do you know of any joi aimed towards females that isn't that gross? or any masturbating tips in general cus idk i'm desperate at this point cause i haven't been able to get off in months eek
Joi for girls
Other urls found in this thread:
Do not masturbate and pray instead
good advice desu but i can really not stop
Why is masturbation so hard for some women?
I was literally wiping the cum off my dick after my third fap of the day while reading this thread
have sex femcel
I've always wanted to say that
most women can't even find their clit user and it has to be really particular if you're just using ur hands because if you get too excited and get too sensitive too quickly you're just like ahhhhh and you can't go anymore
what is a "joi"? i'm confused.
>but i can really not stop
pray retard
This isnt /adv/
This isnt /soc/
This isnt r/FDS
Have you tried r/GoneWildAudio?
You say this and post that gif but youre too much of a pussy to actually rape and abuse women irl lol
Fucking sissy cuck fag
jerk-off instructions i don't really know that much about it desu but it's popular with some people here
who should i pray to? ahura mazda? vishnu?i'm not trying to date people and i'm not showing off my cunny sir
Ok I got my dick in my hand already. Tell me MORE
what do i tell you? the one time i remember that was really nice was when i masturbated for two horus and i actually made a lot of noise and stuff but i don't know how to get it like that again. it did feel quite nice though and i went to sleep in a way content. most of the time now i just feel disgusting and repulsed during
>most of the time now i just feel disgusting and repulsed during
This went from happy to tragic way to quick.
btw WHY?
ccuuuute what's her name i forgot her name but i've drawn her before
why i feel repulsed now i'm guessing? idk before i only masturbated to my thoughts then i moved onto doujins and porn and i think that really didn't work out. it gets me too sensitive too quickly and i don't put in any nuance into what i'm doing really but i haven't been able to stop looking at them and thinking it will work when it doesn't. i've been trying ever since that time to chase that same feeling but yea it hasn't worked.
>tfw deep but monotone voice
>girls have told me it's nice and soothing and one thought it was hot
How can I capitalize on this?
Here I recorded one just for you
ppooost vocaroo
maybe make femcels pay to talk to u on discord vc
hmm totally can't relate, since (illegal age) just moving it up and down OR rubbing it against something solid had always worked, 10 years doing it the same way now, guess men really have it easy, that was makes us superior at the end HA.
what if i wanna pray to ahura mazda? do you need to seek solace in a god to be divine?
tfw fembot coomer
i don't get how the humping thing would work cause how would that get to your clitoris or something? mine is p small desu
>what if i wanna pray to ahura mazda?
Yahweh or the highway
>do you need to seek solace in a god to be divine?
"I said (You) are Elohim; you are all children of the Most High. But you will die like mere mortals."
>but youre too much of a pussy to actually rape and abuse women irl lol
Thats actually funny. Get off my board.
i am not a fan of circumsison
a lot of religion is a hive-mind anyhow, it is much more fulfilling if you can find solace and love and whatever you seek in a religion within yourself and the supportive people around you.
How rude I recorded that JOI out of charity
that's the point of rubbing for me, it never touches the head, the foreskin protecting the headu creates a feels good sentation, always touching it while never giving me pains. i actually started jacking off like that until i learned ,through media, that normies masturbate moving it up and down then that became my other method of jacking off.
roastoid roastoid you are so original who said it has to be adv? it's a slow board i remember and i felt this more fitting
interesting. u do u femanon i love u
If you're in melbourne we can fuck instead.
youre looking for r/gonewildaudio
>if you get too excited and get too sensitive too quickly you're just like ahhhhh and you can't go anymore
Genuinely curious user here, could you elaborate on that? Just in case it might come in handy, ya never know...
So you... Cum really fast? Or you don't cum at all, but get some sort of sensory overload that somehow makes it uncomfortable or unpleasant to go on?
>i am not a fan of circumsison
"As I began to speak, the Holy Spirit descended upon uncircumcised men as he had come on us at the beginning. Then I remembered what the Lord had said: 'John baptized with a water, but you will be baptized with b the Holy Spirit. So if God gave them the same gift he gave us who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I to think that I could stand in God's way?"
Acts 11:15-17
Circumcision is just a symbol for cutting sin from your life, but doing the right thing is more important than doing unnecessary surgery on infants. That's why we have the new covenant.
