multiply/divide.
All the other shit they teach you are the fucky things other people have done with those rules to make solving specific problems easier.

>Got average marks in math from grades one through six
Up to 6th grade I had always had 90+% at math tests.
By 8th grade I couldn't get a passing grade to save my life.
I think a good part of it was (and still is, now that I'm in my 30s) that I simply don't care about it, I see it as completely useless for anything practical.
Or maybe I'm a brainlet in denial.

I'm not sure if we're talking about the same sort of thing here, but maths works by just making a bunch of rules (axioms) arbitrarily, and then trying to logically get the rest of maths from those rules.

So, for example, if you were to have "all animals are alive" and "humans are animals" as rules, you could figure out that "humans are alive" logically. That's essentially what all maths is.

I did poorly in most subjects, but it was due more to a combination of laziness and unreasonably high personal standards than a lack of understanding

I would rather get a 0 on an assignment than hand in something I considered embarrassing

That's my fear as well, I'm 27 and work at McDonald's because I went to college for Radio Broadcasting and don't know what to go back for now

My mom is suggesting an online program to become a librarian, but it requires past work or volunteer experience at a library which is currently impossible during the lockdown, and librarian jobs don't come up often anyway

It's REALLY fucky though, like learning an entire new language

I blows my fucking mind that the braindead teenagers I work with are able to figure it out

I did horrible in high school math. I did well enough to get an advanced diploma but my grades were almost all C's. I did better in college math classes and had some lucky semesters. I would intentionally take math classes in the winter semester and hope for a snowstorm that would keep us out of school long enough for the teacher to make a few of the test take home. That's how I made it through business calculus.

I was so stupid that I basically dropped out my senior year so I could take geometry in night school.
It was just easier there.

>I would rather get a 0 on an assignment than hand in something I considered embarrassing
Holy shit I went through this with every writing class. I knew I wasn't a good writer, so I refused to do it.

>completely useless for anything practical
I'm the opposite, I found beauty in the fact that the maths I studied was never useable for anything and I'm just learning for learning's sake. I even avoided "obscure" stuff like integrals/differentiation because they could feasibly be used in physics or something.

Like, I would be told "the Quadratic Formula is [whatever it is]" but nobody could tell my WHY it's that specific formula

Writing was one of my few strengths, so I'd get near-perfect marks on the assignments I actually handed in and zeroes on the ones I wasn't satisfied with

You don't have to calculate physics shit in everyday life though

>did "horrible"

Whoops, misread your post

I can't imagine doing math for fun, even sudoku puzzles make me want to puke from frustration

If i was good at math the world would be in trouble. I'd work on problems until death.

Certified mathlet here. Can't do it for shit and my head and have no fucking clue how finances work.

Go into desktop support. I literally refresh peoples' computers and just set up shit for them. Work for one of the top 10 schools in the country. I make decent money, but most of it goes to student debt.

I have never had any problem with math. I'm not rain man, but I can pick it all up pretty easily. Always scored in the top 90 percent for standardized testing, even though before elementary i was categorized as a retard after taking some sort of elementary school iq test.

Fast forward about a couple years and I'm 18 taking calculus 2, which I have a B in. I'd have an A if I bothered putting work into memorizing integration tables. Going to major in either comp sci or electrical engineering, which have plenty of math. All things considered I probably have a 120-130 iq; smart enough to be above average but too retarded to reap the benefits of being an omnipotent autist.

On the other hand, I've never dated, touched a boob or kissed, so I guess having a family is out of the picture.

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The irony is that I seem like I should be good at math

>Been playing vidya since I was six
>Spend hours a day on Yas Forums
>Fat neckbeard
>Posted face on /soc/ and someone surmised my personality as such (most of it is way off the mark)

I'm also terrible with computers

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>Some people just can't comprehend algebra and calculus
This is terrifying to me. How do you function?

In the same way that you function without understanding French. I love maths, but you can live in the world by avoiding anything too mathematically complicated, and believing that life is only good for people who TRULY get maths is just elitism.

please end your life soon !

Not OP, but I can understand how people wouldn't understand calculus. My parents don't have the slightest clue about calculus, but I'm in a middle class family so learning calculus isn't a must. I understand it, but I don't really know why I understand it. I just do.

Not knowing algebra though is kinda scary though. Basic variable manipulation seems very basic and a fundamental skill to not be a wageslave.

