lmao the average woman is such a fucking disgusting pig
Lmao the average woman is such a fucking disgusting pig
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she needs to lose some weight, get married 7 years earlier, have more children and shes golden
This post is unironically way too real, the marriage will last few years and be meh and the "straight man" will never go no contact
>Brown skin
>Brown eyes
>50% chance of divorce that SHE will initiate
>Thinking it's the men that settle
>And most of all: Fat
I'm so jaded.
I'd take her if she was white and a fembot
lmao this dumb fuck nigger believes in fembot lol
OP here
to be fair the average american man is also a disgusting fat pig too. the fuck is wrong with this disgusting country
>lmao this dumb fuck nigger believes in fembot lol
It obviously describes a certain kind of woman, not "wow woman who has the exact same social experiences as a man" you gay retard.
>168.5 lbs as a woman
It's a Brave New World.
how the fuck do you have .9 of a child?
Women are so fucking disgusting. I'm attracted to maybe 1% of women.
I wish I had been an adult in the 80s or before. Every woman is fat now, it's just a waste of time to be a heterosexual man.
Have a (((You)))
who's the girl that draws this?
Thats a good one user I actually laughed
a dumb whore drew it because theyre all dumb whores
yeah ok teehee but what do they mean?
BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA AND LIES. To MANIPULATE women to marry and breed young, so that EVEN YOUR KIND OF DISGUSTING PIGS could find a young hole to fuck. You do not really even want to breed. And for sure, you do not want to secure your chances to get as many healthy babies as possible. You just want to fuck a young hole. And as you have no chance to get anything but an older or landwhale hole you want to make women dependent on men again, by taking their rights away, so that you could have a young hole too. THAT IS THE TRUTH. No wiggling out of it. Modern men do not want to have babies or breed. They just want to fuck a young hole and play video games for the rest of their lives.
I just came here to find some threads about my favorite topic. But there's none, not anymore. And I feel totally alone and abandoned for it. As if I had no one in the world. I might as well be alone on a distant planet with no life. Even my favorite hate targets on YT are not posting much anymore or have quit. And my institution of education got closed too.
Yes, I know you made this video just to beg me to link it here so that you could get more views.
damn bitch you're crazy
i like you
That video was not made by me, though.
>mfw the average American male is 5ft9 and 197lbs
Gross lmao.
the average female bmi is 30
the average male bmi is 29
congratulations women, you finally beat men at something
>the average American man is 8 inches taller but only 31.5 pounds heavier than the average American woman despite men being naturally denser and carrying more muscle and bone mass
If anything it just shows how disgusting and obese American women are, retard
Hmm, back in the 90's when REALLY, REALLY THIN women were fashionable, people were appalled about how FAT women were back in the 80's. Just because the models and movie stars were actually looking healthy back then, not like anorectics.
women are the ones who make these ridiculous body weight fashion standards. men largely dont give a shit as long as you aren't anorexic or a fat pig
Still a bunch of obese manlets, fucking disgusting.
You forgot all the cowtits, PAWGs and baby weight women carry. Men are just fat and have bitch tits.
can i rub my bitch tits on your tits?
I am not obese or an Amerishart, sorry.
i have 500 cases of toilet paper. when the world ends i will be one of the wealthiest men in the world. your loss
They are not made by women, or even men, but the industry, mainly fashion and entertainment industry. You see, all of those funny looking clothes you see on the catwalks REQUIRE a very, very THIN model to look great on a female body. They are, often times, consisting of strange shapes and layers of fabric, so that they would look pretty bad on a woman with normal body weight. That's why models need to look like anorectic. And while they are the MOST POPULAR females on the planet, CRAVED BY MEN, even if looking like anorectic, ALL WOMEN want to look like them. That was the case in past at least and still is, at least partly so. Then again, REALLY BIG ASSESS have become fashionable lately, thanks to some fame greedy celebs who got big for sucking a dick publicly in the internet, being CRAVED by all men, and having big assess too. OF COURSE all women want to have a big ass now, to become as popular among men as these cocksuckers.
Women are still dependent on male validation, a lot more so than men are dependent on female validation. That is because women still form their SELF IMAGE on the basis of how sexually attractive they are and how popular they are socially. That is mainly because they will be spat on as ugly feminists (even if they were not) if they form their self image on the basis of their talent, intellect, skills or professional success. So it's actually the hovering remnants of the patriarchal system making women to follow physical standards set up by the industry.
Guess I need to go to sleep again. Otherwise I will stay up all night again replying to people's silly posts, and will have no strength to do anything tomorrow.
an average of either 2 to maybe 1 children.
ask yourself who gets involved in the fashion industry? women and gay men. normal men do not get involved in the fucking fashion industry
Yet a lot of them CRAVE for models who are in the fashion industry. Look at all the biggest male celebs of the world. Who do they pair up with? A young MODEL, rather than anyone on their own branch of industry. OF COURSE women want to get into the fashion industry, to get the best of men. Just like men want to get into certain industries (such as entertainment business) to get the best of females (the models). Because SEXUALITY is one of the strongest forces driving human activity. So, it's a bit simplistic to accuse women only for getting into fashion industry and it is even more simplistic to say that women create the unhealthy standards of beauty. THE ONLY standard I could say is created by women is the body positivity standard. And even in that men have a great role, watching all of those mukbang videos and fapping to them.
