We used to have countries and communities that were completely white.
Whites used to love their people
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't care, keep crying, pussy.
fuck you you Goddamned nigger bastard
Then the Hebrew nation attacked
remember riverdance?
Yeah and now you faggots let niggers and shitskins infest your land and fuck your women while you sit at home and jack off. Turned urselfs to a race of weak cucks.
I hate when Americans unironically believe skin color is a valid culture
t. Eurofag
As a slav from a slavic town, the concept of people that don't share my skin color, language, culture and religion was completely alien to me when I first heard of it. Having to walk around and see darkies and yellows and deal with people who don't speak a word of your country's official language because... why? So they can, in a best case scenario where they actually work, tank the wages for lower end jobs and weaken the position of unionized domestic workers by making them more replaceable? I still don't get it. I've seen maybe one negro in my first 18 years of life and he was a tourist who got lost and was given instructions on how to gtfo by the english speaking part of the local slav crowd. It may be a pisshole with no future but it's my pisshole with no future, and it's homogenous.
race is more than skin color you fucking cuckold retard
stopped reading there
You all are fucking mutts, while in the old country English, Germans, French, etc etc used to have fucking wars and be ultra racist to each other, in the US people mixed. This is la abominacion, not someone mixing with a black lady.
Also this. The idea that someone is my "brother" because of a similar tan is complete merica shit. The word Caucasion as used by the colonies is a complete fiction since people from the actual Caucasus are mountain moose limb churkas. If you don't have our blood and are not from our soil, you aren't one of ours. My dog is more of a countryman to me than fucking first worlder kids that speak a few words of my language and think they're reconnecting to their "roots" by coming for tourist visits once every few years. Your roots were cut before you were born by your immigrant parents, sorry firsties.
t. slav
Reminder white people is a term made up by jews to rationalize the genetic destruction of all europeans.
>Whites used to love their people
For most of their existence, the nations of Europe were either at war with one another or in a fragile inter-war period. You are genuinely, totally clueless. Get off the Internet and read a history book.
Surprised you even made it that far.
you only learn about the wars. you don't learn about all the peace time and interaction in between. Whites all had a connected culture.
You fucking retard. You're only focusing on the wars. Not all the peace in between the wars.
I'm originally thinking BASED
Explain me the cultural connection between Portugal and Ukraine, bitch.
Portugal is unironically closer to Africa
I'm thinking you're a cuck faggot
yet all niggers have big penises cause of their black skin, right cuck?
>You fucking retard. You're only focusing on the wars. Not all the peace in between the wars.
I'm not focusing on anything, I literally said that peace existed as an inter-war state. Stop shitposting about a lost golden age that never existed and read a history book instead.
what about Christianity?
only if you're looking at all of Europe at once and that can be said with any continent
African tribes were at perpetual war does that mean blacks can't love their people?
>Whites all had a connected culture
Nigga what, even as far as WW1 French language was hardly a thing and south Frenchies could barely understand north Frenchies. Not to mention the thousand German dialects and regional cultures. The "peaceful interaction" was mostly arms races and short truces because there was no mutually assured destruction. The only "connected culture" was Christianity, and even it was mostly a bunch of squabbling currents, especially after Protestantism. France was a historical ally of the Ottomans because Ottos counterbalanced Habsburgs and their fucktoys in Hungary and Germany.
I have no idea what you're on about. Niggers and nigger dicks are a fascination for colonials and first world upper class degenerates.
What about the fourth crusade? You're talking as if christianity was one big happy family and not hundreds of regional movements subverted by or controlling local politics.
> Ukraine: Orthodox
> Portugal: Catholic.
The Iberians tended to evangelize their colonies, so Angola is also closer in that regard than Ukraine
Yup. Whites didn't get along until colonization and the scramble for Africa
and even then they had wars since then
its jewish, jesus is the king of the jews, not of the whites
That guy LITERALLY said nothing about blacks or their cocks. This is why I hate Yas Forums whitefags so much, that's all they think about. Whitefags like you have an unhealthy inferiority complex and everyone else has to deal with it and your constant gay porn spam.
Kill yourself, there's no blacks in the void whitefag
so what? niggers fight each other too. does that mean they aren't a people? Europeans clearly had a level of diplomacy and respect for each other that they didn't have for other races. They at least made formal declarations of war with each other. They wouldn't do that for nonwhites. They'd just invade, conquer and enslave.
You sheetskins brought this on yourselves.
