Why do women go on about how they're terrified men will harm them, but are absolutely attracted to dangerous men?
Dark triad attractiveness to women
Do guys not like being laughed at?
>holes make zero sense and can't into logic
No fucking way, what a shocker.
They're terrified of the ones they're not attracted to. The ones they don't want to have sex with. Or even the ones they DO want to have sex with... during those times they don't want to have sex with them. Get turned on, the terror goes away, or maybe just turns them on more.
That's fair enough, I could believe it. It still makes me less sympathetic to women who complain about dangerous men and domestic violence
Because women fundamentally aren't logical. They don't know what they want, or more precisely, what's good and fruitful for their own wellbeing. Is it any wonder why fathers used to be protective of their daughters and choose who they married? Giving a woman free reign to do as she pleases is the same as giving free reign to a child. It's irresponsible. If a child had their way, they'd eat nothing but candy and engage in frivolous hedonistic pursuits. A parent has to force them to eat proper food and to do their homework. Before a hundred years ago, it was common knowledge that women are an intermediate state between a child and a man. Their mental growth stays at the level of a teenager. Why don't we extend equal rights to children as well?
They're terrified of men exactly because they preferentially seek out and associate with dangerous men. But acknowledging this would mean taking responsibility for their own feelings and actions, so instead they take it out on other men who are easier targets.
the dark triad meme is pseudo-pop psychology, go back to r*dditpill.
It is absolutely true you just don't like hearing it
women don't really care about dangerous people. they can barely ever register when something bad is about to happen unless they've experienced trauma of a bad experience in the past. have you ever seen a woman fall and notice how they don't ever put their hands up to shield their fucking head from bouncing off the ground? yeah. that's because they lack the SRY gene found in men for fight-or-flight responses to stress. their body literally cannot comprehend this feeling (viz. chemically) the same way we do since they regulate stress via other means (i.e. estrogen or related hormones). as someone that garners a lot of attention from women based upon the "DT traits", they won't and don't see you as dangerous. they see you as emotionally unavailable, which makes you intriguing to them seeing as they lack the fight-or-flight response (think: "if i become close to them, they won't hurt me.").
Ease up on the salt intake
nah dude's right, otherwise how would ugly dudes be getting 10s?
Point one
>women know they are slower, weaker, and more fragile than men
Point two
>women understand this makes them physically vulnerable
Point three
>No one likes being physically vulnerable
Point four
>if they have a male partner who is above average in his ability to deal with danger, he can keep her safe
>it is sensible, even intelligent, of women to want a male partner who is more 'dangerous' than average so he will keep her safe from strangers
Why do women love a man in uniform?
Because soldiers, cops, and firement are demonstrably stronger, braver, and (overall) better at violence, so the uniform is a marker of 'good mate'.
This is 'shit so obvious non-retarded 4th graders know it' level stuff, here
Women are obsessed with playing the victim. It's why they pretend that they live in a patriarchy that "forces" them to adhere to traditional gender roles, when women are the only ones enforcing those gender roles in the first place.
this. Once I realized this I stopped feeling sorry for "victims". I'm sure some just had bad luck but most of them purposefully seek out aggressive and dominant men because she wants to be abused. It's why so many accusations only come out after they break up, she thought it was hot while they were together and just wants to lash out now that he's no longer choking her in bed.
I remember seeing a study that showed that women who feel like they are in more danger and are more afraid on a daily basis are more likely to go for traditionally masculine men. So there is truth to what you are saying.
It is also why so many feminists end up dating guys full of the same "toxic masculinity" they rant against. Their little cult tells them that every man is a rapist murderer so she subconsciously wants a violent aggressive man to protect her.
Know what cracks me up about the 'dark triad'?
What it really means.
Guy from my parents' church
>Combat vet, in sales. Big motherfucker: tall, broad-shouldered, swole. Smart as fuck, too.
>Has a smokin' hot wife and 5 gigantic sons (the runt of his litter is only 6'1", 200 lbs). In his early 50's but still strong, fast, tough.
>His wife is the surrogate mom to everyone. Someone in your family sick? Just had a baby? Was the power out for 3 days after a storm? BOOM! She arrives with a massive home-cooked meal (when I had chickenpox as a kid she brought everything from an enchilada casserole to chicken soup, salad to three kinds of cookies - enough for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for 3 days, all homemade, even the tortillas); hand-made scarves, you name it
>The boys are tough, strong, and take no shit but never bullies. And they could be, easy.
