
Report your progress
>How long have you been using dating app?
>what do your matches look like?
>how successful have you been?
>What are your pictures like?
I have been on for 2 days and have about 14 matches. Only 4 messaged back. Most of them are fat except 2. Only 1 conversation went anywhere and now I am messaging her on snapchat. She doesnt want to go out on a date due to coronaviris. Right now I just have a selfie in my bed.

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>>How long have you been using dating app?
Never used one
>>what do your matches look like?
idk, never used an app like this
>>how successful have you been?
0 success since I'm a lazy retard
>>What are your pictures like?
ugly, jst like me
>why are you posting in this thread
Just want to bump it since I like lurking these

>How long have you been using dating app?
About 2 years on Tinder
>what do your matches look like?
0/10s to your average Tinder looking girl.
>how successful have you been?
None. I only use it when I am drunk to amuse myself. I have no social skills when sober so I don't reply to any of them.
>What are your pictures like?
I had some pictures of me taken by strangers when i was on a hike on my own. Therefore I have friends and "love travelling"

>How long have you been using dating app?
About 5 months now
>what do your matches look like?
Idk, mostly either normal stacies, a fatty I accidentally swiped on because I did not notice the camera angle warnings, or alt girls with dyed hair
>how successful have you been?
I have about 210 matches and 100+ likes
>What are your pictures like?
Just selfies of me not doing anything

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Wow, you match pretty girls? Thats great! I wish I was handsome.

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black pill

Ty. I have been on dates before but am still a khhv
I guess only 94 likes now but it has been over 100.
The thing I learned is you get ghosted if you ask most girls what they are doing on tinder

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gotten any dates ?

Huh? Why are you a khhv? Do you feel nervous to date girls or have autism?

Well I usually can get dates with hot girls but either my weird edgy personality is so off-putting the ghost me, a lot of guys are more pushy than me so they get her attention or date before I can, the girls on tinder just got out of a relationship and feel they are moving too fast, I am very shy and afraid to do anything but rant autistically about my passions while we go on a walk, I do not understand hints and need women to be direct with me, and deep down I want to lose it to someone special.
Too bad I am so much of an insufferable autist that no woman will actually ever love me fuck now I am crying

Dont cry user, I'm sure you will figure it out if you keep experimenting.

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Lol no. It has been almost 21 years now. In my whole life I have found one person who can put up with me, a crazy lesbian girl who I talk to about twice a year. No one else has ever liked me or been able to put up with me. I know some people say they had no friends but I literally had none my whore life (until I was 18 and met that one girl). I had never hung out with anyone, sat with people at lunch, been invited to anything, I never went on a date (before 20) had a gf, etc. Sorry for throwing myself a pitty party, I do not anyone to feel bad for me and I know it could be worse but sometimes I just feel so empty and alone because I am always alone.

I do fine I guess. I don't really go on dates though, just use it for a confidence boost

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>Right now I just have a selfie in my bed.

I know you're new user but that's a recipe for failure Even if you're incredibly good looking, just one picture (a selfie by yourself no less) seems shady to a woman. Try to have at least 3, and if you can add one of yourself with a group of friends that'll make you seem more interesting and trustworthy, women are hard wired to chase status and guys with social proof.

I will upgrade the photos eventually. This virus interrupted my self improvement plan quite a bit.

I used both with no success. Bumple was probably even less effective for me. Tinder I swiped away and even got a good deal of matches the first few days but none if the girls responded to my messages and the ones I didn't hit up soon enough after matching would unmatch me. Either because they expected me to hit them up right away or they read my bio and didnt like it or a variety of other shit. Most of my matches were either from Hispanic girls or 30 something roasties. Also saw the manager at my old job on there. Didnt want to swipe on her at all but she'd keep popping up after I'd close and reenter the the app. She also gives me shit references now, apparently.
Not long thereafter I moved to a rural shithole and tried bumple. I only matched with two girls on that whole fucking app after a week. Messaged a little bit with some emo looking single mom but inevitably got ghosted. Then went back to tinder and was banned for trolling.


Look at Mr McChadman here. Good for you bro.

How do you guys even get tinder? I cant find it on the app store, even with a vpn

Really? Thats weird. I use android, so I have google play. I am pretty sure you can use tinder from desktop too.

>How long have you been using dating app?
Since 2012 on and off
>what do your matches look like?
Very very few and fat
>how successful have you been?
My friend went on my account and talked up a blue haired fat girl who invites me to her house for Netflix and chill. Could have easily fucked her but didn't
>What are your pictures like?
Pictures of my face and apparently I look like I'm in my 30s despite being 25 (and still a virgin)

What is your age range? Mybe if you turn it up you can get some milfs?

Not to dox but do you live in a tight fisted state? never heard of it not being accessible in the store.

I don't care as long as they are under 40. But even they dont want to fuck me.

About a week
Almost all my matches are chubby or fat
If I get a hot one they dont respond
I never wanted to.die more

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I decided to give them a try on Sunday. I have not gotten any matches. Genuinely don't know why I bothered.

I have just been talking to the chubby ones.

Why tf is this shit so hard. All I ever wanted was a 5/10 non fattie gf

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I've heard guys like us do better irl, but I have social anxiety, so I am using it for practice.

>tinder only place to meet girls nowdays
Guess meeting from irl never really existed in first place

ye where would I meet one irl if I have zero friends, no job and only leave my house for a nightwalk twice a week

Do people actually use Bumble? I live in a small village in the German countryside, what's actually my chances of someone using it even within 100km of me?

Don't bother brudi. Nobody around here uses Bumble.

Probably very slim. I think Bumble is mostly just used in urban areas here in the US.

