I know I'm abusing my boyfriend but I can't stop because it turns me on too much

I know I'm abusing my boyfriend but I can't stop because it turns me on too much

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elaborate in great detail.
i like abusive girls.

Your pic doesn't describe abuse, but teasing. If you're really abusing him, then expect a big ass punch (not slap) in the face.

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in what manner are you abusing your bf? just curious

I gaslight him a lot, refuse to talk to him if he makes minor mistakes until he comes crawling back to me begging forgiveness and then I make him feel like shit for it, I've made him cry a bunch and I know I make him constantly anxious because he thinks I could leave at any moment, I purposely make him jealous, I try to change how he acts to fit the version what I want. I basically have made him my puppet. I also hit him, kick him, and push him a lot

You would not be able to do this to me. This might be why I'm single. You are an evil little manipulative fucktard. Your whole life revolves around (just like most women) making life Hell for men. You only want to cause chaos.

I am unironically diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder after all.

Ha. What a cunt. Kill yourself. Your therapist wants you to.

maybe someday once I get bored enough of life

I do the same minus the physical abuse. I wish I could stop myself but once you start is very hard. He could just break up with me but he won't.

Wow, you sound like a total bitch... would love to find someone like you :3

gaslighting is dumb
but I want a smart abusive gf who yells at me for the careless things I do / my lack of knowledge for being sheltered, and hits me like you do SO badly

I feel like he kinda enjoys it and that's why he doesn't want to leave me

I yell at him a lot for being stupid too like when he forgets to grab something at the store or messes up something dumb

for some fags this sounds like abuse, but besides me finding actual abuse extremely hot I also think that it directly benefits the """abuse victim""" here to have a gf that actually helps them improve themselves. it's a shame it's so rare

do you kick him in the nuts?

I think he appreciates it at the end of the day because he still cuddles up to me at night

god i wish my gf had thick thighs

i want to fatten her up

Because Stockholm Syndrome ain't a thing or nothin'... Hiding behind your Antisocial Personality Disorder, does the faggot even know you *have* it, to know you're incapable of actually loving him?

this has to be a fabricated story. if not you'll end in very real legal trouble. you're a psychopath.

you still cuddle with him and tell him you love him at the end, right?

yes I love him
He doesn't know know of it

You know that you deserve to be killed right? You deserve to die

answer my question roastie

seethe more for abusestacy, femcuck / cuck

The physical violence sounds really hot, I'd love to have a gf who hurts me like that. The psychological abuse is bad though, you should stop that now.

>playing internet tough guy for some unknown, probably fictional, other guy
How pathetic can you get ?

I'm just stating a fact, she deserves to be killed. Sorry if that upsets you cuck

>death penalty for harassment
No, you must be seething to say something so obviously overblown (or maybe you're some woman with no concept of justice).
She only deserve to be shunned.

She's a psychopath who enjoys abusing people, she objectively deserves to die. She's a freak with no place In society

I tease my bf a lot, wrestle him down till he's not able to move then bruise him with pinching, bites and stuff like that. I make him horny on purpose and don't allow for him to do anything about it, or do anything about it myself, except making him even hornier. I gaslight, mock and insult him a decent bit and that's fun as well. Seeing him squirm is really cute.

He serves me food, runs baths, brings me coffee in the morning and many other things. We cuddle a lot and I know he enjoys all of it just as much as I do.

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>death for anything else than death
You're the psycho.

I'm not the fucking freak who enjoys hurting people kek

make sure to tickle the fuck out of him too

You sound like a narcoid normie scum. Who the fuck are you to decide who deserves what

No you're the fucking freak who wants bullies to be killed.

Ha! I do that all the time actually, just forgot to add it

Seethe harder you fucking psychopath, you obviously have no knowledge of what these kind of ""people"" are capable of and what they are really like

You're right user. You should take matters into your own hands and go kill the mean kids who harass you at school.


Nice cope psychopath, I've lived with women just like you and know the whole story on you "people".
You don't deserve to exist.

well normies turn rabid, lynch and want anybody killed who does not adhere to their own system of beliefs, that's pretty terrifying

Just relax and go psychologically torment your boyfriend some more you fucking freak

Go make your boyfriend cry some more. Psychologically abusing people helps you calm down doesn't it? You poor psychopath, I can't believe people want to kill you

pretty hot. do you ever do bondage stuff or do you just wrestle with him and tease him in other ways?

So do it then. Rid the world of everybody like that. Put actions behind your words, in the name of what you call justice.

>he doesn't want THEM to die
>then he must be one of THEM


I fucking hate women so much its unreal

Nah, no bondage, just wrestle - it's more fun and a bigger challenge. If I don't want a challenge, he will just obey me, else there is consequences.
I'm pretty creative with teasing methods and usually get inspired on the go.

You're acting like men don't do this to woman all the time

good, it's not abuse if he's a man

>Literal sadist
>All these fucking apologist cucks
Fucking kill yourself freak, can't wait for the day where you end up in serious legal trouble for your abuse you fucking psychopath

Don't worry user, "people" like her always get the karma they deserve which is usually a entire life of misery and abandonment from everyone they care about

m'state please burn this witch for me, my fee-fees are hurt

Just fucking turn it into a kink for fucks sake

In my line of work I have met a lot of women exactly like you, they had a lot of similarities.
They were all low IQ narcissists, very stupid obnoxious people and nobody liked them. Deep down they knew they nobody liked them either so they hide behind narcissist delusions, in reality they were constantly terrified.

>Your therapist wants you to
I concur, this may appear to be "seething" to some but it is actually truth. Professionals that have to deal with people like op do infact want them to die and understand that they are incapable of bettering themselves. They are completely helpless monsters and anyone with a good understanding of psychopaths like op knows this

it's funny to see that the irony of your psychotic post is completely lost on you

The truth hurst, my poor precious psychopath

So fucking hot, where do I find a gf like this? Femanons, where do you hang out and how to approach you?


>Enjoys abusing other people
>Thinks you get to be a victim
Kek, psychopaths really are something else.