>What weirded me out when I was younger is how young women FLOCK to the dad. After services every single girl aged 8 to 25, even a lot of the older married women, go to him, give him a huge hug, and talk to him like an old friend. Every single one. They literally adore him.
>So anyway, one day he and my dad were talking and my dad mentioned the dark trad. This guy laughed, and said he scored high in all of the traits. Dad and I were shocked - he's an amazing, warm, friendly guy!
>As the guy explained it
>"You think someone that stole a car and fled police before he wrecked an paralyzed himself is responsible for his own injury? That's 'lack of empathy'. You think your religious and moral beliefs are superior to ther people that disagree with you? That's 'egotism'. You think you've done things most people can't? 'Grandiosity'. Congratualations, you're officially a narcissist. "
>"You think salesmen deserve to make a profit if someone pays more than they "should" for a car? Welcome to being 'exploitative'. You ever not tell a girl that you were unemployed to get a date?Now you're 'deceptive'.
>"In an emergency would oyu save your own family first instead of strangers? Welcome to being 'self-interested' Now you are officially Machiavellian (sp?)"
>"Were you a soldier? You're 'anti-social'. Did you kill the enemy when you were a soldier? You're a 'sadist'. You don't feel bad about being a soldier and killing people? You're 'consciousless'. Now you are also a 'psychopath'."
>He laughed, "To a psychologist 'strong, masculine men willing to fight and who don't give a shit' are 'dangerous' and have the 'dark triad'. Ooooooh! Toxic masculinity!"
>then he was hugged by a nine year old girl who said she loves him and he gave her a cookie.
This sounds all good and well in writing, but how do you account for intelligent women who excel in their field? I've met a lot of women are are high up in tech businesses. Are they outliers? It cant be as simple as what you explain
T. a man
Sounds like a load of shit. Dark triad traits are successful for mating but they usually bring about a whirlwind of suffering for the people closest to them. Its a successful mating trait to pass on genes but I guarantee his family have a rough time with him behind closed doors.
Because sociopath traits such as impulsiveness, aggression, fearlessness, dominance etc are all typically masculine traits. Whats so difficult to understand about that?
Why would you lie on the internet. The only women in high paying jobs or roles are incompetent ones who fucked and sucked their way up because they like to play make believe. They are literally doing it because its what the people on tv do.
>looks for men with sociopathic, even psychopathic traits
>complains about the constant risk of being killed by the same men she enables
If they were so worried about the results why would they promote them as ideal partners? Oh right, they think with their wombs.
I think that guys who are less agreeable tend to be leaders and guys who are more agreeable tend to be team players. Naturally women would go after the most confident, ambitios, and capable men, rather than the men who dont challenge authority and accept their subordinance.
>"The concept of the Dark Triad originated in 1998. Determination of Dark Triad traits is dependent on ratings from others, especially co-workers, supervisors, or interviewers."
So it is a really new idea that boils down to 'if co-workers don't like you, you're a monster"
>'Machiavellian personalities are most remarkable in their refusal to engage in 'compliance'- in the face of disagreement they refuse to me meek and will not stop presenting their own position in order to make peace."
>Those most commonly placed in the Narcissism area of the Dark Triad tend to be extroverted, be open to new ideas and experiences, and likewise refuse to 'get along' by backing down, pretending to change their minds, or allowing another person to claim victory even if they are wrong."
>"In the Dark Triad psychopaths are noted for being extroverted, being very conscientious (here defined as always telling the truth as they believe it even if it causes others distress), further lack of conscientiousness, and being open to new ideas and experiences"
all from
>Vernon, Philip A.; Villani, Vanessa C.; Vickers, Leanne C.; Harris, Julie Aitken (January 2008). "A behavioral genetic investigation of the Dark Triad and the Big 5". Personality and Individual Differences.
So if you refuse to lie, refuse to back down, are outgoing, and are willing to try new things you are on the DARK TRIAD! OOOOOHHH!
i think a lot of things about women can be explained away by realizing they don't understand their own sexuality. they just don't know what they are doing. it's either some grand female wide conspiracy, or they just don't fucking know what they are doing. i think they just don't know, because they don't even realize what they are doing when they are attracted to a guy. they assume things about a mans personality based on his physical appearance, they don't seem to be able to go beyond that, confidence isn't a personality trait, it's an appearance trait. it's similar with their own sexuality, they hate those evil violent criminals, what kind of woman would love that psycho? but THIS one is ok, he treats me so well, he's so confident!
women are a joke, they're stupid, and they don't understand themselves
I found the study.
