I wish I had a cute aryan bf

I wish I had a cute aryan bf

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I am aryan, blonde hair and blue eyes.

You've called me out. Expect a lot of yelling about Jews almost incoherently like Hitler

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Youre probably short tho :(

Would you date a meditarranean lol

I wish I had a qt ayylmao gf.

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6'0.5 try again troon.

>Signs of balding
No thanks

Well, you're just a manly man aren't you? Most Nordics bald

Our handsome best friend balding

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Do women really have something against balding? It happens to virtually every man.

It's a man LARPing against me. Women don't give a shit, dude (if you're handsome in the first place). In fact it turns them on in many cases. Case in point: skinheads

I'm a young woman. I need my future bf to have a head full of hair.

You need your mouth full of my hairy ballsack.

You're not a female. If you're handsome enough, it doesn't matter, dude. In fact, it's a sign of masculinity. The children born from a balding man won't have as much of a chance of balding if the woman doesn't carry the genes for it. You're coping hard, my man.

I won't even cope. I'll own it.

have you tried being brown?

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>If you're handsome enough, it doesn't matter, dude. In fact, it's a sign of masculinity.
>I won't even cope. I'll own it.

NOT an oxymoron. Balding literally means NOTHING. I am taller than most of the people I come across in my town and they look at me as if they are inferior. Even the little Spic males. Balding happens to Nordics all the time. It's just the way it goes because our women SELECTED for balding males. The women carry the trait. Not men. You are a worthless coping retard. Wake up dude.

t. coper
My dad is white af and still has all his hair in his 60s lmao.

>Women SELECTED for balding males
>The women carry the trait
Which one is it. Is this the superior Aryan logic we've heard so much about?

>My dad is white af and still has all his hair in his 60s lmao.
Congrats to him? Your mom might have passed the balding gene onto you. Good luck, little goofy insecure faggot. Have you checked whether or not your uncles on your mom's side are balding? There's your answer. Stop placing so much importance on it. If you're handsome, it literally doesn't matter.

Nigger balding is a sign of poor health, same with acne. Most people who dont ruin their health keep a full head of hair

You have red hair

Age-related balding is a sign of high testosterone. Lack of facial symmetry is a sign of poor health.

Yes, women selected for balding males throughout the over 20,000 years we've been reproducing as Aryan males. Your ideas are such cope.
No, I do not. I have a red beard like many Scandinavians. Ever heard of Erik the Red? The vast majority of Scandinavians and Germans have some Celt in them, which results in red beards.

what about guys like jason stathom

Cope. My mom isn't balding either and neither are any older men in my family.

Also plays a role. One of my childhood friends ist starting to bald at 26 now even though he got good hair genes because he does drugs, drinks a lot and has a garbage diet.

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He's speaking out his ass, dude. Wake the fuck up and stop being gullible.

You hair sure as hell ain't blonde that's for sure.

Its actually genetic, but to most people having no hair is a sign of poor health, similar to acne

>My mom isn't balding either and neither are any older men in my family.
Your mom won't bald, retard. The gene for balding is passed from a mother to her son, you literal genetics retard. Off yourself, dude. GO READ SCIENCE

Your friend is a joke. His mom carried the balding genes, retard.
Yes, I am blonde, dude, but whatever you need to think to help you sleep at night.

women are repulsed by balding you pathetic faggot. Balding before 30 is a sign of low t, you're just coping. Why do u think women fuck young men with full heads of hair, balding is only 1 of 2 things, either your old or youre unhealthy

So if women wanted balding men throughout the ages why is it now a bad thing to go bald early?

There are many low T s-o-ylets who are balding

This is what an Aryan man looks like.

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You clearly have no idea how genetics work or sex specific chromosomes being passed on lmao, keep coping

>not blonde-haired and blue-eyed

Oh wait
You're a shill
Because it's a test by women. They want to see you fail. It's always been that way. They don't give a shit, dude.
Shill, dude.

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Whats an aryan?
I stay away from cute guys, I like ruggedly handsome skiers. I hate the resorts have shut down, season is everything.

Kek what a delusional freak, this is crazy levels of cope lmao

This is such a cope,
>women dont mind balding guys!
>women are testing you to make you fail

You're coping way more than I am, Spic.

coping to the point of literal insanity
your aryan master race everyone lol

You and I and everyone else with two functioning eyes can see you're not blonde. Just accept it and move on.

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Like Bruce Jenner?

im not even a spic you fucking schizoid, you need to check into a mental asylum lmao

even this guy has some signs of balding

Nah. I'm blonde-haired dude. It appears browner because I'm in dark lighting while that pic is in high lighting. The vast majority of Scandinavians have what is referred to as "light-brown" hair. If you're so paranoid about balding, then go out and find someone before you bald. My brother was bald and found a girl who was taller than him (he's at best 5'7") because her father was short also. Women want to reproduce with men like their fathers. You are just broken and so sad inside. Wake up, little dudes. I'm 6', so way taller than my brother, and I'm still not as acquainted with pussy as he is. He has two kids that look just like him now. It's all mental. Just stop.

Nordics bald more often than the other races. Just quit it man. Jesus Christ

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Like JP Auclair or Alberto Tomba

Aryan man getting rekt, his ring name is even "the nordic nightmare" lmao
Aryan master race getting rekt in MMA

no your hair isnt blonde youre delusional , no one is paranoid about balding dont project and move the goalposts, youre the one whos coping over it lmao. youre also projecting being broken inside, you cope to the point of insanity, nordics bald from being low T like yourself mentalcel baldcel shortfag dicklet

>"waaaaah! Chad won't fuck me! WAAAAAAAAH!"
Fuck off, roastie cunt. The only thing more pathetic are the betas and simps crowding into the thread and saying "pls be gf :("

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What supremacy actually looks like.

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You're a mentally ill Spic, dude. You need help. You're so jealous of whites that it borders on parody or satire. I could fit right in in Denmark. I even have the same big canines like the Danish singer MO

LOL. Nordics bald motherfucker. Accept it retard. You're a stupid Spic. Nordics are tall and slender. You have been officially FUCKED

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Canada is Anglo, and all ur scandinavian countries are being openly raided by superior men who fuck and rape all your women while watch and give them free money while fapping to cuck porn. Nations of literal cucks, no matter your women betray you lmaoo

again im not a spic, what's ur obsession with spics did they bully you or something lmao, nordics bald cuz they're low t cucks like yourself so yes you do fit right in lol
>you have been officially FUCKED
keep telling yourself that delusional cuck LOL

What is your problem, dude? You have a mental illness that is worse than mine. Damn dude. You need help extremely. You're so lost, dude. What can I do to help you? (assuming you're white) I will be your bro. Want to find each other and fuck cute white girls together? That's what I want desu. I want a bro to fuck cute American white girls with. They're hot as fuck

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>tries to make friends to avoid further confrontation
Lmao typical low test nerdic behavior. Keep projecting your mental illness and insanity bud, id be getting my dick wet while you try to watch and jerk off like a cuck

LOL. Stop it. You're such a goofball. I'm laughing at your post. Thank you for the laugh. It's good. Just be a bro, dude.
>nerdic behavior

Yeah its a cope through comedy, pretty sad really. I can never be ur bro so long as youre a coping mentally ill cuck

Why don't you say what your ethnic background is?

I am anglo buddy as if it werent obvious with my other post.