How are you guys doing?

I am currently sitting with my bf and we're wondering how you guys are doing. Also, how would you rate our feet?

Attached: hhghgdkgdiftggfkghfk.jpg (1504x2016, 273.82K)

What do you think of OSHO, Op?!

>how would you rate our feet?
pull up your trousers

tranny or just a twink?

Fuck off and die whore. We will find you and plunge knives into your ribcages and watch you slowly drown in your own blood.

who is osho

im a real life femanon

You have fucked up feet, I would barely even suck or lick them.

well you wouldn't even get a chance. My bf does it all the time

That s so disgusting

i want to suckle on your toes
No seriously tho i hate myself and life sucks

cute feet user :3

Your feet are goblin feet.

Well go ahead and keep looking at 2d girls feet

Aw thanks c:

Your bf has decent feet as far as guys' feet go. Yours are cute, 6.5/10 would see more.

Fuck off and die you gross foot faggots or at least put on some fucking socks you hippy parasites

Hello. I'm not into feet but you guys have cute feet. I'm doing OK I'm gonna go lay down and go to sleep real soon. Hopefully my BF will wake me up to cuddle with me. I want to hug him but I don't want to disturb him.

ah you need your litlle sockies you litlle baby

That's some obvious tier b8, larper

Also nice filename and .jpg format. If you're with your GF and on the bed then admit that you changed the picture on your percy. It's an original photo from what I can tell, but you're probably gunna try and bullshit us by saying you didn't want any metadata/location to be stored on it

You should be my girlfriend instead. Please be my gf


I am doing pretty shit. Your foot is cute and suckable

Post another foto with a sign that reads "Hello Jonathan this is the proof that you wanted"

Sorry but I'm already taken dude :/

I'm not gay so your feet is 0/10 hers around 6 7 ish/10 depending on the angle, is she cute?

yours truly,
the bf

Don't lie bud, you're not the BF. I am. Please don't speak on behalf of me.

prove it (NHJNBM

You just want extra photos for free. Not gunna happen. You gotta pay.

I hereby confirm that 57215989 is the bf.
What now jonathan

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post heights, are you tiny?

nah (NHJNBM)

>My bf does it all the time
Lmoa, looks like he's content with trash like you

You don't really care. You just made a shitty thread to humble brag about you and your bf. Go fuck off to /soc/ with your bullshit.

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Give me a price.

He's the same trash, dear Yas Forums nobleman

Except I actually do. How are you user?

get out of here normie
orginal 1

original 13341


are you GIANT?

original 14421

did you guys had sex today? And what you both ate, also what's yours favorite movie mine is
Sorcerer, Oldboy, mad Max (original)

Not yet.
We both ate spaghetti.
Our favorite movie is (ironically) Fifty Shades of Grey. We find it hilariously stupid.

>his feet are significantly bigger than hers
>he must be significantly taller than

why do these insecurities haunt me universally fuck

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how old are you? Planning on having children or getting married?

You have good taste but you're posting in a shit thread

Alright wish you both a prosperous and health life

We are pretty young. Sure, why not.

Aw thank you :> We wish you the best as well

thanks user i know im already leaving this thread, have a great day im going to watch Rome now

I know, that's why I said instead. I'll love you more, I promise

r9k went to shit after 2016

Attached: glasses-am-tired-earth-these-people-am-tired-being-caught-tangle-their-lives-spettacomedy.png (680x680, 339.35K)

I don't think so.
original 23352

Yas Forums went to shit after 2010 user

Have a good time then.

Can I have your boyfriend, then?

N O.
original 32352

What the fuck? Why am I even here?

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Thank you for cucking me femanon

Are you a Gamer? just curious

Yes, I enjoy gaming. I've been playing morrowind lately. P fun.