So basically it looks like women are biologically attracted to abusive men, but also are scared of them.
So they settle for a guy who is not evil because they are not going to kill them are are agreeable and reasonable. But are also less fulfilled.
Fucking why?
I dont get it why do women want abusive men. Its ironic that they act like all men are evil, yet sexually most of them are attracted to evil men.
This is unfortunately part of the reason why sex bots will replace them.
i think even the bible has a line about how women will crawl through the fires of hell to be with a demonic beast. those guys knew a few things about women ill give them that
>women often select for traits you don't like
>oh no why are women so evil!?
Women and men both select for signs of genetic fitness. Men high in dark triad are display these signs. Their social manipulation appears to be confidence and intelligence, they are less stressed and feel less fear so appear healthier and calmer (a hugely important factor in sexual selection).
Not all women fit that mould but in general women will select for a socially manipulative man who lacks empathy more than they would a socially incompetent empathetic man, although the socially incompetent one can drastically improve his chances by reducing stress and appearing healthy and care free. High stress is an indication of sickness.
I went to many graduate job interviews for marketing in London. Many of my interviewers (higher ups) were women
it was companies like IBM and such so good companies
You're purposely omitting the really bad effects of dark triad traits though, like abusing people close to you because you lack empathy etc
those guys are usually horrendous fathers too
Consider it from an evolutionary stand point.
Women are weaker than men in every way. A woman can be raped by a man. A woman can be saved by a man. In the same way you might be scared of other people with guns but want a gun yourself.
Women by nature do not have any agency over their time or life. If a woman is raped she is stuck birthing a child for 9 months. Her weakness means she needs a strong man to take care of her in the tribe or otherwise. She need the tribe to like her as well. If the tribe doesn't like her she's on her own. This is where the problem is.
If left alone, a society of women would become a society obsessed with social approval in which every woman uses every technique they could to vy for more sympathy in the hopes they'd be protected by them.
Its honestly sad. I really do pity women. Imagine being equals with all the kids in your class and then as you grow up, half the kids are suddenly twice your size and strength and whats more, they all want to fuck you. There is nothing you could do to avoid rape except get another guy to claim you as their property.
Eh not really, if youre a narcissist you do anything in your power to appear fantastic to the outside world at any cost. Ive known many fantastic dark triad people that I looked up to because of how perfect they seemed
.. then they get done for rape or trying to murder someone, abuse etc. One guy I knew pushed his GF down the stairs and didnt call an ambulance, but he was a real standup guy, well thats what it appears on the outside
>Eh not really, if youre a narcissist you do anything in your power to appear fantastic to the outside world at any cost. Ive known many fantastic dark triad people that I looked up to because of how perfect they seemed
lol i have a narcissist as a father, that's just an appearance thing. the guy is a miserable cunt when he isn't putting on an act, he'd probably enjoy it if my mother committed suicide
I'd be more inclined to agree with your point if women didn't constantly complain about the very traits they're most attracted to. You can't really complain about how violent and abusive men are when you're keeping them in the gene pool.
Its not about sickness. High stress is an indication that you are unable to take action. Someone who is not confident is likely to do nothing in dangerous situations which require action. Its just a fact.
If you're too nervous to ask a girl out, you're too nervous to tell a homeless harasser to fuck off.
Oh yeah I agree with that, but what Im trying to convey is that they will do ANYTHING to APPEAR like theyre perfect. So you cant judge a dark triad persons life by how they seem because theres a lot of shit going on behind closed doors and in their brain
and? HR are notoriously useless jobs. Marketing is a notoriously easy job as well. Why would you assume that companies like IBM wouldn't have male CEOs who give women positions of authority because they fucked and flirted with them?
Cant you not see it as a parasite though? Dark triad people put a mask on and emualte the behaviour they think is best suited to get what they want. So can you really blame women? Its like being scammed.
no, they are just dumb. it's not difficult to see through manipulative behavior. have you ever had a pretty girl try to manipulate you? yea, it's obvious.
You're both retards. Stop talking.
whats up creepy narcissist
>manipulation is not difficult to see through
>"the action of manipulating someone in a clever or unscrupulous way."
I dont think you understand what manipulation means. If youre good at it i.e. sociopaths you wont know until its too late
most people are not good at it... im guessing youve never had pretty girls try to do some manipulative things to you. it's so transparent.
