How does this feel like non virgin anons? must be the best feeling in the world

how does this feel like non virgin anons? must be the best feeling in the world
it's a shame i'll never get to experience it

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nut in your hand and you will know

There's really nothing quite like it. Feels fucking insane, sometimes feels TOO good if that makes any sense. It's why you have to stop thrusting when you cum, it feels too good, like your dick will literally explode if you keep going

eh, it gets old fast

Just made me want donuts.

Best feeling is her rubbing all over your back feeling your goosebumps after you came inside.

this in terms of physical feeling. the mentality of someone begging for your babies and you serving you biological purpose though never gets old. the connection youll feel with that female feels so good

Nutting on the inside feels painfully good cause the head of your dick gets mad sensitive and you can't move at all. Gonna have to try getting post orgasm ridden. It seems like it would be the worst and the best thing in the world all at once.

everyone who says the physical sensation of it is "extremely pleasurable" or "insane" or any shit like that is lying to you. SURE it feels good but not really that great. cumming inside is nice though.
the physical sensation isnt that crazy but the mental aspect of it when you know she wants it and she wants to do it with YOU. now thats something.

For me it's more the feeling of being embraced by someone. I was and still am a robot but I've escaped into normiedom after getting off heroin. The feeling of pinning someone you care about down and biting her neck while she wiggles around straching and biting you is a way more pleasurable feeling than the actual sex. Idk I like the intimacy alot more.

>t. Cutfag with nerve damage

No feeling and no sex will ever beat losing your virginity as a teenager. Sorry user/s.

thats only a good feeling if shes on birthcontrol

It gets old pretty quick and is just not that special for me at least. Drugs bring a way better high. Even the simplest, like alcohol, are better. Id choose getting drunk and listening to music over nutting in a pussy any day.

Unless the girl is virgin too and youre both anxious as fuck. My firs time were shit 'cause i couldnt get it into her. Yhe first one we stopped just because it was too painful for her

It's ok. I'm not really a big fan of sex, cuddling and kissing are way better.

You can tell this dude is a virgin lmao
Literally everyone regrets and cringes at the thought of their first time. Just get it out of the way with someone you don't want to remember. Applies to men and women.

Cumming in a woman is fucking great. Even if the sex is mediocre and youre not that into it to start with, the actual feeling of cumming in a woman is amazing. So much better than cumming while fapping.

100% chance of virginity in this poster.

its usually good, mostly great and sometimes godlike if done with someone you love and who loves you back

im not cut but i agree with him, after the 30th time with the same woman you kind of get used to the physical feeling of it

only if you have vasectomy

depending on the female, the position, and your arousal, sex can vary from "I don't really feel anything" to "holy shit, if I move even half a centimeter I'm gonna fucking CUUUM AAAGGHHHHHHHHHH" repetition has not changed that for me.

its kinda meh not that great

Eh, I'd say at least a small chance they've only ever had bad sex.

It's the best when you're stoned

It's honestly not even the best physical feeling, it's more of the mental side of nutting in a girl.

is bretty gud XD

Ya'll niggas need to have sex with girls who are good at sex.

You'll always get two types of answer.
From people like me, you'll get that it's nothing to go up the wall about. Drugs and food are aeons better than sex especially if, like me, you enjoy cooking.
But then, you'll get more hormonally driven people who will go on for days about penis in vagina being such an amazing experience.
Me, I'll never understand it like they seem to understand it, but it's up to you to decide who you want to listen to.

>it doesn't feel that good, but it also feels really good

Why do you just fucking lie like this? It's overrated as fuck. Feels no different than masturbating.

makes sense I guess. Food does absolutely nothing for me. I've had a $200 plate at a five star restaurant and it was completely wasted on me. Also I hate cooking.
Can't really think of anything that feels quite as good as cumming in a girl while she clamps her cunt around you, or cumming in in her mouth while swallowing.
Also only tried a few drugs and they don't compare imo. Different for everyone I suppose

overrated, I feel cumming on face or mouth.
It's better if you really love the person then some random slut.
I'm also a mutilated cut coper if that matters.