Well that sucks. I refuse to use Tinder because I'm pretty sure 95% of the women on it just want positive attention / Chad's cock.
I also used OKCupid for a bit but most of the women just want to chat about random shit but if you try to progress into asking to meet up or have a date, they ghost you.
Any advice? I know this board is full of confident Chad's and master-seducers after all.

Fag alert, wee ooo wee woo. You should find yourself a friend first instead of a relationship, someone to hang out with and someone who can tell you to shut up when you're acting autistic. Hopefully someone more outgoing than you so you can test out social boundaries safely. Gay guys are good at this.

What's the best strategy for matches? Should I just swipe right on literally everyone? I've been swiping left on all the super hot/thot ones, the ones where all of their pics are bikini pics, etc. Not because I'm a prude or because I'm the kind of dipshit who expects girls to be virgins, but I just know I have absolutely no shot and there's no point in wasting a right swipe that day.

Or should I just be swiping right on the girls I think are cute, or the ones I I think I might have a shot with? Because if it's the latter, I'm not going to be swiping right on anyone.

i was thinking about making one but all my pictures are old and i've gotten fatter and bald so i would be perpetrating a fraud

been using it for almost 2 weeks

about 50 matches

have not been very successful ive only messaged around half of them and only half of those have replied

dont really know what im doing and a lot of conversations have just died because i wait too long to start talking about meeting up

i have 5 pictures

one is just me looking stoically at the camera that a friend took

second is a really faggy mirror pic but its usually the one girls have liked

third is a wide shot of me at a lookout on a hill

fourth is me on an overnight hike on a trail face isnt in it

and one of my dog because im desperate

was talking to a really cute aussie exchange student but she has to leave now because of corona

might as well just swipe on who you think is attractive regardless you never know

>was talking to a really cute aussie exchange student but she has to leave now because of corona
>cucked by corona
you have my sympathy, brother

redditor spotted
alert alert
redditor spotted

what about that makes me a redditor

spacing mate its the spacing

yeah she was always talking about how horny she was too

fuck im pissed

im on my phone i cant use periods

Wear a beanie and layer up to hide your fat.

im not a woman so i cant use periods as an excuse either

People have been formatting their replies like that since before Reddit existed, newfag.

>How long have you been using dating app?
>what do your matches look like?
Trannies fatties and "looking for my soul mate" types mostly. Total polar opposite of that I'm into.

>how successful have you been?
Not one date at all.

>What are your pictures like?
Just of me nothing professional or anything.
I tho I have been turned town before because me in a green shirt reminded her of shaggy.

Like zoinks scoob.

it's about to be summer

Nigger, it's not even spring yet.

idk admittedly im not over 30

not until tomorrow

I signed up for Tinder, Bumble, and OKCupid four days ago. Not a single match. This is demoralizing. I'm really forcing myself to keep trying. I remember the first day, I thought it was shitty that you got so few right swipes per day if you didn't want to pay for the service. Now it seems like there's far too many right swipes per day, since I don't want to keep doing this.

Got 15 matches in about two days of swiping. The likes came quick when I first started but now I don't get any, had to increase the range just to get a match today.

Anyway, I need a strat for getting nudes bc I'm never gonna meet up with any of them

Just send a dick pic desu thats how I usually do it.

>How long have you been using dating app?
7 months
>what do your matches look like?
ramona flowers types, asians, latinas some trannies some fatties
>how successful have you been?
I got 1 hookup and rejected another because the thought of fucking at a public place like mcdonalds is gross
>What are your pictures like?
Very autistic, mostly pics of me in my bathroom because I am a loner and I have a pic of my cat idk if that ever helped.

Been on for about 2 weeks
Liked about 30 people
Zero likes back
Zero matches
Pictures were all curated from my photos by a female friend to maximize dating site effectiveness
>action shots
>group photos with friends

>Pictures were all curated from my photos by a female friend to maximize dating site effectiveness
She probably picked the worst ones to protect her fellow women from you

Ha ha you're a funny guy, but I seriously doubt that.

I gave up in the end.
Each time I matched with someone either they don't reply, they're boring as fuck or when we do talk and arrange a meet, they don't commit.
Might try again later in the year but fuck it for now.

>they're boring as fuck
Yeah, this was 90% of my interactions.
Why are women so fucking bad at making conversation?

>How long have you been using dating app?
Not sure. Off and on for a few years
>what do your matches look like?
Its odd. When I was really fat I actually had more matches but who knows how many were bots. When I lost weight and put on some muscle i get better matches but a lot of fat girls too which is annoying.
>how successful have you been?
Very unsuccessful when it comes to actually meeting people. I hate the text game BS.
>What are your pictures like?
Nothing professional but most of mine were taken by someone else. My best friend went to film school and took some pics. I have 1 full body, and a few candid photos. I only have 1 selfie take by me.

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>How long have you been using dating app?
I've been there since last summer
>what do your matches look like?
500+ matches and there are all types of girls but I try to avoid the braindead snapchat whores and anyone who looks like NPC
>how successful have you been?
I barely ever reply to anything I just play the app for fun when I'm bored or waiting for something. I'm on the spectrum so it's been over for me and it never began
>What are your pictures like?
Just selfies and one full body picture

>Why are women so fucking bad at making conversation?

It baffles me. I guess its why so many of them demand that YOU be good at conversation or be able to hold one. Because they literally cant. My goal is always to meet them in person because I cant stand texting for days on end.

A lot of people have things flipped. I didn't start texting my friends and having long conversations with them via text. We started off IRL and then once we became established friends we began texting.You need something to text about.

Its like women want us to already know everything about them before even texting. Not to mention they never have a profile half of the time. I'm not quite sure if they just want basic stupid 1 liners or a real conversation. I guess the real answer is that if you look good everything is interesting.