what are your thoughts on white boy extinction?
What are your thoughts on white boy extinction?
idk what boy is being added here, but as far as white extinction goes, it's an inevitability by definition. A white person that breeds with a spic will only produce a spic for example. Other races tend to be able to pick and choose their race when mixing gets involved, except for whites.
That is because whites are a recessive race whereas every other race possess dominant genes. The cumskins never stood a chance.
Why can't white people jerk off to normal porn?
is anime tiddies normal porn?
I like forced feminization but I don't care much for the racial stuff
The only ones going extinct are your precious chink brethren, tenda. I give it two weeks until you start coofing all over the place and choke on your own phlegm.
I suspect that's a BBC worshipping subreddit, which is bad and gay.
However, there is a way in which white extinction could be hot. Can you guess what it is?
It's literally the definition of racist. Pretty hypocritical to support such a thing desu.
fuck off forever
>A white person that breeds with a spic will only produce a spic
Not really. Most spics are already mutts with around 50% euro ancestry with the other half being mainly amerindian. Unless you're talking about relatively unmixed populations of indians in remote mountain regions of the Andes or something. Castizos may as well be white
>Whiteboy Extinction
>a fantasy
kek. A fetish enjoyed by self-hating white guilt cucks and worthless landwhale vaginas, kikes, and insecure niggers. If "black extinction" was even a fetish, SJWs would crash the salt market and simultaneously tear space-time from the amount of butthurt it would generate.
My fetish is Kike Extinction and CBT (Coin and Bill Torture).
Reddit bans "alt right" and incel subs but let's this shit stay up. And they call us mentally unhinged, it's a clown world after all.
>being a nigger
Go pick some cotton, monkey.
Reddit is anti-white central full of niggers and self-hating whites.
Nah, chilling in my NEET cave sounds more fun. Keep seething flour ass.
>Flour is more useful than ashes
>Whites are more productive than niggers
>spends all day in a chine imageboard
>thinks he's useful
and amerimutts aren't white btw
Racist crap, just morons overly obsessed with race an oppression.
Though also some people with a weird fetish they don't actually want to happen.
Calm down, Hassan.
You aint fooling anyone. Youre either a NEET or a fastfood worker.
it saddens me, they are not only driving themselves to extincting, but also pic related.
I pray they wake up.
Wakanda isn't real, nigger.
Neither is your white ethnostate
At least whites are able to create a state and live civilized while niggers will always stay low IQ savages.
>18.5k Members
>At least whites are able to create a state and live civilized while niggers will always stay low IQ savages.
Good one Cletus
This is completely false. Learn just a little bit of genetics.
>he thinks I am amerimutt
You shitskins and skitskin simps never disappoint. Also prove me wrong. Niggers are objectively inferior to all other races.
>hurr durr I type nigger in every post I make
So you're just some edgy teenager who thinks he's 2cool4reddit, let me guess your favorite boards are Yas Forums, Yas Forums and Yas Forums. Kys zoom zoom
Put this in your meth pipe and smoke it.
>so much projection
Unlike you I am not a self loathing white nigger simp or some shitskin monkey.
You will always be inferior.
Cope, you know damn well you're not a real white, just some sad faggot
Yes, master race. Whites build the world you live in and the electronics you use to shitpost.
Keep seething, whatever you are. Nigger simp or shitskin, you are just trash.
So you ARE some skinny teenager, lmao have you considered suicide?
In due time white boy, in due time...
Mmmmhhhmmmm. Tell me, what did you contribute to this world?
i don't understand why some people use others' achievements to act high and mighty towards others lmao
>projecting again
Is this all you have? No wonder you are such a cuck.
Currently doing my IS PhD, I will contribute more than you will ever be able to.
Also more than niggers ever did for society.
Can't you make it more obvious? Go back to Yas Forums or something
>Currently doing my IS PhD, I will contribute more than you will ever be able to.
Is that before or after you build your own space colony?
>Also more than niggers ever did for society.
I saw that coming from 7 lighyears away. You argue like a child, a dumpy, impotent child. I will give you credit on the video however, it is one of my favorites.
Imagine being such a pathetic nigger simp that you cannot accept nigger inferiority and every person that calls this out must be some Yas Forumstard.
News flash for you nigger, I don't play video games.
>space colony
Space exploration is a white thing, yes.
>you argue like a child
Unlike you I can argue because I actually have something of value to say.
