
Are we looting yet?
*gets his swag bag out*

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Amer got scammed out of hundreds of pounds, if any of you want cheering up.

story? that would bring me more lulz

Schools to close. Is this good news or bad news for Bazza and his hated enemies, #NonceNest?

#noncenesters are delighted. Kids of school stuck home alone whilst the parents are forced to go out to work. Prime pedoing time for them desu.

Same thing happened to Crona. Why are trannies so bad with money?

>meant to play
fuck you bitch, killing is really fun in that game, it's meant to be played however you want.
I say kill them all.
I watched a mandaloregaming video on it wished I hadn't done so though.
it reminds me of VTMB with it's story and gameplay, gonna download once I finished Yakuza
Any tips? how come I can only upgrade the one girl you start with also which substory girls can you hire.
I got the wholesome Dolly girl mum and that evil stacey bitch errankun who made that lad run about for him.
really liking the substories too some of them are quite fun and even emotional

>got wizza
>got garlic wizza
>got ciders
>got dood

Watching Farscape...rumour is we will be on nationwide shutdown for 15 days my lads are saying what you lids think?

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But surely parents will be forced to stay home meaning a higher adult:child ratio?

anyone else looking to get absolutely smashed during the end of society?

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Still loads of people in the pub. Group of mongs were outisde smoking and laughing about the virus as l went by

maybe that's why I'm poor

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe(1988) is what they say truly kinio

weakens your immune system so no lad i'mnot

Not yet, only the ex bar workers and waitresses are out of jobs at the minute.

>got mango and passionfruit sorbet
>got oven za
>got my volic water
>got joint

Loads of people are being told to work from home and plenty of shops are either shut or have drastically reduced hours

how exactly lad? He didn't fall for one of those emails did he?

Absolutely lad. Only way to go out

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Ah, yeah forgot about that. Doesn't help muh shitjoke much does it?

I always disliked you slag poster but if you like Farscape maybe I was wrong about you.

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>he doesn't want to die
that's normie as fuck m8

I'll be fighting to keep myself sober despite the desire to indulge during these apocalyptic times.

any doom metal man in? Seems the most appropriate genre of music to listen to right now

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>no strongbow at the shop
this is the end

going to bed now lads not feeling so well

Never heard any. Post 1 for our delights please.

Keep away you contagious tosser

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Brother only went to pop to the shop for something and he's been gone over an hour, must be stuck in a queue.

More of a deathcore lad myself, but that seems fitting to

not him but he was bragging about how he was renting a flat earlier so i'd assume to do with that

Had a tub of Ben and Jerrys and a bag of starburst after work and then collapsed and woke up now.
Two and a half hours I've been asleep.
Now won't sleep properly.
It's rhe supermarkets fault for not having anything proper to eat.

Not usually a fan of the genre, but Electric Wizard are very good.

Nah for me it's Stacey Q - Two of Hearts

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I'm on a Scifi kick, finished Firefly and now biting my teeth into this comfy show user! I love slags and space
Haha i'm happy to die buzzed of my tits in vegas with my dick halfway inside of a hookers arse...not drunk choking on my own vomit in my mums house

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very close to just not going to work tomorrow. it's getting too serious now

Listen to the words
"the more closely, the more strictly, the more ruthlessly that we can enforce upon ourselves (*slaps chest to reaffirm he's 1 of us*) and our family the advice we are getting"
Oooo huuuuh huuuuu there's something big coming I tells you.

Evening cuties


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How does it feel to know that this has become the NEET timeline? Wagies are all being forced to live the neet life.

here's the opening track from that album lad


this aint shit compared to whats gonna happen with water shortages and soil depletion in half a few decades, mad max lads, this is apocalypse foreplay

>half a few decades
lol wut

Enjoy lad it's proper comfy but in a weird way, if you like it and slags checkout LEXX after.

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Poley shan't be moving after all!

Need some context for this me old m8

few decades cunt I'm tired

Not him but
This is good.

Why no alk?

>half a few decades

put me in the screenshot lads

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gosh what a qt

Just want the kid next door to stop clonking things against the wall tbqh

Hahahaha Poley you retard

>Lexx is a science fiction television series that follows the adventures of a group of mismatched individuals aboard the organic spacecraft Lex

sounding groovy so far,added to my list user thank you lad hope you're having a good one! you watching anything good:)

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Why yes I read threads with dark ominous ambient music, especially in ones about the virus.

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Bozzas daily update earlier

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the corona virus is a grim reality, I use alcohol to escape it

Heard a rumour the coronavirus originated under Ebins nails

mass effect 2 will forever be my favourite game user

im composing a piano piece for the end times

Why the FUCK does britfeel exists?

we already have r9gay

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fair enough user,hopre you're looking after yourself, say hydrated and get some fresh air take a shower, evererything will be ok

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got a bottle of rum i'm tempted to ravage, but i wanna stay sober enough to be able to buy more beer at 10am
what do

coz it fookin does. simple as.

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Strength is needed to face reality. Don't look away. Stamp your feet into the Earth, and take it head on.


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Didn't even hear he's ok with taking further and faster measures to halt the spread
*gets his desert camo shirt out of the loft*
Going to have to blend in with the army lads me thinks if we want to get about

Had enough on my bday and st.paddies day.
Gonna mong out with a nice gabby some zoots and have a nice Goodfellas za.

Groovy is a very apt word for it another one would be Coomy.
As a footfag I'll never understand heelfags

>soil depletion
Quite upsetting how dangerous this is yet not many gen pop know about it

yep, this one's going in my 'worked into a seething shoot' folder

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