Most Europeans are very similar genetically.
yeah maybe cause Jews shill memes about niggers being superior to white people all over the internet to try to demoralize us and millions of cuck retards believe it
>millions of cuck retards believe it
Like you? Pathetic dumbfuck whitefag retard. Black cock is all you dream about and you try to shove it into every conversation.
I really don't give a shit about niggers and I didn't talk about them at all.
HUNGarians are genetically West Slavs, yet an easy way to get murdered in the Visegrad Group is calling them Slavic
no you chinks do
chink faggot
i am just bringing up your bullshit and you hate it in the context of somehow who knows it's bullshit
lol you can find examples of every race of shitskin becoming a tranny and taking white dick
so answer the question
can niggers still be a people even though they have wars with each other?
>no you chinks do
Oh you're obsessed with asians now? You whitefags always go from blacks to jews to asians in one thread.
>lol you can find examples of every race of shitskin becoming a tranny and taking white dick
Whitefag refers to the low IQ, schizophrenic, homosexual "people" the white race is unfortunate enough to be cursed with from Yas Forums, like yourself.
It's disgusting how your mind just deflects to black dicks and trannies all by itself. This is why all whitefags like you have to die.
shitskins are more likely to be faggots than whites are
post your address and say this shit to me in person if you're so tough you subhuman shitskin slave
whites conquered every race of shitskin
>whites are low IQ
whites have among the highest IQs and whites have invented far more than any other race
if your race has a higher IQ than whites than which race is it?
>dude remember when whyte people all got along and had their own countries and it was totatlly based and trad?
White is a term that isnt taken seriously out of new world countries. We identify by nationality or culture, nobody cares about your skin color or dna results
thanks for making slavs look retarded you piece of shit
amerigoblins can't understand that, see
bullshit faggot
you immediately know the difference from a white, Chink, Arab and nigger just by their looks
you can't tell most white ethnicities apart just by looks until you hear them speak
>hungarians are slavs just like us!
Lol seethe harder you polish retard. I want nothing to do with you and were not slavs
he's based
you're a cuckold libtard nigger loving faggot
My point, which you chose to ignore, was that whites aren't a people. If I don't see "my people" as "a people" why would I do that for niggers?
>you can't tell most whites apart
No YOU cant because youre some american retard who never saw a white person in his life. Now stop embarrassing yourself
oh here to rescue your beloved?
why don't you kiss him and you can cry together after like two triggered tranny cucks
you are so full of horseshit
you couldn't tell this man's ethnicity without looking him up
You retard, I'm not Polish.
Also, the fact is, you ARE genetically West Slav (I think the Szekelys are more Uralic for some reason)
This is why genetics != culture
of course gay sex is on the faggot liberals mind
faggot liberals just need to let blacks into our lands so they can fuck our women cause they're weakminded cuckold retards
Look at this victim complex in action, I never insulted whites as a whole, there's plenty of respectable whites.
Not you or the rest of you racebaiting faggots on Yas Forums
You're a low IQ gay savage obsessed with dick that hides behind his race
Swiss or French.
Cope, ameritard
All the electronics whites created were a result of an Egyptian Arabs pioneering. Also, you're taking credit for other peoples work. You have so little to be proud of that you piggyback of others success and rationalize it as "oh well we're the same race"
computer programs can't even tell one white ethnicity from another
explain that you stupid faggot
We are retarded, that's a part of the charm. We're just backwards enough to get the upsides of modernity (i.e. technology and convenience) and not too much of the upsides (i.e. complete subversion of the nuclear family, collective identity and traditional morality). Not sure why you're trying to bootlick first worlders. When they go down the dumpster the slavs will inherit the earth.
Lmao, this has to be bait
yeah you image searched it I'm sure you fucking faggot
Shitty program?
I mean, someone literay posted a basedjak and it came up 50% british
niggers constantly brag about the athletic achievements of other niggers yet you only have a problem with it when whites do it cause you faggots are afraid of white people
It means blacks can only love small, extremely specific sections of black people.
What's your point? In Europe, where actual whites live, we don't identify with the color of our skin. We identify with the cultures, nationality, religion and language of our country. I guess not having any of the first two and having stolen the other two, this is a bit of a mystery for the merican crowd.
kissing is not sex, perhaps only for you lmao
You better not be black or jewish, saying this shit.
but they don't
they love all blacks so what now retard? you never complain about it though. you only complain about it cause you're a brainwashed white hating piece of shit
Blacks who take credit for their athletes success are just as much of insecure faggots as you are. No one is scared of whites, because we're not all one unified collective.
