Time for another "make yourself in this picrew" thread
Time for another "make yourself in this picrew" thread
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So, what, is this a thread that generates what you'd look like if you could pass?
wow cool picrew op how about you show us a selfie so we can see how good you did! Unless you're a tranny or a larper? You would happen to be a larping little tranny faggot would you op?
also sage
it me doe
shirtless because it's hot
Made it some time ago for another thread
holy shit, man. I didn't know it was possible to be this based.
i wish i was a tranny so i could command armies of onions boys and make them jump of cliffs or else trannyphobic
They never have short enough hair.
The clothing options disappoint the part of me that just wants to play barbies.
That's gay as fuck, I'm not doing that shit
can we make these threads banned for being soc shit already?
it actually look a lot like me for the first time
You fagets literally make the same thing over and over again. Expect a different art style. You fagets must be spergs if you do the same thing everyday with the same outcomes. Muh yous though bro fuck off tranny how much validation do you need. You guys already spam no gf muh depression threads god dam pathetic whites
I look perpetually pissed off because I am
and like an angry retard, I forgot to attach the image
Came out bad, inb4 racism
Not a tranny, I just never grew out of being scene/gothy.
The front hair options were odd
I unironically wear dresses like this
>inb4 tranny
in reality i'm just a fat fembot, which isn't much better
The hair options suck
these threads r always so fun :)))) ty user
user ur a qt do u have insta owo
Both trannies.
probably hispanic
This one is me. I like runescape
This one is my gf, I make her in these threads a lot just for fun
These are always fun, thanks for the distraction OP
i'm not a tranny but it's not like i'm this attractive either
>first time doing one of these
fat people itt
u cute then
also theres no straight pride flag? kindof fucked up imo.
lol why can't you guys just admit to yourselves that you are faggots and move on go get topped so you can shut the fuck up about it already.
I do admit I'm a faggot and would like to get topped, I don't see the issue
tranny thread BTFO
tfw user doesnt think im a faggot :3
I just shaved my head a few days ago but it's normally longer.
UwU OwO give me attention~ I am a fembot uwuwuwu nya >~< kms
cute! i like these threads c:
looking boring as fuck today
fixed it, this one looks more like me
i wear a beanie like this all the time so i never have to wash or comb my hair
It's a shame these never have proper options for beards.
dicke and ball
Im a gal lol sorry to disappoint and break the bubble of no girls on this board
add 20 pounds and this would be semi-accurate
disgusting, have a shower
Not bad for a flattering animu depiction, I guess,
Well, this is the most appropriately awful I've looked in any of these, at least
I just cut my hair and it wouldn't let me change the facial hair to the same color as my hair but this is more or less me.
Can I destroy your anus?
first one that actually kinda looks like me
>Time for another "make yourself in this picrew" thread
i like the old version
stop using that one faggots
OP here. This one's cool but the lack of a pale skin option makes me look like a Hispanic
wtf, how can i make myself if thsis gay shit doesnt even have decent beards? i have a full beard, this shit has only patchy goatees
Wow, one of the most accurate so far... I love it!
very orginal indeed
>probably hispanic
nope, a slav
I couldn't find any curlier hair options : / pretty accurate though
Good editing skills user
Heres me
Why'd you use a normie LGBT-supportive one, when there are much more cuter anime-style ones?
Though I suppose it is rare to find ones where you can make both girls and boys.