It feels really good. I have a very sensitive vagina and sometimes I can feel a guy ejaculate. It's a big rush of warm wetness and you can feel his dick pump or pulse or whatever you'd call it.

Man I'm kinda horny now.

>t. 94 IQ

it's worthless if you can't continue having a normal sex life. My first time was shit and ever that i'm currently on a 3 year dryspell or something i even lost track

>lying this ducking blatantly to a bunch of virgins


Quack quack. Also this thread is for non-virgins.

youre probably not wrong, nutting when you make her cum at the same time is pretty great but it takes some time to build up. when i jerk it i can get off in 2 mins, in sex it takes atleast 10 mins to get her off too, and when u do it everyday its just kind of a hassle

>Feels no different than masturbating
Virgin confirmed

Maybe if you're fucking a girl you're not attracted to

Ive always pulled out as the only monogamy I had has been with the lesbians,

Sex is a mental/mood thing and I've yet to understand how to give myself to the experience is all. I feel like it's such a technical activity laced with a lot of instinct, but sex never drives me crazy quite like, for instance, the girls that I have sex with.
And then you'll have the guys telling me,like you do, about how cumming in a girl's face make them feel and I'm the kind of guy that when I hear a girl beg for my dick I just can't take her seriously.

>19yo smol qt asks me to creampie her while in mating press the other day
>i cum and she gets mad and said she wasnt serious
>i get plan b and am now down 20-30bucks
women suck

>just the tip
Like shit

Found the low test faggot

Sex + drugs are generally better than drugs alone, unless its shit like heroin but you must be a retard to play with that.

>It gets old pretty quick
Well its been like 15 years that I masturbate with my hands and its still fun, I doubt a hole which purpose is to milk the cum out of your dick is going to get old.

>only had sex once in my life
>got drunk with a friend
>she just started going after my cock despite my protests
>slide my cock in her and rode it for like 30 seconds before i had to stop and cum in her mouth
it was nice, but i want so much more
and she was so drunk i had to drag her home across the whole fucking city

Why are you a faggot trying to make retards faggots? Either you're a pinkpilling tranny or you're an incel

It's alright.

Putting the head of your cock in her asshole and pumping it full of cum is the real Patrician's choice.

ye its alright

you're right, you can't miss what you never had

30 seconds? Oh boy..

didnt read thread at all, but ill say this:
it terms of feeling, its just like a fleshlight except warm and "alive" and moving.
the thing that makes it good is the touching etc of another person and not just a vag-in-a-cup.
Having to go back to jerking off after getting your dick sucked or fucking is a shitty feeling kinda like a light drug withdrawal if there is such a thing.
Just get a hooker bro, its a natural par tof being a human to experince, at the end of the day you'll see its good but nothing special dont fall for the meme.

This is the kind of thing people think if they have only had bad sex

Facts except for the fact that there's intimacy with actual sex.
More emotional than pleasure-based, like you just love the person and want to be as close to them as possible, and sex is often the way to do that. Physically though, it's very similar to masturbating. Softer I guess, but sometimes I prefer masturbating to sex just because one is easy as fuck and the other requires a whole song and dance

>it's a shame i'll never get to experience it
Hookers are a thing.
Or are you poor too?
In which case, you know what to work on first.

Actually crystal meth is the best feeling in the world

Sex isn't thaaaat better than typical masturbation. It's not like your orgams is going to change or anything. It's more the intimacy of it that's actually stimulating.

To put it in other terms; It's like when someone puts their hand on your shoulder. Most people know the sensation and it doesn't change a whole bunch regardless of whether you or someone else does it.

Most of the time when people you are indifferent to/aren't attracted to do it, it's not going to be particularly fun or memorable for either. If someone you have genuine chemistry with, and done in the right place at the right time, it almost feels electric.

If you cast your memory back to times in your life when people have put their hand on your shoulder. It's more the context you remember, along with your feelings, rather than the action itself so much (unless you're trying to get off. Then idk)

That's basically my interpretation of sex anyways