White is an idiot terms for European Caucasoid you retarded fuck.
okay while we're at that how come Arabs don't take responsibility for the slave trade they ran where they enslaved and castrated over 10 million Africans?
>they love all blacks
That's an American black thing
You can easily tell meds from scandis. And you can easily tell brits from slavs.
But since your nation is mixed, you don't see the clear cut lines
Just ignore this thread, why do you retards always fall for the same shitty racebait threads. Just ignore Yas Forums so they can fuck off to their containment board
Changing the goalpost. Stay on topic, desperate retard.
>It may be a pisshole with no future but it's my pisshole with no future, and it's homogenous.
I envy you somewhat
Blacks dont love black people, live around them you will see how much absence of empathy these evil savages have for each other in an hour.
except for the fact that you faggots never complain about that like you do with whites
cause you're insecure about whites being the best
we are the best after all we conquered everyone else
If an "african american" went to actual africa and told actual africans (the ones advanced enough not to chuck spears at him and eat him because he isn't from their village) and told them they're all brothers because of their skin color they would chuck spears at him and eat him.
Man America really is an identityless cesspool. I used to think America was diseased but now I see that it IS the disease.
>except for the fact that you faggots never complain about that like you do with whites
How do you know? Is that what the voice in your head tells you?
>Meds from Scandis
that's because they're on opposite ends of the spectrum
you can't tell a Ukrainian from a Pole
Blacks who brag about being black have nothing close to insecurity you stupid fuck, its like you leftist have no actual experience with niggers almost all of them have psychopath level self confidence.
Whitefags can't help it, they live for racebait
they are always touting how great blacks are
how they fuck the best
how they dance the best
you are so full of shit
because I've never once in my life seen a liberal faggot anti racist complain about black pride
I can actually. Not him btw. And if you come here as an american and tell ukrainians and poles are the same people, youd just get decked in the face
all races of shitskins are more likely to be queers than whites
Bro what are you talking about Africans love the western world. Identities are getting more and more mixed by the day whether you like it or not
You didn't conquer anyone you pathetic faggot, again you're taking credit for others achievement. Why don't you make something of yourself so you have something to be proud of instead of insecurely deriving your pride from other people who lived way before you. Also, believe it or not, people don't just spend all their time complaining like you do.
lol shut the fuck up you poor ass faggot
the only way you can tell each other apart is by accent
explain the difference in looks between Poles and Ukrainians then
Good thing I never claimed the nonwhite races are straighter than whites.
Whitefags like you just read what you want to read. Do you see black cocks in every post you disagree with? Schizo faggot.
Thats not love thats racial arrogance you stupid fuck. A classic example of nigger "love" is black youth attacking black teachers in public schools grown niggers trying to better the lives of apes in the hood yet their response is to attack and mentally abuse them until they chimp out on the students or quit. Blacks have no fucking empathy for their own kind they are completely evil disgusting savages.
>you're taking credit for others achievement.
Yet its our fault slavery happened right?
Its our fault Jim Crow happened right?
Its our fault the Holohoax happened right?
Fuck you kill yourself you leftist hypocrite piece of shit.
Homosexuality lives in your mind rent free, closeted faggot
>uhh Europeans used to declare war on eachother that means the white race is a valid culture
Fucking retard, stop going on Yas Forums
You're putting words in my mouth you fucking schizophrenic freak. No, it's not "our" fault any of that happened.
that's bullshit
yes I take pride in the accomplishments of my race but I am also forced to carry the burdens of the embarrassing shit my race does
you call me a whitefag and claim whites are weak and this and that
if i can't be proud of my race then you can't attack me for my race but you do
you are just trying to back me into a corner you slimy disingenous faggot
you hate white people and you pretend you are being logical as a ploy to attempt to screw us over
i am white and proud and you will never erase it you inferior shitskin scum
Ignore this thread. Ignore it reeeeeee i want to stop seeing this retarded shit on my board. Fuck off fuck off fuck OFF
then why do YOU keep talking about it, faggot?
you are so retarded and delusional
Africans definitely know that American blacks are their cousins
you are beyond fucking retarded
Quit playing dumb you scum
When did I call whites weak? You're literally putting words in my mouth for your own convenience. You really should go to a mental health professional.