Girls with hair like this make my dick explode

Back in Highschool, girls would always do their hair in these huge sock buns, and they would always make my dick so hard. I love them. They would always be super big and it made them look like they had so much hair.
Anyone else's thoughts?

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i like longer high pony tails the best

>back in high school girls dressed like they were in grease
lmao who the fuck are you, danny zuko?

Like Ariana Grande's?

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ariana grande is ugly tho and i really only like white girls

I'm mainly referring to their hair, less so clothes and general appearance

Ariana Grande is white, she just likes to wear a shitload of spraytan

i meant on the white girl "look", not ethnicity
women who look white tend to have a very different appearance on average than mediterranean or balkans women

So, you just like non-Med/Balkan European women

its not about specific ethnicity or anything like that, i just find women who look white attractive(central euro, western euro, eastern euro), but i dont find darker ones that attractive - looks or temperament wise

So, you just like light-colored skin

yes, but not just skin, general looks, physique as well
white euro girls just look way more attractive overall

So, you also like light eyes and hair as well?
Idk what you mean by "physique". Euro bodies are all gonna be generally the same, whether the woman is German, Spanish, Serbian, ect

southern and darker ones are different, its noticeable, i live in a place where i see both southern/balkaner and real euro women
body and face and complexion everything, euro women are just way more attractive than any other

>southern and darker ones are different, its noticeable
In what way?

Hello again fren! I'm assuming you are the previous guy who made this kind of thread anyway. I'm the fella who you managed to convert! how're you keeping? I haven't made one of these since, but my fetish is ever-growing...and so is my 'Big bun' folder!

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its hard to explain
different looks i can see, but find it hard to explain
their complexion is prettier, bodies, skin, body frame, everything

I kinda want to put my dick in that.

Yeah those are really nice. Especially if they are very thick and shiny.

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You'd be right
I'm doing pretty good, what about you? I've been continuing to make these threads on and off whenever I had the time or felt like doing it. Glad to see you back
How's your "Big bun" folder going btw?

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Welcome to the club. Those big bun holes are for that reason exactly. What do you think about this one? deep enough for you?

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Wow! so impressive. I love the sheer size of this one. Really nice. I have a good amount, I'll share them as I reply. Although you might have seen a fair few of them already.

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Her bunhole is nice and deep, I love it. Nice and big as well. Love the shine on it too

I've never seen a bun with that particular shape before. Pretty unique to say the least!

I think I already have this one saved on my folder, still an impressive bun though
It's very shiny and big. Very sexy

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Kim Kardashian does some really lovely sleek buns and ponytails. I find her hot af overall too.

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Yeah these kind of ones are my favourite I think.

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What do you think of this bun?

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Hhhnnngg that's perfection in my opinion. Just a perfect size, colour, and that shine is really nice too. So hot. Just needs something inside it...

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Like a cute little decoration?

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Or some cum?

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Wow that's beautiful, I just wanna worship it.

I love it too. The massive size and the braid around it. Makes me diamonds

It's because med/balkan women are arab rapebabies

not so much of a fan

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>posts doorknob

Aw yeah when they do big braids around the bun it's just incredible. Really makes it for me.

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>Welcome to Dunkin Donuts, how may I serve you?
Uhh, can I get the glazed donut
>Yeah, sure! Anything else?

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>Girls who do their hair like this have a 100% chance of making me rock-hard.

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How big do you like your buns?
Me, I like them as big as possible. The bigger, the better. It makes the bun more visible and shows how much hair a girl has. It's even better when the hair is shiny

>Girls who look like this have a 100% chance of making me rock-hard

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She has nice, red hair

Do you like braids just on their own as well, without a bun?

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*Wait, shit, just realised. That isn't a bun, it's a ponytail


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Hahaha! that's truly awesome!

>100% chance of making me rock-hard
>Posts Medusa
I kek

Same. Big ones impress me and make me think the girl is feminine and takes pride in her appearance. The really big ones also make me naturally more attracted because she stands out and looks like a queen, not a peasant.

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I usually like any kind of twist or plait. Like big thick pigtails or a braid mixed in with long hair.

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Yeah I think Kim prefers big ponytails to buns.

I like how she shows off her hairline in this one as well.

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You like them because they make a girl look feminine and royal. Makes sense. Big buns require long, thick hair to achieve, and queens/princesses often had very long hair throughout history because they could afford to take care of it
I love them because I just love super long and super thick hair in general. Big buns just make it clear that a girl has such long , thick hair. They're also just very visually appealing and fancy, especially when they're neat

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Do you like bangs, or do you dislike then because they don't show off a girl's hairline?

She's cute. I really like her bangs

It depends on the individual, but as a general rule I like no fringe when a girl ties her hair back. A ton of girls at my school when I was there used to have ponytails and side-fringes and they all looked so good. This one group on popular girls had different hair colours (red, blonde, brown, black) but all had the same ponytail and side-fringe. So hot.

Yeah I definitely think of princesses when I see a nice big, high bun.

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posting more of this milf with a nice big bun

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I'm the opposite, I generally much prefer fringes on girls. They're cute and help soften and frame the face, especially when the hair is up
Those popular girls sound hot, but also mildly creepy. Did they at least look different in other ways or had noticably different hair lengths?

At what point do you consider a bun to be "big", as opposed to small/average?

Yes I suppose. As I say, depends on the individual. Many girls with fringes look great. I don't see how that sounds creepy lol I think girls just copy each others' style alot.

I'm not good at measurements but I'd say pic-related is the beginning of 'big' for me.

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Weird ass fetish my guy

I'm just thinking it could be creepy if they look pretty much the exact same in terms of hair and general appearance

And this is the big side of 'big' for me.

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Well they were wearing school uniform so they looked fairly similar in that regard. But obviously in terms of build, facial features, and even hair-length they looked different. Most of them didn't have mega long hair but it was very thick.

Not OP, but why do you say that? can you elaborate?

I'd personally consider this bun to be "huge", bigger than big. That is a very big bun! Very impressive. I'd love to see such a huge bun in person
A bun around this size is what I would consider to be at the lowest end of "big"

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That bun almost looks smaller than this bun
It's hard to tell though

How thick was their hair?

I'd love to put my finger in that tight little hole. Looks so inviting.
Also girls going down on you with their hair up makes me rock fucking hard. Had that happen to me with my first girlfriend and it's something I'll never forget.

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>Also girls going down on you with their hair up makes me rock fucking hard.
Does their hair have to be up specifically in a bun, or just up in general?
I definitely get the appeal though. Shows that a girl is dedicated to sucking your dick and making you feel good

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