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Unless your job involves them, you will go your whole life without encountering either

Being presented with anything more advanced than plus-minus/multiplication/division symbols turns my stomach in a knot

How is it a fundamental skill outside of STEM

>fugo energy
how you dumb cunt? He got into college at 13, he never needed to try

I'm sure you could know algebra, but just not know it AS algebra. I'm sure most people would know that if they earned twice as much as their coworker and they knew that coworker's salary, they could calculate their own, but they just wouldn't recognise it as "I applied it as algebra today".

B-but algebra is everywhere
>Measurements (e.g. 20cm; 20x)
>Money (e.g. $30; 30y)
>Any fucking quantity (e.g. 2 apples; 2a)
Calculus just seems intuitive to me, but algebra is pretty much core to basic life. How the fuck do you function without understanding the concept of an arbitrary value (e.g. cm, $, apple) multiplied by a coefficient?

Try this

What said is correct

I never would have considered any of things things to be algebra, and I'm not really sure what a coefficient is

Bottom line, I can do day-to-day stuff but I can't figure out ninth-grade math

>MBA accountant

Still use my fingers to add or subtract simple single / double digits ops.

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You literally have no idea what you're talking about. I can't tell if you're either a complete super brainlet or just trolling because that may be the worst summary of math I've ever seen no joke.

100% a brainlet

I'm a maths graduate and I just use a calculator for anything over single digits. I learned maths, not arithmetic.

They literally teach you how to derive almost everything. What kind of math are you doing that wasn't founded on those basics?

So you can do the maths, but you have a mental block on understanding the true nature of existence? Are you afraid?
Is it your first time looking into the void?

>So, for example, if you were to have "all animals are alive" and "humans are animals" as rules, you could figure out that "humans are alive" logically.
axioms are more general as in "if 2 sets have the same elements then they are equal", what you gave are random bits of information, even though you could call them axioms.

>cant do math of any kind beyond single digits

get on my level.

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>like learning an entire new language
that's the whole point
>Like, I would be told "the Quadratic Formula is [whatever it is]" but nobody could tell my WHY it's that specific formula
Then your teachers were idiots and they're the reason you're bad at maths, the quadratic formula is really fucking easy to prove.

>top 90 percent
literally kek.

Let's talk about the difference quotient. All of calculus is literally impossible without it. It's the first thing calc 1 students learn after dealing with limits. What is it made of?
>function of x plus h, minus function x, all divided by h.
What fits in the function slot? Maybe a factorial? Exponential function? A parabolic? Maybe a logarithm? Doesn't matter. All of those are based fundamentally on addition, subtraction, division or multiplication, or some logical combination of all the preceding. The difference quotient itself is nothing more than a bunch of four function operations. Anything in math that happens goes back to those four operations.

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I didn't even catch that at first, topkek

Maths really clicks for me, it is other things like creative/emotional and to some extent literary intelligence that I struggle with.

90th percentile, top 10 percent. I told you I wasn't a genius.

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Yeah it was meant as a broad simplified example of what maths is based on. Obviously real maths axioms are more general and are designed to be as base-level as possible, but it's not like you can easily demonstrate what they can do if people here struggle with more basic mathematics.

>understanding the true nature of existence

u wot m8

>that's the whole point

It's all so incredibly dense and technical, I can't believe the average human being can make sense of it

I was utterly astounded when I opened my textbook in grade nine and saw what we were expected to do, it seemed like rocket science to me then and it still does today

Forgot to add to this list,
>Socially retarded
>Should probably wear glasses

I guess in a way, but at that point you could take away multiplication and division and just say that everything is some form of addition and its inverse. But if you were to deal with something like set theory or topology, I'd say that they employ concepts that aren't just derived from addition.

Basic operations aren't the core of maths.

>i am a failure at everything so i should be good at math

Pretty much. Why not bestow someone who has the will power and determination to make discoveries with the ability to do math? Ridiculousness.

I seem like a nerd from a distance is all

>tfw the things I did well at and enjoyed (English, history, geography, religion, drama) aren't conducive to good jobs

the things I don't not understand is math at all because im a legit tard

sounds like your mind is good at continuous things. geo has ok money

So, is there a way to fix this without attention altering medication or am I doomed to do low paying jobs for the rest of my life?

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Yeah almost finished my corporate law masters. Most law students here suck at math

I was decent to good in math until I had several horrible female teachers in a row in middle/high school that completely removed any joy I got from it.