Can't say no

>can't say no
This is why people are talking about needing to do something about sex dolls before they get too popular.

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good thing its not a real person that cant say no.

It's polluting our culture with the idea that "can't saying no" is sexy. We've made a lot of progress promoting consent and sex dolls threaten to roll that all back.

dolls are not human
kill yourself

Girls say disgusting but are rubbing themselves in the shower to the thought.

>race mixing with dolls

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So would you rather these retards "rape" an inanimate object, or would you rather they go out and rape actual women?
Because if you take away their only means of releasing these repressed sexual desires, they'll release them on real people with actual rape.

Is there some reason you think men will confuse dolls with real women? You got any evidence for that belief? And I mean, you know this type of porn is already pretty common, right? Why is it less okay with a doll than with a real woman who's been paid to pretend she's getting raped?

That's a very tenuous connection you're drawing. It reads more like you just don't like the idea of men using sex dolls and are just trying to rationalize something to stop men from doing it; because obviously "I don't like it" wouldn't work as a reason.

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>"We've made a lot of progress creating a false narrative and it might come undone because it's false!"
Almost all women are into rape, while it's not such a common fetish for men, but women are always just trying to fuck men over for it anyway. Some guy fucks a piece of rubber in his basement and you want to make it illegal because it might, in some 100% unmeasurable way, increase the risk that he'll rape a real woman. It might also decrease the risk that he'll rape a real woman, because he has a legal substitute for raping a woman, but that narrative doesn't help against the sex dolls threatening your orbiter culture, so obviously you wouldn't try pushing that.

desu I quietly support the sex doll/bot industry specifically because I hope men will rather "rape" some rubber rather than people
I don't think men can control themselves, but I also don't think they're all evil, so I like to hope that this is a solution

Personally I believe we would be much safer to give you one at puberty

i think you don't know anything and are possibly retarded

Not necessarily make it illegal but do something to stop the focus on the lack of consent

If there's any actual debate around this that hasn't been hyped up by incels, then it kind of reminds me of the argument that videogames makes teens violent made by christian groups some years ago.

give the boys their dolls

>videogames makes teens violent made by christian groups some years ago
You mean the one plenty of ignorant normies have had since the invention of video games?

Since the dawn of time people have been bitching about new inventions
This is no different

Its either they fuck a silicone doll or rape a real woman. They should be thankful sex dolls exist to quell those urges.

Trips of truth. Now give me my loli doll before I start raping kids.

the video game npc couldn't say no to being shot no no stop the video games

be real. most guys will buy a male fuck doll so they can homo without being homo

Why would that attractive young Latina woman want a sex doll that looks like an overweight man with a penis buried beneath rolls of fat?

that really makes you think

holy fuck dude, did u see the sex doll thread a few weeks ago?

there was some scary shit on there man, these dolls are getting closer and closer to the real thing

What do you want to do about dolls? Would you be okay with dolls if they didn't have any orifices?

See how the dude is hiding his tats?
That's because he's a convicted sex offender and the fed has them on record.

Deepest lore. Actually pretty disconcerting to consider.

>It's polluting our culture with the idea that "can't saying no" is sexy.
The sexy part is supposed to be them saying no and still not being able to stop you.

so you want the doll to repeated say 'no' while being fucked? you need help user

the Bible warned us that the anti Christ would identify all people and force them to carry the mark

They're just not realistic enough and legit AI sex robots are at least a hundred years away.

Sex dolls are believed to improve quality of life for celibate people. If you consider celibacy as somthing that can be consented to or not, making life easier for celibate men can be seen as promoting consent for their celibacy.

If a degenerate moid can live out his rape fantasies on a sex doll, then maybe a real life woman can be spared of being the victim of his abuse.

>Almost all women are into rape
God, the things men tell themselves

its just an arm condom, dumbass
>he never fisted someone/something

the sex doll cant say yes either eh?

holy fuckin CSI r9k

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It seems to me that there is entirely too much emphasis placed on the sexual function of these... sex dolls. It is a fact that sex sells and the industry will continue to promote that aspect, but for the consumers of these dolls, their personal reasons for owning one can range from sex to emotional support, and even to fashion and photography.

