credibility edition
INFPs, stop being such crybabies
INTJs, stop being such fucking dicks
ENTPS, keep being based
credibility edition
INFPs, stop being such crybabies
INTJs, stop being such fucking dicks
ENTPS, keep being based
INFJ reporting in. Sometimes I wonder if I'm a sociopath. Or if I'm just a bad person.
INFJs are my personal therapists
And INFJ-Ts, keep UwUing and OwOing~! :P :3c
INFJ women belong to POWERFUL ENTP bulls
Sometimes I do feel like I'm a personal therapist for people. I remember talking with my INFP friend in voice for 12 hours straight before. She led on most of the conversations. They were mostly about her feelings and stories she told me. It was fun listening to her at least.
do you think people will stop making fun of this general now that i've included the big 5, a "credible" personality test in the subject lads?
>INFPs stop being such crybabies
Fuck you, I never cry
>INFPs, stop being such crybabies
Was crying when I read this, personally attacked.
>be INTJ
>gets infatuated with ENTPs
Every damn time.
are you one of those INFPs that's been so emotional for so long you've run out of emotions and so now you're dead inside?
That is quite accurate yeah. I used to be highly emotional and anxious but unexpressive at the same time, now that unexpressiveness matches my inside. Things like public speaking used to be nightmare-inducing, no longer, but that is more a result of apathy than confidence. Used to cry when someone merely got angry with me, now I couldn't muster up tears at my grannies funeral.
INTJ-T reporting in
post your favourite INTPs from your INTP folder
apparently i'm a zoomoid? i'm 27 tho. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN
INTJ here. You're all dumb faggots and this MBTI cancer needs to stop. We get it, you're searching for a sense of self and identity, you fags treat it like women treat their zodiac sign
it can also mean you're black or a woman
How did you know? Is ENFP one of the femme types?
>it can mean you're black
I'm a black INFP with an ENTP sibling and having Ne pretty much guarantees that people will look at you and think something went wrong at the black people factory. It's only recently but people like Tyler the Creator have made it somewhat acceptable.
i have an aunt who is an ENFP, she used to be a stripper
i reckon most blacks are NFs, especially rappers (which is seemingly all of them these days)
I'm a straight white male and I don't do anything faggy or effeminate. I guess if this makes my spirit animal a Shanequia that's actually pretty funny
>I dont do anything effeminate
>like omggg muh spirit animal xDD
that pic is supposed to be ironic but life as an INTP-T is fucking hell
Plagued by haploshit on /his/ , plagued by personality test retards on Yas Forums. Is nowhere safe from nu-astrology?
it's not necessarily a feminine type, it's just that women (and blacks) tend to be more prone to extroversion, feeling, and perceiving so it's a safe bet
it's not that bad, at least you get to feel intellectually superior to everyone else
t. fellow INTP-T
nope, might as well kurt cobain yourself to escape your nightmare user kun
a lot of clinical psychologists say MBTI has some merit, even its detractors usually don't outright dismiss it, they just say it's "dated"
>muh self proclaimed intellectual superiority stemming from a personality test giving me a false sense of self worth
Nice complex faggot
if this were the sims, you would see the minus sign above my head right now
lol good point. i'm just using the phrase sarcastically, i didn't mean it i swear
i think plenty of white people are extroverts. also i'm not super outgoing or anything, I actually just hate this world and everything so much that I decide I don't care about anything so I usually just say and do whatever i want in social situations and people tend to like it i guess
I am so fucking tired of ISTJ being the "NPC" type, im the most politically dissident guy i know.
Who the fuck keeps thinking ISTJ is "normal"?
who else /ENFP/ tidepod- zoomie here?
>politically dissident guy i know.
most NPCs believe they are political dissidents
"orange man bad", that's dissidence to them
aren't we trained to keep a close eye one the main char of video games and movies? bla bla intp-t here. throw away opinion here, being more than happy to step over people is a great trait waisted on people who dont know who to step over to get the best outcome in the long run.
Mornin' fellas, how we all doing? How you holding up with quarantine/generally (if you're not locking in by the state lmao). Question for my fellow ENFPs, open to anyone really, how do you manage being open at first interaction with someone new? I tend to be very guarded (got bullied and isolated a lot as a kiddo).
No, more like, "i dont give a shit about modern democratic politics" dissident.
i take it from the image you posted earlier that you've read "industrial society and its future" and it pleased your circuits?
ENTP here, gonna try LSD for the first time today with my parents home lol
Wow that's so le epic based, hows high school going? Enjoying your March break?
Jesus I want to reach that stage already
>if this were the sims, you would see the minus sign above my head right now
Fucking kek
High school was going great until it was cancelled, and no I am not really enjoying my March break.
What grade are you in bucko? Which country?
High school was "cancelled" when I got expelled in 2008, and "March break" is me getting laid off from my bussing job because of the virus. Therefore I am not in any grade and the only country I recognize is ancient Rome.
i thought this was some Yas Forums bullshit until i we had to do this test in class. me and two other intp and one entp had to work together. good lord this png is way too accurate. that entp faggot was just an unlikeable clown. someone not genuine.
Right. What a fucking faggot.
Your Type Preferences
Introvert(94%) Sensing(1%) Thinking(66%) Perceiving(22%)
Because you appear to have marginal or no (1%) preference of Sensing over Intuition, characteristics of more than one personality type may apply to you:
wow, helpful
What type is my best romantic match if I'm an INFJ?
Ever hear of this crazy search engine called Google? Fucking retard
i like how the one with "born to feel" hat is thinking
(ENTP master race)
(E/I)STJ-A master race reporting in you NIGGERS.
this post has been brought to you by the ENTP gang
You know it's funny the one ENTP I know is a nigger
You're extroverted and introverted at the same time? Fucking retarded. This is like cuntoids saying they're libra Taurus moons whatever the fuck that means
yeah i bet he says FUCK CRACKAS a lot, and good on him frankly
He does occasionally.
based. fuck eco fascist cringelords
i wish i could be stereotypical ESTP.
t. neurotic ESTP
>Loud, outgoing, confident kid
>Get bullied in high school
>Get excluded from social gatherings in university by clique of whores
>Become extremely shy and quiet
>"user you're always in your shell"
>Continuously take MBTI - always shows up as ENTP, even at the most antisocial points in my life
>Break up with girlfriend of 9 years (started dating when I was 16, then 25)
>Completely crash, identity crisis, major anxiety
>Learn to be independent
>Stop giving a fuck
>Now a loud, outgoing, confident 26 y/o
>Can literally talk myself into and out of anything
>Feel like I've unlocked New Game+
Someone called me 'charming' the other day and I can't stop dwelling on it.
women and niggers are literally the same
>always complaining that white men are oppressing them
>obsessed shoes and jewellery
what books do you fellow intp read? (if you do read of course)
Scoring 49-51% you dunce.