>most women can't even find their clit
Lmao wtf are you talking about
This. It's one thing when a man can't find it, going through there blindly feeling it up with tongue or fingers, but another when a woman sticks her fingers down there. I mean, you got the one part of her body with the most nerve endings, the single most sensitive one, and I'm to believe a woman would be incapable of finding it? If so, that woman can only have had female circumcision.
nei i'm no kangaroo
is that rly a thing? idk reddit is usually pretty cringe
i couldn't tell you if it's really cumming but yeah you know when there's a point and when u hit it like that you can't go past it because it is like a sensory thing like you said
even like a few minutes later or so it's still a bit much to touch it and it usually throbs methodically for a while after that. though i think it's my mistake for going too fast bc otherwise it can be really nice and not overstimulating but it's ahrd to remember
maybe, but sorry i'm not a fan of abrahamic religions in the first place. i feel content within myself i suppose
that's mostly what i've heard that women don't know how to masturbate or think it's a more shameful thing and haven't had really proper sexual education
like i didn't know either where my clitoris was or that you peed out of your urethra so
What do you have against Abraham? Most scholars agree that he probably didn't exist.
well, no, it's not like it feels super sensitive at first. it's pretty subtle and clits are small and often covered by the clitoral hood
nothing, really. the bible was written over many years by many different authors hundreds of years after jesus' death or whichever metric you would like to go by. i feel happier without adhering to any particular religion, with i would feel a sort of perpetual stress, or obligation looming over me at all times. a blind submission, a blind expectedness i guess
Ryn gtfo off this board, for your own sake
ryn? ayn rand? not sure who you're talking about
Nvm I guess, would've been cool if you were and I called you out
Either way you should stop using Yas Forums, just generally solid life advice here
>that's mostly what i've heard that women don't know how to masturbate or think it's a more shameful thing and haven't had really proper sexual education
Yeah none of this is true for most women. The clit is under the clitoral hood and it's a really sensitive area. It's incredibly easy to find and me and most of my friends found knew about it since we were young teens. It's especially common knowledge these days because of porn (even though prior to porn it was still easy to notice).
oi it was not 4 me so. oh well
hm do i act like a ryyn? e girl? and you're right. i don't usually post but it might be fun to just fuck around and schizopost
>even like a few minutes later or so it's still a bit much to touch it and it usually throbs methodically for a while after that.
I... think I might know what you're getting at. This here sounds pretty much like how guys feel after sex, where the head gets really sensitive, but not in a further-stimulus-friendly sort of way.
Can you actually get that without cumming? I thought women could just go on and on (well, not without a limit of course, but as in multiple orgasms, as opposed to guys that need a recharge time after they're done). And I couldn't have just asked my ex if she'd orgasmed, that's just embarrassing
honestly i don't know what cumming actually feels like so i couldn't tell u desu but possibly
isn't the clit just the nub on the top of the vagina?
yap origi
how the hell can they not find it its right there
Stop flicking ur bean and start fingering yourself?
>you're just like ahhhhh
I'd say that sums it up pretty well.
Or, to be more specific... Well, basically you feel some pleasure when you masturbate, right? Well, this is when for a moment the sensation of pleasure you get intensifies (how much it intensifies I couldn't say, as it happens I've never been a woman having an orgasm). If that fits your "just like ahhhhh", then congratulations, you've had an orgasm.
They come in varying sizes. My ex literally had to point it out to me, it was so small you'd barely even feel it under your finger, much less a tongue.
I'd suggest you direct your question on the crystal cafe imageboard. Basically like this, but for women. I'd imagine if there's anywhere you'll find an experienced female coomer, it's there.
that hurts so goddamn badddd
you might be,prolly right
i heardabout it maybe
>>I thought women could just go on and on
there is a limit, but mostly only if u make a girl cum vaginally. if ur just playing with her clit by itself she'll get excited but won't cum. if u put a vibrator on her clit or rub it at the right speed she'll cum really hard then wanna rest for a couple minutes cuz the muscles inside the vag are tired
If I were to open an onlyfans were I do JOI videos for woman, while being a 7/10 man, would you be interested in buying it?
Cut your nails, dumbass
God damn, I'm actually learning here. Thank you based user
Also what this user said, but with an Irish accent
idc what people look like but i dont have money
no it just hurts from insertion kek
thanks bruh even though i fucked up on my reply. i meant to say, if u vibe/rub at the right speed on her clit AND finger her, she'll cum vaginally n all that happens
Appreciate the correction. Here's hoping I ever get to use it
there's no Jerk-Off-Instructons for women because women don't "jerk off"
as a fellow female coomer I can give you the following advice
just get a qt bf with a big dick who enjoys making you cum with his fingers/mouth aswell
are you retarded? if you're rubbing the clit she is cumming clitorally, not vaginally.
women can definitely cum from just touching the clit. ur doing it wrong
Ok girl too much talking about masturbating but when we wil see pics of you masturbating?