Good Night.
>complaining about obese manlets
>is a morbidly obese dwarf creature
Cope. Cowtits and pawgs' asses don't weigh 40 pounds. Also post birth women can easily exercise to tighten back up if they're still young.
spics and chinks really bring the avg height down
I can't wait until this corona shit mutates and wipes all of you out. Look at the state of this thread. You're all fucking garbage repeating the same shit over and over.
t. average fat roastie
>To MANIPULATE women to marry and breed young, so that EVEN YOUR KIND OF DISGUSTING PIGS could find a young hole to fuck. You do not really even want to breed. And for sure, you do not want to secure your chances to get as many healthy babies as possible. You just want to fuck a young hole. And as you have no chance to get anything but an older or landwhale hole you want to make women dependent on men again, by taking their rights away, so that you could have a young hole too. THAT IS THE TRUTH. No wiggling out of it. Modern men do not want to have babies or breed. They just want to fuck a young hoIe and play video games for the rest of their lives.
There is only one Jane Doe in this world
>Report unusual behavior
>Barricade your homes
>Avoid all contact with infected individuals
>Wait for official instructions
>Wait my ass
>Kill all fat kikes, that's my official instructions
unholy based
Ten women with nine children between them. Nine women might have one kid each and the tenth will have none at all. Nine divided by ten. In reality, the census calculation is likely more sophisticated than an arithmetic average.
>5 foot 3
>168 lbs
One can hope this Corona shit sorts things out one way or another.
>bragging about literally being fatter than the average man
Gotta take victories any way you can I suppose.
aww she's cute
>tfw no statistically average obese la creatura gf
blacks, southerners and midwesterners are the reason everyone thinks americans are fat fucks. where i live i would say 1/10 women under 45 are noticably fat, but 1/2 negress women are noticably fat, which is a shame because the thinner ones generally have really nice bodies
My gf is so much better than this.
130 pounds, 5'6, 34D bra, 26 inch waist, 38 inch hips, long blonde hair and blue eyes.
i'd date her
she seems cue
>168 pounds
Man I've been ~150 lbs for like 4 years now and my weight is only changes by +/-5 no matter what I do. I'm trying to bulk up and get as strong and as muscular as possible so I can spend more time playing video games, surfing the net, and messing around in VR (and yes, I realize that sounds extremely autistic and retarded but do believe me).
Now, bulking up and gaining size and strength isn't exactly rocket science and I should be making at least SOME progress by now but still. I mean ideally I want to get up to like 200lbs and ~12% body fat (I want to keep some fat/"girth" on my frame to help "cushion" my hands and wrists; a six pack, muscle striations, and just aesthetics in general are not my goal) but it's hard with what I have to deal with in life.
ANYWAY, if I am trying hard to bulk the fuck up into bear mode at 150lbs and the average bitch DOESN'T EVEN TRY (or even worse, is trying to go in the opposite direction of me and focuses on losing weight) and somehow ends up at 170lbs then what the fuck. Actually, HOW? Fucking HOWWWWWWW????? What? I just...What? What is happening? What? I don't...No...That figure can't be right. I'm sorry but 168? Actually and literally and factually and physically and apropos to this Earth and Universe what is happening? Good Lord God Fucking Damn I am an adult male of 27 years of age trying to build myself up into a brick shit-house and these bitches are showing me up by doing jack-diddley shit. They don't do fucking shit and they are shitting all over me the fuck
i think people like you and mean just physically cannot eat as much as food as the average person. i don't really put on any weight because i have some type of built in limit. i think a lot of people grew up with that thing where their parents made them finish everything on their dinner plate, so they stuffed it down. you do that long enough and you're just going to burn out the part of your body that tells you to stop eating.
gross, too fat
>i think people like you and mean just physically cannot eat as much as food as the average person
I dunno, man. I've always been that skinny dude that can casually scarf down whole (large) pizzas and 4-6 hamburgers/hotdogs (not like 2-3) in a single sitting. I was and am that guy that eats a lot but stays skeletor mode. I ate a lot in the past because "food taste good eat more" but now I deliberately stuff my face to gain weight.
Eh I guess you're right though especially as I've gotten older; I can't really throw down a whole bag of chips in a single sitting these days because it just gets disgusting/boring after a while and I have to put it down and stop.
>168 pounds
I thought 180 lbs at 6'1" was a lot.
thats obviously measured seperately
you really need to think about what you just posted. wow
>being obese is "average"
Do americans really?
>no men ever chased after her
LOL, like every chick has at least one desperate fuck monitoring her and ready to try something.
>spics and chinks really bring the avg height down
they also bring the avg weight down
They raise it if anything.
yeah Hispanics are fat lol
super fucking fat