>on-campus uni classes cancelled for the whole semester
>required to move out by this sunday
>girl (chinese native) I made many memories with at uni, will no longer see her
>she rejected me because I'm not chinese
>going to take this opportunity to block her on everything so I can finally let it go
This virus has made my life change in positive ways
On-campus uni classes cancelled for the whole semester
you're like that nigger who keeps posting about being stuck in his mayberry ass podunk town
Sorry buddy. Bug bitches only want Chang Thunderwang.
Update. Last night I called her on facetime by accident (was trying to call a friend to play vidya) and she asked me this morning about it. Now she wants to actually facetime with me just to chat or something. I don't want to, I just want to stop talking to her without any goodbyes
And the rest of the text exchange
wtf she's obviously interested in you
Interested in just being friends you mean. I've spent time with a Chinese girl like that. They don't want more like sex or a relationship. Unless you're very attractive of course
user you may as well try one more.
asians get a lot of shit from family for not being with an asian sometimes.
do not listen too ther anons, people are comple and in relaity no one can give advice.
you know best unless autistic
user, don't call her. You wanted to get over her? Have some conviction and start right now.
user i know that it hurts that she just views as a friend but, having a friend isnt bad either. Atleast i would give it a try