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t. a roastie about to be put out of business by perfection itself

Only morons are going to mix up dolls and real women. Those morons are likely to not care about consent, dolls or not.

All excuses to stop sexdolls/sexbots from happening come from women.
They seethe from knowing their roastbeefs are losing value and getting replaced.

A dildo can't say no either, yet women have no problem with using thhem.

All these delusional retards thinking that dolls can replace the need for sex with real women... It's not the same at all

You know what used to solve this problem in the past? Prostitution. I don't think there's anything wrong with sex dolls, but I think prostitution should be legal, regulated, and taxed.

Exactly this. It solves the problems of so many desperate men. Prostitution is legal in my country. Of course it doesn't solve the need for an actual girlfriend and you'll always be hoping for something more, but getting laid is much better than not getting laid

But thats the whole point of it, we wouldn't need dolls if women consented easily.

Is everything out of fds just a giant "no u" to the incelsphere? Pathetic. Femcels and roasties can't even create their own culture without copying

>Prostitution is legal in my country. Of course it doesn't solve the need for an actual girlfriend
Because of the cost, I doubt very many doll owners buy dolls just for sex when they could just get an onahole or use their hand. Developing a routine of taking care of a doll, making her look pretty, and cuddling her at night has a strong therapeutic effect, soothing the heartache of loneliness. This effect can be enjoyed not only by men, but women as well.

You mean the sex having ones? The ones with no use for these dolls?

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Do whatever makes you happy, but that sounds quite pathetic to me. It's a lifeless object. It doesn't have feelings or thoughts like a real woman. It's just playing pretend. You can do that with a pillow too or whatever

>dolls are too objectifying to women, we should actually objectify women instead

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It's not pathetic at all. There are alot of lonely people in this world and they have their dignity. Besides, the emotional effect of having a doll and taking care of it is very real, as it results in the release of oxytocin and it's accompanying physiological effects. The regular maintenance of a doll can improve maintenance behavior in general, improving the living conditions and health of a doll's owner. Chronic loneliness is known to be a serious threat to a sufferer's health and is particularly concerning in the case of the elderly. Suggesting that the use of a doll is somehow pathetic is simply an immature and callus perspective.

Like I said. Do whatever you want. You're still just pretending, because you can't get the real thing. I'm not saying that's wrong or right. It just is. And most people will think you're weird for it. While it may help, it doesn't stop you from wanting a real girl. That's the issue I take with it. These objects can't replace women

>because you can't get the real thing.
>it doesn't stop you from wanting a real girl.
I am curious what you base these assumptions on.

I used to feel like that but then I went on antidepressants and my libido melted away. Life is so much calmer without that urge.

To add to this. There's a lot of idiots on this board thinking that these dolls will eventually replace real women. And they keep repeating this, because they want to show the women. Act like they're not important. The fact is that these dolls will never become normal and the need for women will unfortunately always exist. I wish these dolls could replace them, but it's just a delusional fantasy

Not him but I'd rather have the healthy and natural need for sex than be a dickless zombie on good goy pills

I enjoy sex with prostitutes though. It gives more meaning to my life. Something to look forward to

back to the primitive, fuck all the politics!

Because why else would you prefer a lifeless object if you can get a real girl? I'm basing my opinion on what I'd want myself. I could go out and buy a doll like that or pretend my pillow or some other object is my girlfriend. I know what I'd rather want and it's not playing pretend

>delusional fantasy
I suppose you have never been in an actual relationship. Relationships are not as simple as you think. People go into it seeking companionship and sexual fullfilment and they may get it but sadly, it often doesn't last. Some of the most unhappy people out there are unhappy because they are stuck in a troubled relationship. In order to have a good relationship with a doll all you have to do is learn how to properly maintain her and treat her with care. If she deteriorates, you are the only one who can bear responsibility. This distinction between a human partner and owning a doll is very real. The talk of replacing women is just juvenile tripe. It takes a small measure of maturity and financial independence to own a doll, so I would venture to say they do not.

You're yearning for a non-existent fantasy of nurturing intimacy
You should get over yourself