Because theyre not dark triad. Sociopaths brains are wired to be good at manipulating. You probably get manipulated by people dozens of times a week but you dont realise it.
>im guessing youve never had pretty girls try manipulate you
Lad this is a thread about dark triad people. The guy youre replying to is referring to people with dark triad traits manipulating. Not nromal people.
jesus do you leave your room at all lol
sociopaths aren't all dark triads though, they're just sociopaths. do you think some hood rat drug dealer can manipulate you? if so you're stupid
>Lol manipulation is so easy to see through
Except for when you dont realise youre being manipulated. You see dumb people trying to manipulate and you think thats as far as manipulation goes and you assume nobody is good at masking their intentions.
You cant think from many perspectives other than your own, can you, user? Im not a sociopath but since im not an idiot I understand just how well some people can mask their intentions and get their way.
I understand what you mean, but I disagree. It's not like women are attracted to kindness or something and dark triad men are just hiding their dark triad-ness. The study shows that women are attracted to these men specifically *because* of their dark triad traits. It's more like a gambling addiction than being scammed.
nah, you're just too trusting. it's very easy to see through manipulation if you never trust anyone lol.
If you never trust anyone youll end up a deadbeat lonely loser though. The reality is intelligent dark triad people can and will manipulate any ordinary human regardless of whether people are dumb or smart.
>If you never trust anyone youll end up a deadbeat lonely loser though.
user, dark triads dont trust people either...
>You cant think from many perspectives other than your own, can you, user?
>gets manipulated by bait
>The reality is intelligent dark triad people can and will manipulate any ordinary human regardless of whether people are dumb or smart
You're looking at this black and white. We don't manipulate anyone. We just demand what we want in ways that make it sound like they thought it was their idea.
Well of course, thats why they're not ordinary people.
Ordinary humans have far greater trust in people. And no, im not talking about trusting a stranger with your wallet or going back to a streangesr house. Everybody is wary of stuff like that. I mean things like your sexual partner emotionally manipulating you.
>We don't manipulate anyone. We just demand what we want in ways that make it sound like they thought it was their idea.
Ah that clears it up thanks user
I guess womens stringent selectiveness has driven human evolution and its a fine line between a man who has measured strength and one who is ruthless and predatory. I guess thats why we have narcissists and sociopaths, they evolved to get past womens selective instincts by very convincing deception.
>I mean things like your sexual partner emotionally manipulating you.
95% of the time it just means that person ignored red flags. i have no sympathy for this anymore. the only time i can feel bad about this if it's one of those extremely rare cases where is some extraordinary actor that has a completely different persona, but that almost never happens
It goes both ways. I wrote about it here: . Women cannot respond well to fight-or-flight stimuli properly since they literally lack the gene for it. Therefore they cannot assess dangers the same way we do. Their response to "oh no, this is fucking danger" when it comes to a man is that they actually attempt to "get close" to them in the sense that they believe it will appease the predator.
being a sociopath is like using a cheat code when it comes to attracting women
Pure guessowrk, but that's not shocking from this board. But my guess is that they are attracted to confident guys, but that creates false positives where they're also attracted to DT guys. So what they want is an outgoing confident guy but they also attracts psychopaths.
So imagine the DT type. He's highly manipulative narcissists. As a grandiose narcissist he's out there and he makes sure to let you know he's better than anyone else. Girls go "oh he's so cool and confident!. He'd make a nice boyfriend!". Then they date him, but since he's a sociopath and he can't care about others, he puts on a nice guy act for a few months then becomes abusive.
I really think Cluster B Personality disorders and DT should be taught to people in school sinc eit's really important.
Sounds right to me. Im also an unqualified Yas Forums dweller but its common sense really
>DT man attracts woman
>honeymoon period
>DT gets bored eventually
>drops charade
>abuse starts
Seen it all the time with a mate thats likely a psychopath. 8 out of 10 attractive but cant hold down a relationship. Very mechanical in the way he thinks but hes not autistic.
>I really think Cluster B Personality disorders and DT should be taught to people in school sinc eit's really important.
Cluster B in particular. These """people""" do nothing but harm others for their own sake.
Once a DT has locked down a relationship and certain they wont immediately flee they can start the abuse
confidence never felt to me like the correct word to describe the type of guy women are attracted to. its not confidence, its something else. its a mix of aggressiveness, risky behavior, outgoing, and excitable. confidence is a dumb word to describe what they like.
forgot. i think its more like having a winner mentality, or at the very least the deception of a winner mentality.