You on the other hand can only fling shit, just like niggers.
Don't reply to the post above, it's either a retard or an underage, none of those deserve replies
>Unlike you I can argue because I actually have something of value to say.
>18.500 members
what the fuck?
Clearly just more government kike bullshit used to brainwash the populus
Funny, your hands reek of it.
Honestly Id expect nothing less from reddit at this point.
Its also pretty clear that there is an anti white sentiment on the left at basically every fucking level. Porn, Vidya, Movies, TV, you name it. It really is funny how racism is only good when its against white people.
>on the left
What's with americans being so obsessed with politcs? Left this right this, holy shit you guys don't have a life outside of this shit?
fuck your mute. Get rid of the robot.
Is that the person who plays with an arabic puppet
>and interracial breeding
Just like Yas Forums, this only means BMWF. Why can't other races like spics get some love?
Yes, but also no.
If you race mix with someone who is half hispanic your kids will look white. And if you mix with someone who is half mulato your kids will also look white.
But you are right that if you do mix with someone who is black or hispanic pretty much they will not look like you. Plus the entitlement of being a black or hispanic now comes with them. So now they can legally be racist against white people for shit that never happened to them despite also being half white.
Nope. Its just cultural influences and xenostregens that have done it. No race is immune to feeling week or hornonal imbalances.
Reddit is incredibly hypocritical.
Literally the whole upvote down vote system is made purely to encourage same think.
>Agree with collective get an upvote
>Disagree with collective get a downvote
That whole system is why there own memes are 10x less original and 10x more formulaic than what comes here. Even 9gag is more creative at this point.
Because the left is the only group with an explicitly anti white agenda.
Also literally everything is political.
What you choose to wear, how you feel about roads, working condition, what race should die and which should live on, what computer you should buy, what color should you repaint your house, etcetera, etcetera. Everything is political.
Out of everything I dont see how anyone can turn a blind eye to ACTUAL systematic racism against white people.
If this were the case then white people would never have existed in the first place. Learn basic biology.
What's her name user? I want to coom to that whale!
I don't know. She's a fat feminist who had some TV show. Also got invited to speak at the 2016 DNC Convention because apparently people who want white men to be extinct are what represents modern Democrats.
I can be my entire savings that americans don't even know the origin of left and right in politics
Also, you must be an absolute retard if you think white genocide is real
>I can bet*
Alright, mix a white with a black and see which phenotype has the most influence.
>Yes, master race. Whites build the world you live in and the electronics you use to shitpost.
Right, like the Indians, and later the Arabs didn't contribute just as much to sciences and religion?
The only thing white people did far better than anyone else was colonialism, which isn't a sign of being a superior peoples, but a sign of arrogance. You can complain about niggers as much as you want but remember that its your race that was responsible for why your perfect country of only whites isn't possible.
Oh you coonskins love to cite the Islamic and Indian Golden Ages. Key into this reality. Before the teeming unwashed hordes of niggers of various degrees, Arabs and Indians were Aryan. Everywhere we go, you follow. You chase us down, you obsess over what we make, and then you claim you created it when we leave you behind.
>Thinks white genocide is not real
>Completely ignores OP post
Wewlad. So at what point is going to take for you to see it?
Do we need to reach South Africa levels of legal violence on white people and land redistribution to prove it to your egg shell mind?
I said a 1/8th black and a ~>90% white.
Full black and white just create another black thats just lighter and has a slightly higher IQ.
being white is only about being as "Pure" as possible which is rediculous since everyone is mixed.
If white people accepted their mix raced kids regardless white extinction could not exist.
Don't worry though your kids will pick up your racist toxic idealogy and think themselves better because they have more "white blood".
When every "Pure" white person dies the children will find a way to be racist regardless
Nothing I hate more than white people than mixed kids who think they are superior because of their white blood
Hello Antifa Stonetoss.
Its only white genocide when society is pressuring people into interracial couples. Which is the entire point of r/WhiteBoiGebocide.
Do you stick your head in the sand intentionally or are you just slow?
White people were better at colonialism because they invented all this shit to conquer other people. What people refer to as white colonialism wasn't necessarily conquering by warriors but by merchants. You wouldn't know this though, you're just a moran and my words will be lost on you, unfortunately. I spelled moron wrong just for you, btw, felt I was going too hard on you and wanted to give you something so you didn't feel so bad.